
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 119.2

Liu De, Liu Shan and others heard this and hurriedly continued to talk about the topic before Wen Chi came.

It was not the first time for Wen Chi heard Shi Ye discussing matters with others but there were many things he couldn’t understand. There were too many people and things beyond his cognitive range and after listening carefully for a long time, he was confused.

In the end, the voices of Shi Ye and those people became Wen Chi’s lullaby. He slowly closed his eyes and nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

After a while, a cold hand held Wen Chi’s forehead, guiding Wen Chi to lean back.

Wen Chi leaned his head back on a solid chest, exhaled in relief and fell into a deeper sleep.

When Wen Chi woke up, the voices of Shi Ye and those people had disappeared and there was no one in the huge study room and even Eunuch Zhu had gone. The surrounding was so quiet that a needle drop could be heard.

“Shi Ye?” Wen Chi didn’t expect even Shi Ye to leave, his breathing stagnated for a moment, an unreasonable anxiety and panic attacked him like a ferocious beast in an instant. He hurriedly crawled off the couch and got up, “Shi Ye, where are you?”

In his haste, he lost his sense of propriety and failed to control his volume, so much so that his hoarse voice echoed throughout the study and rushed towards him from all directions.

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Wen Chi was really terrified of this situation. He was afraid that Shi Ye would leave without a word, that Shi Ye would disappear without a sound. Afraid of Shi Ye doing something he didn’t know about in a place he didn’t know about ……

This feeling was so dreadful that it came in a torrent and overwhelmed Wen Chi.


Wen Chi desperately suppressed the fear that was about to clog his throat and planned to go out to look for Shi Ye.

But as soon as his feet stepped on the soft carpet, suddenly a strong hand stretched out from behind, grabbed his waist and pulled him back.

Wen Chi was caught off guard and was hugged into a warm embrace.

“I’m here.” Shi Ye’s hoarse voice rang in Wen Chi’s ears, as if he had just woken up. He pulled the blanket beside him to cover Wen Chi’s body while coaxing, “I’m here.”

Wen Chi froze.

In a flash, he turned around and hugged Shi Ye like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, hugging him fiercely, wishing to rub himself into Shi Ye’s body.

Originally, Shi Ye was drowsing off, but after Wen Chi’s tossing and turning, he quickly woke up and wrapped Wen Chi into his arms with the blanket: “What’s wrong?”

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For some reason, Wen Chi wanted to cry but his eyes were dry.


Fortunately, he couldn’t cry. He didn’t want to cry like before. He buried his face in Shi Ye’s neck and rubbed it back and forth. After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, “I thought you were gone.”

Shi Ye put his hand on Wen Chi’s back, stroking it. He felt the trembling of Wen Chi’s body, sighed and said solemnly: “Wen Chi, with you here, I can’t go anywhere and will not go anywhere.”

Wen Chi didn’t know if Shi Ye was saying this to coax him, but he still didn’t feel safe in his heart. He felt as if even though his feet were on the ground, he was standing on the open ground and the cold wind was blowing from all directions, making him sway .

But he was still willing to believe what Shi Ye said.

Shi Ye waited for a long time, waiting for Wen Chi’s mood to gradually calm down, and then he said what was in his heart: “Why don’t you come and live with me.”

Wen Chi was taken aback: “It seems that there is no such rule in the palace.”

Shi Ye said: “Rules are dead, but people are alive.”

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Although this is true, the rules in the palace are so many that they can overwhelm a person and the rules and regulations tie everyone down to the bone.

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Moreover, there has never been a precedent in this harem where the emperor or the crown prince lived with someone from the harem. So Wen Chi was afraid that if he moved into the crown prince’s bedchamber, he would break many of the palace’s rules.

Wen Chi hesitated for a while, then touched his face in embarrassment: “But aren’t the rules meant to restrain people?”


Shi Ye asked, “Aren’t you willing?”

Wen Chi shook his head and said solemnly: “No, I’m just being reserved.”

Shi Ye: “…”

So this afternoon, Wen Chi moved into Shi Ye’s bedroom with his people and luggage.

The crown prince’s bedroom is not like the small courtyard where men and women live in the harem. The front yard and backyard alone are enough to accommodate two or three bamboo flute residences. The number of main rooms and side rooms were also doubled and the eunuchs and palace maids waiting on them were piled on top of each other.

Shi Ye was still busy with official duties, Wen Chi did not want to be lulled into sleep again, so he followed Eunuch Zhu to familiarize himself with the terrain of the crown prince’s courtyard.

At night, Wen Chi finished his meal alone but he still didn’t see Shi Ye.

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He called Xiao Shuanzi outside the door: “Has His Royal Highness not come back yet?”

Xiao Shuanzi bowed his waist and said: “Replying back to Young Master Wen, His Royal Highness has been in the study all day.”

Wen Chi propped his chin and sighed.

Originally, he was very excited when he moved in, but as time went by, his excitement gradually faded away.

When Xiao Shuanzi saw Wen Chi sighed, he comforted him: “Young Master Wen, the family banquet hosted by Concubine Rong is coming soon and you know that Concubine Rong has always been at odds with His Highness the Crown Prince, so now she is trying to make things difficult for His Highness. So it is normal for him to be too busy.”

Speaking of that family banquet, Wen Chi remembered the invitation that Concubine Rong had given him and immediately began to have a headache again.

Xiao Shuanzi quickly stopped talking, paused, and then said cautiously: “Young Master Wen, shall this servant accompany you to see His Highness?”

“No need.” Wen Chi waved his hand and said, not wanting to disturb Shi Ye, “Prepare some hot water for me, I want to take a bath.”



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