“Yo, what’s this?” Guo Chao Ming returned while humming a song, just in time to bump into the Bai Xia Xia who wanted to goof off but was being pinched on the ear by Qin Xiao, forced to keep her chest up to sit well.

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The cat’s heterochromatic eyes peeked back; its eyes were teary from being aggrieved. With its cheeks puffed up: “Meow~”

Guo Chao Ming experienced such cuteness overload that his heart softened: “Look at how wronged our kitty is, Colonel, you guys went too far!”

Song Bei: “Hm?”

Guo Chao Ming blew a light and melodious whistle: “This type of penalty stand is too light, it should be standing up!”

Song Bei: “…be a human.”

Qin Xiao: “Isn’t being alive good?” This cat is very good at holding grudges, wait for it to put a record on its account book.

“Come, come, come, only by standing up can it be called penalty stand.” Guo Chao Ming held the cat’s forepaw; the cat was pitiable, being forced to dangle its forelimbs, using only its hind jiojio to stand on the floor: “Bastard!”

“Colonel, this is the right way.”

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Song Bei acted like he did not hear anything, as if it had nothing to do with him. He moved the desk and divided the food; the cat’s body was still facing the wall, but its small head was facing the food, with its paws pressed on its chest. Its big eyes were exuding a strong longing: Cat cat hungry hungry, food food.

My fish-flavored pork slices ah! That Small Fly Restaurant is extremely popular, only by going ahead of time can someone buy the food that they want to eat.

This is the fruit of Cat working hard on my job!

Guo Chao Ming carried the fish-flavored pork slices in front of the cat’s big, longing eyes and waved: “Really fragrant!”

“Meow~” Bai Xia Xia puffed up her cheeks, and with aggrieved eyes: “Tuan Tuan~ want to eat!”

Song Bei: “You’re not allowed to look around, do your penalty stand right!”

From the hospital bed beside her, a good-looking, gentle hand, which joints were defined, carried away the cat’s yearned fish-flavored pork slices, and on the way, it also used two fingers to pinch Bai Xia Xia, turning back her small head once again, to face the wall.


Bai Xia Xia truly, truly felt extremely wronged.

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— —I clearly did something good, but I’m still being punished.

Guo Chao Ming looked at the cat’s airplane ears from the back, In the past when I bullied the cat, these two guys would put on a look of looking down on me for not being a human to condemn me.

This time, they’re actually not indulging the cat, looks like… “Hehe, it made a big mistake?”

“Go away!” Guy who rejoices in other people’s misfortune, I’m not speaking with you!

“…what’s going on? Y’all.” Guo Chao Ming: “Let it go after a bit, look at how wronged the cat is.”

Song Bei: “Look who’s talking! It’s all the consequence of you two spoiling her, with no proper model all day!”

Guo Chao Ming & Qin Xiao: “???” Wait, why’s it that when the cat makes a mistake, we’re blamed?

Suddenly becoming the scapegoat, this blow took the two captains unprepared.

Song Bei rambled: “What can the cat understand? I don’t blame it for not understanding, what wrong can the cat do? She doesn’t understand that here it is the hospital! But do you guys not understand either? Staying the whole day in the hospital, don’t you know to teach the cat? This cat is different from ordinary cats, how many times have I told you, but you never listened with your ears! Only knowing to play from morning to night! Xiao Qin, you weren’t like this before, when did you ever need me to remind you? Really… forget it! You’re injured, your brain isn’t reacting, I can’t blame you.”

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The Captain Qin who was suddenly labeled as handicapped: Th-thanks?

Guo . Healthy and Active . Does Not Do Proper Business . Chao Ming bore the pain that he was not supposed to bear, Colonel Song started the huge firepower, bombarding Guo Chao Ming: “I told you to protect Xiao Qin; slopping around by yourself was fine, but don’t you know how to find some work to do by yourself? There’s no work at all in your eyes! Really!”

“If you had just been a bit more careful, today’s event wouldn’t have happened! This cat is intelligent, once you tell it once, it’ll remember.”

Guo Chao Ming’s heart was cold: “…”

Sure enough, I can’t rejoice in the misfortune of others, the one who receives damage in the end is always me.

The cat sneakily turned its head, its small fluffy paw was covering its mouth, and its mouth was grinning widely: “Serves you right for laughing at me!”

Guo Chao Ming stood with one hand in the pocket, then peeked at the cat that seemed to be so happy that its shoulders were trembling, Isn’t it just harming each other mutually? “Fine, I’ll start classes with the cat effective tomorrow!”

“Old Qin, we can’t delay our kid anymore!”

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Qin Xiao: “…you’re being serious?”

“Of course!”

“No kidding! This cat is smart, it’ll be able to learn for sure. If it doesn’t learn, it’ll be because you didn’t teach it well, and should put in more effort! In any case, both of you are idle and don’t have anything to do. Just right to divide the work…” Song Bei thought about something, then uncertainly looked at the two ace captains that had dominated the Eastern Provincial Military Distrcit with their intrepidness, “You two… will you be able to?”

You better not teach my obedient cat and turn it into a bad one.

Qin Xiao was expressionless, the tail of his swordlike brows noticeably pressed down: “…”

Guo Chao Ming: “I, a graduate from Beijing National Defense[1], is it possible for me to not be able to teach a cat?”

Song Bei thought about it and agreed.

He has known these two around four years, but they truly did not seem like specially recruited civilians, and both entered the special forces.

Back then, they were transferred under Song Bei, because Qin Xiao had caused an unbelievably big thorny problem, and was directly transferred from another military district to be under Song Bei.

What the specific details were, Song Bei was not clear about, he only knew that the matter had been very big, of extremely grave nature. Qin Xiao had almost been sent to the military tribunal, and after the matter dragged back and forth for a long time, in the end, he was demoted and transferred away.

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