Fang Zeyu woke up the next day and knocked on his head. He suddenly recalled what he had called Shu Yan last night. He almost slapped himself and said nonsense after drinking some cat urine. No, Shuyan said he would give him a chance?

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The corners of his mouth are wide. He wants to find out how to chase his daughter-in-law.

"It's a gift of course. When I went after my wife, I gave her a pair of gold earrings, and I agreed on the spot." The dark man came up and said.

Mao Weiping slapped him on the back of his head. "You should think that everyone is like your daughter-in-law. You have never seen the world. A pair of gold earrings will be cheated. The woman that Lao Fang wants to chase is not an ordinary person. Do you know Xianxue? "

Several men scratched their heads and shook their heads.

Mao Weiping glared at them, "we are upstairs Yan Xue company, this always knows?"

"Yan Xue, I know that I have met their boss's wife several times. She drives a big Benz. She looks beautiful and has temperament. I heard that the background is very big." A man with glasses came over with a cup of tea.

"No, it's her that the boss is after?" Several people who do clerical work in the company know Yan Xue and have met Hu Ruixue. The woman is beautiful and arrogant. She absolutely doesn't look down on them.

"No, it's another boss of their company. As you can see, it should be general manager Hu and Yan Xue. The other boss's surname is Shu. Yan Xue was founded by them. She planned many of the company's activities and programs, and she was very capable." After knowing who Fang Zeyu liked, Mao Weiping asked someone to check the details of Zha Shuyan. If he didn't know, he was scared.

Xicheng people, it's too far away to check, but it should be her husband's cheating. She divorced her husband directly, took the money and took two children to Nancheng. First, she bought a house and settled down. Then she immediately opened a clothing store to do business. She succeeded at one stroke. Therefore, she was envied by her neighbor, ah le. She went directly to find someone to find out about her. Therefore, she met Hu Ruixue, and the two people who were in the same boat became good You, you made a lot of money by underwear and underwear, cooperated with Hu Ruixue, and with Hu Ruixue, relying on the Hu family's relationship, advertising all over the country, and directly became the number one brand of underwear in China. Now it is a company with hundreds of millions of assets.

Even if Mao Weiping thinks Fang Zeyu is not bad, Shuyan seems to be a little worse than that.

What's wrong with two children? What kind of man do you want to look for?

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Listen to is another big boss of Yan Xue, the brothers below also worried for Fang Zeyu. Who doesn't know Yan Xue in this building? From its establishment to now, it has become a company with hundreds of millions of assets in just half a year.

Yan Xue's boss, that is not really a pair of gold earrings can move.

"Don't mention a pair of gold earrings. Even a hundred pairs can be bought by themselves." The man with glasses takes a look at Fang Zeyu. It's hard to say that the boss doesn't have money.

"Now you understand? Money doesn't work. " Mao Weiping patted Fang Zeyu on the shoulder? You can't do anything about it

Fang Zeyu almost didn't kick him. This group of bastards didn't help. It was obvious that he was watching the fun.

"Why don't you take her out shopping? Women love shopping. You can pay for what she likes One of them raised his hand and said.

Mao Weiping looked at him and said faintly, "she still has a clothing store. It's the best business there. Do you think she lacks clothes and shoes?"

"If you can't, send flowers. Don't women like flowers? What's more, I don't think she likes expensive gifts. The most important thing is her heart. If she really likes you, she will be happy if you send a wild flower. If she doesn't like you, you will send diamonds, which are also stones. " The man with glasses suggested.

Shu Yan did not know how Fang Zeyu had a headache for how to chase her. I have to go to Lao Zhang's side today. It's almost July. Lao Zhang's factory is going to make autumn clothes and trousers. The OEM side has to stop.

In addition, at the beginning, they said that they would pay dividends every six months. This time, they also asked Shu Yan to come and pay money.

"It's all your husband and wife making money for themselves. It has nothing to do with me." It's all the extra business of Lao Zhang and his wife. Shuyan doesn't want to share it with them.

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"That's not good. You should share 20% of the shares in the factory. Otherwise, this will not be a mess." Lao Zhang said solemnly.

In the first half of the year, she had been working as a contract agent, and there was another 235000 yuan, except for the rent of artificial water and electricity. Shu Yan said that she didn't do anything, so they would pay more. Finally, according to 200000 yuan, Shuyan had 40000 yuan.

After collecting 40000 yuan, Shuyan chatted with them and went home.

"Lao Hu has been looking for you just now." My aunt has met Lao Hu twice, so I know him.

"I know." Shuyan called Lao Hu, "today I went to the factory and there's something wrong. What can I do for you?"

"Well, didn't you ask me to help you find a face last time?" Lao Hu had just arrived home with sweat on his head.

"Found it?" It's really hard to find a favorite facade. Shuyan kainian has not met a favorite one now.

"I haven't found the facade, but I have a house to sell. Do you have this idea first?" Lao Hu thinks that the house is good, but ordinary people can't afford it, so he directly connects with Shuyan."The house? What kind of house Shuyan was really interested.

