
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Sunday Updates –> Chapter 1/4

Chapter 158 (Extra:4)


Facts proved that not only little Xia Tian is an eyesore, but the wet nurses taking care of little Xia Tian is even more of an eyesore. Now that the number of wet nurses has suddenly increased to more than a dozen people, the word “eyesore” cannot be described as just one “eyesore”.

As long as Shi Ye came to Wen Chi’s palace, he would see the wet nurses everywhere. Originally, he wanted to spend some time alone with Wen Chi but an ignorant wet nurse barged in directly: “Young Master, Young Master, little Xia Tian opened his eyes. “

“What?” Wen Chi pushed Shi Ye away from him.

The wet nurse, who was immersed in joy, did not notice Shi Ye’s gradually sinking face and repeated happily: “The little prince opened his eyes.”

Wen Chi was surprised and happy and immediately ignored Shi Ye and stood up to follow the wet nurse.

Shi Ye was left alone sitting on the chair in a daze. He watched as Wen Chi and the wet nurse disappeared from sight. The hands on his knees were clenched into fists and then slowly loosened and he breathed heavily as if a breath of air was clogged up in his chest that he could not get up and down and in the end, he could only slowly digest it.

After calming down, he stood up and followed.

When Shi Ye came to the next room, Wen Chi, who was holding little Xia Tian, was surrounded by a dozen wet nurses. The wet nurses surrounded Wen Chi and little Xia Tian, three layers inside and three layers outside and the originally spacious room became narrower all of a sudden because of the crowd.


Shi Ye wandered outside the crowd for a while. He wanted to squeeze in but looking at the room full of women, he didn’t know how to squeeze in. So he hesitated for a long time and his face became increasingly ugly.

Unfortunately, everyone’s attention, including Wen Chi, was on little Xia Tian. They looked at little Xia Tian happily and no one noticed that the emperor was extremely unhappy standing at the door.

When Shi Ye looked at the harmonious scene in front of him, he suddenly doubted his life. He wondered if these wet nurses were sent by Prince Qi to screw him over.

So Shi Ye stood like this for a long time while sulking.

By the time Wen Chi finished teasing little Xia Tian and noticed Shi Ye who had not squeezed in, Shi Ye had already lost most of his anger. When he met Wen Chi’s gaze through the crowd, he suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

This was a feeling he had never had before, somehow, that strong sense of grievance just surged up.

Shi Ye looked at Wen Chi longingly, looking as lonely as a puppy abandoned by its owner.

Wen Chi felt it was funny but couldn’t help but feel distressed. He carried little Xia Tian and walked through the wet nurses towards Shi Ye. When he came to Shi Ye, he put little Xia Tian into Shi Ye’s arms: “Won’t you give him a hug?”


Shi Ye lowered his eyes and looked at little Xia Tian.

Little Xia Tian, ​​who was already more than three months old, was much fatter than when he was born and was no longer wrinkled. Little Xia Tian opened his black pearls like eyes and stared at Shi Ye curiously.

It must be said that the fatter little Xia Tian is much cuter, with fair skin and black hair. Although his eyes were still small, they didn’t stop Wen Chi from overflowing with fatherly love. The more he looked at little Xia Tian, ​​the happier he felt. He lowered his head and pointed the tip of his nose at little Xia Tian’s face and rubbed it gently: “When will our little Xia Tian grow up? Just grow up quickly.”

Wen Chi looked at little Xia Tian happily for a while. And then he realized that Shi Ye didn’t reach out to take little Xia Tian at all.

“What’s wrong with you?” Wen Chi was very surprised. In the past, when Shi Ye saw Little Xia Tian, he wouldn’t let go of him but now he is suddenly putting on airs.

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Shi Ye stared at little Xia Tian’s tiny face with a complicated expression. After a long pause, he suddenly said: “I won’t hug him.”

“…” Wen Chi thought he heard wrongly, “What did you say?”

Shi Ye frowned, and after a fierce inner struggle, he still compromised and reluctantly reached out to hug little Xia Tian: “It’s okay, I’d better give him a hug.”

