
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 91.1

Even though several months have passed, Shi Ye’s handwriting on the note is still clearly visible.

Wen Chi stared at the note for a while, then folded the note and put it close to his body and then put the wooden box back into the cabinet.

He opened the door and went out and saw Zuo Zhi waiting outside.

Wen Chi asked: “Zuo Zhi, do you know how to get to the Chen family estate?”

Zuo Zhi thought for a moment, nodded and said, “This maidservant knows.”

Half an hour later.

Wen Chi and Zuo Zhi came to Chen family estate in a carriage.

Chen family estate is located in a more prosperous area of ​​Jinzhou and the owner of it is Chen Wu mentioned in Shi Ye’s letter.

The servant brought Wen Chi to the main hall and after waiting for a while, he heard hurried footsteps coming from outside the hall.

Wen Chi turned his head to look and saw a tall and thin middle-aged man with a small mustache striding over. The middle-aged man walked straight up to Wen Chi, clasped his fists and made a bow: “I am Chen Wu, is this Young Master Wen?”

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Wen Chi quickly stood up from the chair and said politely, “Yes.”

After saying this, he took out the note written by Shi Ye and handed it to Chen Wu.

Chen Wu took the note, glanced at it quickly and then squeezed the note into a ball. When he spread his hand again, the so-called letter had been reduced to a pile of shredded paper.

After confirming Wen Chi’s identity, Chen Wu said without further ado, “His Highness has left something for Young Master Wen, so please come with me.”

Wen Chi nodded, followed Chen Wu through a deep narrow path and finally came to a rather secluded house.

Zuo Zhi didn’t intend to enter the house, so she tactfully stood guard outside.

After Wen Chi entered, he realized that it looked like a study room, with simple decoration and dense books on the shelves.

Chen Wu kept walking towards the inner room and when he came out, he was holding a stack of things in his hand. He put the stack of things on the desk in front of Wen Chi, and made a gesture of invitation to him.


Wen Chi hesitantly picked up the top few sheets of paper and when they were spread out, they were as big as four storybooks.

Wen Chi took a closer look and saw that the paper was covered with ancient characters. Although Wen Chi’s literacy was limited, he could still recognize his name and some key words written on the upper left.

And there is a very clear official seal on the lower right.

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“This is…” Wen Chi turned the paper over in surprise, then raised his eyes to Chen Wu, “A land deed?”

Chen Wu said: “If I’m not mistaken, this should be the land deed of Wanghai Villa in the outskirts of the capital.”

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Wen Chi suppressed the surprise in his heart, folded the top paper and spread out the bottom paper.

Chen Wu glanced at the paper calmly and said respectfully: “This should be the land deed of Lingxiu Villa on the outskirts of the capital.”


In an instant, Wen Chi’s hand holding the land deeds trembled a little. He couldn’t think of the reason why Shi Ye gave him these land deeds.

He looked over all the land deeds, counted them and found eight of them—five villa land deeds and three mansions, all located in the capital.


After reading these land deeds, Wen Chi discovered that there was a booklet that was neither too thin nor too thick at the bottom.

He froze for a moment, put away the title deed in his hand, picked up the booklet and flipped through it.

The more Wen Chi turned over, the uglier his face became.

Halfway through, he snapped the booklet shut.

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Chen Wu was standing on the other side of the desk, silently watching Wen Chi’s every move.

Wen Chi forced a smile and said politely: “You worked so hard to keep these things for me, can I take them away now?”

Chen Wu hurriedly said: “These are the things His Royal Highness left for Young Master Wen. It is naturally up to Young Master to decide whether to keep them. If it is inconvenient for you to carry them with you,  I can also keep them for you for the time being.”

Wen Chi thought for a while, with Zuo Zhi and Liu De two martial arts experts guarding him, there should be no inconvenience in bringing these land deeds and this booklet.

So Wen Chi still took away the land deed and booklet.

Chen Wu deliberately took an inconspicuous gray cloth and wrapped them in it.

Walking out of the house, Zuo Zhi was standing under the steps, with her back to Wen Chi, looking up at the sky.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, she looked back and behind her was a curtain of snow that had risen at some point.

Tiny snowflakes fell on the stone-paved road, turning them into pure white. Even the grass and branches not far away were covered with patches of white. At first glance, it seemed that the whole world was covered by a thin silver cloth.

Zuo Zhi greeted: “Young Master Wen.”

Wen Chi walked down the steps looked up at the sky like Zuo Zhi had just said: “It’s snowing.”

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Zuo Zhi smiled and said, “Winter is here.”

At this time, Chen Wu also came out of the house. He walked in front of Wen Chi  and when he saw the snow like a  silvery cloth in front of him, he could not help but let out a surprised laugh: “Hahahaha, it has always rained but not snowed in winter in Jinzhou, this is really the first time in twenty years that it has snowed.”

After saying this, he turned his head and told Wen Chi, “Young Master Wen, it’s snowing and the weather is cold. You and Miss Zuo Zhi should go back earlier, so as not to catch a cold.”

It’s snowing and the road was slippery, so it was not easy to walk on.

It took some time for the three of them to return to the main hall.

After bidding farewell to Chen Wu, Wen Chi handed the gray cloth containing the land deed and booklet to Zuo Zhi and then left Chen family estate with Zuo Zhi.


That night, Wen Chi tossed and turned, unable to sleep.


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