
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 121.1

The existence of that person was like planting a small seed in Wen Chi’s heart, and within a few days, the seed had taken root and sprouted.

Wen Chi was very curious about the identity of that person. He remembered that Xiao Shuanzi had accidentally revealed to him that there was a portrait of that person in Shi Ye’s study and the person in the painting looked exactly like Wen Chi.

But how could there be someone who looked exactly like him in this world? In the original text, there is no one who looks exactly like the original owner or was Xiao Shuanzi mistaken?

Wen Chi thought about it for two or three days and finally decided to ask Shi Ye directly.

That afternoon, he came to the study to look for Shi Ye but was told by the little eunuch guarding outside the study that Shi Ye had just gone out.

Wen Chi rarely asked about Shi Ye’s affairs and he didn’t know much about Shi Ye’s itinerary. Hearing what the little eunuch said he asked, “Do you know when His Royal Highness will come back?”

The little eunuch said: “This servant doesn’t know too well.”

Wen Chi paused, then asked again: “Then can I go in and wait for His Royal Highness to come back?”

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If other people stood outside the study of His Highness the Crown Prince and said such words, the little eunuch would have been furious and arrested him long ago.

Without the permission of His Royal Highness and Eunuch Zhu, anyone who dares to enter His Royal Highness’s study is courting death!


But now, the person who said such words was Young Master Wen. Who here doesn’t know the importance of Young Master Wen to His Royal Highness?

The little eunuch hesitated for a while, thinking of Eunuch Zhu’s attitude towards Young Master Wen during this period of time. After all he dared not refuse Wen Chi’s request—if Young Master Wen blows the pillow wind1(pernicious advice given in bed by a wife to her husband) to His Highness later, he wouldn’t even be able to save his life then.

So the little eunuch respectfully led Wen Chi into the study.

As soon as Wen Chi walked in, he saw a snow-white thing nestled on the couch he usually sat on. The white fur of the thing was fluffy and soft and at first glance, it looked like a round ball.

The little eunuch also saw the white ball and then the expression on the little eunuch’s face became visibly tense, as if he saw something frightening and he subconsciously slowed down.

Wen Chi tilted his head and looked at the little eunuch suspiciously.

The little eunuch whispered anxiously: “Young Master Wen, you can just wait here. The one sleeping on the couch is the white fox raised by His Highness. He always likes to play in His Highness’s study. The white fox has a bad temper and has the habit of biting people but His Royal Highness likes it very much. So we should not provoke it, otherwise we will suffer and we will be punished by His Royal Highness later.”

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The fear in the little eunuch’s eyes could not be faked, it seemed that he really suffered a lot from the white fox.


But is that a white fox?

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Wen Chi suddenly realized something, his face brightened and he called out tentatively, “A’Gu?”

“Young…Young Master Wen!” The little eunuch turned pale with fright and even his voice trembled, “Hai! Young Master Wen, why are you shouting? That white fox will bite you!”

As soon as the little eunuch just finished speaking, the white fox curled up on the couch suddenly turned its head.

Wen Chi turned his head and reassured the little eunuch. Then he knelt down and waved to the white fox: “A’Gu, come here.”

The white fox immediately jumped off the couch and ran straight towards them.

But how can the little eunuch rest assured?

He watched the ancestor get closer and closer to them, his face was completely drained of blood and his limbs began to tremble.

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Does Young Master Wen know what he is doing?!

How can they touch His Royal Highness’s things casually? What’s more, this is a living creature raised by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!


He still remembers that not long ago, there was a maid who was afraid to feed the white fox. Because of this, His Royal Highness found that the white fox had been hungry for two whole days. Now that maid is missing. Some people said that she was beaten and disabled and she is now recuperating. Some people said that he was directly beaten to death and thrown out of the palace.

No matter which version is true, everyone has been terrified of the white fox since then.

Seeing the white fox rushing towards him,  the eunuch was so unsteady that he fell to the ground.

The little eunuch didn’t care how embarrassed he was and crawled back on his hands and feet. But he didn’t expect that the white fox didn’t come at him at all, but jumped directly into Wen Chi’s arms.

Wen Chi hugged the white fox in his arms and stroked the soft fluffy fur on the white fox’s body in surprise and joy: “A’Gu! Why are you here? Aren’t you in the bamboo flute residence?”

In the past, A’Gu and Wen Chi lived together in the bamboo flute residence and Wen Chi specially asked Ruo Fang to vacate a room for A’Gu. Normally, several maids from the bamboo flute residence took care of A’Gu.

A while ago, Wen Chi moved to the crown prince’s bedchambers and he was planning to bring  A’Gu over in a couple of days but he didn’t expect A’Gu to come by himself.

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Wen Chi hasn’t seen A’Gu for a long time. He didn’t know if it was his illusion but A’Gu seems to have lost a lot of weight and even the fur on his body is not as smooth as before.

But Ah Gu was very excited, his two paws kept grabbing Wen Chi’s shoulders and with his pink tongue sticking out of his mouth, he licked Wen Chi’s face back and forth.

He also licked Wen Chi’s cheeks and chin to the point of saliva drooping from Wen Chi’s chin.

Wen Chi was licked by A’Gu that he couldn’t even open his eyes, so he had to push A’Gu’s head away, trying to raise his head to prevent A’Gu from licking him.

A’Gu struggled a few times but to no avail so the pair of ears of the little fox drooped.



Advertisement 1(pernicious advice given in bed by a wife to her husband)

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