
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Wednesday Updates –> Chapter 5/12

Chapter 138.1


However, among the gossip that Wen Chi heard, the main content was about the fourth prince and concubine Rong colluded with the Hua family and some important court officials to rebel. But they have not caused any troubles so far, so it is very likely that they have been suppressed by Shi Ye.

Wen Chi didn’t care about these things and he didn’t even care about the current situation of the Wen family and Wen Liang.

All he wanted to know was how the little boy was doing.

There is also Hua Yin – this man who has never shown his face from the beginning to the end.

But as the days went by, Wen Chi’s lower abdomen was bulging little by little, until he was more than four months old and his pregnant belly was already very obvious.

Although it was inconvenient for him to do anything while pregnant, fortunately, his vomiting was greatly relieved and he would only feel tired and his limbs ached from time to time.

As long as he stayed in one position for a long time, his waist would become sore, and occasionally it would hurt so much that he couldn’t sleep at night.

Ruo Fang and the other maids wanted to massage Wen Chi’s waist but Wen Chi always felt that men and women should keep their distance. Even if he was pregnant, he still had to pay attention to the difference between men and women, so he rejected Ruo Fang and the maids’ kind intentions.


And the consequence of refusing is——

He was in so much pain that he couldn’t sleep.

These days, Shi Ye is often too busy. After Wen Chi fell asleep, he would come and hold Wen Chi to sleep. When Wen Chi woke up, the pillow was already cold.

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That night, Wen Chi lay on his side on the bed, eyes closed in a daze.

Suddenly, a pair of hands caressed his waist and then gently kneaded it.

The strength of the hands kneading was very skillful, obviously it was an action done very often. After kneading for a long time, Wen Chi gradually felt the soreness in his waist relieve a lot.

He murmured, opened his eyes and wanted to turn his head to look at the person who came but he really didn’t want to move. After hesitating for a while, he gave up and called softly, “Shi Ye, you’re here.”

Shi Ye gently hugged Wen Chi from behind. He didn’t dare to put his hands on Wen Chi’s abdomen but wrapped his arms around Wen Chi’s shoulders. Then he lowered his head and kissed Wen Chi on the cheek: “I’m here.”


After his waist was massaged, Wen Chi felt comfortable so now he felt a little sleepy. He squinted his eyes and said: “You came so early today.”

Shi Ye pulled the quilt on Wen Chi’s body and wanted to just hug Wen Chi to sleep. But suddenly his hand touched something next to Wen Chi’s pillow—it looked like a book.

Wen Chi had nothing to do when he was free and often sat in front of the stove with a book to read. Shi Ye was afraid that he would be bored, so he ordered Xiao Shuanzi to collect a lot of books and send them over.

And Wen Chi brought the storybook to the bed.

The light in this bedroom is much darker than the outside. If you read storybooks here for a long time, your eyes will be sore and uncomfortable and it is not good for your eyesight in the long term. 

Shi Ye sighed and reached for the book next to Wen Chi’s pillow.

He planned to put the book on the bedside but after taking a look, he realized that what he was holding in his hand was not a story book at all. After taking a good look at it, he found that it was really a thin book, with a hard gray cover, without a title. 

Shi Ye was stunned, he had never seen this book in his bedroom before and he didn’t know if it was collected by Xiao Shuanzi or if Wen Chi found it from other places.

He glanced at Wen Chi and found that Wen Chi had fallen asleep on his arm.

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Maybe it’s because he hasn’t slept well for many days but there was a layer of faint blue under Wen Chi’s eyes. It can’t be seen at first glance but some traces can be found when he took a closer look.


Wen Chi wasn’t sleeping soundly, his eyebrows furrowed tightly, his eyelashes trembled lightly, as if he had dreamed of something bad.

Shi Ye silently hugged him tighter.

Wen Chi felt his strength and leaned back subconsciously, until he found a comfortable position in Shi Ye’s arms and then slowly fell asleep again.

Shi Ye waited until Wen Chi fell asleep and carefully opened the book with one while turning the pages at random.

The bedroom was dimly lit by candlelight.

Shi Ye’s eyes fell on the pages of the book. He read slowly, word by word. As time went by, his brows became more and more furrowed.

