Hu Ruixue's action is very fast, immediately sent someone to move the underwear shop across the street.

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Chen Fei's action is also very fast, find a team of people to the opposite decoration, underwear shop and clothing shop still have some differences, but all are some small problems, Chen Fei said after reading, it can be completed in two or three days.

At night, when Zhang Huaxiu came home from work, Chen Fei said, "what happened to your store? Why do you have to move across the street all of a sudden

"Our landlord thought our store was doing well and wanted to take it back and open it himself. The underwear store opposite had Shu Yan's shares. Another boss felt that the store was too small and was going to move to Nancheng shopping mall. Shuyan took it to open a clothing store."

"That's not very good. It makes no difference to you, just like not changing places." Chen Fei thinks that there are only two pairs of doors. Maybe the business is not stable now. I believe it will be better soon.

"No, Shuyan told me something today. I'm going to discuss it with you." In fact, Zhang Huaxiu already has an idea in mind, which is to let people affirm it.

"What's the matter?" Chen Fei thought that Shuyan did not want Zhang Huaxiu. "If I don't like it, I will go home. Although my salary is not very high, it is enough to support you and your wife. You can rest assured that I will work harder to give you and a better life."

"What and what?" Zhang Huaxiu gave him a look. "Shu Yan said that her energy is limited. There are too many things in the company and I can't take care of the things in the store. So she thought of two plans. One is to give me all the goods in the store, and the other is to give me all the goods in the store. Then I open the store myself. There is also a place where she pays for all the decoration expenses, and I don't want any money for the clothes in the store I don't care about the store. She doesn't intervene any more. We split the money we make. "

"What do you mean?" Chen Fei didn't understand.

"That is, she will not purchase the rest of the goods, and let me buy them. oh dear! In other words, it means that I still have the same job as before, that is, to buy more goods. However, I own half of the shares in this store, which is also the real owner of this store. Shu Yan will only take dividends in the future. Got it? What do you think? " Zhang Huaxiu stares at Chen Fei.

"In the long run, the first one is better. You have been a store manager for such a long time. In fact, you know everything except purchasing goods. You are fully capable of opening your own shop. You can be the boss of your own. You can be more free. You can earn more and earn less in the future. The second advantage is that you don't have to invest yourself, which is equivalent to taking half of the shares in vain. Of course, you can get more profits from it, but it is certainly not cost-effective after a long time. You think, your shop can sell about 2000 yuan a day, I'll calculate half of the profit, that is 10000 yuan, 30000 yuan a month. In addition to the rent, water and electricity, and employee wages, Shuyan can earn at least 20000 yuan. How much do you sell those goods and the transfer fee? Does that add up to 100000? Even if it's 100000, it will be earned back in five months. " Chen Fei makes a rational analysis.

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"Our store implements the membership system, and the main customers are our members. When we move to the opposite side and do a bigger activity, our old customers will surely follow us, and the business will certainly not be bad. The landlord is also stupid, looking at other people's business is good, want to do their own, why not think about, Chengnan west road so many clothing stores, why our business is the best? Is he better than all those people? " Zhang Huaxiu shook his head and sighed.

When people are envious to a certain extent, they are easy to lose their sense. At this time, they only see the interests and can't think of anything else.

To put it bluntly, it is to be confused by the immediate interests.

"Let's turn around? It's a rare opportunity. How can you purchase with a baby? " Chen Fei touches Zhang Huaxiu's stomach. Nothing is important to his body and children.

Zhang Huaxiu smelled speech and laughed, "I know, I know. But I want to choose the second one. "


"Do you know how much we have in our store? Over 60000 yuan. If you calculate the transfer of the shop over there, you have to pay the rent. If you want to buy this house, we borrowed a lot of money from your uncle, but we still haven't paid it back. Where can we get 80000 yuan? "

"You can borrow a little more from my uncle." Chen feizhen felt that this opportunity was rare.

"In fact, the funds are only part of the reason. I really want to sell them. Based on the relationship between Shu Yan and me, we can stage with her. The reason why I chose the second plan is to contact her more. At the beginning, I was short-sighted, but after I followed Shuyan, I saw a lot of things. I think she really doesn't come from the countryside. She is really powerful. I have a premonition It's not wrong to follow her. " Zhang Huaxiu has a feeling that if you sell the store directly, Shuyan will not have much to do with it in the future, but gradually it will be far away. However, if one person is half of the store, he can always keep in touch with him, or find Shuyan to give advice in the future. In a word, she will not suffer any loss.

This words pour call Chen Fei silent, he has contacted Shu Yan, is a woman with a deep heart indeed.

"Just think about it."

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"Well, I'm going to train sister Ling after the store moves in. When she's older, I'll make her a store manager, and then I'll hire a little girl. I'll collect money and keep records." Zhang Huaxiu smiles.

