
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Sunday Updates –> Chapter 3/4

Chapter 160 (Extra:6)


After hearing what Xiao Shuanzi said, Young Master Zhang turned pale with fright.

Although he had never met the emperor, he had always been afraid of the emperor who was rumored to have a bad temper. Now that he had come here with ulterior motives and encountered such an embarrassing incident, he felt guilty and wanted to immediately turn into a wisp of smoke and disappear into the air.

But the reality is that he has nowhere to hide and can only freeze like a helpless child.

Wen Chi was right next to him, his eyes still darting back and forth between the two children, with unconcealable embarrassment on his face.

Young Master Zhang thought that Wen Chi would go out to greet the emperor, but to his surprise, Wen Chi didn’t even move and seemed to have no intention of going out to greet the emperor.

Soon, the sound of footsteps came from outside.

Young Master Zhang subconsciously turned around and only had time to catch a glimpse of a bright yellow figure from the corner of his eyes, when he found that everyone around him had fallen to their knees – except for Wen Chi, who was still standing still.

Before Young Master Zhang’s brain could react, his legs had already followed the crowd and knelt down on the ground. 


In the quiet room, the only sound was the emperor’s footsteps getting closer and closer.

After all, Young Master Zhang had never experienced many big-scale events1meeting the emperor is a huge deal for normal people. He was so nervous that his heart was pounding. His head drooped lower and lower and was almost buried in his collar. He was really scared, not only afraid of facing the emperor but also afraid that his ulterior motives would be exposed. 

If the emperor knew that he had ulterior motives when approaching Wen Chi, he’s afraid that he will only come in vertically and go out horizontally2be killed today.

Young Master Zhang became more and more uneasy as he thought about it and he almost fainted from the miserable picture he had imagined.

He regretted it. If he had known that the emperor would come, he would not have spoken nonsense in front of Wen Chi. He was afraid that Wen Chi would say his superfluous words to the emperor …….

Just as soon as he finished thinking this, the emperor’s black boots stopped in front of him.

Young Master Zhang held onto his breath.

At this moment, his heart seemed to burst out of his chest.


But what he didn’t expect was that the emperor seemed not to notice his presence, and said to Wen Chi in a gentle tone: “Is little Xia Tian still sleeping?”

Wen Chi hummed and said: “He’s asleep.”

“Since he has fallen asleep, let’s go out.” The emperor said. But then he suddenly paused as if he had seen something. Then, his voice suddenly sank, “Who is this child? Why is he lying on Little Xia Tian’s bed?”

Wen Chi quickly explained: “This is An An, the youngest son of Prince Qi. Young Master Zhang brought An An to see me today. An An fell asleep, so I asked the wet nurse to put An An here, so that the wet nurse will not get tired from holding him and secondly, it’s comfortable for the baby to sleep like this.”

After hearing what Wen Chi said, the emperor fell silent.

Young Master Zhang was still kneeling on the ground along with everyone. He couldn’t see the emperor’s expression and naturally couldn’t guess what the emperor was thinking at this moment. But then he thought about the contrast between the two children on the cribs, for a moment he felt like crying. 

How did he know that two such good-looking people like the Emperor and Wen Chi, would give birth to such a thin and small child?

In fact, the little prince is not ugly, it can only be said that he is not very pleasing to the eye. In addition, now he has An An, who was born normally and is fair and fat, for comparison, so the little prince became immediately inferior to him.

Young Master Zhang regretted it greatly.

He regretted bringing An An, and he regretted putting An An on the little prince’s cot. He even regretted saying to Wen Chi that his son was ugly. If he were Wen Chi, he would also find those words hypocritical.


While Young Master Zhang was thinking wildly, the emperor finally spoke: “Where is that person?”

Young Master Zhang knew that the emperor was talking about him and he trembled violently. He just wanted to turn into an ostrich and bury his head in the soil.

As soon as Wen Chi saw Shi Ye’s expression, he knew that this person was unhappy again. He could almost guess the reason why this person was unhappy. Although An An’s appearance did indeed dampen his self-esteem, he was not willing to vent his anger on Young Master Zhang and An An for such a trivial matter.

