The activity is really the most vigorous activity since Shuyan opened the shop. Many people who don't plan to buy clothes will come to join in the fun, and then they will buy two pieces. One is that the clothes on Shuyan's side are really good-looking, and the other is the quality of clothes on Shuyan's side. They all think that they can make money by buying such clothes at this price.

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Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shuyan also pulled all the autumn clothes and trousers that Lao Zhang had accumulated last year to deal with them.

Including some not very good home clothes, also took to deal with a lot of, is a good thing to kill with one stone.

Every time a customer comes in, he will give them a flyer to tell them that the store will move to the opposite door. There will be very large activities on the list. Whether you buy or not, you can go to see the lion dance performance there, and invite singers to sing. There will be a lottery in the middle, and there will be a beautiful gift for you.

Good guy, just open a clothing store to make such a big deal. Chinese people always like to join in the fun. When they hear this, they say they will go.

After two days, the clothes sold about 80% and the rest were not afraid. Shuyan had already thought about where to go.

In the evening, Shuyan settled accounts there. Yesterday, she sold more than 15000 yuan. Today, she sold more than 17000 yuan. She still has more than 10000 profits.

On the third day, everything in the store was empty. In fact, all the cash registers and sofas in the new store have been replaced with new ones. But these things Shuyan can not be left to the landlord, cash register was cheap to deal with, sofa to Zhang Huaxiu, she said to take home.

Chen Fei brings people to knock down the two fitting rooms, and then prepares to knock down the glass wall. The landlord is taking his wife and children to look at the store. Seeing this, he comes to stop it immediately.

"What is this? I didn't say anything when you knocked down my wall. What do you mean by knocking down the glass wall now? It's against the law, you know? "

"Isn't it necessary to return to its original condition? If the glass wall is knocked off, I will certainly fold it back for you. You see, the bricks are coming. You can rest assured that the quality will not be bad. These are all teachers, and their craftsmanship is very good. "

The landlord and the landlady were choked by him and couldn't say anything. They looked at Shu Yan: "you're too mean."

"How mean am I? It's stingy for me to help you recover. Do you know how much I spend? I call it "beginning and ending." Shu Yan disagrees.

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The landlady came into the store and saw that the fitting room had been knocked down. She was so angry that she shivered all over her body, "we gave 90000 yuan."

"That's liquidated damages. Did I violate the contract? If there is a problem, you can call the police directly. " Shu Yan glanced at them and let the people below continue to knock.

The landlord and landlady watched Shuyan knock the glass off, and then began to fold bricks.

"All right, please don't fold it. It's my bad luck. You should leave quickly. You don't have to do it here." The landlady quickly blocked it. Now they have to knock back. It's another project.

"That's not good. It's not written in the contract. How do I decorate it? I have to restore it in the future." At that time, Shuyan wanted to knock on the wall to find the landlady, who said it herself.

There are many people in Shuyan. The landlord's family dare not do anything. They can only watch them build bricks one by one.

After seeing the bricks, Shuyan clapped his hands with a smile, "OK, wait for a dry job. I'll let them brush the wall back. I'm just too kind to thank me

She turned around and left. After a few steps, Shuyan seemed to think of something. She turned back and said, "by the way, my store will reopen tomorrow. There will be a lot of activities and performances. You must come to see it!"

"Opening? Did you find the store? " In just a few days, how could she find the store and open it immediately.

Shu Yan pointed to the opposite side, I do not know when, the original fiber snow underwear was replaced by Yanxiu boutique women's clothing, there is a big arch balloon at the door, there are people on the side of the stage.

"Do come tomorrow." Shu Yan gave them a big smile.

At this time, the landlord didn't know that Shuyan had played a trick on him. It was clear that he had found a good store, and then carefully designed it. When they took back the house, he took the opportunity to knock them a penalty for breach of contract. They will open business tomorrow, and it will take them more than half a month to decorate. At that time, those old customers will be pulled back by them.

"Dad, what are you going to do now?" It's all silly.

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"What? I want to ask you what to do? Tell me what you saw and heard that day

More than 90000 yuan, that's more than 90000

"They just had a wonderful face." Zhang Huaxiu felt relieved.

Shu Yan smile, "let's go, let's go to the process again."

The special prize in this shop is a motorcycle, which is a kind of big motorcycle, worth more than 10000, which can definitely cause a sensation. There are three first prizes: a large color TV, a refrigerator, and a washing machine; the second prize is a bicycle; the third prize is an electric fan; the fourth prize is a kettle; the fifth prize is a coupon, which can be directly used to buy clothes; the sixth prize is a blessing bag, which contains clothes that Shu Yan sold before. She put it directly in it, which one she got and what she opened No matter whether she can wear it or not, she can't return it. Anyway, if she can't wear it, she will take it back to give away. It's all good clothes, and it's decent to send people.The consolation prize is underwear and socks, which are taken from the company's overstocked inventory, which is definitely better than the toothbrush last time.

