Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 78.1

Wen Chi didn’t move.

But soon after he felt a hand reach out and pinch his nose.

The originally smooth breathing suddenly became uneven.

Wen Chi: “…”

He had no choice but to open his eyes, only to see a man in black standing in front of his bed, his gaze went up and met with a pair of dark and deep black eyes.

They stared at each other for a moment.

Wen Chi couldn’t pretend anymore, so he got up from the bed with a start, and asked respectfully, “Does Your Highness want something?”

Shi Ye said, “Change your clothes.”

Wen Chi was confused for a moment: “What clothes?”

Shi Ye said: “Naturally, clothes that are convenient for traveling at night.”

After hearing this, Wen Chi instantly understood that Shi Ye had come to inspect the results of his training.

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But for the past ten days or so, he has been practicing basic skills under Liu De’s supervision and he has not learned anything else.

Is it possible that Shi Ye wants to examine his ability to maintain the horse stance1(The horse stance is the most basic stance for practicing martial arts)?

Wen Chi was full of doubts in his heart but he didn’t dare to delay. He quickly got out of bed, found a set of black clothes of the same style as Shi Ye’s from the closet, and put them on.

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Shi Ye glanced at Wen Chi indifferently, then turned around and walked out.

Wen Chi hurriedly followed behind.

After walking out of the door, Wen Chi followed behind Shi Ye. He scratched his head and said awkwardly: “That… Your Royal Highness, I haven’t started learning martial arts yet and I don’t know how to do qingong.”

Shi Ye suddenly stopped and said very calmly: “I know.”

Seeing this, Wen Chi stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at Shi Ye who was much taller than him and blinked blankly: “Then where are we going?”

Shi Ye tilted his head slightly, his beautiful side face was shrouded in a faint brilliance by the silver moonlight, like a thin veil covering his face, kind of like a hazy beauty.

He paused before asking, “Then where are we going?”

Wen Chi stared blankly at Shi Ye’s face, shook his head a little and then suddenly realized his gaffe. He lowered his head subconsciously and touched his nose to cover up his gaffe just now.

He silently went through Shi Ye’s words and seemed to have worked out the meaning of them, “Are we going out for a walk?”

Shi Ye chuckled lightly: “You can also interpret it that way.”

Originally, Shi Ye was facing Wen Chi with the intact side of his face but now when he smiled the corners of his thin lips curled into a shallow arc and the slight smile seemed to ripple on his face. The sense of alienation that pervaded him instantly dissipated.

Once again, Wen Chi stared at him in a daze.

Shi Ye did not remind him of this and let him look.

After a while, Wen Chi realized that he had lost his composure again…

He immediately looked away, gritted his teeth, two touches of blush quietly floated on his cheeks.

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Wen Chi really hated the fact that he couldn’t control his facial expression. To put it mildly, fortunately Shi Ye only had half of his face intact, otherwise every time he saw Shi Ye’s face, wouldn’t he be paralyzed?

But saying so, he felt it was a pity.

Such a beautiful face really shouldn’t be disfigured and he wondered what the intentions of those who set fire to the Eastern Palace five or six years ago were.

Thinking of this, Wen Chi’s expression suddenly became serious. He thought carefully about the plot line of the Eastern Palace in the novel and then he remembered that there was too little content about this in this plot line, let alone the behind-the-scenes setting of the fire to the Eastern Palace. And the author did not even mention the real arsonist in the novel.

Except for mentioning two or three times in the text and at the beginning of the novel that the crown prince was disfigured in the fire and his legs were disabled, the author seems to have forgotten this setting from then on.

From the beginning to the end of the novel, the crown prince is always shown as a disfigured handicapped person.

Wen Chi suddenly felt lost. He found that Shi Ye had experienced too many things that were not described in the novel and there were too many people around Shi Ye whose names were not mentioned in the novel.

For an unknown reason he felt an uncontrollable range that left him feeling confused.