Wen Chi didn’t know what kind of crazy thing was going on in Shi Ye’s head but seeing Shi Ye’s unwillingness, he also became a little angry and pretended to take little Xia Tian back: “If you don’t want to hold him, then forget it, give the child to me.”

However, before Wen Chi’s hand touched little Xia Tian’s swaddling clothes, he saw Shi Ye turning around to avoid his movement.


Shi Ye said: “I didn’t say I didn’t want to hug him.”

Wen Chi said angrily: “It’s clearly written on your face that you don’t want to hug him.”

Shi Ye retorted stubbornly: “I don’t.”

Wen Chi said through gritted teeth, “I’ll bring you a bronze mirror for you to take a look at, so you can see what’s written on your face.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to hold the child.” Shi Ye said awkwardly, “I just…”

Wen Chi looked at him: “Just what?”

Shi Ye opened his mouth, but hesitated, he still didn’t have the nerve to speak out what was in his heart. How could he have the nerve to tell Wen Chi in front of so many wet nurses that he was drinking vinegar1(jealous).

He hadn’t noticed it before, but at this moment, he felt so clearly that little Xia Tian’s weight in Wen Chi’s heart was even much heavier than his.

This was something that could never have happened before.

Shi Ye didn’t want to admit it but had to and he expressionlessly touched Little Xia Tian’s cheek with his finger.

Little Xia Tian was unaware. He didn’t even know who the two people in front of him were. He just opened his dark eyes and looked around curiously, opening and closing his little mouth.

Shi Ye observed little Xia Tian carefully for a long time and suddenly realized that his son didn’t look very good, so he said: “He really looks like a little monkey.”

“…” Now it was Wen Chi’s turn to be unhappy, “How does he look like a little monkey?”

Shi Ye said: “Everything about him looks like a monkey.”

At this moment, Wen Chi had completely forgotten the fact that he had once said that little Xia Tian was like a little monkey. He glared at Shi Ye and got angry: “You’re the one who’s like a monkey, monkeys give birth to little monkeys.”


Shi Ye paused and suppressed a smile: “You gave birth to little Xia Tian.”

The implication was that Wen Chi is the monkey.

Wen Chi: “…”

He was so angry that his face turned red. Knowing that he couldn’t defeat Shi Ye in an argument, he snatched little Xia Tian from Shi Ye’s arms and turned around to leave.

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Wen Chi was so angry that he ignored Shi Ye for several days. When Shi Ye came to find him, he just lay on the bed and pretended to be asleep, not even wanting to see Shi Ye’s face.

This time Wen Chi was determined to teach Shi Ye a lesson, otherwise Shi Ye would always think that he was still so easy to bully and completely ignore his feelings.

Before, without little Xia Tian, ​​he could tolerate Shi Ye’s bad temper for a while but now that he has little Xia Tian, ​​he doesn’t want to spoil Shi Ye anymore, lest that guy climb up the pole.

Wen Chi and Shi Ye were at odds, but Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi were caught in the middle.

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Wen Chi dared to ignore the emperor, but Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi never dared to say no to the emperor even if they borrowed the courage of a leopard. The emperor ordered them to call Wen Chi out of bed to have a meal, even if they are clear in their hearts that Wen Chi will not listen to their persuasion, they still had to bite the bullet and go to the bedroom.

When they walked in, they saw Wen Chi lying sideways on the bed, holding his head with one hand and staring blankly at little Xia Tian, ​​who was sleeping beside him.

Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi looked at each other and then secretly pushed each other twice.

Unfortunately, Xiao Shuanzi was so cowardly that he buried his head in his collar. In the end, it was Ruo Fang who said: “Young Master…”

Wen Chi had already heard their footsteps and knew what they were going to say. He didn’t even raise his eyes and said calmly: “Hasn’t the emperor left yet?”

“No.” Ruo Fang said in embarrassment, “The emperor said that he will wait until the young master comes, to have dinner together. Young Master, it has been so many days and any anger you have should be gone by now.”

