Lu Ruoruo arrived late. Her footstep was lithe and her face was smiling. After arriving at the class one’s doorway, she saw Jiao Yushi who standing beside the door. She unconsciously slowed down her footsteps and the smile on her face went stiff.

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Jiao Yushi shifted his gaze to the left. It was only a split second yet it also felt like an eternity. Lu Ruoruo simply didn’t dare to say anything. In the end, Jiao Yushi’s gaze fell on her.

Under his gaze, Lu Ruoruo quickly forgot to even breathe. No matter how many times, Jiao Yushi could always give her a different feeling. She often would think; how could there be such a bright appearance in this world to the extent that it could make her give up everything as long as he wanted it.

Jiao Yushi lifted his hand. His movement was neither fast nor slow. Four of his fingers were folded while his index finger was raised and placed in front of his lips.

Lu Ruoruo’s throat rolled once. His eyes held a kind of breathtaking light. Because of the unwillingness of disappointing him, she nodded.

Jiao Yushi put down his hand, looked away, and maintained the meditating like stance just as before.

Lu Ruoruo’s heart relaxed. However, her nervousness didn’t disappear and she just felt lost. Why didn’t you look at her a few times more? She quietly walked past Jiao Yushi and entered the classroom.

She saw Chen Chacha walking towards Ning An.

When Yao Yiyi saw her, she immediately smiled and said, “Ruoruo, you finally come.”  Behind, she would call her with the surname, yet in front, she merely called her name.

”En.” Lu Ruoruo responded. She didn’t say anything else. Male God Jiao was standing outside by the door. She’s not stupid enough to expose her nature. So, she remained silent. [T/N: I change the nickname Prince Jiao to Male God Jiao since it sounds nicer]


Yao Yiyi followed behind Chacha in approaching Ning An.  

Ning An sensed that she’d be in danger. She retreated while asking, “What are you doing?”  

What am I doing? No matter what, it had nothing to do with you. Chacha silently ridiculed in her heart.  

The three people cornered her. Ning An’s back was against the wall and she widened her eyes in an attempt to threaten Chacha. However, she looked like a lamb that’s waiting to be slaughtered. 

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“Ning An, We are a little short of money recently. So, can we borrow some money?” Chacha deliberately spoke in a kind of low-pitched voice. With a tone that was neither too fast nor too slow, an expression of looking for trouble, and combined with her gesture of blocking people up, It would be more fitting to be called extorting people than borrowing money.  

“Lack of money?” Ning An incredulously asked, “You can lack money?”  

“If it’s said lack of money than it’s lack of money!” Yao Yiyi stepped forwards. She asked while glaring at Ning An, “Why? Do you have any complaints?”  

Ning An closed her lips tightly. How could they lack money? They clearly just wanted to bully her.  

Yao Yiyi added, “If you dare to not lend us money, we will beat you up.” After she said that, she glanced at Chen Chacha. She was expressionless. Then she glanced at Lu Ruoruo. She was silent.  

Yao Yiyi felt it’s a bit strange. Lu Ruoruo was usually very brazen, yet why was she so quiet today? She was puzzled and immediately asked, “Ruoruo, why didn’t you say anything? Are you feeling that speaking with Ning An, this kind of trash, will make your mouth dirty?”  

“No.” Lu Ruoruo shook her head.  

“What’s the matter with you?” Yao Yiyi was dumbfounded, but she didn’t pay too much attention to it. Since she was in a bad mood, she looked at Ning An again. She pushed her and said ferociously, “Quick, hand over your money.” 


They weren’t short of money. They just enjoy forcing people and the pleasure when the other side couldn’t resist. A kind of pleasure that came from the false belief that oneself was very powerful.  

Yao Yiyi’s power was very strong. Ning An’s shoulder hit the wall and it hurt a lot. Right now, there were only four of them in the class. She absolutely couldn’t beat them in one versus three, but she was very angry.  