After all, it wasn’t Young Master Zhang and An An’s fault. If someone was to be blamed, it should be him because he was too careless in the first place…

Wen Chi suppressed the sense of loss that surged in his heart and reached out to tug at Shi Ye’s sleeve, showing a slightly dissatisfied expression: “Young Master Zhang is right in front of you, and you didn’t even look at him when you walked in.”

Only after Wen Chi reminded him of this did Shi Ye notice Young Master Zhang kneeling in front of him and he said indifferently, “Get up, all of you.”

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After hearing this, everyone, including Young Master Zhang, quickly got up from the ground while saying thank you to the emperor in a trembling voice.

After Young Master Zhang stood up, he did not dare to raise his eyes to look at Shi Ye. Instead, he stared at his toes anxiously,  like a student in the academy who had made a mistake and was waiting for the master to punish him.

Wen Chi sensed the fear in Young Master Zhang’s expression, so he came to his rescue and said, “Your Majesty, this is Young Master Zhang.”

Young Master Zhang bowed politely: “Greetings, to Your Majesty.”

“Exempt from salute.” Shi Ye said, seemingly casually scanning Young Master Zhang from head to toe and then smiled coldly, “You are one of Prince Qi’s people right?”

Hearing Shi Ye’s cold tone, Young Master Zhang suddenly had a bad premonition and replied with a white face: “Yes.”

As expected, Shi Ye said unceremoniously: “I see that Prince Qi usually dresses like a human being, but why do the people around him have such ghostly demeanours3Generally used to express contempt for others’ appearance, behavior, style, etc.? Do you wish you could turn yourself into a butterfly? Just now, I thought that something colorful had fallen on the ground.”

Young Master Zhang’s face became completely bloodless. He didn’t know how to answer Shi Ye’s words. The desire to survive made him kneel on the ground again: “I know I’m wrong, I beg your majesty to forgive me!”

Wen Chi was startled by Young Master Zhang’s sudden action. He remembered that he was the one who invited Young Master Zhang into the palace. Seeing this scene, he only felt both embarrassed and awkward, he couldn’t even care about etiquette, he took hold of Shi Ye’s hand, “Your Majesty, don’t go too far, this person is a guest.”


Shi Ye was staring coldly at Young Master Zhang when he suddenly heard the warning on Wen Chi’s voice. He suddenly came back to his senses. When he turned to look at Wen Chi, the coldness on his face was completely gone, leaving only a faint gentle smile. He clasped Wen Chi’s hand and interlocked his hands with Wen Chi’s fingers.

“Of course I know.” Shi Ye said with a smile, “I was just joking with him. Who knew he could not stand being scared?”

Wen Chi was not stupid enough to believe Shi Ye’s excuse, which was full of loopholes but he knew that he could not disagree with Shi Ye in front of so many people. So he had to secretly squeeze Shi Ye’s hand and glanced in the direction of Young Master Zhang, the meaning of which was obvious.

But Shi Ye blinked at him innocently, as if he didn’t understand what he meant.

Wen Chi knew that this man was pretending to be stupid and was a little angry. He simply shook off Shi Ye’s hand and stepped forward to help Young Master Zhang up: “Young Master Zhang, please get up first. Let’s sit outside and talk.”

Unexpectedly, Young Master Zhang not only refused to get up, but also turned away to avoid his outstretched hand.

Wen Chi’s hand froze in mid-air.

Until Shi Ye’s voice came from behind: “Get up.”

Only then did Zhang Gongzi get up from the ground. He looked extremely cautious. He didn’t even dare to tidy up his messy clothes. After raising his eyes and meeting Wen Chi’s gaze, he smiled apologetically at Wen Chi. .

Wen Chi sighed in his heart and silently retracted his hand.

“It’s getting late, so there’s no need to sit down. You go back first.” Shi Ye’s voice came from behind again, without any warmth at all, “Take your children away by the way.”

Young Master Zhang froze for a moment before he understood what Shi Ye meant. He didn’t dare to linger on and said goodbye to Wen Chi. Then he and the two wet nurses carried An An out of the house at a very fast speed.

Wen Chi watched Young Master Zhang and his party disappear from sight, then looked back at Shi Ye, only to see Shi Ye looking at him with an innocent face.

“…” Wen Chi was so angry that he pulled Shi Ye out of the house, stopping where there were only the two of them, “You did it on purpose didn’t you?”

