”It looks like you don’t intend to apologize at all.” Jiao Yushi wasn’t perplexed by Chacha’s word and simply let go of her hand. Then, he took out a handkerchief to wipe his hand as if he had just touched something dirty. 

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  After he finished wiping his hand, he handed over the handkerchief to Ning An and said, “Please help me throw it away.”

  Chacha: …….
        His taunting skill was very good. She conceded defeat.

  After he disposed of the handkerchief, Jiao Yushi looked at Chacha and said, “Since you are not going to apologize, then I could only go and tell the teacher about this matter so the teacher could deal with this.”

  Everyone else was shocked.

  Chacha kept silent. She’s somewhat speechless, “Looking for the teacher? You’re almost an adult, aren’t you? Yet you actually want to go and complain to the teacher like a primary student?”

  Jiao Yushi’s gaze was filled with a bit of doubt, “If not looking for the teacher, then do you want me to beat you up? Not to mention the fact that boys beating up girls is considered a very immodest issue, don’t you think this way of solving problem is too stupid? Furthermore, do you think using violence against violence is the proper way of doing  things?

  Hearing him said that, the onlookers who were enjoying the show also thought that this was very reasonable. As expected, the prince was really a male god.

  Chacha had just wanted to ridicule back; Say, didn’t you also use violence against violence during your junior high school. How come you’re not ashamed to speak like that?

  This was something that she had read from the original novel. At that time, he had just been picked up from the remote village in the mountain. He was thin and small and was also very tanned. That way, in the eyes of the other student, he became a good material to be bullied and hence he was bullied.

  However, before she even opened her mouth to speak, Ning An who had just come back from throwing away the handkerchief heard this. She [NA] immediately pushed her [CC’s] two hypocrite friends away to come forward and said, “Forget it, you don’t need to look for the teacher. In any case, the money had been returned to me.”

  If this matter reached the teacher’s ear, her parents might heard about this too. Her father wasn’t in good health. If he knew she was bullied at school, he would feel very sad and aggrieved. These intense emotions might be harmful to his body.

  Even only imagining the scene made Ning An feel unresigned.

  Jiao Yushi looked at her. His eyes and his expression were both very indifferent, and yet it could make people feel that at this moment, his mood wasn’t good.

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  Chacha liked to see the people who caused trouble for her to suffer a defeat. She suddenly said happily, “Hey, Classmate Jiao Yushi, What good attributes do you really have [in a sarcastic way]? Classmate Ning An herself doesn’t care much about this. If you still insist on going, you will trouble Classmate Ning An. Do you know why Grandpa Xiao Ming could live until one hundred? It’s because he doesn’t like to meddle in other people’s business.”

  ”Eh?” Ning An was stunned for a while. After she pondered it, the way she handled it was indeed not clear. She hastily explained, “It’s not like that. I don’t think you are troublesome, I just don’t want you to look for the teacher.”

  Jiao Yushi didn’t pay attention to Chen Chacha’s sarcasm or Ning An’s explanation. He merely asked, “Are you sure you don’t want me to go look for the teacher? If you don’t go this time, then next time it’s not certain there would be someone who could help you.”

  Ning An was frightened by his cold expression and aura. When she heard his words, besides feeling that the way she handled things before was not thorough, she was rather muddleheaded. 

  She knew that all the teachers in the school were very good towards Jiao Yushi. It could even almost be said that they’re courteous towards him. If she looked for a teacher by herself, the teacher might merely talk to Chen Chacha and leave the matter unsettled. She’d continue to be bullied like always or even more mercilessly. If Jiao Yushi went together with her, the teacher might take this seriously.

  However, she truly didn’t want to look for a teacher.

  She also knew that it was best to resist, but the people who bullied her all came in crowds. She’d be no match for them and she also didn’t know how to fight. Furthermore, if she fought, the school might call her parents…..

  Because she didn’t know what she should do, her entire person turned muddleheaded and blankly stared at Jiao Yushi.

  ”I understand.” Jiao Yushi retracted his gaze, then he turned around and left.

