
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Sunday Updates –> Chapter 2/4

Chapter 159 (Extra:5)


Shi Ye was also very angry, but he didn’t dare to vent it on Wen Chi, so he could only vent his anger on others, including Eunuch Zhu,  who was on pins and needles all day long and also included Prince Qi and others.

Not to mention Eunuch Zhu, but poor Prince Qi didn’t know what he had done wrong but he vaguely felt that he was being targeted by the emperor.

On the way back to his house from the morning court, Prince Qi recalled everything that had happened during this period and he became more and more certain that the emperor was dissatisfied with him.

It was nothing more than some covert criticism. The emperor often asked for various things from him openly. Even the small bed that he found a craftsman to make for his young son was also taken away by the emperor.

Prince Qi’s heart bleeds when he thinks of the small bed that cost a lot of money to make.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn’t figure out where he had offended the emperor.

To put it one step further, even if he had a hundred leopard hearts1(courage), he would not dare to offend the Emperor whose heart  is even smaller than the tip of a needle.

Prince Qi couldn’t think of a reason and he suddenly felt infinite sadness in his heart.


Just then, someone called him from behind.

Prince Qi stopped and looked back, only to see Prince Yu and Prince Ning walking towards him.

Perhaps it was because they had been criticized by the Emperor not long ago in the courtroom, at this moment, Prince Yu and Prince Ning both looked very unhappy. When they walked up to Prince Qi, the three brothers sighed in unison.

Seeing Prince Qi frown, Prince Yu couldn’t help but say with a smile: “Sixth brother,  you haven’t been taught a lesson by the Emperor, what are you sighing for?”

Prince Qi thought that there were so many ways he was mentally oppressed by the emperor. However, many things cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences so he vaguely said : “It’s nothing, I just feel a bit troubled.”

“What a coincidence. Really coincidental, my tenth brother and I also have some unresolved problems to discuss.” Prince Yu said, “Sixth brother, why don’t we brothers find a place to have a drink?”

Prince Qi didn’t want to go back home so soon and face those noisy children, so he thought about it and agreed.

Then the three of them left the palace and found a restaurant to sit down.


They were regular customers of this restaurant and the boss was familiar with them and prepared good wine and food without them having to order.

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After a few glasses of wine, the three brothers were a little drunk and their words were not as polite as before.

“What do you think is wrong with the emperor? I remember that he has never been so difficult to speak to before.” Prince Qi, who was the most miserable in his heart, finally couldn’t bear it anymore and complained to his two younger brothers with the courage of the wine, “I have done so many things for the emperor, forget about the credit but he doesn’t even acknowledge my hard work.”

Prince Qi took into account the emperor’s vengeful temperament and did not dare to speak too seriously, so he stopped talking.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said these words, Prince Yu and Prince Ning couldn’t help but join him.

Prince Yu blushed and said: “You are right! You don’t know that the emperor has approached me many times in private, talking about some small mistakes I committed a long time ago. At that time, I couldn’t sleep for several days.”

“The emperor also came to see me.” Prince Ning joined in, “Although the emperor didn’t say any harsh words, I could tell that the emperor was not in a good mood.”

The three brothers chattered for a while and then suddenly fell silent at the same time.

At this moment, they came to realize that they didn’t do anything wrong but had just been used as a punching bag by the Emperor.

After realizing this, the three brothers were really angry but dared not speak out and at the same time they were amused.


It’s okay for the emperor to be childish when he was the crown prince. Now he is not only the emperor, but also a father, but why is he still so childish? He does not look like a father at all.

The three brothers each severely spurned the emperor in their hearts. After spurning, the three of them began to frown again.

Now they all knew that the emperor was in a bad mood, but they didn’t know how to resolve it.

Why is the emperor in a bad mood?

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From their point of view, the emperor has been living smoothly ever since he woke up. Apart from the fact that the daily political affairs are too complicated, there seems to be nothing major that can cause the emperor to have such big emotional ups and downs. Firstly, the kingdom is prosperous and flourishing and secondly, their brothers and court ministers are as quiet as chickens and dare not misbehave under the emperor’s eyes. If anything were to happen, then it has something to do with the emperor’s harem…

But as far as they knew, there was only the second young master of the Wen family in the harem. What kind of trouble could just one person stir up?

The three brothers were puzzled.

“Didn’t the Emperor just have a son? Could it be that the problem lies with that child?” Prince Yu asked.

“It’s possible!” Prince Ning said.