After carefully reading about ten pages, he closed the book and put it on the bedside.

Shi Ye hugged Wen Chi, looked at Wen Chi’s side profile with a slightly solemn expression.

He could feel that Wen Chi’s mood was not very good these days. He was suffering from insomnia and nightmares and was always preoccupied. He thought that Wen Chi had stayed inside the house for a long time and felt quite lonely, so whenever he had free time, he would come to accompany Wen Chi, even if he could only stay for two or three hours.

But after reading the book, he realized that Wen Chi had been worrying about his pregnancy.

That book recorded the whole process of a man’s pregnancy and childbirth, with rich pictures and texts. And there were notes drawn by Wen Chi on it, especially on the page of childbirth. There were many creases at the corners of the page as if Wen Chi had often turned to that page.

Shi Ye was going to be a father for the first time so he didn’t know anything about pregnancy and childbirth. He never thought that he would become a father one day.

He can protect Wen Chi when it comes to other things but he was helpless in this matter and that deep feeling of frustration wrapped around his feet like seaweed.

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He lowered his head and buried his face in Wen Chi’s neck and sighed softly for a long time.

He thought that Wen Chi had already fallen asleep but he didn’t expect Wen Chi to shrug his shoulders.


Shi Ye kissed Wen Chi’s earlobe: “Did I wake you up?”

Wen Chi tried to turn his head, but he had no choice but to lean against Shi Ye while being hugged in his arms. He could only look at Shi Ye from the corner of his eye. His voice was still hoarse and he didn’t seem to have woken up: “Can’t you sleep?”

“Hmm.” Shi Ye said, “Go to sleep.”

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Wen Chi was so sleepy that he couldn’t even open his eyes. He reached out and touched Shi Ye’s face.

Shi Ye remained motionless, letting Wen Chi’s hand move across his face.

It wasn’t until Wen Chi’s hand touched Shi Ye’s head that he stopped and then patted Shi Ye’s head, as if coaxing the child: “Good boy, go to sleep.”

Shi Ye couldn’t help laughing. He took Wen Chi’s hand off his head, put it in front of his mouth and bit it. He bit very lightly, but still heard Wen Chi hiss exaggeratedly.

Even though he knew that Wen Chi was probably pretending, he still couldn’t help but fall for it. He quickly took Wen Chi’s hand away and rubbed the bitten place: “Does the bite hurt?”

Wen Chi chuckled, like a cat stealing fish: “It doesn’t hurt.”

 ”…” Shi Ye vented his anger by picking Wen Chi’s hand and taking another bite.

This time, Wen Chi didn’t have much reaction. It seemed that Shi Ye’s bite really didn’t hurt. Wen Chi tried his best to open his eyes and said inarticulately, “Why can’t you sleep? Is there something bothering you?”

Shi Ye said, “Yes.”

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Wen Chi thought for a while, grabbed Shi Ye’s hand around his shoulder and slowly led his hand to his abdomen.

His abdomen was already bulging and felt obvious to the touch.

Shi Ye immediately felt as if he had touched a fragile object and his movements became extra cautious, for fear of accidentally touching Wen Chi’s stomach with force. He nervously opened his five fingers and very gently covered his hand over Wen Chi’s abdomen.

Wen Chi pressed Shi Ye’s hand silently.

Just like this, he waited in silence for a few moments and just as Shi Ye was uncertain, he suddenly felt a strange movement coming from his hands.

This feeling was very strange, at first he thought it was Wen Chi who was moving, but he quickly realized that Wen Chi had been lying quietly in his arms.

Wen Chi didn’t move, that means…

It is the child who moved.

This idea rushed into Shi Ye’s mind like a flash of lightning and he was stunned for a long time before the surprise later overwhelmed him like a tide.

He had looked forward to it for so long and waited for it for so long, but it was the first time he had truly felt the movement of a child and the mirth in his heart was self-evident, as if something had exploded in his mind.

He became so excited that his hands started shaking.

It’s a pity that the sudden movement was fleeting and when he gradually calmed down, he could no longer feel anything else.

But just that moment alone was enough for Shi Ye to remember for the rest of his life.1(Ahhhhh, this is wholesome!!

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