
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 109.2

“Poison? What poison?” Wen Chi touched Shi Ye’s face, it was extremely cold and he didn’t know whether it was his hands or Shi Ye’s face that was cold.

“The poison I was poisoned with when I was young.” Shi Ye forced himself to speak, he frowned tightly and seemed to be in great pain, yet he still stubbornly reached out and grabbed Wen Chi’s hand, “Don’t you even remember?”

Wen Chi let Shi Ye hold his hand, his voice trembling: “Remember what? What should I remember?”

Shi Ye stopped talking but stared at Wen Chi intently, as if looking at someone else through Wen Chi.

Wen Chi became more and more anxious: “You haven’t answered me yet, what kind of poison is it? Did someone poison you?”

Shi Ye closed his eyes: “Yes…”

Hearing this word, Wen Chi’s heart skipped a beat. For a moment, he didn’t know how to breathe and he felt a deep sense of suffocation.

It took him quite a while before he recovered his voice: “Who poisoned you?”

It’s a pity that Shi Ye didn’t answer his question, only said: “I’m dying soon.”

As he spoke, he took out something wrapped in a white silk handkerchief from his bosom and he stuffed it into Wen Chi’s hand.


“You take it back first.” Shi Ye said, “Give it to Zhu Xian, Zhu Xian knows what to do.”

Wen Chi lowered his eyes in a daze: “What about you?”

Shi Ye looked relaxed but reluctantly curled the corners of his lips: “I’ll just rest for a while.”

Wen Chi stared blankly at Shi Ye’s pale face and suddenly felt his eyes turn sour. Before he could say anything, a hot tear gushed out of his eyes.

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That tear fell on Shi Ye’s face.

No wonder Shi Ye has become more and more strange recently, as if something was chasing from behind him, forcing him to do many things non-stop. Moreover, even when Shi Ye was in a wheelchair, Shi Ye would not have been as weak as he was today.

It was as if something was slowly draining his energy.

Now he knew why.


It was poison.

“What on earth are you doing this for?” Wen Chi could no longer suppress the sadness in his heart, tears welled up in his eyes and he couldn’t control it, so he let those tears slide down his cheeks, “It wasn’t your only choice.”

If Shi Ye really wanted to save the emperor, there would naturally be other ways, such as using his blood to save the emperor like Empress Hua once did.

Taking such a big risk to snatch the spirit stone is really not the only option.

Shi Ye sighed very softly and simply said, “I don’t have time for this.” He raised his hand to touch Wen Chi’s face, “Go now.”

Wen Chi wiped away the tears on his face and he put the things in his hand back into Shi Ye’s arms. Then turned his back to Shi Ye, gritted his teeth and carried Shi Ye on his back.

Shi Ye lost all his strength, so he could only let Wen Chi limply carry him on his back.

There was not much strength left in Wen Chi’s body, he couldn’t use qingong, so he walked down the mountain step by step with Shi Ye on his back.

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Although Shi Ye’s face and hands were cold, the faint breath he exhaled when he breathed spilled into Wen Chi’s ears, as if giving him immense strength.

The snow on the mountain was so thick that a single step could make a deep footprint, and it was also extremely hard to pull one’s foot out.


Every step he took was extremely strenuous, and in a short while he seemed to be back to the time when he had gone up the mountain not so long ago, his legs were blown senseless by the snow and the cold snowy wind.

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The wind and snow were getting heavier and heavier, making it harder and harder for Wen Chi to walk.

He was very cold, so cold that his whole body lost consciousness, so cold that he was no longer himself, his hands carried Shi Ye as if he was performing a task, and his feet were moving forward as if he was completing a mission.

He even felt that his body could collapse like a broken machine at any moment.

The dark sky is like a heavy lead stone, pressing down little by little, making people suffocate.

After an unknown amount of time, Shi Ye on Wen Chi’s back seemed to wake up and he whispered in Wen Chi’s ear, “Put me down.”

