
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Thursday Updates –> Chapter 4/12

Chapter 143.2

To be honest, the taste of this jujube paste pastry was really average. Apart from the sweetness, there is nothing else that attracted him. The appearance was not as good as the famous pastries in the capital and it was not as soft as what the royal chef in the palace made…

But this jujube paste pastry was so delicious, the sweetness swept all the way to his heart.

Wen Chi stared with a pair of round almond eyes, like a squirrel lying on the edge of the table. When he saw Shi Ye finishing the remaining jujube paste pastry, he hurriedly asked: “How is it?”

Shi Ye directly gave Wen Chi a high hat1(flatter): “This tastes absolutely amazing!”

Wen Chi actually felt a little embarrassed: “How can you say it so exaggeratedly.”

Although he said this, looking at his reaction, he was still very flattered by this sentence.

Shi Ye smiled: “But it’s a bit sweet.”

“Why is it sweet?” Wen Chi, who was still very embarrassed a second ago, immediately looked up and said, “Don’t you like sweet things?”

“But this is too sweet.” Shi Ye stood up and walked over to Wen Chi. Under Wen Chi’s upturned gaze, he lowered his head and kissed him.


Shi Ye kissed slowly, but extremely heavily.

His tongue pushed in bit by bit, like attacking the city and occupying the high ground, causing Wen Chi to be defeated in an instant and the hands subconsciously holding on to his shoulders softened.

After a long time, Shi Ye pulled away.

When he did, a silver thread stretched between them so Shi Ye raised his hand and wiped it away.

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Shi Ye held Wen Chi’s face with both hands, caressed Wen Chi’s red cheek, and said with a smile, “Is it sweet?”

Wen Chi’s cheeks were so hot that they felt like they could burn. He didn’t know where the courage came from but he deliberately smacked his lips: “The time is too short, I couldn’t taste it.”

Shi Ye laughed, lowered his head and kissed him again.

The two chatted for a while and then Ruo Fang came over with a bowl of white fungus and red dates.


Now that Wen Chi’s belly is bigger, he finally no longer needs to drink the bitter Antiabortifacient medicine. After drinking too much anti-fetal medicine has made Wen Chi have a psychological shadow on the dark bowl and he insisted that Ruo Fang put the white fungus and red dates in a light colored bowl before he could drink them.

Since Wen Chi went to see Young Master Zhang, with nothing to do, Ruo Fang and several maids who served Wen Chi found an aunt to learn embroidery and wanted to make a few bellybands2 and shoes for the child before Wen Chi gave birth. She didn’t know whether Wen Chi was giving birth to a boy or a girl, so she had to make bellybands and shoes for both boys and girls.

After being busy all afternoon and all night, Ruo Fang was dizzy from the rush. After cooking the white fungus and red dates in the kitchen, she filled a bowl and hurriedly brought it over. Unexpectedly, she accidentally picked up a dark gray bowl.

Wen Chi just took one look at the color of the bowl and refused to touch it no matter what.

Ruo Fang didn’t expect that she would be so confused. She apologized to Wen Chi with a pale face, then picked up the bowl and went back to the kitchen to fill it up again.

“Wait a minute.” Shi Ye suddenly called out to Ruo Fang.

Ruo Fang paused, thinking of Ruo Tao who was still being punished and remembering the mistake she just made, her face turned pale again.

Unexpectedly, Shi Ye just said: “Where is the kitchen? I will go with you.”

Wen Chi was a little surprised. Shi Ye was usually busy with official duties. Even if he sometimes came over early, he would go to the study to deal with things after the evening meal, where would he do these small things like this?

Ruo Fang was also startled by Shi Ye and was so panicked that she stammered: “Your Royal Highness, the kitchen is dirty and messy. How could you go to a place like that…”


Shi Ye interrupted her: “Lead the way.”

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Although Ruo Fang was extremely surprised and didn’t know what Shi Ye was thinking, she didn’t dare to disobey Shi Ye’s order. She gritted her teeth, lowered her head and walked in front to lead the way.

In fact, Shi Ye didn’t think much about it. He wanted to personally serve Wen Chi a bowl of white fungus and red dates with his own hands.

He didn’t expect that Ruo Fang would react like the sky was about to fall and Wen Chi also looked confused and quickly got up and followed him.

Shi Ye asked Wen Chi to sit at the table and wait.

