Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 63.2

Facing Liu Da Shan, who was as strong as a mountain, Zhang Heng and Zhang Huan, who had been too domineering not long ago, gave up in seconds. The two of them sat up with their arms around each other, cowering like cowardly quails.

“Are you deaf? Can’t you hear me?” Liu Da Shan, who was ignored, was irritable, his eyes were slightly angry and he exuded a dangerous aura, “Or do you need me to talk to you with my fists?”

After hearing this, Zhang Heng finally made a move.

Zhang Heng raised his head slowly, and when his eyes moved to Liu Da Shan’s fierce face, his body trembled visibly.

He wanted to beg for mercy but when he saw Wen Chi watching from the sidelines from the corner of his eye, he suddenly felt ashamed and even he didn’t know what he was thinking, so he said stiffly, “We were planning to beat him up. What happens between us has nothing to do with you, so go and guard the door.”

“Zhang Heng!” Zhang Huan didn’t expect Zhang Heng to say these words in a daze, and stopped him sharply, “Are you crazy? What are you talking about!”

Unfortunately, it was too late, Zhang Heng had already finished speaking.

After a moment of stupefaction, they swallowed their saliva at the same time, and turned their heads to look at Liu Da Shan in silence—only to see Liu Dashan’s expression sink visibly to the naked eye.

Liu Da Shan’s appearance was already as vicious as a wild beast, and with his big, thick body and muscular arms, Liu Da Shan stood up straight and looked down at them with expressionless eyes, causing them to feel the fear of facing death.

Zhang Heng regretted saying that, his guts were green with regret, he absolutely shouldn’t, just shouldn’t fight because of his pride in front of Wen Chi.

Thus, Zhang Heng and Zhang Huan were beaten up again.

Liu Dashan was particularly vicious when he beat people up, punching to the flesh, until Zhang Heng and Zhang Huan couldn’t even make a sound. After he finished beating, he seemed to feel that it wasn’t enough, so he called the two brothers outside the door to come in and beat them together.

After being beaten, Zhang Huan, who was seriously injured, couldn’t hold on and fainted on the spot.

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Liu Da Shan had long been accustomed to this scene and waved his hand to signal his brother to drag Zhang Huan out by his legs. There was a faint bloodstain on the floor, which was the blood vomited out by Zhang Huan and Zhang Heng.

Wen Chi looked terrified and leaned against the wall with his weak legs.

After dragging the fainted Zhang Huan out, Liu Dashan called an aunt to clean the room briefly. That aunt was also a person who had seen the world and when she saw the blood all over the floor and Zhang Heng, who was lying on the floor moaning and bruised, she didn’t even raise her eyes and cleaned the room as quietly as a chicken.

After cleaning, the aunt left.

Liu Dashan was also about to leave but before he left, he glanced at Wen Chi who was leaning against the wall with a pale face and after thinking about it, he asked, “Have you finished reading the storybook?”

Wen Chi said weakly: “Not yet…”

Liu Dashan clicked his tongue: “Hurry up, I’ll collect it tomorrow morning.”

Wen Chi didn’t even dare to say anything and hurriedly nodded.

Seeing that Wen Chi was scared out of his wits by the bloody scene just now, Liu Dashan’s eyes were rather complicated. He hesitated for a moment and said: “We are leaving here tomorrow morning, you have a good rest tonight and I will rely on you to play your role as a hostage.”

Wen Chi didn’t dare to ask them where they were going, he just nodded.

The door was closed again and the room fell silent.

Only the faint smell of blood still wafted in the air, reminding Wen Chi of everything that happened just now.

Maybe it’s because the days have been so peaceful recently, he even almost forgot that Liu Da De and Liu Da Shan were originally a group of kidnappers and they deliberately broke into the Zhou Mansion and kidnapped him to this place.

Wen Chi originally thought that the kidnappers only wanted money, so they responded to the hostages’ requests but now it seems that the kidnappers should only respond to the “obedient” hostages.

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And for “disobedient” hostages like Zhang Huan and Zhang Heng, they would end up being beaten so badly that even their own mothers might not recognize them.

Wen Chi was so frightened that he couldn’t even read the storybook anymore. He packed up the two storybooks and placed them neatly on the table together with the teapot. Then he took off his clothes and shoes and went to bed to rest.

