
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Tuesday Updates –> Chapter 8/12

Chapter 133.2

Shi Ye seemed to have expected such a result and he didn’t show much disappointment. He stepped forward and stroked Wen Chi’s hair reassuringly.

Wen Chi drooped his head like a puppy: “Sorry, I couldn’t help you.”

“You have helped me a lot.” Shi Ye said, “You let me know that place is indeed here.”

After Wen Chi listened to Shi Ye’s words, strangely the little boy’s voice rang in his head.

The little boy said that there weren’t that many coincidences in this world, and that Hanakozo wasn’t that capable of bringing him out from under the noses of Shi Ye’s subordinates.

All of this was nothing but Shi Ye’s arrangement.

Thinking of this, Wen Chi’s expression changed slightly.

He unconsciously looked at Shi Ye.

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Shi Ye’s gaze had been on Wen Chi and naturally he saw the subtle changes in Wen Chi’s expression. But it was as if he hadn’t seen anything, he asked: “What’s wrong?”


Wen Chi opened his mouth and the words rolled around on the tip of his tongue, before swallowing them silently.

“Nothing.” Wen Chi changed the topic uneasily.” By the way, what happened to that fire?”

Shi Ye was about to speak, but saw a soldier running over in a hurry and the soldier quickly said, “Your Highness, the man has been found.”

When Shi Ye and Wen Chi rushed back, the fire in the house was almost extinguished and a charred person was dragged out of the house by several soldiers.

Several soldiers threw the man to the ground.

The man seemed to be seriously injured and he struggled to get up from the ground several times, but to no avail, so he lay down again in despair.

Even though the man’s body was full of burn marks, Wen Chi recognized his identity immediately – Hua Zi Zang.

Hua Zi Zang turned his head and his eyes fell on Shi Ye.


After a while, he let out a hoarse chuckle, his voice seemed to have been honed by sand and stones and his original voice could hardly be heard: “You still found out.”

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Shi Ye said coldly: “I’m not as stupid as you, hiding inside and waiting to die.”

Hua Zi Zang was speechless for a while and suddenly laughed more wantonly. He laughed for a long time, laughing so hard that he gasped for air before gradually stopping, his gaze towards Shi Ye was filled with mockery, “It seems that you care more about your own life.”

Shi Ye looked indifferently at Hua Zi Zang, whose face was bloodied by the smoke, the light of the fire jumping on his face, unable to distinguish his emotions.

“But no matter what, if that male pet dies, he will die in there. As long as I don’t say anything, you won’t even be able to find his corpse in your lifetime.” Hua Zi Zang smiled triumphantly, as happy as a child, “Shi Ye, you killed my parents and younger brother back then and now I want you to taste that pain. Doesn’t it feel good to watch that male pet die in front of you?”

Hua Zi Zang was choked by smoke, making it very difficult to speak.

His expression was slightly ferocious and his eyes were fixed on Shi Ye for a moment, trying to find emotions such as anger or remorse on Shi Ye’s face.

Unfortunately he failed.

From beginning to the end, Shi Ye was very calm. Even when he mentioned Hua Zi Zang’s dead parents and younger brother, he showed no trace of emotions: “A man whose heart is not content is like a snake which tries to swallow an elephant, they are blinded by money, longing for things that don’t belong to them and they deserve to die.”



Hua Zi Zang was furious, eyes red, gasping for breath as he tried to get up from the ground, only to be kicked back by the soldier next to him just as he was halfway up.

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Shi Ye glanced at the house that had already been charred and his face was full of sarcasm: “You think you can trap me with just a bait and a fire? It is true that people are stupid without realizing it. You want to die with me, but unfortunately this cheap life of yours is not worth my extra effort.”

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Hua Zi Zang knew that he was already a fish on the chopping board, so he could only resign himself to his fate and lay down on the ground. The anger on his face slowly dissipated and all that remained for him was to gloat: “So what? Wen Chi is dead. I can’t kill you, I can always kill the people around you…”

Before Hua Zi Zang could finish speaking, Shi Ye chuckled lightly and said, “If I can escape, he can naturally escape too.”

“…” The smile on Hua Zi Zang’s face suddenly stopped, “What do you mean by that?”

Shi Ye said, “Look who is behind me.”

Wen Chi, who was suddenly named, had no choice but to poke his head out from behind Shi Ye. He met Hua Zi Zang’s shocked gaze as if he had seen a ghost and waved his hand stiffly.

“To clarify, I’m not dead, I’m here just fine.”

“You…you…” Hua Zi Zang never dreamed that Wen Chi could come out of the hidden room!

Obviously only he knows where the mechanism of the hidden room is, how did Wen Chi get out?!

Surprise, astonishment, anger and other emotions were intertwined in Hua Zi Zang’s eyes and he looked at Wen Chi with eyes that were itching to drill a hole through him.

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The smile on Shi Ye’s face got deeper and deeper, full of evil intent: “Surprised?”


Hua Zi Zang opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Does that mean…


There is no one in the hidden room…

It’s a pity that he still used Wen Chi as bait like a fool, leading Shi Ye into the house, and set fire to the whole house. He wanted to die with Shi Ye but in the end he didn’t get anything except this burned and broken body…


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