But Wen Chi refused and insisted on following Shi Ye, like a little tail that couldn’t be shaken off.

Shi Ye had no choice but to let Wen Chi follow him.

Wen Chi walked slowly with a big belly and Shi Ye could only slow down. As a result, the two of them walked slower and slower together. They agreed to go to the kitchen to get the white fungus and red dates, but in the end it turned into a walk after dinner.

After walking, Wen Chi no longer wanted to drink white fungus and red dates. He yawned, feeling sleepy.

At this time, the moon was rising and the night was getting deeper and deeper.

“No more walking.” Shi Ye said, “It’s time to rest.”

Wen Chi nodded, squinted his eyes, rested his head on Shi Ye’s shoulder and let Shi Ye pull him towards the bedroom.

After a simple scrubbing, they returned to the bedroom. Wen Chi pointed to one of the cabinets: “I put the spirit stones in that cabinet.”

Shi Ye helped Wen Chi get on the bed and patiently took off Wen Chi’s clothes and shoes. He let Wen Chi lie down and pulled the corner of the quilt for Wen Chi.

Wen Chi was six months pregnant and could not sleep on his back. The doctor suggested that he sleep on his left side but sleeping this way meant that his back was facing Shi Ye.


But this made Wen Chi lose his sense of security and attempted to turn over.

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This is a translation hosted on KnoxT, copies found elsewhere are either stolen or plagiarized. Please support the translator by reading it at KnoxT.

But, Shi Ye’s hand gently pressed on his arm, stopping him from trying to turn over.

“Go to sleep.” Shi Ye lied down beside the bed but instead of getting into the quilt, he held Wen Chi in his arms together with the quilt, “I’m right here.”

Wen Chi leaned in Shi Ye’s embrace, unable to move. He could only tilt his head back, feeling that this would bring him closer to Shi Ye.

He was already sleepy and somewhat disoriented but then he thought of the words that Shi Ye had said not long ago and the lingering sense of crisis still prompted him to speak in a daze, “Don’t leave.”

“Hmm.” Shi Ye said, “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Don’t go out either.”


“Shi Ye, I’m so scared. I’m afraid you’ll be gone when I wake up… Can you promise me not to leave? At least tell me your thoughts, otherwise I won’t know where to find you…”

“Hmm.” Shi Ye kissed the top of his head.

“Shi Ye, didn’t you say that spirit stones can bring people back to life? Why would you rather give it to the emperor or me than use it to save yourself… That child said that you don’t have many days left, I don’t know if I should believe his words ……”

Wen Chi’s mind was so chaotic that he couldn’t even hold his eyelids up but the little consciousness that remained still allowed him to babble on and on, but later on, even he didn’t know what he was talking about.

He heard his voice getting smaller and smaller, until it was reduced to an inarticulate mumbling.

After an unknown amount of time, he vaguely heard Shi Ye’s sigh from above his head, “It’s a pity that I can’t help myself, I can only wait for you to help me, I hope that my guesses are all right.”

Then, Wen Chi lost consciousness again.

He was plunged into darkness.

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The next day.

When Wen Chi woke up, the person next to him had disappeared.

He blinked blankly and waited until he was fully awake, then he called out in a somewhat hoarse voice, “Ruo Fang.”

Ruo Fang, who heard him, ran in quickly: “Young Master, you’re awake.”

Wen Chi asked: “Where is Shi Ye?”

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Young Master are really in love.” Ruo Fang teased with a smile while helping Wen Chi sit up. “The last words His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said before leaving was to tell this servant to take good care of the Young Master. As soon as, Young Master woke up, the first thing you asked was about His Highness the Crown Prince’s whereabouts.”

Finally, she added, “His Royal Highness left at midnight. Perhaps he had something urgent to do and left in a hurry.”

Wen Chi asked blankly: “Did he say where he was going?”

Ruo Fang shook her head: “If His Highness the Crown Prince didn’t say, this servant girl wouldn’t dare to inquire arbitrarily.”

Wen Chi thought of what Shi Ye said yesterday and the ominous premonition swirling in his heart became stronger and stronger. His face didn’t look good and he didn’t care that he had just gotten up, he just wanted to go to Eunuch Zhu to ask for details.

But as soon as he moved, Ruo Fang heard him exclaim, “Ouch!”

“What is this?” Ruo Fang picked up two things beside Wen Chi and took a look. “It looks like a painting and a beautiful stone.”



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