
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Wednesday Updates –> Chapter 12/12

Chapter 141.2

He is also his father’s child… No, he is his father’s biological child!

Could it be that a biological child of his was still no better than Shi Ye, that other man’s child who appeared out of nowhere?

Shi Jin’s vision was gradually blurred by mist. Even if he couldn’t see his own appearance at this moment, he knew that his tears were fighting to fall out of his eyes.

Tears fell to the ground, making a pitter-patter sound.

His body was shaking violently and he was shivering all over. For the first time, he felt isolated from the world, as if his father was no longer his father, his mother was no longer his mother and even he was no longer himself.

Suddenly, a pair of legs appeared in his sight.

Shi Jin was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked up along the legs only to see Shi Ye had walked over from behind Lin Zhe at some point and was looking at him condescendingly.

Compared to his wretched situation, Shi Ye was like an outsider who had nothing to do with the situation, unperturbed, calm and self-possessed, never getting caught up in the whirlpool.

Shi Jin closed his eyes and reached out to wipe away the tears on his face. He raised his eyes and stared at Shi Ye for a long time. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled self-deprecatingly: “Shi Ye, you win.”


In fact, Shi Ye had never lost, but he just doesn’t want to admit it.

“Do you know why I spared your life?” Shi Ye said calmly.

Shi Jin fell silent.

He didn’t know and now that things had come this far, there was no need for him to know.

Shi Ye did not wait for him to speak and continued: “This is also the emperor’s will. He asked me to take care of you as a younger brother for his sake, and I think I’ve done that now.”

After a pause, he said, “Enjoy the rest of your life, these are the days that the Emperor fought for you.”

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After saying that, he turned around and said, “Lin Zhe.”

Lin Zhe stepped forward and clasped his fists: “Your Royal Highness.”


Shi Ye said: “Tell him everything clearly and let him know how hopelessly stupid he is.”

Lin Zhe lowered his head and said: “Yes.”

Without further words, Shi Ye turned around and headed out.

But after taking just a few steps, Shi Jin behind him suddenly roared: “You are not my father’s biological child at all! Anyone can inherit my father’s position, but you can’t, you are not qualified!”

Shi Ye paused, turned his head and said calmly: “Unfortunately, this is all the emperor’s arrangement. If you have any grievances, you can go down to the underworld and talk to him.”

Then he left the prison without looking back.

Eunuch Zhu and Zuo Zhi were waiting outside the prison. When they saw Shi Ye coming out, they hurriedly greeted him.

Zuo Zhi’s face was full of worry.

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Eunuch Zhu hesitated and said: “Your Royal Highness.”

Just now in the prison, with the illumination of the candlelight, one could only see Shi Ye’s thin figure, with tiredness between his brows and eyes, but now that Shi Ye was completely exposed to the daylight, one could see that his face was pale to an abnormal degree, and even his lips were vaguely green.


These were all signs of the onset of poison.

However, Shi Ye didn’t seem to care. He raised his hand to stop Zuo Zhi and Eunuch Zhu from what they were about to say, and asked instead, “How’s the search going?”

Eunuch Zhu choked, sighed and replied: “That child Rong Si has been found. He was poisoned by the same poison as you. Fortunately, the poison was mild. Although  it cannot be cured by medicine, he can still get his life back if he recuperates his body properly.”

Shi Ye nodded and walked out: “Where are the others?”

Eunuch Zhu and Zuo Zhi followed him on both sides.

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Eunuch Zhu said: “Replying to Your Highness, the child Rong Si was placed in the house on Xiangyang Street by this servant and several other children found later were placed there as well. Their origins and experiences were roughly the same, they all had special abilities and had been raised in captivity by Hua Yin.”

Shi Ye sneered: “No wonder those Hua family members always say that the number of ordinary children is increasing. It turns out the children with extraordinary talents were all being raised by Hua Yin to be used as fertilizer for watering corpses.”

“I never expected that the dignified head of the Hua Family would do such a heartless thing.” Eunuch Zhu shook his head sadly, “It’s a pity that this servant only found out the location of the secret room and the method to open the door to the secret room from those children but I couldn’t find out about Hua Yin’s whereabouts.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Shi Ye said coldly, “As long as Hua Yanran’s body remains in the secret room, there is no need to worry that the lunatic will not show up.”

Eunuch Zhu said: “Your Royal Highness is right.”

The topic ended here and the three people walked forward in silence.

At this moment, Shi Ye’s feet suddenly weakened and he knelt down on one knee.

Eunuch Zhu and Zuo Zhi on his left and right were both startled and stretched out their hands to help Shi Ye. Unexpectedly, Shi Ye brows were knitted tightly and his long eyelashes were trembling, looking very painful.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Shi Ye’s forehead. Before he could be helped up by Eunuch Zhu and Zuo Zhi, he opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Blood wetted Shi Ye’s chin and collar, making it dazzlingly red.


Eunuch Zhu and Zuo Zhi were shocked.

“Your Royal Highness!”

“Your Highness, are you okay?” Eunuch Zhu was so anxious that he almost screamed. He threw the whisk aside and said in a trembling voice, “Wait a moment, I will ask the imperial doctor to come here.”

