Chapter 1 – Transmigrated into a Book? 

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Edited by RandomAlex

Ren Qiao looked at everything in front of her eyes, and she felt ridiculous. But every detail reminded her that the truth is as she suspected — she transmigrated into a book! 
The woman in front of her named Tang Ya, she is the General Manager of the Tang Family’s clothing. Zhou Yunqing that she mentioned was the chairman of the company that has been in recognition in recent years. 

The words came out from Tang Ya’s mouth were as exaggerated as the one written in the book, “Sister, please allow me to call you so. Here’s the case record about your loss in the past, and the clues we traced over the years. Your real name is not Ren Qiao, and you are my biological sister, Tang Shu. Ren Da and his wife took you in and adopted you. If you don’t believe it, we can do a paternity test. Dad gave me two tasks, so I came to see you today. The first is discuss with you about returning home, and the other is introduce you to a person, his name is Zhou Yunqing, have heard of him? It’s that great chairman who is worth ten billion dollars. He intends to marry the Tang Family’s daughter. Dad promises — if one of Tang Family’s daughter becomes Mrs. Zhou, he will give him a billion-dollar worth asset. Sister, I don’t want to be together with Zhou Yunqing, could you please do me a favor and marry into the Zhou Family? After the things are settled, I can give Jia He to you as your dowry. We can sign the contract now.”
By how she looks, Tang Ya looked elegant and straightforward. Especially the contrast when she sat on the opposite side of Ren Qiao; that also looked tender and beautiful. Her facial features were even more prominent and indifferent. The atmosphere was compelling, it made a person unable to neglect her.
Tang Ya wore a beige blazer, wide-legged pants, pair up with the white high heels. Her shoulder-length black and smooth hair made her appearance looks sharp and neat. 
Supposed a person was white-skinned and suitable with any style, that was precisely Tang Ya. Tang Family was a famous noble family in Chunshen City, born into this kind of family, naturally, she was pampered and spoiled since her childhood. She grew up into someone who has fair and clean skin. Her family education was excellent, not overbearing, and her personality traits are very graceful. 
Now, because the content of this conversation was crucial, even if she dealt with her biological sister, she inevitably avoided her upper-class way of approaching. 

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The things that made Ren Qiao’s heart’s beat fast was not Tang Ya’s upper-class aura. She suddenly found out the world that she lived for over ten years was merely just inside a book. How could she be calm and collected? Before she transmigrated into this book, Ren Qiao’s name was Xie Anran. 
The world which she lived before was not the same as it is now. Although there were also modern civilizations, there were computers and internet networks, aircraft and cannons rushed around everywhere. But in that world, the spiritual influence was adequate. Through practice, they could draw energy to other people’s bodies and practiced mental strength. 
It was an era dominated by Ancient Wu. Leap onto roofs and vault over walls is merely an everyday thing. If they practiced until the deepest or distant part, they could even mastered the legendary force of moving mountain and draining the seas. The power would able to smash rocks into pieces, free and unfettered; the interstellar. 
Her father was the head of the Ancient Wu who had been influential for generations, known as the Xie Ming Knives. Her mother was a skillful priest, a talented and beautiful fairy. It appeared to be an enchanting family. Unfortunately, when her mother was pregnant, there was a beast who come into being and harmed the whole country. Even a nuclear warhead was unable to injure the other side. 
As the world’s first master, her father went to slay the monster. Her mother was an expert in silent killing, assisted her father to capture the beast. Didn’t expect that the monster’s skills and method were too excessive. Before it died, the creature poisoned her mother! 
Because of her mother’s cultivation, the poison didn’t kill her. Regrettably, Xie Anran that still in the womb, consequently inborn with poison. After her birth, her father asked the Doctor to cure her. The Doctor shook his head and sighed, “Lao Xiu is unable to turn around a hopeless situation, take care of her carefully. She should be able to live until 20 years old. As for what will happen after the age of 20, we can only watch when the Gods call her back.”
Her father, who was not willing to give up traveled to visit the mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas to find the legendary magic potion to cure Xie Anran. But, all of them to no avail. Because her parents took pity on Xie Anran, they spoiled her, held her tightly in their hand, afraid to lose her. They kept the secrets in their mouth, so she wouldn’t get hurt. She had always been very timid in her entire lifetime. She wasn’t even allowed to walk a few steps, moreover practice the Xie Family’s martial arts. 
Her whole life was just like a bird flying over the bright and crystalline water surface with a gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight. She knew that a place had beautiful scenery, but she could only pass it hurriedly. The world was just like flickering light and moving shadows for her. When the poison developed on her body and took her life, she would have so many regrets in her heart. Unexpectedly, she transmigrated and became Ren Da and Liu Xiuli’s ten years old daughter, Ren Qiao. 
Thanks to the grace of God, in this life, she could cherish her life than the previous one. The unexpected result was; she just transmigrated into a book? 
How could she believe that the parents who love her dearly, her close friend, her schoolmate, even herself, were all merely a descriptive paragraph in the book? 

