“Cough, cough~”

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After the old snub-nosed monkey beat up the rebellious small and young monkey, its mood soothed up a bit. However, beating people wasted energy, the old monkey was getting older, it changed to a more comfortable position while panting. It squatted against the tree trunk, gloomily saying: “Oh, there’s still a small cat here that’s in debt.”

Bai Xia Xia: …I know that I owe you money! You don’t need to put extra emphasis on it!

“Cat, you’re very beautiful too, it’s just that you don’t like being clean too much, in the future, wash up before coming, I’ll look for you to play!” The young monkey that had been thrown out three to four meters away by a tail curled up its tail on a tree branch, it hung itself upside down among the tree branches.

Dangling, with its two arms crossed over its chest, witty and cute.

Its fur was floating like cotton wool, “If you change your decision, remember to come find me.”

“Remember my name, my name is Beautiful[1].”

Bai Xia Xia had no way of doing a thumbs up, so her bright heterochromatic eyes energetically stared at Beautiful, and she sincerely and cordially complimented: “It’s a good name! It fits you perfectly!”

The young monkey happily climbed away.

“Sigh…” The elder snub-nosed monkey was melancholic, it looked up the sky at an angle of 35 degrees.

On top of an empty, large tree, there was an old monkey that was as sorrowful as lilacs[2].

Bai Xia Xia consoled: “The kid’s still young, it’ll understand when it grows up.”

“Why doesn’t this little monkey know what’s good for him? I hit him, but it’s all for his own good!”

Bai Xia Xia: “…”

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This dialogue is very familiar ah, it constantly happens between a parent of a rebellious kid that has been angered into exploding hair and a friend that’s watching the fun.

A careless half-hearted comforting, a flustered and exasperated reply.

Bai Xia Xia’s cat face was awkward.

Kitty thought about it, but she was still very, very curious: “Did Beautiful name himself?”

Most animals did not have a name. Among animals that lived together, those that were a bit smarter sometimes gave themselves a name.

Bai Xia Xia had met some before, for those that were like Beautiful, there were also some.

Even if animals that lived alone were intelligent, there were very few that named themselves. They were animals, would they say it out loud for themselves?

“Hmph.” The old snub-nosed monkey glared at the white cat that only seemed to be curious, “It’s not your problem.”

How smart was the kitty ah! With the old snub-nosed monkey’s behavior, she was immediately able to confirm, this name was given by the old snub-nosed monkey!

— —So, you were this type of snub-nosed monkey!

The snub-nosed monkey became very annoyed by the cat’s heterochromatic eyes that were looking at it, its face faintly blushed: “Let’s keep talking about what we were talking before…”

Bai Xia Xia immediately replied: “The state stipulates that annual interest rates that exceed 36% are illegal, not recognized by the state.”

Old monkey ??

It was experienced and knowledgeable and had lived many years. In its old age and with a weak body, it was still able to become the most respected old monkey in the snub-nosed monkey troop and live in the tallest tree.

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It was very good at doing things, in simple words, this monkey was very intelligent.

The old monkey indistinctly drank a mouthful of the green fruit juice in the dried fruit husk.

When Beautiful and the other baby monkey had climbed up the tree, each of them had a cup of it in their hands.

One cup was given to the old snub-nosed monkey, the other was currently being held in Bai Xia Xia’s left paw, hugged into her chest.

The old monkey did not understand what Bai Xia Xia was talking about, what he knew though, was that this cat was extremely treacherous, it slowly said, “I, first class nationally protected animal.”

Bai Xia Xia: …!!! In my f*cking lifetime, there’s a monkey sitting across me, telling me that it’s a national treasure!

Bai Xia Xia: If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have told you! Learning and applying immediately, the speed at which you’ve become used to the treatment of a national treasure, it’s much too fast, right?!

What, you also want to show off that you’re a first class nationally protected animal?!

Old snub-nosed monkey: …to tell you the truth, I do have this idea, and I’m currently carrying it out. That group of ugly things that don’t have fur know their own place well, they have good insight! It must’ve been because they saw our beautiful appearance and wisdom!

We, a combination of beautiful appearance and wisdom, elegant, good-looking, and the most beautiful monkeys— —snub-nosed monkeys! No one is better looking than us!

Bai Xia Xia ??

Why did this old monkey across me suddenly reveal a slight crazy smile, just looking at it makes Cat feel a chill to my spine.

Looking at that snub-nosed monkey that’s leisurely grooming its fur and basking under the sun, Cat wants to cry, Cat is jealous!

Why didn’t I transmigrate into a panda, I want to eat food for pandas, I want to be carried by a nanny, I want everybody to be conquered by my beautiful appearance, I want the state to raise me!!!

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I want to be a panda that knows that it is a national treasure, to enjoy life without the slightest scruple, pass my days like a salted fish!

System: “…Xia Xia, even though pandas are raised by the state. And are so cute that the state raises them, but they have an obligation, they need to ‘raise the country’, and they must also go overseas and be a diplomatic ambassador…”

Bai Xia Xia: Cough, being a national treasure isn’t easy either, they’re so good at being cute that they’ve become famous enough to go overseas and act cute. I should just obediently be a cat, it’s good. At least I can understand human language; if I happen to go to France and Holland…

Just as she was lost in thought, that old monkey abruptly used sad and pitiful eyes to look at her.

Bai Xia Xia ???

Hm? She patted her face, then heard the old monkey speak like a show-off[3]: “Being beautiful isn’t something that us, snub-nosed monkeys, can control, we’re born like this, even humans have been conquered by us, what can we do.”

Bai Xia Xia …I actually don’t know what to say right now. Therefore, kitty: “Meow~”

Old snub-nosed monkey: “Kitty, being ugly isn’t your wrong, you have to be strong.”

“See, I haven’t not played with you because you are ugly…”

Bai Xia Xia: “…”

Cat is going to crack; Cat can’t take it anymore.

Just now, I thought that Beautiful’s rebelliousness was because of a gene mutation, now that I look at it, this is obviously hereditary ah!!!

It was her first time being in contact with snub-nosed monkeys, but she had f*cking discovered that not only were they narcissistic daffodils, but they were also naturally show-offs beyond measure!

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Drinks water to calm herself down.

Bai Xia Xia lowered her head; the clear and sweet juice reflected the beautiful furry cat face.

Cute ~ soft ~ beautiful ~ elegant ~ noble ~ hm, I’m the most beautiful!

Bai Xia Xia’s tongue licked some juice, a light spicy flavor, along with the sweetness of all kinds of fruits, slid into her throat, her tongue was a bit hot, after swallowing a sip, her mouth was full of lingering fragrance, and the aftertaste stayed for long.

Bai Xia Xia thought that it was unconceivable, it was completely different from the weird fruit juice taste that she imagined!

She could not hold back from drinking more sips, plus, this was not juice, this was wine.

Is this the rumoured monkey wine?

It was sweet and slightly spicy, with an endless aftertaste.

Translator’s comments:

Beautiful takes after the old monkey!

Translator’s notes:

[1] Good looking is a more appropriate translation for 好看, but ‘beautiful’ sounded better as a name, plus it’s shorter.

[2] So, according to Google, lilacs represent purity, innocence, and all types of positive things depending on their color, so no idea why the author said that the monkey was as sorrowful as a lilac.

[3] The author uses the word Versailles, which has become a way to describe someone who is expressing his superiority casually in front of others in China.

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