The prizes are all ready, and Shuyan turns around in the store. She also participated in the design of this store. Referring to the ideas of some future exclusive stores, it seems more high-end and high-grade. Of course, the price of clothes is also higher. A shirt costs more than 100 yuan, but the quality is also higher.

"That's about it. Let's go back first." Shu Yan finished with all the staff, turned to ask Zhang Huaxiu, "do you have anything to say?"

The two salesmen looked at Zhang Huaxiu. They just knew that Zhang Huaxiu would be their second boss. In fact, she was in charge of the second boss. After that, Shuyan would not come over, which was equivalent to their boss, naturally more respectful than before.

"Everyone will come here early tomorrow, all of you will have a hard time, and then we will give you bonus." Zhang Huaxiu took a look at Shuyan and said with courage.

The next morning, Shuyan wakes Jingjing and Tianbao. Today is the weekend, and she takes them to the store to see the performance.

"Mom, is there a big lion today?" Tianbao asked excitedly.

"Yes, two big lions."

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"Mom, can I tie a balloon today?" Jingjing has never forgotten that her brother broke the balloon and won the grand prize.

"Of course, I'll take you to tie a balloon today."

Clean up, Shuyan said to aunt, "we don't come back for lunch. If you have something you can go out, just come back before dinner."

When Shu Yan arrived at the store at about eight o'clock, he saw Zhang Huaxiu and Chen Fei directing people to do things. Everything outside had been arranged.

It's different to be your own boss. You've changed a lot in speaking and doing things.

"Shuyan, you're coming, Jingjing and Tianbao are coming too?" Zhang Huaxiu looked at the two children and said with a smile.

They are friends in private. Zhang Huaxiu's name is Shuyan. In order to distinguish her from others, she always calls her boss Shuyan at work. Today, she calls Shuyan's name directly. It seems that her new identity adapts very well.

"What time did you come here?" Shu Yan took a look, sister Ling, they were in the finishing clothes.

"We arrived over seven." Zhang Huaxiu said with a smile.

In addition to the original two salesmen, but also found a dozen or so interns in the vicinity to hand out leaflets, in addition, Shuyan also called several employees of the original underwear store to help.

At 8:30, all the people Shu Yan and Zhang Huaxiu knew came to the store one after another. Everyone sent flower baskets to the store, Lao Hu, Lao Zhang and Lin Hui. Chen Fei's uncle and his boss didn't arrive, but they sent flower baskets. Zhang Huaxiu's parents and her brother also came, which is not the same as last time. Last time, Shu Yan opened a shop. Zhang Huaxiu worked as a part-time employee. Now XiuXiu is half a boss. Of course, she has to come to support her.

When Zhang Ma saw Shu Yan, she was so happy that she gave her daughter half a shop for nothing. In her eyes, Shuyan was no different from the God of wealth. Could she not laugh.

"You don't have to be so polite. After that, the store will be in XiuXiu's charge. Don't worry that I won't help you at all." Shu Yan said with a smile.

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"That can't, I will always remember your good. If it wasn't for you, XiuXiu would not have been today. " Zhang Ma knows how to be good. If it wasn't for Shu Yan, XiuXiu couldn't meet such a good person as Chen Fei. Now she has become the second boss.

Shuyan doesn't believe this kind of words. Now it's really good. It's because she suffers. After a long time, she will feel that her daughter is suffering. Anyway, after signing an agreement, if Zhang Huaxiu doesn't want to partner with her in the future, she should spend money to buy half of her shares. Now she really does not lack this store.

Shuyan thought that the people had come almost. After a while, two tall and straight men came with a flower basket in their arms. After putting them down, they were ready to go without saying anything.

"Oh, wait, are you?"

"Sister in law, elder brother asked us to send it over. Knowing that you are busy, we will not stay much." Said one of the simple and honest men.

Where is this called sister-in-law? Shu Yan was stunned for a while and looked at them and asked, "are you a colleague of Fang Zeyu?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Elder brother said it was inconvenient for him to come out and let us move here. Don't mind, sister-in-law. We have to rush to work and leave first."

"Alas." Shuyan wants to stop them, they are gone.

"Who was it just now?" Hu Ruixue came slowly.

"Colleagues of Fang Zeyu."

She didn't tell Lin Hui and Wu Xiuyue about Fang Zeyu, but she didn't hide it from Hu Ruixue.

Hu Ruixue picked an eyebrow, "very good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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