"Don't forget to buy goods. How can you buy them now when you are pregnant?" Chen Fei thinks that this is the biggest problem. Otherwise, why should Shuyan sell this store? More than 20000 yuan a month?"I'm not going to rob." Zhang Huaxiu said with twinkle eyes, "I plan to talk with Shu Yan tomorrow to make the shop opposite better decorated. Instead of taking the middle and high-end route, I will buy the best one and the price will be tripled and quadrupled."

Chen Fei takes a breath. Now a spring dress of Shuyan's family is around 50. It's not cheap. If you turn it three times and four times, it's one hundred or even two hundred. It's almost a month's salary for some people. Can't you sell it.

Zhang Huaxiu squinted at him, which was realized from her sister-in-law.

At the beginning, she went to work in Shuyan's shop, which was similar to her sister-in-law's idea. What's wrong with other people's price? Or make a lot of money, why not sell? She really doesn't understand. It took a long time to find out that this is not a question of bargaining, it is a matter of showing the grade of your store. Another is the quality of clothes. Don't treat guests as idiots, especially women, who are far more shrewd than you think.

Another point is that her sister-in-law only earns seven or eight thousand yuan a month, but if she follows the high-quality line before, she can sell seven or eight pieces of clothes a day, and she can easily earn ten thousand yuan in a month.

Yan Shu's quality is not to run.

The next morning, Zhang Huaxiu told Shu Yan what he thought, and Shuyan was still a little surprised.

"It's good that you can have this idea. Just do as you say, and then the shop will be handed over to you." It's best to think like this, which means that her eyes are more and more open, and she will get older and better if the store is handed over to her.

"I'll try." Zhang Huaxiu couldn't hide her excitement at all. She had thought of opening her own shop as a boss, but she didn't expect that this moment would come so fast and she didn't need her investment.

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Although they are very familiar with each other, Shuyan still looks for a lawyer to draw up an agreement. The more clearly she says now, the longer the relationship can last. She doesn't want to make it ugly for a little money in the future.

Business continued in an orderly manner. On that day, two uniformed people suddenly came and asked Shuyan to take out the business license.

Shu Yan glanced at them, waited for so many days, finally came.

"XiuXiu, you give the business license to two leaders, sister Ling, you go to pour tea, the two leaders are sorry, I'll call." Shu Yan didn't get up to meet the action, in their eyes calm call.

I had guessed that the landlord would not be reconciled and would come to trouble. After all, she was a local. It had something to do with it. She didn't expect to be really expected by her.

She found a good way to deal with it. If she dared to find people in the community, she would call the police, and then privately find a group of people to pay for their teeth. If you look for officials, you will be even more afraid. She is now one of the owners of hundreds of millions of enterprises. She often attends some activities and really knows many people.

At first, she refused to take part in any activities. Later, she felt that Hu Ruixue was not a good problem. She still had to know some people by herself and took part in it. She gradually got to know a lot of people. Now she is calling the director of GSJ.

Ring two, there was a "director Chen, it's me, Shuyan."

A listen to Shu Yan called the director, the few two sitting on the sofa, cross legged drinking water people look at each other, slowly put down their legs.

If you can open a shop in Chengnan West Road, you must have some family background. It seems that it is not difficult to understand the relationship between such people.

One of the older students felt flustered. This time he came out to help his old friend. The friend said that the owner of this shop had come from other places. It doesn't matter. Doesn't it look like it now?

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"Not that it doesn't matter." Another younger one leaned into his ear and whispered.

Today, my colleague asked him to go on a business trip with him. He was to investigate the business license, open a ticket for any problem, close the store for a few days, and invite someone to dinner in the evening. They often did this, but they agreed without thinking about it. But now, seeing that the owner's wife is not afraid of them, don't kick him to the iron plate. If he is criticized for this, it will be really hard It's lost.

"Yes, I'm also curious. All my procedures are in accordance with the normal rules and regulations. There must be no problem. I just want to ask why I have to check this out of the blue? Spot check? Is it? No, no, the two comrades are very kind. I'm just curious, so I called to ask you, OK, OK, I'll ask him to answer the phone. " Shu Yan covered the phone, "who will answer the phone?"

The older one stood up and said, "I'll do it."

He answered the phone and heard the sound, and he knew it was right. It was their director. His waist slowly bent down. After a while, the man's forehead was sweating and wiped from time to time, "OK, OK, we'll be back soon."

Hang up the phone, the man is particularly flattering, "boss, we are routine, spot check to you here, check the business license, no problem left."

"Yes." Shu Yan raised his chin and asked Zhang Huaxiu to show them the business license.

With a glance, he said, "no problem. There's something wrong with the Bureau. We'll go back first."

"Take your time. I won't give it up." Shuyan sat quietly, without moving.Wait for someone to leave, Zhang Huaxiu said angrily: "it must be the landlord to do the ghost, too exasperated."

"There's nothing to be angry about." Shu Yan turned his eyes and called Lao Hu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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