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They had flesh and blood; she had five senses, six desire, and seven emotions. She would feel cold in winter, feel hot in summer. She also felt hurt when she got scratches. For her, the existence of this world is real! 
“Sister, are you listening to me? About my suggestion, what do you think?” Tang Ya’s clear and melodious voice sounded, breaking Ren Qiao’s train of thought. 
Ren Qiao laughed and mocked herself; her pair of eyes regained consciousness. What is there to be confused about? Even the great and famous philosopher in the world like Zhuang Zhou couldn’t understand, whether it was Zhuang Zhou’s Dream of a Butterfly or Butterfly’s Dream of Zhuang Zhou. Besides consideration of whether this world was real or nothing, it was more important to confront this talented person in front of her now! 

(Zhuang Zhou’s Dream of a Butterfly = Was he a man dreaming he was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he was a man?)
Ren Qiao’s beautiful and alluring smile was almost irresistible. Previously, she seemed to be a budding lotus flower. Under the moonlight, looked so hazy and unclear. People beside her would think that she was good-looking but unable to say how beautiful she was. 
But now, the lotus already bloomed. People often said ‘Lotus in the Clear Water,’ the pure and clean water could demolish the evil. But Ren Qiao was different. This lotus color was a beautiful shade of pink, her beauty was breathtaking. 
She had a pair of red phoenix eyes, long and narrow corner of eyes that slightly rise, slender and shapely eyebrows, resembled the mountain with umber-black dye. Beautiful and refined straight nose, the most impressive was her lips, with nearly diamond-shaped and bright red like Rugosa Rose. Such a woman was more befuddling than the legendary fox-spirit — the absolute majority of men who caught sight of her will wobbly walk on the road. 
Ren Qiao’s dressing style was not something she did to display proudly. Tang Ya believed, if Ren Qiao was willing, she would support her with gorgeous clothes. But Ren Qiao was only wearing a white shirt, blue hot pants, and tied her hair into a ponytail. She looked bright and refreshing. Previously, she also wore a low brimmed hat to obscure her face from people.
Tang Ya praised, “Sister, you are lovely!” She had already schemed in her mind, what kind of formal attire she should make Ren Qiao wear to stun Zhou Yunqing. 
Men were all visual animals; appearance and skin will confuse them. When the time came, Tang Ya no longer had to worry about her family who forced her to marry. It was good to have a sister. Thinking of this, there was a flashed of playfulness in Tang Ya’s eyes. 