Shi Ye said, “What do you mean?”

Wen Chi said: “Intentionally kicked out Young Master Zhang by pretending to be angry.”

“I should be the one to ask you this.” When talking about this, Shi Ye couldn’t hold back his anger, “Did that butterfly4T/N – I like the nicknames that Shi Ye come up with do it on purpose? How dare he compare his child with my royal son? Could it be that the cot I prepared for little Xia Tian is just for those kittens and puppies to just sleep in?”

What kittens and puppies…

Wen Chi was almost stunned by this name calling and said both angrily and  amused manner: “An An is the son of Prince Qi, and he is your nephew in name after all. Please be polite.”

“I don’t care.” Shi Ye turned his head and said in an unreasonable manner, “I hate that butterfly and the little white pig. I won’t be polite to them.”

Wen Chi: “…”

It’s okay to call Young Master Zhang a butterfly, but why call An An a little white pig?

He found that Shi Ye was as unreasonable as a child when he lost his temper. Where did he look like he was already a father?

The two of them started to argue like this.  Wen Chi was angry at Shi Ye for disrespecting his guests and Shi Ye was angry at Wen Chi for casually giving the little Xia Tian’s bed to other people’s children to sleep in. The two sides refused to give in and the quarrel lasted for a long time without any solution. 

In the end, Wen Chi couldn’t bear it anymore and harshly said: “Forget it, since we don’t agree with each other. I have nothing to say to you.”

Shi Ye also retorted angrily: “I have nothing to say to you either.”

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Wen Chi said: “Then you leave.”

Shi Ye said: “I’m leaving.”

Wen Chi said: “Leave right now.”

Shi Ye said: “I’m leaving now.”

After saying that, Shi Ye turned around and left.

Wen Chi looked at Shi Ye’s back and clenched his fists. He suddenly felt aggrieved and blurted out: “If you leave now, don’t ever come back again.”

Before he finished speaking, he felt the light in front of him dim.

When Wen Chi reacted, he was already held tightly in Shi Ye’s arms.

Shi Ye hugged him tightly, as if he wanted to rub him into his body. When Shi Ye spoke, his chest rose and fell very obviously: “Then I won’t leave, I will stay here for the rest of my life.”

Wen Chi buried his face in Shi Ye’s arms and said in a muffled voice, “Are you really not leaving?”

“I’m not leaving.”

“Weren’t you so decisive just now?”

“…” Shi Ye paused, “I was just pretending.”

Wen Chi couldn’t help but smile and the grievances accumulated in his heart disappeared instantly.

He thought to himself, forget it, after today, whether Young Master Zhang is still willing to be friends with him is a question. There is no need to quarrel with Shi Ye over Young Master Zhang and An An’s appearance has indeed caused a certain blow to both him and Shi Ye.

At first Ruo Fang had sworn that Young Master Zhang’s son would look like little Xia Tian, but in the end only little Xia Tian was not so cute.

But what Young Master Zhang said is not unreasonable. Little Xia Tian is only three months old and the road ahead is so long, so if he takes good care of his body from now on, he won’t be so sick and thin all his life.

Thinking like this, Wen Chi slowly felt relieved.

The not so cute little Xia Tian is still little Xia Tian, ​​his and Shi Ye’s son and their flesh and blood.

So the two people who had been having a huge quarrel not long ago went to see little Xia Tian together. Just then little Xia Tian woke up and the two of them happily teased their son.

Eunuch Zhu and Xiao Shuanzi followed them and watched as they went from calmness to quarrels, from quarrels to escalation of war, from escalation of war to sudden cessation and finally from sudden cessation to love and affection – this seemingly complex and ups and downs process only took less than half an hour.

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In just half an hour, Xiao Shuanzi experienced countless sorrows and joys.

Later, Xiao Shuanzi calmed down and turned to look at Eunuch Zhu who was always expressionless. He couldn’t help but express his doubts: “Eunuch Zhu, aren’t you worried about them?”

If the emperor and the young master really had a quarrel, the servants like them would be the ones who would suffer in the end and they would have to be mindful of their master’s face and act with trepidation.

Eunuch Zhu clicked his tongue: “You have been following Young Master Wen for some time, haven’t you understood the truth?”