“Have you thought about it?

Shi Ye’s voice brought back Wen Chi from his thoughts. He hurriedly thought about it and asked, “Can I go and see Prince Xuan and General Lin?”

After being separated for so long, he didn’t know what’s going on with Prince Xuan and General Lin…

Of course, the only people Wen Chi knew were Prince Xuan and General Lin.

Oh, and also Hua Zi Zang.

But even if Wen Chi had a hundred guts, he wouldn’t dare to say that he was going to see Hua Zi Zang at this moment, unless he was tired of living.

Wen Chi had a lot of twists and turns in his heart but on the surface he quietly observed Shi Ye’s reaction.

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Shi Ye nodded and said, “Okay.”

Before Wen Chi could speak, he smelled a ray of fragrance into his nostrils. He was taken aback for a moment and when he looked up, he saw Shi Ye’s tall figure approaching and then easily hugged him horizontally.

“Your Royal Highness!” Wen Chi was caught off guard, he exclaimed and put his hands around Shi Ye’s neck reflexively.

After Wen Chi finished this series of movements so smoothly, did he realize he had done it too naturally, as if he had done it a thousand times before.

But then again…

He has indeed traveled with Shi Ye many times and by now, not only Shi Ye was able to pick him up with ease, but he was also able to find a suitable place in Shi Ye’s arms with ease.

Shi Ye leaped very fast through the night, with just a flicker from his body, he went from one landing spot to another.

Wen Chi habitually buried his face in Shi Ye’s arms so he couldn’t see the surrounding scenery and he could only feel the hot wind whistling into his neck.

At that moment, a cold hand touched his neck, pressing and squeezing it.

Wen Chi felt itchy and shrank his neck.

Unexpectedly, Shi Ye directly pinched the itchy flesh on his neck.

Wen Chi remained motionless for a moment, like a cat whose nape was pinched.

Shi Ye’s cold voice followed the wind into Wen Chi’s ears: “Raise your head.”

Wen Chi was a little scared and hesitated for a long time, only revealing a pair of round eyes from Shi Ye’s arms.

He looked up at Shi Ye’s chin and saw that the corners of Shi Ye’s mouth were slightly pursed, with a serious expression on his face.

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“If you can’t even overcome your fear of heights, how will you learn to use qingong in the future?” Shi Ye said.

“I, I’ll take my time.” Wen Chi looked at the rapidly retreating scenery below, panicked and hurriedly buried his face in Shi Ye’s arms, so that his voice sounded a little muffled, “I’m really scared.”

Shi Ye slowed down: “How about now?”

Wen Chi struggled for a moment, but still boldly raised his head from Shi Ye’s arms, and he looked down cautiously.

Below is the same scenery as before, perhaps because Shi Ye slowed down, Wen Chi no longer felt so dizzy.

“It’s much better.” Wen Chi held the clothes on Shi Ye’s chest tightly with both hands, and looked down and after looking down for a long time, the fear in his heart disappeared a lot.

Hearing this, Shi Ye slowed down again.

Wen Chi kept staring down and was a bit amused. The fear in his eyes gradually turned into surprise and he turned his head and said to Shi Ye, “Qinggong is so amazing, it’s like you are flying.”

Shi Ye noticed Wen Chi’s sparkling eyes and there was a smile at the corner of his mouth that he didn’t even notice but it was so shallow that Wen Chi couldn’t even notice it.

“Learning qingong is not as easy as you think. It depends on concentration and experience. If your qingong skill are no better than others running on the ground, then it’s better not to learn.”

“That’s different.” Wen Chi thought clearly, “Flying in the sky is much cooler2(Wen Chi is using the modern slang language and saying it’s cool) than running on the ground.”

Shi Ye’s eyes flickered: “Cool?”



1(The horse stance is the most basic stance for practicing martial arts)2(Wen Chi is using the modern slang language and saying it’s cool)

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