“That makes sense…” Prince Qi touched his chin and remembered something. “These days, the emperor is mostly looking for me mostly for the matter of the child. He not only wanted the wetnurses in my mansion but he also took the small bed I prepared for my little son, perhaps the Emperor’s abnormality is really related to that child.”

After Prince Qi said this, Prince Yu and Prince Ning suddenly remembered that although the emperor had also found trouble with them for trivial things, he did come to them several times to inquire about the child’s upbringing.

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Thinking about it, they became more and more certain that the emperor became so strange because of that child.

Usually other people become overjoyed when they have their first child but unfortunately, the emperor became angry like a child and even unreasonably vented his anger on innocent people like them.

Sadly, these poor little brothers don’t even dare to resist…

The three people discussed for a long time and decided to take some action, but they did not dare to act rashly, so they planned to send Young Master Zhang from Prince Qi’s Mansion to get close to the Second Young Master of the Wen Family. Maybe Young Master Zhang could get information from the Second Young Master of the Wen Family.


It so happened that Young Master Zhang had given birth to a child some time ago, so he could take this opportunity to take the child into the palace to visit the Second Young Master of the Wen family.

After making up their mind, the three of them left the restaurant and went back to their respective houses.

When Prince Qi returned to the mansion, he did not even go to his wife’s place, but went straight to Young Master Zhang’s courtyard.

Young Master Zhang was looking after the children in the house. When he heard the servant say that Prince Qi was coming, he immediately went out in surprise.

Prince Qi seemed very happy. Without saying a word, he hugged Young Master Zhang and entered the room. After sitting down, he told Young Master Zhang his plan with Prince Yu and Prince Ning.

Young Master Zhang listened attentively, but the more he listened, the more worried he became: “Wouldn’t it be a bad idea to do this? After all, I am inquiring about the emperor’s affairs. If I accidentally crossed the line, it’s okay for me to be punished, but I’m afraid that I’ll accidentally involve you.”

“How could that happen? You are overthinking.” Prince Qi consoled him, “You have a good relationship with Second Young Master Wen. I heard that Second Young Master Wen is also very easy to talk to. As long as you pay attention to your propriety, you won’t get into trouble.”

Young Master Zhang was a little hesitant, but he couldn’t stand Prince Qi’s persuasions and  so he reluctantly agreed after a while.


Prince Qi was impatient and he wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible, so he kept urging Young Master Zhang to go find Wen Chi.

Young Master Zhang always felt a little guilty. He originally wanted to wait for Wen Chi to take the initiative to come to him, however he had no choice when he was constantly being urged by Prince Qi, so he had to send someone to deliver a message to Wen Chi.

On the other hand, Wen Chi was also busy taking care of his children. After receiving Young Master Zhang’s letter, he was quite happy. Young Master Zhang was experienced in taking care of children and he happened to have many questions that he wanted to discuss with him. So on the following day, he asked Xiao Shuanzi to go and invite Young Master Zhang into the palace.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Zhang did not come alone but also brought his newborn son and two wet nurses.

Young Master Zhang’s youngest son, like little Xia Tian, has not yet been given a first name. His nickname is An An, which means peace for the rest of his life.

An An was much more lively than little Xia Tian ​​and before Young Master Zhang and the others stepped into the palace, his cries had already reached Wen Chi’s ears.

Although Young Master Zhang had given birth to two children, most of them were taken care of by wet nurses. He did not have much experience in coaxing children. He held An An and coaxed him for a long time.  But he still couldn’t stop An An’s crying, so he reluctantly handed An An over to the wet nurse behind him.

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Fortunately, the wet nurse was experienced. She coaxed and patted An An’s back gently. After a while, An An’s crying gradually weakened.

Young Master Zhang looked at Wen Chi who had come out to welcome him, feeling extremely embarrassed: “I’m sorry, Young Master Wen, perhaps the road was a bit bumpy and An An didn’t sleep well.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Wen Chi didn’t mind and smiled and comforted Young Master Zhang, “It’s good for children to be lively, they can cry and make noise and they don’t need to worry about us parents.”

Seeing that Wen Chi didn’t say anything, Young Master Zhang felt relieved. He smiled and said, “Young Master Wen is right.”

Wen Chi welcomed them into the hall and asked Ruo Fang to prepare hot tea and snacks for them.

At this moment, An An’s crying had completely stopped. The little guy seemed tired from crying and slept soundly in the wet nurse’s arms.

The wet nurse held An An skillfully and stood behind Young Master Zhang without saying a word.