Xiao Shuanzi looked confused: “What does Eunuch Zhu mean?”

Eunuch Zhu said: “If they want to argue, let them argue. If they want to make a fuss, let them make a fuss. Do you think there was a time when they didn’t make a fuss? They keep saying they want to separate, but when you look back, they don’t even know when they got back together.”

Xiao Shuanzi: “…”

He had to admit that when he thinks about it carefully, what Eunuch Zhu said makes sense.

Eunuch Zhu patted Xiao Shuanzi’s shoulder and comforted him: “Just watch them argue and don’t take it to heart. Their faces change like the month of June5apparently the weather changes rapidly in the month of june, changeable weather in June is caused by the continuous intersection of hot and cold air. When June enters summer, the weather becomes hotter and hotter, and the force of warm air continues to strengthen. However, in June, the force of cold air still exists, and as the cold and warm air begin to This intersection has caused changeable weather in most parts of the country..

Xiao Shuanzi held it in for a while and sighed: “Yeah…”

Their faces did change faster than the month of June.


On the other side.

Young Master Zhang returned to the mansion with a sad look on his face and found that Prince Qi had been waiting in his courtyard for a long time.

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Faced with the expectant look in Prince Qi’s eyes, Young Master Zhang did not dare to spoil his mood but he also did not dare to talk nonsense in front of him, so Young Master Zhang omitted what happened after the emperor came, and only said that the emperor and Young Master Wen seemed to be worried about the little prince’s appearance.

After hearing this, Prince Qi couldn’t help showing a surprised expression: “His Majesty is the most handsome among men and Young Master Wen is also a talented person. The child they give birth to together won’t be any worse, right?”

Young Master Zhang fell silent. He thought of the appearance of the little prince, and then of his son An An and barely managed to hold back before saying: “The little prince is indeed not that good-looking. After all, the little prince was not born at full term and he is in poor health. He will get better after being well raised in the palace. Maybe it’s because this is the first time both the Emperor and Young Master Wen have become fathers, they are a little anxious in this regard.”

“So it is like this…..” Prince Qi was surprised and quickly calmed down. He touched his chin and fell into contemplation.

If the emperor is worried about something else, then it may not be so easy to solve. But if the emperor is only worried about the prince’s appearance, then this matter will be much easier to solve.

With so many people in this great kingdom, there is nothing to worry about not being able to find anyone to carry on the emperor’s lineage.

The more Prince Qi thought about it, the more he felt that this matter had to be resolved as soon as possible. So he immediately called Prince Yu and Prince Ning. The three brothers discussed together for a long time and decided to take the initiative to recruit a harem for the emperor.

Which emperor in the past did not have three palaces and six courtyards? In other words, their poor imperial brother only had one man in his huge harem and even when turning over the plaque at night, there was only one plaque to turn over6Turning over tiles was a method and procedure used by emperors in ancient times to choose concubines to sleep with. Each tile represented a concubine. The emperor would turn over the tiles whichever one he liked, and whichever tile was turned over would determine which concubine the emperor would like..

Which of their brothers is not a polygamist? Brother emperor was the only one with a single wife.

No, their royal brother is too pitiful.

They had to put this matter on the agenda as soon as possible.

However, before they had time to act, Prince Qi got a task – someone reported that the officials at the Xizhou border were seriously accepting bribes and Prince Qi had to accompany a few officials to go and take a look.

In fact, Xizhou is not under the control of Prince Qi. Even if it is under the control of Prince Qi, he didn’t have to personally go to investigate it. However, the emperor personally ordered it and Prince Qi had to do as he was told.

So Prince Qi began to doubt his life again.

Prince Qi naturally did not want to go to the border of Xizhou. He was used to enjoying a comfortable life in the capital and who would want to go to the barbarian land on the border to endure hardship? Moreover, that matter should not have been under his control.

Prince Qi thought about it and came to a conclusion – he was being targeted by the emperor again.

But why did the emperor target him?

Prince Qi still couldn’t understand. He was so sad that he went to a restaurant alone to get drunk. When he was halfway drunk, Prince Yu and Prince Ning also joined him.

The three brothers sat down and started drinking together tacitly. When they were half drunk, using the courage of the wine, they started complaining about the emperor.