Ning An indignantly reproached, “What do you guys mean with this? I had never offended you guys! Why do you guys have to do this kind of thing?”  

“Hahahaha.” Yao Yiyi laughed boisterously, “Why? We can do whatever we want, where do the reason come from?” 

Chacha nodded. She summed up in her heart that she, this bullier, had done a good job.  

“What?” Ning An widened her eyes. She was boiling with rage and cried out, “It was actually based on this kind of reasoning that you bully people? Why do you guys do this? ! who do you guys think you are? Do you know how painful it is to be bullied?”  

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Yao Yiyi was stunned for a while. In Ning An’s angry eyes appeared a glimmer of hope. She thought that her words could wake them up. However, her hope didn’t stay long before she saw Yao Yiyi revealed a smile and said, “Pain? What does it have to do with us? We are not in pain, we are very happy.”  

Chacha couldn’t help but gasp in admiration. The summary of her was getting more and more satisfactory.  

“You!” Ning An burst into tears, “You are seriously disgusting!”  

“What! ?” Yao Yiyi’s smile instantly disappeared. She raised her hand and was about to slap her, but her wrist was grabbed by Chacha.  

Yao Yiyi puzzledly looked at Chacha. Chacha shook her head and said, “Don’t resort to violence, be elegant.” She was just complying with the plot in extorting Ning An. She didn’t intend to truly beat people up. Although it wasn’t her who hit others, it was done by the people she brought over and it didn’t have that much difference as she personally did it herself. 

 Chacha released Yao Yiyi’s hand. She looked at Ning An and unhurriedly said, “Ning An, quickly hand over your money. My patience is limited. If you’re still stalling time, I won’t stop Yiyi. When that time comes, you’ll have to go home with a blue face [from being beaten]. Your mother will be worried about you, oh.”

  Ning An quickly fell apart. Why was she like this? If she’s just extorting her, then it’s okay. But she still had the audacity to say such a word.

  ”Fuck you!”, Yao Yiyi took advantage of the time when Chacha wasn’t paying attention and kicked Ning An’s stomach, directly making Ning An’s bent down [from the impact and pain]. Then she [YY] crouched down and reached her hand out to Ning An’s trouser’s pocket. She rummaged for the money while swearing, “You are just a trash, yet dare to say I’m disgusting.”

  Chacha was speechless. However, in this situation right now, it wasn’t good for her to say anything. Lest she disrupted the bullying mood.

  Yao Yiyi quickly found several coins. After she counted the amount, she mocked, “Ck ck, a trash is truly a trash. This is all the money you have on you? It’s not even enough for me to drink milk tea.” 

  Ning An struggled to get up. She glared at Yao Yiyi. Her abdomen was in so much pain, but she exerted herself to straighten her body. With sobs, she tried hard to keep calm and said, “You are indeed disgusting.”

  ”What!?” Yao Yiyi was immediately enraged. Her hand wanted to hit Ning An. Seeing that, Chacha immediately slapped to Yao Yiyi on the back of her head.

  Yao Yiyi was hit into a daze and blankly turned around to look at Chacha. Her [YY] hand was still raised up in midair.

  Chacha coldly looked at her and said, “I’ve already said, you need to be elegant.”

  Yao Yiyi: ……

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  Yao Yiyi knew there was something wrong with Chen Chacha’s brain, but she didn’t expect her to be this retarded. What’s wrong with hitting people? No one watching. She threw a glance at Lu Ruoruo. Normally, Lu Ruoruo would definitely want to mock Chen Chacha, but today she was particularly silent.

  What’s going on with them? Yao Yiyi felt very tired. She retracted her hand and lost interest in bullying.

  Chacha took the money from Yao Yiyi’s hand. After she sorted it out, she said, “Ning An, don’t worry. This money is borrowed by us. We will definitely pay you back”

  The money was only a bit over one hundred yuan. Chacha knew her family’s financial situation was not good. This was all the money she had. For all of her money to be ‘borrowed’ during this time would undoubtedly cause difficulties for her.