“No.” Wen Chi resolutely rejected Shi Ye’s proposal and subconsciously hugged Shi Ye even tighter. He didn’t know whether he was comforting himself or Shi Ye, “Wait a little longer, I remember that the main road is ahead, maybe there is a carriage that can give us a ride.”

Shi Ye’s weak voice was almost blown away by the wind and snow: “This mountain is all official territory, there are no passers-by.”

The only hope in Wen Chi’s heart was in vain but he quickly cheered up: “Then I’ll go down the mountain. Since I can go up the mountain, then I can go down the mountain too!”

Shi Ye seemed to be amused by Wen Chi’s self-confidence, his short laughter was carried away with the wind and snow: “You can go down the mountain yourself, it’s more convenient without me.”

At this point, Wen Chi also became a little angry but he was exhausted and didn’t dare to get angry at Shi Ye, so he said gently: “Do you want to be left in the snow by me so badly? You are the current Crown Prince, I am afraid that if I go back to the palace and then Eunuch Zhu arrests me for plotting to murder Your Highness, then I will really have nothing to say.”

“No.” Shi Ye said solemnly, “I guarantee that Zhu Xian and the others will not trouble you.”

Wen Chi: “…”

He laughed angrily and then realized that laughing also consumes energy, so he stopped laughing quickly.

Shi Ye: “You…”


“Shut up!” Wen Chi grunted and walked forward, “Listen to me, don’t talk and stay quiet.”

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After he yelled like that, Shi Ye really seemed to have been frightened and immediately fell silent.

Wen Chi has never felt that a road is so long, as if no matter how hard he walks forward, he will never reach the end. Looking around, you can only see the white snow that obscured what lay ahead.

Fortunately, there is no fork in the road, so he could just keep on going.

But Wen Chi was too tired and too cold. Even though he was wearing such thick clothes, he felt that he had been stripped naked and thrown into the snow. Cold air came from all directions and filled his body.

His Mind was bland and only a shred of sanity was what kept him going forward.

Move forward.

Keep going forward.

He wanted to find someone to rescue Shi Ye.

Unfortunately, this wish was not granted and as he walked Wen Chi’s legs became weak. His left foot tripped over his right foot, and his entire center of gravity leaned forward.

He, together with Shi Ye who was on his back, rolled down the snow.

Wen Chi looked at the dark gray sky in a daze. He really wanted to stand up but his hands and feet had lost all feeling, so he couldn’t stand up.

His consciousness was also gradually blurring.

He thought that he might not be able to save Shi Ye. Not only that, but he himself is about to be buried here, unexpectedly, after going around so many times, he will still die with Shi Ye—just like the description in the original novel.

It wasn’t until death came that he realized that he didn’t hate death so much.

Perhaps it was because he was dying with Shi Ye; with someone he liked, no matter what ending was brought about, he wouldn’t feel so alone.

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Wen Chi wanted to turn his head to take another look at Shi Ye before dying.

Unfortunately he couldn’t move and when the darkness was completely covered, he still couldn’t take a look at Shi Ye.

Wen Chi was immersed in darkness.

His eyes could not open, his mouth could not move, his body was out of control, yet he could still hear, smell, and feel the touch of the outside world.

What was going on here?

Wasn’t he already dead?

Wen Chi didn’t know where he was lying but he could feel the softness and warmth under his body and there was a layer of fluffy quilt covering his body and there was the voice of someone talking in his ears.

“Doctor, can it really not be cured?”

“It’s freezing outside here. He has carried people on his back in the snow for so long and his legs have long since been’s a great blessing among misfortunes that he survived until you found him. This leg… I’m afraid we won’t be able to save it.”

“This young master is an acquaintance of that young master, it is better for that young master to decide.”

These people spoke at the bedside for a long time before they quieted down. After a while, there was another slight sound of footsteps in the silence.

The footsteps stopped in front of the bed and someone sat down beside the bed.

Wen Chi smelled the familiar light fragrance that made him feel at ease.


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