Bai Xia Xia used wine to dupe the old monkey’s high-interest loan, but this thing was not something that could be done by it, a cat, so it was completely handed over to Song Bei.

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Buying wine was a small matter.

However… Song Bei pondered a bit, The money for the wine should come from Li Ai Guo’s side, otherwise, the method won’t be right.

Song Bei made a call to the sub-bureau, the other side of the phone call was in a mess, crowded, and they had to yell at the top of their lungs before Song Bei’s side could clearly hear the speaking sound of the operator.

The cultural relics being found was a great matter, therefore, the sub-bureau was surrounded by people who enjoyed watching a bustling scene and reporters. There were also experts and professors from every subject that had hurried there after hearing the news, so a tide of people surged up violently, and the whole place[1] was surrounded without any gap for water to flow through.

Investigators like Li Ai Guo were blocked until there was no road to heaven and no door to the underground, they could not even go out of the door.

If the case was already closed, and Li Ai Guo informed the reporters of the case, it would be nothing. But the smuggling gang that Old Liao and his company were involved with was extremely important, plus Li Ai Guo could also faintly feel that Old Liao was dangerous, so he rejected the interview requests of every reporter.

The more he rejected them, the more the reporters persisted, hanging on to them without stop, and they even squatted outside of the sub-bureau’s doors, unwilling to leave.

Some people tried to tail the police. Li Ai Guo and the others were hard-pressed, and each of them was so annoyed that they were about to explode.

Song Bei put down the phone; since the matter about the wine was not something urgent, speaking to Li Ai Guo about it when he saw him later would not be late.

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In the evening, Bai Xia Xia took another bath; she was so happy that she hummed songs, and Guo Chao Ming asked if she was in heat.

The comrade cat very impolitely slapped Guo Chao Ming with its tail, then waged a cold war with the mouthy comrade Guo for three hours.

On the second day when the sun had almost set, Li Ai Guo hastily and sneakily entered the ward.

At that time, the kitty was lazily nestling on the side of the bed, and Qin Xiao was using a nail grinder to grind its claws.

“Meow~” Bai Xia Xia’s paws were a bit stiff from being pinched.

“Don’t move.” Qin Xiao continued touching the kitty’s claws with a very firm attitude.

Cats always liked to find all types of things to grind their claws, but Bai Xia Xia did not like that feeling; she had tried grinding them one or two times, but it was always because she did not have a choice.

She was worried that if she used more force than necessary, her claws would break. Or that maybe her long claws would fall out completely.

Qin Xiao did not cut down Bai Xia Xia’s claws, cats in the forest could not lose their fangs and sharp claws.

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So he found a small grinder, to grind the cat’s claws.

In the beginning, Bai Xia Xia was very shocked, after all, no matter how she looked at Qin Xiao, he did not seem like someone who could do this type of meticulous work, someone who could grind claws for a cat.

But on the contrary, Qin Xiao did it very patiently, and seemed to be grinding them very well.

Guo Chao Ming made fun of Bai Xia Xia while leaning against the table, A cat that doesn’t even grind its own claws, and it even needs someone to help it.

Captain Li glanced at the two captains that were grinding the cat’s claws on that side, If someone lives enough, they’ll see everything.

Are you so idle? One lieutenant colonel and one major, they’re laid back enough to grind a cat’s claws, will they model or something in a moment?

The Captain Li that was so busy that he became a dog and that had become much more unkept was so jealous that he became a lemon spirit.

He was full of stubble and had not even washed his face. He had changed into another set of clothes; today, he was wearing a black t-shirt, and compared to the one he was wearing last time, it was more wrinkled.

“Colonel Song.”

Li Ai Guo’s head was full of sweat, so Qin Xiao handed over a wet towel in in passing. Li Ai Guo thanked him in appreciation, he did not think that Qin Xiao was this meticulous, and he talked as he wiped his face: “I really give up against this group of reporters! Each one of them, it’s as if they hate that they can’t drill into my house to guard me.”

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The bureau chief of their sub-bureau went on an official trip some days ago and had just come back. Fortunately, he had returned, rescuing Captain Li who was in the abyss of suffering[2].

The reporters were asked to leave by the sub-bureau bureau chief. Only then could Captain Li make time to come to the hospital.

“There wasn’t anything special for which I called you, the most important thing is…” Song Bei had long thought out the pretext: “The troop of monkeys helped big time, I was thinking, about sending some things over.”

“What does Captain Li think?”


Li Ai Guo was stupefied for a moment, Delivering food to who?

If it was people who helped finding the cultural relics and who searched for the trails. Let’s not talk about how much money the police department would give, we would at least commend as a token of appreciation.

But monkeys found them back, who would go and commend monkeys?

The one to commend would not be pleased and would waste their feelings in vain, and the ones to be commended… where did this fool come from? What’s he saying?

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Song Bei spoke understatedly, as if he had just thought about this. Li Ai Guo had worked many years as a police officer, and his sense of smell was not an average sensible. He looked at Song Bei a bit dubiously, his hand continued to wipe sweat, and in a bit of a joking manner: “Colonel Song, are you being serious?”

“Yes.” Song Bei had thought about the reason early on: “Our base is in Cuilian Mountain. These two times, first, Qin Xiao was saved by a cat, and a tiger carried him back, then adding on the monkeys that delivered back the box. These matters are supernatural, even though we can’t be superstitious, but I’m thinking… since they helped, we should send a gift in return, after all, we can be considered as neighbors.”

“Who knows, maybe the next time something happens to our soldiers, a miracle may fall down from the skies?”

Li Ai Guo: “…” I studied little, but don’t try to fool me.

Translator’s comments:

Captain Li: pikachu face

Translator’s notes:

[1] The author wrote ‘inner three layers and outer three layers’ here.

[2] Idiomatic expression ‘水深火热 (shuǐ shēn huǒ rè)’: lit. translation: ‘deep water and scorching fire’. It means ‘extreme suffering’.

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