  In fact, he also didn’t want to step forward for Ning An. He was merely interested in the sudden subtle changes in Chen Chacha. When he was eavesdropping on what was happening in the classroom, he felt there were many contradictory parts on Chen Chacha. Therefore, he stopped her and made things difficult for her because he wanted to see her reaction.

  It could be considered as a diversion from the boring days.

  Since Ning An didn’t want to pursue the matter, he, as a stranger, would just follow it. At any rate, he had seen Chen Chacha’s reaction.

  Chacha looked at Jiao Yushi’s back disappearing at the corner to the stairway while inwardly thinking; the next story plot would be on the midterm exam. She could have a holiday for half a month, not bad, not bad.

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  After all, in the second semester of the third year, she couldn’t always cause troubles. The learning tasks were heavy, she even had to squeeze out her time to cause trouble

  Villains were really the most hardworking creatures in the world. They not only had to find a time to cause trouble, but also had to rack their brain on how to trouble the leading roles. When things finished, they had to be slapped in the face and no one was grateful. Truly, what a moving and tragic occupation.

  Chacha heaved a sigh and then walked away.

  Her two hypocrite friends followed her. Yao Yiyi said, “Ai, Chen Chacha. Just now, you seem to have offended Prince Jiao.” 

        Lu Ruoruo said, “That’s right. I heard Prince Jiao’s family circumstances are very good.”

  Chacha pondered over it. In her memory, Chen Chacha didn’t seem to know that Jiao Yushi’s family is very wealthy. Therefore, she left him hanging. Later, when she found out, she’s very regretful. She followed the setting and asked, “Then what? You think I’ll be afraid?”

  When the two hypocrite friends heard that, they immediately began praising her, and Chacha just accepted their praises.

  She rented an apartment outside of the school, but the book didn’t specifically say where the rented apartment was. Chacha took out her phone and searched through her phone’s address book. When she found the landlord’s phone number, Chacha halted for a moment before calling the number. “System, can you give me the specific information about Chen Chacha?” Then, Chacha asked again, “speaking of which, you’ve never told me your name. What are you called?”

  ”Can.” The system voice that sounded like a child answered, “I’m called The Supervisor System. You can address me however you like.”

  Chacha was just thinking of what she should call the system as, when all of a sudden her brain was stabbed with pain. Then a series of memories of all kinds of things unrelated to what she’d normally do in her life like bank card’s PIN, phone number, various kinds of software’s password, home address and such things, entered her brain.

  After that Chacha fainted. When she slowly regained consciousness, a taxi stopped by her side. The uncle driver rolled down the window and asked, “Xiao-mei, are you dizzy? Do you want to go to the hospital? It’s just on the way.” [T/N: 小妹 – Little sister/ girl. How older people address younger girls.]

  Chacha shook her head and got into the car. She originally was thinking about going back to the dormitory, but at the last moment she changed her mind and asked, “Are there any good barbecue restaurants around here?”

  ”There’s many.”

  ”Then, you [formal] choose one for me.”

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  She had been busy all afternoon, she had to eat lots of meat to replenish her energy.


  After eating dinner, Chacha went to a self-study class. It was very peaceful during class. During the break time, people kept glancing over and whispered things about her. There were too many voices mixed in. After listening for a while, She could only hear bits and pieces of them talking about her extorting Ning An. 

  Rumors always spread around at an alarming speed. If dispelling rumors could be done with half the speed of that, all the police uncles in the world would definitely rejoice together.

  There were many people gossiping about her. However, no one really ran to her and gossiped in front of her face.

  In the next few days, Chacha had only gone to class, gone back, then slept. Her life went peacefully. Perhaps because it’s not time for the plot to happen yet, the two hypocrite friends were also very lovely and sensible. They didn’t instigate her to cause trouble for Ning An.

  However, Yao Yiyi was in the same class as the male and female lead. Every day, she would insult the female lead and praise the male lead.

  When Chacha heard those, she just listened casually and continued playing on her phone. She needed to take advantage of her spare time to check the information about this world and until which stage the industries in this world had reached. It’s only after she understood the situation that she could choose to work according to her own conditions.

