“Why are you at home?” Aunty Zhou quickly walked over to Liu YiMian, with both hands on her waist, similar to a mother hen protecting her chicks, she stood in front of him and shield him from JiWei.

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Liu YiMian had ever told her that JiWei seldom eats at home. Even when he does, he never lets him eat with him. He had to wait for him to finish eating before he start to eat.

What’s more, it’s now three in the afternoon, the sky is still bright. Normally, he would be out drinking and womanizing. How could he be at home and sitting with Liu YiMian at the same table?

This is very unusual.

Liu YiMian knew Aunty Zhou’s concern for him, he felt warmth in his heart. Afraid that she might offense JiWei with her no-nonsense talk, he pulled the corner of her sleeve, raised his face, and asked: “Aunty Zhou, would you like to have some pancake?”

The rich aroma of the eggs was coming out from the pancake, Aunty Zhou took in the scent with her nose and felt her mouth salivating. On second thought, the eggs were from her, there is nothing wrong with eating a piece of the pancake. She reached out and took a small piece of it from the pot.

The perfectly fried pancake was crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. The eggs were soft and tender coupled with the fragrance of onion, it’s different from what she had ever tasted before.

Aunty Zhou’s eyes went bright, she pinched the cheeks of Liu YiMian and said: “I didn’t expect you to be able to cook this well. If you ask me, I think it’s good enough to sell it on the street.

JiWei nodded his head at the side and said, “Yes, I was thinking the same thing too.”

After hearing what JiWei had said, Aunty Zhou stopped smiling and couldn’t help but scolded: “Look at you, when have you ever been concerned about the family before? You are lucky to have YiMian, a very well-behaved and dedicated helper, to help support this household. You are being very smart. Asking YiMian to sell the pancake on the street and you will collect and keep the money? “After finishing the sentence, she spat on the ground resentfully.

Before JiWei could open his mouth to defend himself, Liu YiMian hurriedly stood up, pulled Aunty Zhou’s arm tightly, and explained in a soft voice: “Aunty, the pancake was made by Master, not me.”

Aunty Zhou doubtfully looked at Liu Yi and saw him nervous and frightened. She snorted:” Previously his mother was around, he had never even started a fire before, this is a pancake that not even I can produce, where did he learn to cook like this? ”

Liu YiMian told Aunty Zhou what happened earlier on, she took a look at JiWei and saw that indeed there was a lot of flour on his body, there were even sporadic oil stains on the sleeves. On the other hand, Liu YiMian was very clean. She began to believe it a litter bit.

But there are still things that you can’t believe.

How could someone so lazy throughout his life suddenly change completely? Could the beating wake him up?

JiWei ate three pieces of pancakes before he was partially full. He left three pieces of it there, got up, and washed his hands.

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After waiting for him to leave the room, Aunty Zhou pulled Liu Yi’s hand: “Tell me, how could the change be so much?”

Remembering what JiWei had said, Liu Yi’s replied, “Hey, I don’t understand too. The Master woke up like this …”

Zhou Wei looked at the pancake on the plate and said:” I gave you the three eggs, I want you to hide and eat it yourself. Why are you so stupid and gave it to him?”

Liu YiMian remembered the expert way JiWei roll the dough and cook the pancake, he replied softly: “Master let me eat without hesitation, this is the first egg I had in two years.”

“I have almost forgotten the taste of eggs.”

As he says it, his eye became red.

“I have more than a dozen chickens, if you wanted to eat eggs in the future, just come look for me.” Aunty Zhou patted his hand, “Since he was willing to let you eat it, I was right to give you the eggs.”

JiWei came back into the house after washing his hands, saw that the two were still talking in one corner. Before going out, they were nothing wrong. But as he came back in, he noticed that their eyes were slightly red. They must have spoken something sad.

He did not make a sound or show it on his face, but he sighed internally within his heart. He felt sympathetic to the young boy. Why did he sell himself to this scum who treated him as a slave? He would enjoy himself when he got money and only gave him a couple of coppers coins every 10 to 15 days. Like giving money to a beggar.
Since he has taken over this body, he should take up the responsibilities. This child is still young, probably the age of junior high school students. He should have a good future once he rejuvenates his health.

Liu YiMian was not aware of the plans JiWei had for him. He saw him staring at him and thought that he must be thinking why was he not working. So he quickly said: “I am going to cut the firewood.”

Just as he began to walk, JiWei stopped him.

“What firewood? There is enough there to last the next seven or eight days, there are a few pieces of the pancake left, finish it.” Ji Wei did not bother with the shocked YiMian and simply pushed the plate into his hand, then he moved his body around to exercise it a bit.

So the original owner has a fit body, the muscles are also strong. As he moved his joints, you could hear the popping sounds coming out.

Aunty Zhou listened to the conversation, she hurriedly pulled Liu YiMian and retreated a few steps, “Are you allowing him to eat these cakes?”

JiWei answered nonchalantly: “It’s just a few pieces of pancake, eat it before it gets cold.”

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Aunty Zhou asked again: “If these were eaten, there will be only one egg left at home?”

She was afraid that JiWei was giving out the pancake because she was around and taking it on YiMian after she left.

Although Liu YiMian was bought into the family for only half a year, he is very obedient and sensible. So Aunty Zhou treated him as half her child.

“Isn’t there an egg remaining? If we finish it, I will buy some more.”

JiWei’s answer made Aunty Zhou angry. “It’s easy for you to say. When you are out of money, you will go on to the street to ask for it. Which neighbors around here don’t hate you?”

“Didn’t you too agree that the pancake is good, this pancake is sure to sell well? Since I have a business, I will not need to do those unwelcome things” Ji Wei said while stretching his back.