  Yao Yiyi had quieted down. Her heart was stifled with resentment. Right now, she didn’t want to flatter Chen Chacha.

  Chacha didn’t care. She took the money, turned around, and left. After walking a few steps, she stopped and turned around with a smile, “Please do us a favor and do today’s duty. Yiyi doesn’t have free time, she’s going to drink milk tea with us. You are so kind-hearted, you will definitely help us right?”

  Yao Yiyi was dumbfounded. She suddenly understood the meaning of being ‘elegant’. That’s right, ah. To get rid of Ning An with such a pretentious face is actually through causing trouble for Ning An. This also feels very good.

  As a result, that little bit of anger in Yao Yiyi’s heart disappeared. She was grinning broadly, “yes, ah. Please do us a favor, classmate Ning An.”

  Ning An stared at them with red eyes. Her lips tightly pursed.

  Yao Yiyi saw her sullen expression and felt happy. She affectionately spoke to Chen Chacha, “Ah… Chencha, let us go.”

  ”En.” Chacha turned back and walked toward the back door.

  Ning An stared at their receding figure.

  Standing in the middle, Chen Chacha was the highest. Whether it’s her figure or her clothing, it far overstepped the other two. She inevitably became the focus. Therefore, at this time, the person Ning An hate the most was Chen Chacha.

  Chacha walked out of the back door and saw there was a boy standing by the wall beside the door.

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  The boy was tall. She had to look up to see his face. His side profile was very beautiful. His forehead, his bridge of the nose, his lip, and his chin was defined by one graceful line. His eyes were gazing ahead. He noticed there were people coming out, but he didn’t bother to put his eyes on them.

  Yao Yiyi was stunned, “Pri… Classmate Jiao.” She nearly called him Prince Jiao.

  Lu Ruoruo slightly lowered her head and looked down, covering the schadenfreude in her eyes. These two fools didn’t realize that Prince Jiao was standing by the back door, so they made a fool out of themselves. [for their bullying was known by him]

  Chacha heard Yao Yiyi’s words. She knew this was the male lead, Jiao Yushi.

  This name, Jiao Yushi, gave an impression of gentleness and friendliness. However, he -in person- had a cold face. His mixed-race facial feature and profound look made him exude a kind of depth that’s unbefitting of his age. However, he was still a youngster and his body still exuded a youthful aura.

  The beauty of contradiction added an aesthetic feeling onto him that made people unable to tear their eyes off him.  

  When Chacha was reading the book, she immediately knew that his attractiveness index would be second to none. But in the end, she didn’t see it with her own eyes. Therefore, she didn’t have much feeling about it. And now that she suddenly saw him with her own eyes, she was immediately shocked.

  It wasn’t that she had never seen any handsome men or beautiful girls. Even if she didn’t see them with her own eyes, she had seen many attractive and famous male idols through her phone and laptop.

  Fortunately, he wasn’t going into the entertainment industry in the future. Otherwise, he would make many people that regard themselves as good-looking received blows, ah.

  Jiao Yushi slightly tilted his head and looked towards Chen Chacha.

  Chen Chacha was looking at him. Her eyes contained amazement, but it stopped here and there’s no other feeling shown.

  Chacha suddenly met face to face with him. She saw her own reflection [in his eyes] and immediately looked away. She continued walking forward with eyes locked straight. The two bashful hypocrite friends, who didn’t dare to look at him, followed Chacha out.

  However, Jiao Yushi stretched his hand out to grab Chen Chacha’s wrist. Her wrist was very thin. There wasn’t much meat, but it’s very soft. It must be because her skin was rather tender and lovely. This was his first time taking the initiative to pull someone else’s hand.

  He hated having physical contact with other people. However, Chen Chacha didn’t disgust him.

  Chacha stopped walking. With arrogant eyes, she tilted her head and looked towards Jiao Yushi, asking, “What is it?”

         “Is it very fun to blackmail others for money?” Jiao Yushi’s tone was very flat.

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