Prince Qi’s eyes were red: “I really don’t understand, how did I offend the emperor? I am such an honest person and never does anything that goes beyond the rules. Why is the emperor still targeting me?”

Prince Yu said: “Yes, the emperor really went too far this time.”

Prince Ning, who drank the most, immediately slammed the table and made a hot-headed decision: “Why don’t we go to the emperor and ask for an explanation. Anyway, since it’s a matter of death, I want to know what’s going on, even if I become a ghost.”

“No, no, no.” Prince Qi kept shaking his head, “We are princes after all? How can we die so easily? The Emperor has plenty of ways to torture us.”

When King Ning heard this, he became frustrated: “Then what should we do? Can we just sit back and wait for death?”

Prince Yu was silent for a moment, then said thoughtfully: “That’s not necessarily the case. Maybe we can mention the matter of filling up the harem to the emperor first. If the emperor focuses most of his attention on the harem, he may not be able to care about us.”

Prince Qi and Prince Ning both agreed that it was a good idea.

So the three brothers who had been cowardly in front of Shi Ye for more than 20 years, finally became brave with the help of wine – they got into the carriage and went straight to the palace without saying a word.

That night, while Shi Ye was still dealing with important matters in the study, he heard Eunuch Zhu’s footsteps approaching in a hurry.

“Your Majesty!” Eunuch Zhu said, “Prince Qi, Prince Yu and Prince Ning  suddenly appeared outside in a drunken state, clamoring to see the Emperor.”

Shi Ye was reading a memorial. He was not surprised after hearing Eunuch Zhu’s words. He put the memorial on the desk, closed his eyes tiredly, raised his hand and pinched the root of his nose: “Let them in.”

Eunuch Zhu was still hesitant: “Your Majesty, they seem to be drunk and smell of alcohol.”

Shi Ye said: “It doesn’t matter.”

Eunuch Zhu responded and went out to lead the three brothers into the study.

Not long after, the three brothers, who were still howling in the carriage to seek justice for Prince Qi, walked into the study where the sound of needle drops could be heard. And all of a sudden, they sobered up and they all turned from three lively monkeys into three quails that were as quiet as chickens.

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They pushed each other all the way in, and then sat down on the chairs side by side under the instructions of Eunuch Zhu.

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Shi Ye stood up from the desk and sat down opposite the three brothers.

Eunuch Zhu quickly poured hot tea for them.

Shi Ye picked up the teacup and took a sip. After putting down the teacup, he looked up and saw the three brothers each holding a cup of tea, all of them looking like they wanted to speak.

“What?” Shi Ye pulled the corners of his lips and smiled, “You came here in the middle of the night just to have a cup of tea?”

Prince Yu and Prince Ning immediately turned their attention to their brother, Prince Qi.

After Prince Qi felt the gaze of his two younger brothers, he had to bite the bullet and say: “That’s not entirely true… Your Majesty, to be honest, we brothers have taken the liberty of coming here because we want to discuss something important with the Emperor.”

Shi Ye leaned back, changed his sitting position and listened attentively: “Speak.”

Although Shi Ye always had a slight smile on his face, Prince Qi didn’t feel that he was really smiling. Instead, he felt that the three of them had been seen through by the emperor.

Prince Qi suddenly met Shi Ye’s gaze. For some reason, he suddenly didn’t dare to speak, so he turned to Prince Yu for help.

Prince Yu gritted his teeth and said: “Today we brothers were drinking together, and suddenly the topic of age came up. We discovered that the emperor is also thirty, and a man stands at thirty7standing at thirty’ as: standing up, establishing a career, and establishing a family. The goal at the age of thirty is to establish one’s own moral character and have one’s own career and family.. So, perhaps it is time for His Majesty to extend the royal family lineage while establishing his career.”

“Yes.” Prince Qi said, relying on Prince Yu’s words, “Since the emperor succeeded the the throne, there has been only one son, so the number of descendants is really less.”

Prince Ning also said: “The three palaces and six courtyards have been empty as well, it’s never a solution.”

Afterwards, the three brothers started talking one after another.

Shi Ye didn’t make a sound and drank tea quietly while watching them talk. After they finished speaking, Shi Ye said,  “Since you all said that, do you have any ideas?”

