TNC chapter 24.5

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Xiao Wang returned the cat to Qin Xiao in a fluster, “Captain Qin, the hospital is a place that cures diseases and saves people. Just now, she almost messed up a rescue, thankfully, nothing bad happened!”

“I’m sorry.” Qin Xiao’s facial expression did not look good; he pressed down the Persian cat’s head on his own chest, “I guarantee that there won’t be a next time! She won’t go to other people’s wards again; we’ve caused you trouble.”

“Mmm.” Doctor Xiao Wang was still concerned about the rescue on the other side, so once she sent back the cat, she left hastily.

Xiao Wang had good intentions, with Doctor Li’s personality… in his anger, he would have definitely hurled out Bai Xia Xia from the hospital.

When Doctor Xiao Wang hurried back into the ward, she discovered that at that moment, the faces of her nervous and anxious co-workers faintly revealed some hope and elation, as if a very good matter had happened.

The patient was in a medical emergency, when in the brink of a crises, life was but a moment, whether he could live on, depended on luck and fate, depended on the control the doctor exerted on illness.

Director Hu worked for about ten minutes from beginning to end, whether Su Zhe Yu could be saved, depended on whether the medicine worked or not.

When Doctor Xiao Wang left, a bright idea suddenly occurred to Director Hu, and her mind became more agile in a moment of luck; after discussing with the doctors from other departments that had come to help, she changed to other two medicines, which miraculously steadied Su Zhe Yu’s injuries.

Once the high stress work stopped, Director Hu’s figure wobbled, staggering and falling to the floor, the people beside her hurriedly supported her.

They all praised Director Hu for being amazing. Hu Qin waved her hand while panting, then checked Su Zhe Yu’s condition again, and after making sure that there would be nothing life threatening in the short term, she truly relaxed.

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Her whole body sat down on the chair; Hu Qin was also very surprised, but she was also proud and please with herself.

When she had hurried over and seen Su Zhe Yu’s condition, Hu Qin’s heart had dropped.

She had no certainty of being able to hold on to Su Zhe Yu’s life, but she was a doctor, so no matter what, she had to use all her strength to cure and treat the patient.

After working consecutively for a whole day, the mentally fatigued Hu Qin, who faced Su Zhe Yu, was truthfully somewhat not as strong as she wished she was.

The truth was that Su Zhe Yu’s condition was not good. Before, patients in this condition were ten deaths with no survivors, but just now, not knowing why, Hu Qin had fallen into an unprecedented state of high psychological concentration.

Her whole self was thrown into treatment work, and in that period, she did not even feel the passing of time, the noise from outside, it was as if she had been separated from the world.

When she recovered, Su Zhe Yu was already steadied.

This time, it seemed that even the heavens were helping. Her state was unexpectedly great, and Su Zhe Yu’s luck was good too: “Stop praising, this time our luck was good.”

Hu Qin stared at the numbers on the apparatus, and after a long time, she revealed a satisfied smile.

The ward was full of rejoice, it was not only the doctors and the nurses, but the patient and relatives of the patient of the other bed were also happy.

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Xiao Wang stood by the side of the door, and somehow, she remembered the snow-white Persian cat that was sitting on the bedside table, looking down at Su Zhe Yu.

The cat eyes had looked indistinct, flashing with light. That cat, it seemed to have come because of Su Zhe Yu, this thought popped up to Xiao Wang.

The Persian cat likes the quiet and rarely moves, and it’s extremely smart and understands human nature. She was never like common cats, which call out randomly without caring about the place.

More so, this cat rarely meows. It’s like a human, meowing only when it talks with humans.

Most of the time, she only stays in ward 212.

But it suddenly charged here without a reason, and even insisted on jumping on top of the bedside table?

Doctor Xiao Wang could not stop feeling that today’s situation was very strange.

Truthfully, they all knew that bed number two’s condition was not good, and that the hope of saving him was slim.

In that moment, everybody did not carry much expectation.

No one said it out loud, but Xiao Wang could feel it.

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It was not only her, including Director Hu herself, perhaps no one had the certainty of saving back the second bed.

But now, a miracle had befallen. And it was after that cat had created a disturbance…

“Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang?”

“Ah!” Xiao Wang responded, a bit distracted.

“Were you frightened by the amazingness of Director Hu, I was like that just now too, my heart skipped out! So incredible!”

“It’s no wonder Director Hu is this.” The co-worker extended out a big thumbs up: “Simply a master!”

Xiao Wang respectfully nodded her head, then chased away the ridiculous and absurd thoughts in her head.

Recently, I’ve listened to too much gossip and rumours, maybe I’m really thinking too much. However… the gaze with which that cat looked at Su Zhe Yu, it was very different.

Forget it, it’s only a cat.

Xiao Wang looked at her own hand: In the end, I was able to rub on good luck!

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The good luck cat was feeling wronged, curled up and crying about the lost 70 achievement points.

By her ears was the nagging education and reprimanding of Song Bei, and he even insisted on using two fingers to pinch the cat’s pitiful tiny ears to speak.

Cat: I’m feeling wronged, but I’ve no way of saying it. Angered to the degree of being cold, Cat did not make trouble at all!

“Task completed, congratulations to the system, on getting 70 kitty achievement points[1].” System: “(=^▽^=)”

Bai Xia Xia: Cat is miserable, being informed even when money is earned from me. ò ó

Translator’s comments:

It’s so frustrating when help is given, good is done, but we are still scolded for it. Especially because Bai Xia Xia has no way of telling them.

Translator’s notes:

[1] It’s because the system received 70 points from Bai Xia Xia after finishing its task of helping Bai Xia Xia.  

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