Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 70.2

Wen Chi was stunned for a moment, then realized that Shi Ye was talking to him and quickly said, “I dare not.”

“What else do you not dare?” Shi Ye sneered, his voice was low, even such a light tone is very pleasant to hear, very much like the scum male voice popular in the 21st century, “Say it, tell Bengong what you think, perhaps Bengong can consider it.”

Wen Chi struggled for a long time. He thought that he should get used to the survival rules of this era. After all, he had been hovering around the gates of hell and he might as well enter at some point.

After thinking about it, he still said cautiously: “I just think that those hostages are innocent people and it’s better if they don’t die.”

“What about Zhang Huan?” Time Ye suddenly said, “Is Zhang Huan also an innocent person?”

Wen Chi looked at Shi Ye and couldn’t hide his shock for a moment. He didn’t expect Shi Ye to know Zhang Huan and it seemed that he knew clearly about the conflict between him and Zhang Huan.

“The innocent people I’m talking about are the Governor’s wives and concubines.” Wen Chi said in a low voice, “Zhang Huan is not included.”

Although objectively speaking, Zhang Huan was indeed an innocent person who was implicated, he dared not and did not want to intercede for Zhang Huan in this situation.

Shi Ye smiled: “Young Master Wen is really kind, no matter who it is, he is willing to lend a helping hand.”

Wen Chi: “…”

He felt that there was another meaning in Shi Ye’s words but he couldn’t understand what Shi Ye wanted to express.

“Forget it.” Shi Ye turned around and told Liu De and Liu Shan, “Keep them here for now, and then release them after Shi Jin has rescued the others.”

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Liu De said: “What about Zhang Huan?”

Shi Ye glanced at Liu De with an unpredictable expression: “Do as you please.”

Liu De and Liu Shan understood at the same time and they both answered yes.


On the way back, Wen Chi felt uncomfortable, so he leaned against the window and fell asleep.

However, the roads in Jinzhou are mostly gravel and the carriage was extremely bumpy when driving. So Wen Chi’s head was banging against the window, and although it didn’t hurt, it made him feel more and more uncomfortable, and a wave of nausea washed over him.

Shi Ye sat opposite Wen Chi and beckoned to him: “Come here.”

Wen Chi really wanted Shi Ye to quit this puppy calling gesture but after thinking about it, he thought better of it, he forced himself to hold back the pain in his heart, got up and walked over.

As a result, just as he approached, Shi Ye suddenly reached out and tapped his chest a few times.

Before Wen Chi realized what was going on, he felt that the light in front of him suddenly dimmed and then his eyelids sank and he fell unconscious.

Shi Ye took Wen Chi’s limp body and held Wen Chi in his arms very naturally.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhi hurriedly brought a thin blanket and gently covered Wen Chi’s body with the thin blanket.

After Zuo Zhi sat back, he looked at Wen Chi who had passed out and then at Shi Ye who was staring at Wen Chi, the strange feeling that lingered in his heart never dissipated.

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Until Shi Ye’s voice sounded: “Speak up if you have something to say.”

Only then did Zuo Zhi realize that she hadn’t been able to hide her thoughts in front of Shi Ye. She soon raised her head again and asked deliberatively, “I don’t understand why Your Royal Highness kept those people alive?” 

This is not at all like the style of His Royal Highness.

Zuo Zhi thought that she still understood His Highness the Crown Prince. As a knife held in the hands of His Highness, she has taken countless lives for him. She knows that His Highness is a person who hates troubles and would rather be accused of indiscriminately killing innocents than leaving them alive to cause trouble for himself.

As far as the situation just now is concerned, killing all the hostages is the fastest and best solution.

His Royal Highness does not want the Fourth Prince and others to know of his arrival, let alone interfere with the Fourth Prince’s affairs, so as long as the rest of the hostages are killed, no one will pass the news on… that way, the matter would be made easier.

The most important thing is – this is what His Royal Highness would do.

Facing Zuo Zhi’s doubts and incomprehensions, Shi Ye’s answer was also very simple: “Bengong only spares innocent people.”

Zuo Zhi visibly choked.

The former Crown Prince would not consider whether the other party was innocent or not. He would only find it troublesome.


When Wen Chi woke up, he found that he had returned to the loft and someone had taken off his coat, shoes and socks for him and carried him to the bed.

However, apart from Shi Ye, there are only Zuo Zhi and a few maidservants left here, and the people who can help him with these things… It seems that Shi Ye is the only one.

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Wen Chi sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, looking down at his bare feet, suddenly feeling extremely awkward.

Shi Ye took off his shoes and socks for him…

The picture was unimaginable.

Wen Chi didn’t dare to let himself think about those anymore, the more he thought about it, the colder his neck became.

He touched his neck subconsciously, but found nothing. The wound Zhang Heng made on his neck had disappeared at some point.

Wen Chi suspected that Shi Ye fed him blood on the night when he was unconscious, but he had no evidence and he didn’t dare to ask Shi Ye.

He ended up resting the entire day in the attic

The next day.

After Wen Chi finished his breakfast, Shi Ye came.

Shi Ye changed into a blue robe and his long hair was tied up casually, revealing a graceful facial contour, half of his face covered with burn marks was covered by a mask, which at first glance seemed a bit more mysterious and beautiful.

Wen Chi sat on the chair, watched Shi Ye approaching eagerly and couldn’t help sighing in his heart——

This beauty…

It’s really amazing!

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This is a real man who looks like he came out of the comics, his every move seems to be wearing a filter.

The handsome man walked up to Wen Chi, glanced at the breakfast that Wen Chi had finished and asked: “Have you finished eating?”

Wen Chi nodded: “Finished.”

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The handsome man said: “Let’s go.”

“Okay.” Wen Chi finished nodding before he snapped out of his daze and hastily added, “Your Highness, where are we going?”

Shi Ye’s eyes turned cold for a moment:”Bring back the things you sent out.”

Wen Chi was confused, “What things?”

“Think carefully about what you gave away?”  Not only was Shi Ye’s eyes cold, he also looked at Wen Chi and gave a cold laugh, “Before he died, Zhang Heng told Bengong that he had overheard Hua Zi Zang lovingly holding a wooden box that was only available in the Eastern Palace, wasn’t that something you gave away?”

“…” Wen Chi almost forgot about this.

He felt guilty all of a sudden, his eyes flicked from side to side but he didn’t dare to look directly into Shi Ye’s eyes and even his voice became quieter, “I, I gave a wooden box to Young Master Hua. I thought there was a cake made by Ruo Fang. If I knew that it was a gift from the Crown Prince, I would take good care of the wooden box and never give it away.”


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