When the three brothers heard this, they thought Shi Ye had been persuaded by them and were really surprised and happy.

They knew it!

So what if the emperor only favors Young Master Wen? Which man in this world can resist the temptation of three wives and four concubines8The term ‘three wives and four concubines’ originated from an emperor’s casual statement, and the original meaning he intended to express was actually that a man had many wives and families, and the emperor could have three palaces and six courtyards, while ordinary people only had three wives and four concubines. So, having three wives and four concubines does not necessarily mean having so many wives. It’s just that women in the early days had a particularly low status and had no other means of livelihood. Therefore, they had to rely on a man to live, and thus became an outsider to a man.? What’s more, the Emperor is still the Supreme Emperor and should have three palaces and six courtyards.

So Prince Qi told Shi Ye word for word the plan they had thought up in the past few days.

Shi Ye listened very attentively and asked them a few questions from time to time.

The three brothers felt more and more that this could be done and they could hardly hide their inner elation.

Just as the topic came to an end, Shi Ye suddenly asked, “How long have you been planning this?”

Prince Qi replied smoothly: “It only lasts six or seven days, it wasn’t that long.”

“Oh?” Shi Ye raised his eyebrows, “It seems that the sixth brother was dissatisfied with my decision at that time, so he tried every means to divert my attention in the past few days.”

Prince Qi’s face turned a little red when Shi Ye sharply pointed out his thoughts. Fortunately, he drank wine and his whole face was red. No one could see his guilty conscience. He pretended to be calm and said: “Your Majesty, we are saying this for the sake of the royal family. Back then, father was only in his early twenties when he appointed you as the crown prince, but now the emperor only has one son under his knee and the positions of the queen and the concubine are empty. The emperor is busy with government affairs, if we as younger brothers didn’t share the emperor’s worries, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to see my father in the afterlife.”

Prince Yu and Prince Ning nodded hurriedly.

Shi Ye’s gaze swept past their faces, he always kept an indifferent expression, it was impossible to see what was going on in his mind.

The three brothers were extremely nervous as Shi Ye looked at them. Even though Shi Ye did nothing, they felt like a huge mountain was pressing down on them, making it hard to breathe.

Just when they were nearly suffocating when they heard Shi Ye say: “My son will be the crown prince, and my Wen Chi will be the Empress. I will establish the crown prince and confer the title of Empress at the 100-day banquet in the near future. I have a family, a career and children and I’m very happy and it’s not your turn to worry about me.”

None of the three brothers expected that Shi Ye’s words would turn in this direction, and they were stunned for a moment.

Just now, the emperor was still discussing with them about filling up the harem. Why did it become like this in the blink of an eye?

Before they could react, Shi Ye smiled at them: “Before you worry about me, worry about yourselves first.”

The three brothers shuddered when they saw the smile on Shi Ye’s face.

They suddenly had an ominous premonition.


1meeting the emperor is a huge deal for normal people2be killed3Generally used to express contempt for others’ appearance, behavior, style, etc.4T/N – I like the nicknames that Shi Ye come up with5apparently the weather changes rapidly in the month of june, changeable weather in June is caused by the continuous intersection of hot and cold air. When June enters summer, the weather becomes hotter and hotter, and the force of warm air continues to strengthen. However, in June, the force of cold air still exists, and as the cold and warm air begin to This intersection has caused changeable weather in most parts of the country.6Turning over tiles was a method and procedure used by emperors in ancient times to choose concubines to sleep with. Each tile represented a concubine. The emperor would turn over the tiles whichever one he liked, and whichever tile was turned over would determine which concubine the emperor would like.7standing at thirty’ as: standing up, establishing a career, and establishing a family. The goal at the age of thirty is to establish one’s own moral character and have one’s own career and family.8The term ‘three wives and four concubines’ originated from an emperor’s casual statement, and the original meaning he intended to express was actually that a man had many wives and families, and the emperor could have three palaces and six courtyards, while ordinary people only had three wives and four concubines. So, having three wives and four concubines does not necessarily mean having so many wives. It’s just that women in the early days had a particularly low status and had no other means of livelihood. Therefore, they had to rely on a man to live, and thus became an outsider to a man.

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