Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 75.2

Hua Zi Zang had met Liu De and Liu Shan before and when he saw them again, the surprise in his heart was written all over his face. He was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that all this was under the crown prince’s control.

No wonder the crown prince could easily rescue Wen Chi and the others.

It’s just that I didn’t expect a small Wen Chi to have such a great charm and even drove the crown prince who had never left the Eastern Palace gate, to come all the way to Jinzhou to deal with this mess ……

At this moment, Hua Zi Zang’s feelings could be described as complicated.

He couldn’t figure it out no matter what. There were so many men and women of all kinds in the Eastern Palace but none of them could catch the eyes of the crown prince. What was so different about Wen Chi?

Hua Zi Zang shook his head slightly, temporarily putting these thoughts behind him.

He asked Liu De and Liu Shan in detail and Liu De and Liu Shan answered his questions in detail.

Afterwards, Hua Zi Zang examined Wen Chi again.

Finally, he said to Shi Ye: “Replying to Your Royal Highness, Young Master Wen is not pregnant.”

Even though Wen Chi already knew that Hua Zi Zang would give this answer, when he heard these words from Hua Zi Zang himself, he still felt uncontrollably uneasy.

He buried his head, not daring to look into Shi Ye’s eyes.

Shi Ye, who was on the main seat, was silent for a long time before saying,  “He has been suffering from nausea for a while now, why is that?”

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Hua Zi Zang said: “One is the psychological effect, Young Master Wen can’t handle the smell of blood and the other is that Young Master Wen has eaten too much recently, so it could also be due to indigestion.”

Wen Chi: “…”

He was so embarrassed that he wished he could find a crack in the ground to hide himself.

Shi Ye’s voice obviously sank a lot: “Indigestion?”

“Yes, I suggest that Young Master Wen’s future meals include more fruits and miscellaneous grains, less salt and less oil, mix meat and vegetables as much as possible and also eating fish is important.” Saying this, Hua Zi Zang picked up a brush and began to write on the paper, “I’m writing a prescription here I’ll also trouble Miss Zuo Zhi to go outside and grab some medicine.”

Shi Ye didn’t say anything for a long time and finally Zuo Zhi stepped up and said yes.

Wen Chi’s head was almost buried in his collar. He knew that he had made a mistake again and he didn’t dare to provoke Shi Ye anymore. At this moment, he just wanted to turn himself into a blade of grass and not be noticed by anyone.

Fortunately, Shi Ye did not rush to find him to ask for punishment, but instead instructed Zuo Zhi to do what Hua Zi Zang had told him to do.

After Hua Zi Zang finished speaking, he prepared to leave.

Zuo Zhi sent Hua Zi Zang to the door and went to the pharmacy to get some medicine. Liu De and Liu Shan brothers saw that something was wrong, so they quickly found an excuse to escape.

In a flash, only Wen Chi and Shi Ye were left in the hall.

Wen Chi felt that the air in the hall was cold, his eyes looked left and right but he didn’t dare to look at Shi Ye who had got up and walked in front of him.

But Shi Ye had no intention of playing around with him: “Raise your head.”

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Wen Chi raised his head obediently and saw Shi Ye looking down at him. Even from this angle, Shi Ye’s face was still so beautiful that if it wasn’t cold all the time, he might have won the love and affection of many people.

The two of them stared at each other for a moment and Wen Chi gave in first: “I’m sorry.”

Shi Ye’s eyelashes were thick and long, like raven feathers, and they twitched twice gently, “Why are you apologizing?”

Wen Chi knew in his heart that he shouldn’t lie but how could he dare to say such things, so he quietly changed his wordings, “I thought you were going to be a father, but unfortunately I thought wrong ……”

He thought Shi Ye was angry but little did he know that after hearing his words, Shi Ye would actually turn around and comfort him.

“It’s okay.” Shi Ye was very calm, “We still have long days ahead of us, as long as the heavens reward us, we will have children.”

Wen Chi: “…”

No no no, that’s not what he meant!

Shi Ye stroked his hair with his hand: “Don’t be sad.”

Wen Chi: “…”

He’s really not sad!

Wen Chi wondered whether he should say something to justify his reputation but unfortunately Shi Ye didn’t give him this opportunity, he just told him to rest today and start practicing martial arts from tomorrow.

Wen Chi suddenly froze and when he looked at Shi Ye again, he found that those bright black eyes were filled with a wry smile.

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“Since you are not pregnant, then you must work hard to avoid being punished.”

Wen Chi: “…”

Wen Chi was so frustrated that he couldn’t speak, he seemed to see the end of the world coming.


The next day, Wen Chi was forced to start a hard life of martial arts training.

He thought that Shi Ye would come to teach him in person but he didn’t expect that when he went down to the hall on the first floor, he only saw Liu De’s figure.

Liu De became much more silent and when he saw Wen Chi, he was no longer as cordial as before, instead he respectfully called him Young Master Wen.

Wen Chi also smiled and said, “Brother Da De.”

Unexpectedly, after hearing his greeting, Liu De’s expression suddenly changed. He waved his hands quickly and said, “Young Master Wen, just call me by my name.”

Wen Chi didn’t expect Liu De’s reaction to be so intense, and was confused for a moment.

Seeing this, Liu De explained: “Before, we did not know the true identity of Young Master Wen and were disrespectful to you. So please forgive me and my brother for our disrespect.”

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Hearing this, Wen Chi finally understood why Liu De and Liu Shan looked at him so strangely—it turned out that they didn’t know that he was Shi Ye’s person before, but now that they knew, they naturally had to keep a distance.

Wen Chi sighed in his heart but he understood what they were doing.

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Liu De took Wen Chi to the clearing outside. Before teaching him, he still didn’t forget Shi Ye’s instructions and took out a calligraphy scroll from somewhere and handed it to Wen Chi: “Young Master Wen, this is a gift from His Highness to Young Master Wen, wishing Young Master Wen to succeed in his studies.”

Wen Chi took the calligraphy scroll suspiciously.

Although he had a psychological shadow on the two wooden boxes Shi Ye gave him, a word painting should not have any embarrassing content …… unless Shi Ye had painted another phoenix on it that looked like a chicken.

But even if he did, it wouldn’t damage his reputation.

Wen Chi thought as he opened the calligraphy scroll.

The calligraphy scroll was spread out and on the snow-white paper were four large words written in a dragon’s flight – Heaven rewards hard work.


Liu De who was next to him also saw these big characters that were written vigorously and perfectly. Even though he was a rough man who didn’t know many characters, he couldn’t help but admire the good calligraphy of His Highness the Crown Prince.

After sighing, he looked at Wen Chi again.

Liu De thought he would see Wen Chi’s face full of joy, instead Wen Chi’s entire face was so dark as if it was stuck in the bottom of an ink pot.


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