When Wen Chi saw this, he immediately asked Xiao Shuanzi to lead the two wet nurses to little Xia Tian’s room.

Shi Ye brought many small beds for little Xia Tian2T/N – [Facepalm] we know one out of those many cots was from Prince Qi’s, lol the poor guy one after another but little Xia Tian only used one. Since there was no need for so many small beds. There were a bunch of small beds piled up in the palace, so An An could use one of them. 

After the wet nurse left, Wen Chi and Young Master Zhang chatted while drinking tea.

Wen Chi was too embarrassed to say that he was worried about his own child’s unattractive appearance, so he could only ask Young Master Zhang some questions about how to raise a child in a roundabout way.

Young Master Zhang did not hide anything and told him everything he could know.

Wen Chi listened and took notes.

Young Master Zhang kept in mind the mission given to him by Prince Qi. After talking for a while, he saw that Wen Chi was in high spirits and hurriedly said while the iron was hot3(act at good opportunity or while circumstances are favorable): “By the way, Young Master Wen, to be honest, the main reason why I came here today is that I heard that Prince Qi say the other day that the Emperor had sought him out a few times over the matter of the child. So I thought that since I was also going through the same issues and as a ger myself, I might be able to share some of the worries for the Emperor and Young Master Wen.”

Hearing this, Wen Chi was stunned for a moment: “His Majesty sought out Prince Qi?”

Young Master Zhang was also stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that Wen Chi didn’t know about this. He didn’t know whether what he said was right or wrong. After thinking for a moment, he responded vaguely: “It seems like there have been a few times, I only heard Prince Qi accidentally mention it.”

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Wen Chi always thought that he was the only one worrying about little Xia Tian. Unexpectedly, Shi Ye secretly asked Prince Qi for advice. His heart softened and he blurted out: “You also know that little Xia Tian was born prematurely and is not in good health……..”

Wen Chi briefly explained the situation to Young Master Zhang, but he did not directly say that he had previously disliked his son’s ugly appearance. Instead, he said more tactfully that little Xia Tian might be a bit too thin, which caused his appearance to be a bit dry and is not as cute as a normal new born baby.

After hearing these words, Young Master Zhang was a little surprised.

He thought the emperor was angry because of something big, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter…

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The stone hanging in Young Master Zhang’s heart was quickly let down. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: “Young Master Wen, don’t worry. The little prince is just three months old,  it’s normal for him to be thinner, when he grows up a bit more, he will be more lively.”

Wen Chi looked happy: “Really?”

“Of course it is true. The emperor currently only has one son, so he will be served with the best things. There are so many good things in this kingdom and most of them are in this palace. So anyone who is raised in this palace can raise a good body, let alone the little prince.”

Young Master Zhang spoke in a coherent and reasonable manner and it reached Wen Chi’s heart.

The smile on Wen Chi’s face became even brighter: “Thank you, Young Master Zhang.”

“Young Master Wen, you’re welcome.” Young Master Zhang said, “Besides, An An is also thin and dark. Prince Qi often said that An An doesn’t look like me or him and  said that he doesn’t know where I picked up such an ugly baby, so I’m still mad at him now.”

Wen Chi was so amused that he burst into laughter and for a moment he felt a sense of empathy.

The two chatted for a long time. It wasn’t until little Xia Tian’s wet nurse came to tell her that little Xia Tian might be waking up soon and only then did Wen Chi get up to go take a look.

Young Master Zhang naturally stood up and followed him.

They talked and laughed as they arrived at the door and when they entered the room, they saw two small beds placed side by side, with Little Xia Tian and An An lying on the respective beds, sound asleep.

When they got closer, they saw that the child on the small bed on the left was white and chubby and he pouted his mouth unconsciously when sleeping, looking silly and cute. While the child on the small bed on the right was skinny, although he was almost a hundred days old, it looked very small and his facial features had not yet unfolded, making him look like a twisted ball and he was really not eye-catching to look at.

Obviously, the child on the small bed on the left is An An and the child on the small bed on the right is little Xia Tian.

Without comparison, there is no harm. After the two children were lying on two small beds side by side, the damage was unknowingly increased to the maximum.

Wen Chi: “…”

Young Master Zhang: “…”

The two people looked at each other and fell silent.

At this moment, Xiao Shuanzi came running in from outside: “Young Master, the emperor is here.”


1(courage)2T/N – [Facepalm] we know one out of those many cots was from Prince Qi’s, lol the poor guy3(act at good opportunity or while circumstances are favorable)

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