Chapter 15 – Push Her

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Translated by fairishalie
Edited by vrethalya

After he asked the crew, Ji Wuwei summoned Ren Qiao and explained to her that she would go to the set of the pool of sword tomorrow.

Ren Qiao smiled with a curved eyebrow: “Director Ji, thank you!” She looked like a drunk cat. All of this time, she pretended that she couldn’t finish the green screen shoot only for this day!

Ji Wuwei said, “Have you been in Jiang City since you were a child?” In his eyes, Tang Shu was too much alike with Shui Yao, and her surname was also Tang, wasn’t she?

It was still not the showdown time, Ren Qiao nodded with a smile and didn’t explain.

Ming Yuan came to pick up Ren Qiao. Today he used a black car complete with its driver, and he sat in the back row with Ren Qiao.

As soon as she got into the car, Ming Yuan held Ren Qiao’s hand and smiled. His handsome face was a bit silly because his smile was so big.

Ren Qiao pretended to tidy up her hair and quietly pulled back her left hand. “What makes you so happy today?”

Ming Yuan said nothing at first until Ren Qiao looked at him with that pair of beautiful red phoenix eyes, he answered: “Just holding on your hand, suddenly an ancient poem popped out in – holding the hand, growing old together with you.”

His eyes were full of the reflection of Ren Qiao, tender, and affectionate.

Ren Qiao had a burst of cold feeling. Ji Wuwei always praised her for having a great understanding of her role and naturally born as an actress.

Maybe she should show him Ming Yuan’s performance. Ming Yuan was so good at acting! Looked at his approach! If Ren Qiao hadn’t known the story, she almost thought that he was really in love with herself.

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Unable to speak, Ren Qiao had to be shy and lowered her head to prevent him from seeing her face.

From Ming Yuan’s point of view, he can only see her white jade earlobe, stated to become pink.

He could not help to reach out his hand and gently play with it: “Honey, the script and director are ready for you. As long as you nod your head, you can come to the Orange Sky at any time. All resources are ensured for you. I’ll make sure that you’ll become famous.”

Ren Qiao’s earlobe was too sensitive. At that moment, she was so upset that she wanted to grab the bag next to her, slammed it to Ming Yuan, and scold him as a pervert.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t do that. After all her arrangements, she didn’t want her painstaking efforts wasted. On the contrary, she still had to keep Ming Yuan: “Can you wait for me a few more days? Director Ji was so kind to me.” She moved back and released herself from Ming Yuan.

Ming Yuan’s hand was on the air, and he was avoided one after another. His eyes flashed with a dark light, but he still joked, “Still not accustomed to my touch, aren’t you? You have to adapt to it slowly. If this is how you react, how can you accept the more of it in the future?”

The hidden meaning of these words made the driver in the front row blushing.

Ren Qiao tried to look excited and replied with a few words. Finally, she arrived at her place.

She lived in a hotel arranged by Xing Can for the crews. As soon as she entered her room, Ren Qiao rushed into the bathroom. She turned on the faucet, and mechanically rinsed her hands with a disgusted look on her face.

Outside the hotel, inside the black car, Ming Yuan’s eyes were shining cold. He couldn’t wait any longer, and since Tang Shu was still unable to understand his point, he had to push her!

Early on the next morning, Ji Wuwei and Ren Qiao got into Xing Can’s car and went to the set of the Pool of the Casted Sword.

Xing Can’s employees deliberately covered all the windows and started the loud music in the car, she said apologetically, “It’s not that we don’t trust you, but the location of the set is Xing Can’s top secret. We can’t afford to let any accidental loss to slip.”

Ji Wuwei agreed: “Xing Can have invested so much money in this set, they should be more cautious.”

The scene set built in the suburbs, and it was a long drive. Of course, there was also a possibility that drivers worried that they would estimate the set’s location and deliberately took them around. Ji Wuwei was too old and unable to bear the bumpy road, already fell asleep since the beginning.

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As the car gradually drifted away, Ren Qiao’s cellphone lost its signal. When she was bored, she finally heard the driver say, “Here we are.”

Before getting off the car, the accompanying staff blindfolded Ren Qiao and Ji Wuwei with a black blindfold and explained with a smile: “This is Director Wu’s order. The other sets haven’t completed yet, she afraid you will see them in advance.”

Ji Wuwei understood this: “I understand. We can’t look at it before all of them finished.”

In their ears, there was a sound of running water and a burst of cranes. After their blindfolds to be taken off, what they saw in front of them shocked Ji Wuwei.

The sky was cloudy, and a mountain stretches across there. The rock was bare and exposed. The reddish mountain seemed to be stained red by blood. The most shocking thing was the sword that inserted in the mountain. Some of which had drunk red blood, some were shining cold, and some were broke and innumerable. At the center of the mountain, a long sword with a pure feeling. Just with a glance, it was like facing the wilderness; that was the Heaven Sword!

Ji Wuwei caressed his palm and praised: “Xing Can is great! The real set is more shocking than the synthetic video I’ve seen before!” He turned to Ren Qiao, “Xiao Tang, how do you feel?”

Ren Qiao looked at it as she was used to it. The famous mountain wonders; she had seen it in her previous lives. Although, she was only sat in her father’s flying raft. she only took a glance at it from a distance, couldn’t come close enough to touch them. Picking any random spot from that place and it would be more exotic and magnificent than this pool of swords.

She nodded and said, “I need to go to the bathroom,” while holding her embarrassment.

The staff put on a blindfold for Ren Qiao again and led her to the bathroom. When there were only two of them, Ren Qiao took off her blindfold and used her elbow to knocked the staff out.