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Tang Ya’s smiling expression, looked gentle and harmless. But Ren Qiao knew, it was just her disguise. Tang Ya was the female lead in the book, and a paragraph mentioned her as a ‘highly intelligent scheming girl’. Beside her, there were also many characters in this book. Based on the circumstances and confronted with this kind of female lead’s smile, it felt like ‘being sold by the female lead and still needed to help her count the money.’
That was the chapter that Ren Qiao read before she transmigrated into this book. The book called ‘Implement of Grand Plans.’ The story was about a youngster from the mountain village who depended on his great effort to pass the entrance test of a famous University. He struggled along the way and finally succeeded to become the top boss in business — a very encouraging story. 
At that time, because of Ren Qiao’s poor health condition and requirement to stay in a room all day. She liked to read books in her spare time. Before she finished this book, she continuously seeks and repeatedly looked at the previous chapter for quite a number of times. Because she was unsatisfied with the things that the male lead Zhou Yunqing suffered, she was also pleased with his achievements.
There was a part that told a story about his mother and his girlfriend. For this reason, she also learned to draw a beautiful fairy picture and tried to draw out Zhou Yunqing’s appearance. 
Zhou Yunqing’s career path, although he had encountered bumpy road, and need to rely on his excellent business ability to survived all the way. His path was considered ‘going smoothly’. Unfortunately, his love life was relatively out of luck. In the first chapter of this book, his first love colluded with his best friend. Both of them betrayed him and took away all the money he earned from his business. 
That sum of money, for Zhou Yunqing, couldn’t compare to the family relationship that had been taken away from him. For him, he had lost all of his hope. He was just admitted into University, and he planned to work on his summer vacation to earn the first pot of gold in his life, so he could pay the tuition. The remaining money would be calculated carefully to survive and make a better living in Chunshen City! 
After he was betrayed by his first girlfriend, he could only collapse on his patched bedding and used all the money given by his parents to buy a train ticket. He sat on the train for over 30 hours to reach Chunshen City! 
He was penniless, started from scratch, received so many supercilious looks given by people. He also encountered so many cold-shoulders. When he lived with his Zhou Family in the Village, he was very looked up by the villagers because of his achievements. So, he never experienced any of this.

To make an achievement, he endured all of that. He started from the bottom, made money from distributing leaflets. Repeatedly bowed, bending his knees, and lowered his head. He never forgot whom to thank for this humiliation. He vowed to firmly dish out revenge to that cheating couple, but the premise was he had to be powerful enough to do it. 

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On the way to became powerful, he met so many people. Some of them taught him to be mature, and some of them stabbed him in the back. Since love scarred him too deeply, he tightly closed his heart. Because he didn’t hand over all of his heart, the pain afterward counted as nothing. 
Many women admired him. As his business grew bigger and bigger, it threw the more women at him, but he remained unmoved from the beginning to the end. After suffered from such a love experience, he no longer believed in love. 
At 26, his assets were already enough to be equal to commercial giants, and people’s attitudes to him became more friendly. Because they were already getting old and he was still so young. Everybody thought his elders inherited the business to him, but actually, he started everything from scratch. They all knew that his future was immeasurable, so one after another threw out olive branches to him.

(Olive branches is the symbol of peace or conciliation)
He had no interest in the marriage for convenience that was mentioned by that stubborn old-man. The business world was like a battlefield; there was no father and son, moreover father- and son-in-law? But, there was a woman who was as powerful as him, and she gradually caught his attention. Her name was Tang Ya, beautiful and capable, just like a thorny rose. When they met each other in the Shopping Mall, they could feel like there was an unexpected feeling that they were evenly matched. They mutually became each other’s constant thoughts. 
He didn’t expect that Tang Ya’s sister was a brainless thing. She tried to use a scummy method to seduce him. Did she put drugs in his tea? With the identity of the Tang Family’s daughter, she even dared to that, regardless of the law and naturally morality. Tang Shu was not as beautiful as her first love girlfriend. Eventually, he nearly immune towards the beautiful girl. 
He handed over Tang Shu to be investigated by his subordinates. Unexpectedly, he found out that Tang Shu was his first love, his ex-girlfriend! 
According to the information from that younger brother, after Tang Shu spent all the money she took from Zhou Yunqing, she sold her body to make a living from rich men. Later, she was found by Tang Family. It turned out that she was the eldest daughter of the Tang Family, after that she returned home. 
After she heard that Tang Family intends to do business marriage with Zhou Yunqing, Tang Shu coveted of Zhou Yunqing’s assets so much more, she set the plan for herself. She wished to become Mrs. Zhou. Because she was afraid of being recognized by him, she deliberately flew abroad to do plastic surgery. 
Zhou Yunqing wanted to laugh, how ridiculous, this woman was so heartless when she abandoned him. He was drunk with alcohol, cried in his dreams, and begged her to stay, but she left with a cold back. Now, she didn’t even hesitate to do plastic surgery, she also seduced him! But, he couldn’t laugh, merely felt sorrowful. 
Money was a one-sided magic mirror that could reveal goblins, and it hid nothing from him. 

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