Wen Chi snorted lightly and remained silent.

Until Shi Ye realized where he had done wrong, his anger would not subside.

However, Ruo Fang didn’t know what was going on in Wen Chi’s mind. The little girl simply thought that Wen Chi and the emperor were having some misunderstanding and were just being petty.

“Young Master, there is a limit to a person’s patience.” Ruo Fang persuaded in a low voice, “You can’t challenge the emperor’s bottom line again and again.”

Although the current emperor is focused on Young Master Wen, there is no guarantee that one day things will not change. There are so many vacant places in the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard, which of the ones that will live in the future is not a strong rival?

After all, Young Master Wen has gone through so many hardships with the emperor. Now, instead of taking advantage of the emperor’s favor to quickly improve his status, he has become petty towards the emperor, which is really a bit inappropriate.

What’s more, Young Master Wen has left the Emperor hanging outside for half an hour …….

Ruo Fang was a little scared after thinking about it, so she made up her mind to persuade Wen Chi back to the “right path”.

But before Ruo Fang could speak, Wen Chi snorted again: “My patience also has its limits. The emperor challenges my bottom line again and again. Can’t I be angry?”

Ruo Fang: “…”

Xiao Shuanzi: “…”

Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi both suspected that there was something wrong with their ears. They actually heard such treacherous words from Wen Chi’s mouth. When they realized what he just said, they were so scared that their faces turned green.

Xiao Shuanzi knelt down and said in a trembling voice: “Young Master, you can’t say that!”

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Seeing this, Ruo Fang also quickly knelt down and said, “Yes, Young Master, if the Emperor hears this, you will…”

Before the words “lose your head” could come out of Ruo Fang’s mouth, a voice came from behind them, “Then what do you want?”

When Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi heard Shi Ye’s voice, their green faces immediately turned pale.

When did the Emperor come in?

Then does that mean their conversation just now was clearly heard by the emperor!

Thinking of this, Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi  seemed to see their tragic end.

In the past, when the emperor was still the crown prince, Young Master Wen would often call the crown prince by his name and he would also say many things to the crown prince that they would never dare to think of. However, things are different now. The crown prince is no longer the crown prince, he has become the Supreme Emperor. So how can Young Master Wen still be so presumptuous?

As the saying goes,  accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger. They will all lose their heads if they are not careful.

Just when Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi were in a state of despair, they heard Wen Chi still saying in a very irritated manner, “Why did you come in?”

Hearing this, the cold sweat on Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi’s foreheads slid down their cheeks.

But the next moment, they heard the emperor replying angrily: “Since you don’t want to go out, then I’ll come in, there are plenty of ways, aren’t there?”

Wen Chi said: “You can eat by yourself, I’m not hungry.”

“Since you’re not hungry, I’m not hungry either.” Shi Ye said, ignoring Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi who were kneeling in a row on the ground and walked straight to the bed. He glanced at little Xia Tian, ​​who was still sleeping soundly and then he carefully sat down on the edge of the bed.

Wen Chi didn’t even show any courtesy. When he saw the emperor, he was still lying lazily on the bed. However, due to the presence of Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi, he still said to save face: “Greeting to the emperor.”

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Shi Ye didn’t care about these superficial greetings with Wen Chi. Ever since Wen Chi accidentally used the spirit stone to return to his childhood, it was as if he had a handle on him and his attitude towards him became more and more arrogant. The former Wen Chi, who was often scared by him, has completely disappeared.

However, Shi Ye prefers the current Wen Chi. This is what Wen Chi should look like in his memory.

Thinking so, Shi Ye couldn’t help but reach out and pinch Wen Chi’s cheeks.

Wen Chi shook his head, but found that he could not shake off Shi Ye’s hand, so he widened his almond-shaped eyes and looked at Shi Ye angrily: “What are you doing?”

“I should be asking you this,” Shi Ye said, “As long as I come here, you play with your temper and refuse to come out, so tell me what you’re really angry about?”

