For a person like Song Man, what was the most important to him? His daughter Song JinMei knew it very well. Song JinMei’s performance at the moment all indicated that something Song Man was least willing to see had happened in the mansion.

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“Daddy, let me tell you, you must not be too angry. The doctor said that your body needs rest.” Song JinMei said after a while: “It’s like this. The day after you went out, I accidentally found out my younger brother meets with men privately at home.......”

Song Man looked shocked: “Aren’t you talking nonsense?” Although Song JingWei in his heart did not meet his expectations, he would never do such an obscure thing. His Song family did not have this kind of behavior of misconduct.

Song JinMei said, “Your daughter is not talking nonsense. If you don’t believe me, go and see him now. He still has illicit traces of flirting with a man. He can’t hide it at all.”

His daughter’s words were so convincing that although it was hard for Song Man to believe it, he said with a cold face:  “I’ll go and see, and if this is the case, I will, I will stab him! Our Song family doesn’t have such a shameless bastard!” 

The two people went to Song JingWei’s residence in a huff.

The door was guarded by two sturdy men. Song JinMei explained: “I’m afraid he will run away with that man, if then our Song family’s reputation will be ruined.”

Song Man nodded and said, “You’ve done a good job.” The eldest daughter was being sensible, and it made it even more obvious that his son was ignorant. How could he not be angry?

The father and daughter stepped into Song JingWei’s room and smelled a faint scent of tea. It was Song JingWei who was drinking tea while reading a book. Hearing the movement at the door, he slightly shifted his eyes and looked at them. He was wondering whether to greet him, but when he saw Song Man glaring at him, he knew there was no need to greet, because the result was the same.

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“Are you dumb? You don’t know how to greet people when you meet them?” Song Man was so angry when his son still had not greeted him and his sister (SJM). Looking at Song JingWei’s unaffected appearance, he knew that what his eldest daughter said was not made up, and that his son was indeed having a secret meeting with a man?

Song JingWei put down the book, hesitating whether to speak or not, but if he didn’t speak, the matter would also be dragged on annoyingly: “Do you believe everything she told you?” 

Being looked at fixedly by his son, Song Man asked unbearably: “You have slept with a man at home, is this true or not?”

To answer from this sentence alone, Song JingWei said: “It is true.”

Song Man’s reaction was to look around for an available tool, and finally found a garden stool. He said: “I will kill you, you shameless bastard!”

“Daddy!” Song JinMei rushed to stop Song Man, ‘He can’t hit him! How can I relieve my anger if he is hit and has a miscarriage’, she persuaded: “Don’t hit him! Please don’t hit him. It’s not worth getting angry and it’s bad for your health!”

Song Man said angrily, “You get out of the way and let me beat this evildoer to death. He actually did such an outrageous thing! I have lost all face of my Song family!”

Song JinMei’s purpose was not to let Song Man beat Song JingWei to death. She said: “Daddy, calm down. This matter has not been brought to light yet. This secret is only known by us, there is still room for improvement.”

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Song Man said: “What room for improvement is there?” He was short-tempered for a moment because of his reputation.

“If you think about it, you will understand. My brother did this because of his love, and he couldn’t help it. He probably loves that man so much. Otherwise, he would not drink the river water .......”

“What did you say?” Having improper relations was one thing, but the river water was another matter. Song Man really wanted to kill Song JingWei now!

“Daddy calm down your anger, don’t hit him!” Song JinMei stopped Song Man again.

A sneer faintly came out of Song JingWei’s mouth. He just thought the scene in front of him was funny. Song JinMei directed and acted by herself, performed a monologue, but he didn’t even have the slightest desire to defend himself, maybe it was because he was not motivated, or maybe he was disdainful.

“What are you laughing at? You can still laugh when you did such a thing?” Song Man waved the garden stool furiously and cursed.

“Why can’t I laugh? Then, tell me, what do you want to do with me?” Song JingWei looked at him calmly, without any fluctuation in his eyes. Song Man could no longer see that honest and straightforward shadow. In the end, he had changed because of a man.

Even though he didn’t have great expectations for Song JingWei, Song Man was still distressed.

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“Daddy, it’s not your fault. Since he is willing to abandon himself to vice, you must fulfill him, lest he still complains about you in the end, saying that you are not a good father.” Song JinMei touched Song Man’s sore spot and said, knowing that what Song Man couldn’t stand the most was others saying that he was not good.

“Really?” Song Man glared at Song JingWei and said, “Do you really think I’m not a good father?” He dared say no! Who gave birth to him and raised him, and gave him food, drink and shelter these years, he dared to say no!

Song JinMei was a little anxious and regretted turning Song Man’s attention to this. She said, “Of course you are a good father. If you help fulfill my younger brother’s wish, he will be grateful to you.” Fortunately, Song JingWei knew how to be tactful. From the moment Song Man came in and up till now, he had never argued for himself. It seemed that he also knew that he would not be able to explain himself anyway, so he simply did not argue.

“Well, well, you’re willing to abandon yourself to vice........ I’ll help fulfill you and let you live your happy life!” Song Man gave Song JingWei a fierce and unhappy look, full of displeasure, and he finally flung his sleeves and left. He had realized and always been brooding about his son being slow-witted. Fortunately, he had thought about passing on the Song family business to his son before, but now it seemed that it was a wrong decision.

Fortunately, it happened early and there was still room for regret.

Song Man left, but Song JinMei stayed. She was suspicious and also curious, and asked with a sneer, “Could it be that you really fell in love with that man and want to marry him so much?”

Song JingWei did not look up and said, “You can also make me not get married.”

Song JinMei said coldly: “Don’t even think about it.” She turned around and left Song JingWei’s room, only to hear her giving order to the guards at the door: “Watch him for me carefully, don’t let him go out.”

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In the afternoon of the next day, Song Man’s mood calmed down a little, he called Song JinMei to discuss Song JingWei’s affair with him.

He had been thinking all day and night, thinking and thinking about it, but still couldn’t make a decision: “In any case, this matter must not damage the Song family’s reputation.” So he said to Song JinMei: “Or, let’s keep it a secret and don’t let them contact him again.”

Song JinMei immediately rejected: “This is not good. One day, the paper won’t be able to contain the fire.”

Song Man nodded solemnly. Yes, what is done by night appears by day. “Then what do you think is good?” To help the two of them get what they want, wouldn’t they still be laughed at? He was the only male in the Song Mansion, and yet, for a man he willingly degenerated to drink the river water, making the people of LiHua Town laugh to death.

 “Daddy, it’s fine if you do this.” Song JinMei said: “If you let my younger brother get married as a daughter, people will say that you are kind and generous, and love your children. After all, this is what my younger brother asked for. You only need to reveal a little bit and people will understand. The poorer my younger brother’s husband is, the better it is. People will say that you treat others as equals, have a generous heart, and are a man of quality and knowledge.”

Song Man was fascinated. He had done a lot of good deeds in recent years, but there had been no further progress in building his reputation. Right now this opportunity could kill two birds with one stone. He asked, “Who is that man?” He just heard his daughter mention him being poor.

Song JinMei said: “Your daughter is not very clear about this. I have to send someone to investigate.” If she said everything, wouldn’t it seem a bit suspicious? At this time, she just had to send someone to negotiate with the man and check how the situation was in his family, whether he had a wife or not. 

For Song JinMei, it was best if that man already had a wife and child, so it was best to send Song JingWei there and ruin him at this time, and let them fight each other.

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