"It's the kind of old yard, two floors up and down, with a big courtyard in front and back. It's the old yard. The owner of the house is well maintained. It looks very new. Everything inside is very neat. It's not very far from your home. You can walk through it. " Lao Hu briefly introduced the situation.

Not far from her home, there are indeed many such yards. She has also moved her mind before and asked several of them without any plans to sell them.

"Can you tell why he sold it?" If you want to buy this kind of house, you have to inquire carefully, otherwise it will be too much trouble in the future.

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"Why don't I come and talk to you face to face?" Lao Hu thought.

Shuyan looked at the time and said, "I'll come to see you. I'll go and have a look at the house."

It's not far to Laohu's house. It's five or six minutes' walk. When he sees Shuya, Lao Hu greets him in with a smile and gives him good tea.

"The owner of the house has only one daughter. She married there after studying abroad. She gave birth to her child last year. They used to help her daughter to have a baby. Originally, they came back after two months. Now it is said that they are reluctant to give up their daughter and grandson, and their daughter is reluctant to leave them, so they simply stay there. The house that I always live in is small. I want to change to a bigger one, so I plan to sell the house here. The house is absolutely good, but for their daughter, they would not like to sell it Lao Hu went to see it. To tell the truth, he was moved.

This listen how so familiar, Shuyan thought for a long time, asked: "is it in Xiazhuang village?"

"Yes, how do you know?" Lao Hu looked at Shuyan doubtfully. Did anyone recommend Shuyan first? No, he is the only broker in this area.

"What a coincidence. I didn't take my house back last year and have to rent it again? At that time, I asked the mother of my daughter's classmate for help and found their home. Originally, I planned to rent it there, but the old lady of their family said that I would damage the furniture of their house by taking care of the children, so she was not willing to rent it to me. If it was their home? The old lady in their family is not easy to get along with. " Shu Yan still remembers Lin Hui's third aunt.

"I know that old lady. Don't pay any attention to her. The old lady had two sons and one daughter. She was very much more male than female. Her daughter never came back after she got married. She was very nice to her two sons. However, after she gave birth to only one daughter, the householder was not as good to them as before. Especially after the younger son gave birth to her grandson, she always thought about digging something from the eldest son's house to subsidize the younger son, and even planned to let the eldest son's house give it to his grandson Can the eldest son and the eldest daughter-in-law want to? The two families are very stiff. If you say that the homeowner entrusted the house to his mother, she must be lying. The landlord must have entrusted the house to his eldest mother next door. " Lao Hu knows things in this area very well.

"If that's the case, the old lady must come back and make trouble." Shuyan frowned. People had planned to build this house early. Could she live in peace after she bought it?

"It's OK. The house was bought by the owner himself. It has nothing to do with the old lady. What's more, renting a house is different from buying a house. After all, it's someone else's, but what you buy is your own. If she dares to make trouble and directly report to the police, if it's not convenient, I'll still be there. If it doesn't work in the open, it's dark, and she doesn't dare to disturb you. " Lao Hu is confident.

Since Lao Hu has said so, Shuyan will certainly not tangle with this point. However, there are few houses with real estate certificate at this time. This is very important. It's OK not to demolish. Once the house is demolished, there will be some disputes at that time.

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The one she bought will be demolished later, so I have to understand.

"It's not a big problem. I can help you to get the property certificate down, which is to spend more money." Lao Hu asked Shu Yan if he would mind.

Of course, I don't mind. What's wrong with spending more money? I'll earn it several times in the future.

"Is the landlord at home?" Shu Yan asked.

"When they come back, they have to get information to apply for immigration. There are so many things that they can't leave for a while."

Since the landlord is also in, the afternoon just fine, Shuyan and Lao Hu go to see the house again.

He knocked on the door. After a while, a smart woman opened the door and was very happy to see Lao Hu. "Is someone coming to see the house so soon? As I said, most of my yard is bought by people. " The hostess said this deliberately, which shows that she is not worried about selling the house, so the price will not be less.

They followed them into the yard. The fields on both sides were turned over, leaving only a few flowers and two fruit trees.

"This is Miss Shu. She had planned to buy a house. When you said you wanted to sell your house, I told her about it. I came here to have a look today." Lao Hu said with a faint smile that they were not in a hurry to buy a house, but to have a look first.

"Hello, Miss Shu. What's the matter? Is my house not bad? " The hostess said confidently.

"I'll have a look first." Shu Yan didn't answer her, so she took a closer look at it again. Buying a house is different from renting a house. Renting a house is as long as it is clean and the pattern is good. It takes all aspects into consideration when buying a house.

The house was built in five years. Now it's nearly 30 years. However, the materials are very good, and the maintenance of the owner's family is also very careful. It is quite new. The house covers an area of about 150 square meters, and the front and back yards have more than 200 square meters. It is definitely not small in such places as Nancheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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