
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 112.1

Shi Ye’s smile froze and he almost stared at the emperor with hatred but his eyes were so frank, the emperor still seemed to be unable to feel it.

Now, the emperor couldn’t wait to draw a line with him.

“Great, that’s great.” Shi Ye took a step back and said “great” a few times, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he suddenly spoke viciously, “Do you know who drugged you?”

Without waiting for the emperor’s response, he answered himself, “It was your good son’s own mother, she poisoned you, she wanted you dead!”

Hearing this, the emperor’s tightly closed eyes twitched momentarily, but soon turned calm, as if nothing had happened and he said in a hoarse voice: “I know.”

“You love her so much? You know her wolfish ambitions but you still keep her by your side, let her covet your position, let her step on your head and climb up step by step…” Halfway through the speech, Shi Ye suddenly realized something, he slowed down his tone, “Or is it that her thoughts are exactly what you want? As you wished, you have long had ……”

..wanted to give up.

Shi Ye couldn’t get himself to say the rest.

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All of a sudden, everything became clear and the things that once seemed to be separated by a hazy veil quickly became clear.

He had always known that the emperor still held onto the fact that Hua Yanran had saved his life, yet he had never imagined that it had long since become a needle that had dug deep into the emperor’s flesh and blood.


When Hua Yanran was still alive, the emperor was deeply influenced by her. He was forced to love her, pay attention to her every move and even be forced to accept the fact that she still loved other men.

He thought that he would be freed from the shackles after Hua Yanran died but he didn’t think that he would take off the original shackles and later put on the another shackles — he missed Hua Yanran all the time, and many times in his dreams Hua Yanran’s beautiful but cold and distant face would always appear in front of him.

Even though he loved Concubine Rong so much later on, he still couldn’t help looking for the shadow of Hua Yanran from Concubine Rong.

This shackle was too heavy, it was like a huge mountain pressing down on him all the time, making every breath he took so difficult that perhaps what Consort Rong did would save him from the shackles.

As for Shi Ye——

He was not the emperor’s own son, and the emperor could let him do whatever he wanted for various reasons, but he still couldn’t treat him as his own son.

Once upon a time, the emperor held Shi Ye in his arms but now that the emperor is dying, there is no need to pretend.

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After slowly realizing these things, Shi Ye gradually regained his composure.


It’s just that the expression on his face was still as dead as a pond with not a trace of life to be found. He pulled the corners of his mouth and chuckled: “Since you want to die so much, then I won’t stop you from setting out on the road to the Yellow Springs. So go safely and I hope we don’t have to meet again in the next life.”

After saying this, he said, “He Yu!”

He Yu, who was outside the door, scrambled in and said, “What are Your Royal Highness’s orders?”

Shi Ye looked at the emperor with cold eyes: “Take good care of the emperor, if there are no major changes in the future, you don’t have to bother me with those trivial things.”

How could He Yu fail to understand Shi Ye’s implication? Just now he was standing outside the door and had a clear view of what was going on inside. He did not know whether His Highness was really ruthless enough to ignore the Emperor or whether he was just talking out of anger, but it was not for him, a servant, to ask about such matters.

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“Yes.” He Yu was trembling and hurriedly responded, “This servant obeys.”

Shi Ye glanced at He Yu, snorted coldly, turned around and was about to walk away.

But before he left, the emperor said weakly: “Crown Prince.”

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Although Shi Ye was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped out, he still swayed and stopped in his tracks. He did not turn around, his back was turned to the dragon bed and the emperor and he secretly clenched the fist in his sleeves.

He Yu beside him bowed his waist, not daring to breathe.


After waiting for a while, the emperor spoke intermittently:”I don’t have much time left, I think you know what to do next, when the time comes, you can ask Concubine Rong to accompany me, on the road to the Yellow Spring. If I have Concubine Rong as my companion, I won’t be too lonely.”

Shi Ye didn’t move for a long time.

His face was immersed in the shadows, almost blending with the dim hues.

Only when one got close could one feel his body trembling slightly, as if he was trying desperately to suppress some emotion.

“Crown Prince?”

The emperor’s voice seemed to call Shi Ye back and he opened his thin lips: “I understand.”

Immediately after that, he strode out of the hall.

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Hearing the footsteps of His Royal Highness gradually receding, He Yu slowly let out the breath stuck in his throat. He slowly raised his head, only to realize that his forehead, which was pressed to the ground just now, was already soaked with a layer of sweat, dampening the ground.

He Yu wiped his forehead and hurried forward to look at the emperor: “Your Majesty, how can you say that? You are the Son of Heaven, you will definitely get better ……”

“He Yu.”

He Yu’s voice stopped abruptly and after a pause, he called softly, “Your Majesty?”

The emperor closed his eyes and his exhaustion was evident. Since he fell ill, he had never looked so weak, as if he was holding his breath just now. He rested for a while before saying: “Go and call Lin Zhe here.”

He Yu bowed his head: “Yes.”




T/N – I feel bad for the emperor

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