Only then did Wen Chi realize that he had been angry for so many days, but Shi Ye didn’t even know what he was angry about. After realizing this, he suddenly became even more angry and sat up from the bed: “I just want to ask you, why did you lose your temper for no reason that day? I asked you to hug little Xia Tian, ​​but you didn’t even want to hug him. “

“…” Shi Ye was silent for a moment, “Why are you talking about this again?”

Seeing that Shi Ye refused to answer, Wen Chi stared at him seriously for a while and then suddenly asked: “You don’t like little Xia Tian anymore?”

Shi Ye seemed to be shocked by Wen Chi’s question. Before he could speak, he reflexively shook his head: “It’s not like that.”

Wen Chi was surprised: “Then why don’t you hug him?”

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Shi Ye was a little upset by Wen Chi’s question and he no longer wanted to hide it. He gritted his teeth, leaned over and pressed Wen Chi, who was caught off guard, on the bed and pressed Wen Chi’s hands that were trying to struggle above his head.

He looked down at Wen Chi condescendingly, as if there were flames burning in his dark eyes.

Wen Chi struggled for a while, but couldn’t break free, so he looked at Shi Ye blankly, but his cheeks turned silently red.

Shi Ye said seriously: “I don’t want to hug him, I only want to hug you.”

“…” Wen Chi’s cheeks were surprisingly hot, “W-what do you mean by that?”

Shi Ye laughed angrily: “Soon you will know what I mean.”

However, before Shi Ye could explain what he meant by his words, little Xia Tian, ​​who was lying next to them, suddenly started crying at the top of his lungs. It was the first time that little Xia Tian made such a loud cry. He cried so hard that his face turned red and his eyes were filled with tears.

Wen Chi was startled by little Xia Tian’s voice and then suddenly realized that little Xia Tian was still lying beside them. In an instant, the redness on his face dissipated into thin air.

Then when he saw Shi Ye still looking confused, he thought of what happened that day again and he became angry and pushed Shi Ye away: “Come on, didn’t you hear the child crying?”

When Shi Ye reacted belatedly, he had already been pushed to the side by Wen Chi. He could only watch as Wen Chi picked up little Xia Tian and coaxed him softly.

At the same time, several wet nurses who heard the noise from outside rushed in and instantly surrounded the bed.

Shi Ye was still in a state of confusion and for a moment he didn’t even know where he was.

After Wen Chi finished coaxing little Xia Tian, ​​he looked up and saw that Shi Ye was still motionless. He made a long face and said in a cold voice: “I still have to look after the child, Your Majesty please return.”

As soon as Wen Chi finished speaking, the wet nurses crowded in front of the bed consciously made way for Shi Ye.

Shi Ye: “…”

Shi Ye didn’t want to leave but he was indeed in the way. He glanced at little Xia Tian, who had calmed down and realized that the strong desire to hold his son before has long since disappeared.

This guy……

In just over three months, he had learned how to compete with him and this liang zi 2(“Jieliangzi” is a slang term in the world, which means that there is a feud or enmity between one person and another person, or between a certain team and another team. The most serious one is “dead Liangzi”, which means that the two sides have formed a mortal hatred and must fight to the death.) has created a feud with him.

Shi Ye said that he would come back tomorrow, then he got out of bed and straightened his clothes and walked out of the room.

When he walked to the door, he saw Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi who were still kneeling and finally had an outlet for his anger: ”Still not leaving? Do you intend to kneel here for the rest of your life?”

Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi trembled and got up from the ground on their hands and feet.

Shi Ye snorted coldly and walked away.

Ruo Fang and Xiao Shuanzi looked at the back of Shi Ye and suddenly felt sympathy in their hearts.

There is a saying that everything has its vanquisher. Judging from the situation just now, the emperor has completely fallen into the hands of the young master.


1(jealous)2(“Jieliangzi” is a slang term in the world, which means that there is a feud or enmity between one person and another person, or between a certain team and another team. The most serious one is “dead Liangzi”, which means that the two sides have formed a mortal hatred and must fight to the death.)

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