There were two sets of quilts on the bed, one was the original one and the other one brought in by the brothers Liu Da De and Liu Da Shan.

Wen Chi preferred the temporary set of bedding, which was soft, light and clean, so he folded the original set of bedding and turned to look at Zhang Heng who was lying on the ground without saying a word.

Wen Chi said: “I have an extra set of bedding here, do you want it?”

Zhang Heng didn’t say anything.

Wen Chi said again: “It’s cold and hard to sleep on the floor, you really don’t want to use the quilt to cover yourself?”

Zhang Heng still didn’t say anything.

Wen Chi waited for a long time, but did not receive any response from Zhang Heng.

“Zhang Heng?” Wen Chi finished calling out cautiously. Seeing that Zhang Heng’s figure remained motionless, his heart suddenly gave rise to an extremely frightening thought, “Zhang Heng, you’re not dead, are you!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Heng retorted weakly: “You’re the one who’s dead.”

Wen Chi: “…”

Zhang Heng covered his mouth and coughed violently, as if he wanted to cough up his lungs.

Wen Chi frowned.

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But since Zhang Heng said so, he didn’t want to be bothered anymore, after turning to place the folded bedding at the end of the bed, he wrapped it tightly around him and lay down.

After all the torment just now, he was really tired. Even if he closed his eyes, he could think of the horrifying picture of Zhang Huan spitting out blood, but the fear in his heart could not overcome the flood of drowsiness after all.

Just when Wen Chi was drowsy, Zhang Heng’s weak voice rang out accompanied by coughing: “Lin Yuan, tell me the truth, are you with those kidnappers?”

“Huh?” Wen Chi worked up in an instant. He didn’t want to be wrongly accused for no reason, “You can eat your food arbitrarily but you can’t talk arbitrarily, I was kidnapped by them from Zhou Mansion just like you.”

Zhang Heng didn’t believe it: “You seem to know them very well.”

Wen Chi said: “These days, they have been serving me tea and water. And I don’t look down on them, so of course, they are a little more familiar with me and you.”

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Zhang Heng managed to choke again.

After being quiet for a while, he suddenly said quietly: “I don’t care if you are with those kidnappers or not, anyway, I must escape and I will find my brother and escape together.”

Wen Chi said perfunctorily: “I wish you success.”


The next day.

It was still dark outside when Liu Da Shan called Wen Chi out of bed.

“Hurry up, eat your breakfast and we’ll be on our way later.” Liu Da Shan threw Wen Chi’s coat hanging on the wooden frame onto him and seeing Wen Chi starting to put on his clothes and he turned towards Zhang Heng, who had been lying on the ground all night.

Walking to Zhang Heng, Liu Dashan raised his foot and kicked him.

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Zhang Heng, who was originally silent, let out a scream like a pig for slaughter.

“You can still fall asleep while lying on the ground, are you a pig reincarnated?” Liu Da Shan said fiercely, “Get up if you don’t want to be beaten up, or don’t blame me for greeting you with my fists.”

Zhang Heng had seen how powerful Liu Da Shan was, so he didn’t dare to delay for a moment and quickly got up from the ground with his hands and feet.

The breakfast was still meat buns and noodle soup, it was served in two sets, one for Wen Chi and one for Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng was sick and was in a poor state of mind, looking depressed and without any blood on his face, but he still ate his share of the meat bun and noodle soup cleanly.

Before going on the road, Liu Da De and Liu Da Shan walked in with ropes and hoods, tied up Wen Chi and Zhang Heng as usual and finally put the hoods on their heads.

Wen Chi couldn’t struggle and couldn’t see the way, so he simply followed Liu Da De and Liu Da Shan quietly as before.

After walking for a while, they seemed to have left their original place of residence. Wen Chi and Zhang Heng were pushed into a carriage.

After getting into the carriage, Liu Da Shan actually took off the hood on Wen Chi’s head.

Wen Chi was stunned for a moment, then reacted and quickly checked the surrounding environment, only to find that there were actually five women sitting in the carriage. The five women were tied up like them, and their heads were covered with black hoods.


T/N – I’m planning to update 5 chapters a week this month!!! Starting from this week! I’ll be updating from Monday to Friday! So look forward to the mass amount of chapters I’m dumping on u!

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