After she took the key from the staff, Ren Qiao walked around the scene set built by Wu Wenjing.

Except for the Pool of the Casted Sword, the rest of the place was desolate. Only the foundation had been laid, and the construction materials scattered on the ground. All were in a mess.

Ren Qiao took out her cellphone to video the location and didn’t forget to shout on Ji Wuwei.

Ji Wuwei stared on them like a bronze bell and asked unbelievably, “How could this be! According to Wu Wenjing, they should be completing the last stage of work now. Why are the other set merely groundworks?”

“I was only guessing earlier, and I didn’t think she was courageous enough to deceived everyone! The Tang family is very good to her. Is this how she returns her favor?” Ren Qiao said, “Director Ji, I need your help. I didn’t lie to you that my name is Tang Shu, and I grew up in Jiang City, but I still have another identity. I’m the eldest daughter of the Tang Family in Chunshen City. I was lost since my childhood and just returned to the Tang family.”

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Ji Wuwei’s eyes were sparkling, he was so excited, and his hands couldn’t stop shaking: “So you are the daughter of Shui Yao!” No wonder she looked so similar to Shui Yao! Nearly twenty years after she was lost, they all thought that Shui Yao’s daughter was also dead, but never had he expected that he would ever find her.

“Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!” Ji Wuwei shouted.

Afraid of the possibility that staff would notify this information after they woke up, Ren Qiao took her cellphone and tied up the two of them. Then Ren Qiao seized the driver’s cellphone, suppressed him by force, and threatened him to drive back to Chunshen City.

In the car, Ren Qiao casually opened Weibo Apps to kill time. Hot search articles, actually related to her!

The breaking news was about Tang Shu, the new actress in the entertainment industry, seduced Director Ming from Orange Sky Entertainment in spite of the well-known director’s kindness. She intended to betray Xing Can and reach the top position.

The actress was indeed not famous, but the two people involved in the news were Director Ji Wuwei and Orange Sky Entertainment’s Ming Yuan. They were big names in the entertainment industry, naturally attracting a large number of onlookers.

As the trouble got more prominent, many artists stood up and replied, “It may be assumed that Director Ming often came to discuss with the crew, maybe it was for that actress.”

Some people also said: “Orange Sky canceled my contract as the female lead. I heard that the role would be given to Director Ming’s lover. I still didn’t believe it, but apparently it was true.”

These people were quite reasonable, at least about the matter concerning themselves. But some of them were entirely only splashing dirty water: “Do you think Tang Shu, a newcomer without fame, could get the role of the Devil of The Night? Director Ji is old, but his heart isn’t! It might be an unspoken agreement by Tang Shu and he took Tang Shu out from a small place like Jiang City. When Tang Shu saw the big world, of course, she would choose Director Ming instead of that old man.”

(splashing dirty water means like talking nonsense or create a lousy rumor.)

For a moment, Ren Qiao detested the lowlife person.

Ji Wuwei was furious when he saw it: “What nonsense! What did these people eat? Their mouth is so dirty!” He immediately ordered his subordinate to contact public relations; he would like to wipe the dirty water and dispelled rumors.

Dong Junyang’s phone also came in: “Oh My Lady, I called you several times why your cell phone has no signal? Your photos have been popped up on the Internet. Hold a press conference immediately to clarify the facts. If the public knows that you are Miss Tang, the rumor will defeat itself.”

The Tang Family isn’t by any means weaker than the Ming Family. The two families were related by marriage, so if Ming Yuan intended to visit Tang Shu in the future, he could pretend as her relatives rather than looked like he was keeping a female actress. Even if they were really in a relationship, there was no possibility of Tang Shu being held as a mistress. After all, she was the daughter of the Tang Family!

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“No need to dispel the rumor, let them do whatever they want.” Ren Qiao said without hesitation, “Can you find out who’s the one behind this rumor?”

Dong Junyang exaggerated, “You still don’t want to clarify? and let them keep slandering you like this?”

Ren Qiao’s voice was in faint, she warned, “Should you listen to me, or I listen to you?”

“You are My Lady. Of course, I have to listen to you!” Dong Junyang said quickly.

When they arrived at Chunshen City, Ren Qiao knocked the driver out, tied him up with the previous staff member, and drove Ji Wuwei back. After that, she went to an apartment building and called Ming Yuan.

In the luxury apartment near the Linjiang, Ming Yuan slyly sat on the sofa. He lit up and put the lighter in his hand down, and the sound was silvery. He listened to the crying female voice on the phone, with a playful look on his face.

“Yuan, how could this be? Xing Can called me just now and said they wanted to terminate their contract with me. I still want to act in a film. I didn’t want to quit the entertainment industry so soon. Wu wu wu.”

Ming Yuan said gently, “Xing Can is not the only company in the entertainment industry. If they give up on you, they indeed have no foresight. If you come to Orange Sky, you will be famous, and they will regret it.”

Ren Qiao burst into tears. “Now, I only have you. Yuan. I’m downstairs.”

Ming Yuan went downstairs, opened the car door, and saw Ren Qiao cried while holding the steering wheel. Her beautiful hair as smooth as satin fell and covered her face.

When Ming Yuan saw him, she threw herself in his arms, and she cried like raindrops on a pear blossom. Her pair of eyes were dripping wet, pure, and innocent, like a newborn small deer.

(raindrops on a pear blossom [梨花带雨] means the tear-stained face of a beauty)

With warm and sweet-smelling nephrite in his embrace, Ming Yuan’s eyes unveiled a burning flame. Ren Qiao’s delicate fragrance got into his nose, seemed like the alluring woman who came out from the depths of the jungle, so attractive and charming.

Ren Qiao called softly, “Yuan.”

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