After speaking, Eunuch Zhu looked at Zuo Zhi and said, “Zuo Zhi, help His Highness up quickly.”

Zuo Zhi replied with a pale face: “Yes.”

However, as soon as Eunuch Zhu turned around to run away, Shi Ye grabbed his arm.

Shi Ye’s strength was surprisingly strong and his grip was so painful that Eunuch Zhu’s facial features wrinkled into a ball. He immediately let out an ouch and said, “What else do you have to say, Your Highness?”

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“There is no need to find an imperial doctor.” Shi Ye’s eyes were gloomy. Even though he had just vomited such a large mouthful of blood, he seemed to be fine. Only his brows were still twisted in pain. He said in a deep voice, “Prepare the carriage, I want to leave the palace. “

Eunuch Zhu asked cautiously: “Your Royal Highness, do you want to see Young Master Wen?”

As soon as Wen Chi’s name was mentioned, there was a flash of softness in Shi Ye’s eyes but it was soon covered by a gloomy expression. He said: “Take those children with you and let’s go find the secret room together.”

Hearing this, Eunuch Zhu was startled and immediately his mouth flattened. He was so anxious that he almost burst into tears, saying: “Your Highness, there is no rush in this matter. Right now, your health is the most important thing. I will first go find an imperial doctor to treat Your Highness.”

Zuo Zhi also said: “Your Highness, Eunuch Zhu is right. This matter is not urgent. We…”

“What do you know?” Shi Ye interrupted them in a deep voice.

For a moment, Eunuch Zhu and Zuo Zhi’s conversation stopped abruptly. They looked at each other, and no one dared to speak again.

Shi Ye’s expression was extremely gloomy. He pushed Eunuch Zhu away from him and strode forward. He didn’t know whether he was talking to Eunuch Zhu and Zuo Zhi or to himself: “I don’t have time, I can’t wait any longer.” .”

Eunuch Zhu swallowed his saliva and followed up: “Your Highness the Crown Prince!”

Zuo Zhi also followed silently.


Wen Chi and Young Master Zhang previously agreed on a time and place to meet. So this afternoon, as agreed, he came to the restaurant that Young Master Zhang had booked in advance.

This restaurant is one of the three most famous restaurants in the capital. It only entertains high-status dignitaries. Now that the place has been cleared for Wen Chi and Young Master Zhang, the first and second floors were empty.

It was the first time for Wen Chi to enjoy the treatment of a private room and he was somewhat unaccustomed to it, but Young Master Zhang was used to it. He ordered his servants to prepare the tools and materials for pastry making, looking very skillful.

Wen Chi couldn’t intervene or say anything, so he sat quietly on the side and waited.

After Young Master Zhang finished his work, he turned his eyes to see Wen Chi holding a cup of tea with both hands sitting on the chair by the window, lifting the tea cup to take a sip from time to time looking utterly harmless.

The sun shone from the window and fell on Wen Chi’s body, making his skin white and his black hair dyed a light yellow, making people want to rub it.

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Young Master Zhang was stunned. At this moment, he seemed to understand His Highness the Crown Prince’s preferences.

No wonder the emperor sent so many men and women to the East Palace in the past, but only Wen Chi caught the eye of His Highness the Crown Prince. It turned out that His Highness the Crown Prince liked such innocent and harmless little boys.

One had to say that His Highness the Crown Prince’s preferences are indeed somewhat different.

Young Master Zhang looked down at his fancy clothes and suddenly felt his cheeks getting hot. He used the action of arranging his clothes to hide the hem of his shirt back, then walked over, “Young Master Wen, what are you doing sitting here? I’ve had everything prepared, let’s get started.”

Wen Chi nodded and quickly put down the tea cup in his hand.

Although Young Master Zhang was not proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, he does have a pair of dexterous hands. He was extremely good at making dishes and pastries. Moreover, he always has his own ideas and created many things that even a modern person like Wen Chi have never heard of.

Compared to the ingenious Young Master Zhang, Wen Chi seems much clumsy.

Fortunately, Young Master Zhang was not only thoughtful but also very patient. He gently guided Wen Chi step by step on what to do.

After busying for an hour, Wen Chi made an improved version of jujube paste pastry1 under the guidance of Young Master Zhang.

“The jujube pastry made by ordinary people is too sweet, so sweet that I can’t get used to them, so I came up with this kind of jujube pastry.” Young Master Zhang sat across from Wen Chi and picked up a piece of jujube pastry from the plate with great satisfaction. He took a small bite, showing a look of surprise, “This kind of jujube paste pastry is what I like. It’s small, sour and sweet. Young Master Wen’s craftsmanship is really good, you only took a short while to make the jujube paste pastry that I’ve been pondering for more than ten days to figure out.” 

Young Master Zhang was not stingy with his praises, praising Wen Chi to the sky with his words.

Wen Chi was embarrassed by the praise, so he also tasted a piece of jujube paste cake. It was delicious, but it was not as delicious as Young Master Zhang said.

Wen Chi knew in his heart that Young Master Zhang praise him to please Shi Ye, so he did not take Young Master Zhang’s flattering words into his heart.



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