According to his calculations, the recipes were simple and the cost was not high. A steamed bun in the downtown sells for one cent. A pancake with an egg can sell for three cents. An egg requires one to two cents as capital. So his pricing will be very attractive.

However, selling pancakes was only a temporary solution, and the pancake does not require special cooking skills. When you start selling it on the street and do well, many people will follow suit soon after. Once the first start-up fund is established, he will let go of this and do something that it’s not available in this era yet.

By that time, you don’t have to worry about money anymore.

As JIWei was working out the plan in his head, Aunty Zhou and Liu YiMian were looking at each other puzzled.

She didn’t expect what she said to have any effect. However, she didn’t expect JiWei to have a personality change.

“Master, do you mean what you just said?” Even for someone as timid as Liu YiMian, he can’t help but step up and ask again.

“The Master always keeps his promises! Why should I lie to you?”

He rubbed his forehead, “But …”

Aunty Zhou asked loudly: “But what?”

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But if he doesn’t go collect protection fees from the neighbors, where is he going to get money to start the business?

There is always a solution to any problem. In the evening, Jiyi found a solution.

When the original master’s mother passed away, she left behind a bracelet. The quality was quite good because she had worn it all the time, the surface is round and smooth. She said that this is the heirloom of the family, it was supposed to pass it on to the future daughter-in-law. However, as she is dying, she gave it to the original master for safekeeping, He was to take it out and give it to his future wife.

The original Master had never been broke. When he has no money, he would go on the street to ask for protection money. Therefore he had forgotten about this bracelet.

JiWei found it inside the box but can’t help apologizing within his heart. He wrapped the bracelet with a silk cloth. The next morning, he went straight to the only pawnshop downtown. However, as he plans to redeem it at a later date, the price is quite low. He only managed to get two pieces of silver. If he didn’t redeem it with three pieces of silver in a year, the bracelet will belong to the pawnshop.

When JiWei returned from downtown, the first thing he did was to look for the carpenter Li located around the alley. He plans to ask him to make him a cart so that he could start his business on the street.

However, as he approaches carpenter Li’s home, carpenter Li, with a foot on the stool sawing wood, pulled a long face and shouted: “What are you doing here!”

No one would blame carpenter Li for his behavior As he lives in the alley near the original master’s house, he would pass by here every time he goes home. Not only were many ugly words being said to him, but his home was also trespassed and taken advantage of.

Carpenter Li was a man who does physical work. So he was also physically strong. He has never been afraid of the original Master. But during one incident, the original master couldn’t get the upper hand, so he came back with a few brothers to intimidate Li. The incident frightened his daughter and wife very deeply. Since then, Li Mu did not dare to offend the original master, but that doesn’t stop him from giving him the look.

“Uncle Li, I am here to ask for your help.”

Li replied harshly “Who’s your uncle? I don’t dare to be one!”

JiWei knew that the original master’s reputation was bad, he did not hope to change it overnight. At the same time, he did not want to delay the plan. After all, after pawning the jade bracelet, there is no second jade bracelet to pawn anymore.

You must keep up with the schedule, the sooner the better.

“I’m here to ask you to help me make a trolley, the kind used by a street hawker.” JiWei was gesturing with his hands as he was afraid that carpenter Li may not understand what he wanted. “There must be a hole at the lower side for a stove, able to cook hot food on top. Come with wheels and able to push with your hand, do you understand what I mean?”

Carpenter Li’s price was fair, he was also an easy-going person. Therefore his business has always been good. Whenever someone needs anything, they would come looking for him. Many of the carts in the streets were made by him.

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He understood what JiWei needed almost immediately. However, he felt a little puzzled.

“Why do you want this for?” Carpenter Li asked. On second thought, he couldn’t help but ridicule, “Are you trying to start a business?”

“Uncle, you are really smart,” JiWei said.

How could he not understand the sarcasm in carpenter Li words, if he were to rebuff him, it does help with the situation. So he just kept quiet as if he doesn’t understand the meaning.

Carpenter Li continues his work, after a short while, “If you are planning to do proper business, I can even do it for free. I am afraid that you might still use it to threaten others for money. Check your conscience, did you not let down your mother who is now underground? ”

JiWei heard some movement from the outside, it was Li’s wife and daughter looking from behind the door. robes here. However, when they saw JiWei looking towards them, they scrambled back towards their room. If it was not for what the original master had done to threaten them, they wouldn’t react like this.

JiWei was getting uncomfortable from carpenter Li’s stare. He took out twenty copper plates from his waistband, placed them on the small station full of tools, “Uncle Li, this twenty pieces of money is a deposit, when the cart is done, I will pay you the reminding 100 pieces of money. Do you think it’s enough? ”

Although there were not many copper plates here, this was the first time JiWei pay for something.

Carpenter Li couldn’t help but look at the money again, and the heart was a little puzzled. “Are you serious?”

Jiji sincerely looked at him. “Uncle Li, I want to start a proper life.”

After waiting for a long time, Li Mukes still did not speak.

Just when JiWei thought that carpenter Li would reject him and was planning to move out, Li finally opened his mouth.

“I will do it, take your money with you. Don’t come into my house again, we do not welcome you here.” Carpenter Li didn’t look up again, treating JiWei as though he was not there.

Carpenter Li didn’t care whether was he turning over a new leaf or just wanted to lead a proper life. He just doesn’t want him to come to disturb him anymore. For this purpose alone, he was even willing to do the cart for free.

JiWei left the money there, he understood why carpenter Li Mu did not welcome him. After saying thank you, he left the place, went to look for a blacksmith that was two streets away.

Because the two streets were far from each other, although the blacksmith did hear about what JiWei had done, he doesn’t care as long as he was being paid. Therefore, the purchase went through smoothly. He was to come to collect the stove for the making of pancake on the next day.

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