  During this period, she didn’t hear such rumors about the male lead inviting the female lead to eat together at all. Moreover, she wasn’t sent back to the previous plot point. This proved that the love-line between the female and male lead might not be so important. She’d only need to move according to the plot related to her. [T/N: 感情线 – the line on the palm representing love]

  However, after thinking about it, the female lead was cut to death. And therefore, the world collapsed. Furthermore, compared to the love-line, the female lead’s career-line was more important. Perhaps, the female lead didn’t die, but she had walked to the end of the story-line and therefore she had finished the basic requirement of her task. As for love and career, those might be just something in passing. After all, the female lead’s life was the core of this world.

  On Friday evening, Chacha had just finished her meal and was about to happily put on a face-mask in her rented apartment when she received a call from her father.

  ”Come to the Brilliant Hotel at 8 p.m. tonight. It’s your little brother’s birthday.” Father Chen’s voice sounded rather cold.

  Chacha pondered over it for a while and answered, “m-hm, okay father.”

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  Hearing that she sounded obedient, Father Chen’s tone improved a bit, “En.”

  In truth, Chacha didn’t want to go. The illegitimate younger brother came home once a year and made up a lot of slanders against Chen Chacha. Another part was also because Chen Chacha was stupid like an idiot that even a ten-year-old could fool her.

  This caused Father Chen to believe that Chen Chacha hated her younger brother very much to the extent that she would cruelly injure her younger brother. That’s why he didn’t like Chen Chacha very much.

  However, the bad thing about Father Chen wasn’t just that he regarded men as superior to women. In order to have a son, he didn’t hesitate to look for a mistress and even took the white lotus mistress home. Later, when he didn’t like Chen Chacha, he didn’t immediately make things bad for Chen Chacha. Instead, he would respond to her every plea. Whatever Chen Chacha wanted, he’d buy them. However, whenever Chen Chacha said she wanted to learn a real-life skill, he would say that he’s too tired, or that he didn’t want his daughter to suffer so much. They had so much money, what’s the use of learning so many things?

  The way he spoke made him look like he loved his daughter very much. In fact, he was just afraid that his daughter could become someone outstanding and later turned against his treasured son. In private, there were many times when he explained to his son that it was all for the sake of cultivating her into a waste that he allowed her to spend so much money. Just let him be generous for a bit and said that one didn’t need to spend too much effort if you can defeat an enemy with money. 

         It’s true that the education that the mistress gave to this illegitimate child made him feel that his things were snatched by Chen Chacha. However, Father Chen’s teaching made him confirm this thought. It even aggravated him further into thinking that Chen Chacha was his enemy.

  Chen Chacha also didn’t like this illegitimate younger brother, couldn’t look at this younger brother with a good expression, and perhaps she could even take the initiative to bully him. However, the Chen family’s education method obviously had problems.

  This kind of behavior of praising someone in the wrong way made Chen Chacha become more and more arrogant, more and more used to extravagant life, more and more disinclined to study hard or thinking about the future.

  After the illegitimate younger brother attended high school and was almost matured enough to protect himself. Father Chen suddenly cut off all of Chen Chacha’s allowance and pocket money. She couldn’t even scrape enough money to buy a house from selling her bags and watches. Furthermore, although she had always unrestrainedly bought things, she didn’t have any assets or deposit under her names.

  When Chen Chacha’s allowance was cut off, she instantly changed from having a room filled with famous bags and purses into having nothing at all.

  Chen Chacha naturally couldn’t get used to it. She went back crying and screaming but was coldly driven away from her own family. After that Father Chen still sensibly expressed, it was all because I doted on you too much that you offended people at all places, now you had to grow up. 

  Chen Chacha was raised as a good-for-nothing. In the later stage, she could only depend on being a nouveau riche’s mistress to be able to continue with her unrestrained life of buying things.

         The reason why Chacha wanted to go was to leave a good impression on Father Chen. During this period, she should collect as much money as possible. As for the future, only ghosts would care about the Chen family.

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