Chapter 3 – Mom and Dad are Missing!

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Translated by fairishalie
Edited by RandomAlex

Ren Qiao only could sigh with sorrow. The storyline was too compelling! She eventually didn’t know the premise, she unexpectedly followed the storyline development as in the book. She played the proper character in the role. Perhaps this is what they called the legendary willpower of the world? She came from the Ancient Wu martial arts family, this existence of mystery within a mystery world always made her feel amazed. For example, the affairs and trivial matter that happened between Ren Qiao and Zhou Yunqing, or perhaps Tang Ya who found her according to the books and raised this kind of suggestion. We could regard these as the world’s willpower. There was an unexplained power to push forward the storyline development.


In the book, Tang Shu agreed with Tang Ya’s suggestion without hesitation. Tang Shu loved money and she even sold her body to get money, it was not a big deal for her. She was tired of living in poverty with Ren Da couple since her childhood. She was provided with a beautiful face; everyone around her will surely adore her. A beautiful girl had to live in luxury like a jade. Tang Shu’s desired praises and admiration from other people, she became more and more greedy.

If only Tang Shu didn’t lose in the past, lived in the wealthy Tang Family, it would satisfy her desire, which became more prominent each day. Perhaps she could have a better education, and considerably remarkable enough to fight along against her brother and sister for the family properties. Sadly, she had no money and no brain.

Tang Shu was brought back to the Tang Family on her 25’th birthday. For a girl who has sold her body to get money, of course, Tang Family wouldn’t want to admit their blood relationship. Tang Shu’s biological father, Tang Tianyang, only looked at her outer appearance. She looked like her first wife, knew that he could sell her with a reasonable price, so he took her back to Tang Family. Tang Shu tried hard to get closer to Zhou Yunqing after being a well-known celebrity on the Internet. But he didn’t bother to look at her. Such a heartless family, simply because they didn’t want to offend Zhou Yunqing, or even watch Tang Shu who was calculated to die.

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Ren Qiao sincerely didn’t want to get involved with the Tang Family. The Tang Family always looked down on Tang Shu, and Ren Qiao didn’t like them at all. What she worried about was whether this world’s willpower is too strong to resist? If Ren Qiao stayed away from the male lead and didn’t want to die the way Tang Shu did, could she find a sense of peace in this world? Or maybe, no matter how hard she tried, her fate in this world was already determined? Ren Qiao didn’t know, but she wanted to gamble and looked at this so-called storyline, whether it was still possible to change!

In Tang Ya’s eyes, Ren Qiao was silent for a long time, maybe she still considering. Tang Ya didn’t dare to disturb her. Ren Qiao finally spoke, but she refused: “Ms. Tang, I love my current family, I don’t want to do a paternity test either. Let the past just dissipate like a cloud of smoke, since it has already passed for so many years. Let the dust remain dust and the dirt remains dirt. For now, my name is Ren Qiao.”

Tang Ya’s voice was so tunable, many people praised her for having a good voice. But when Ren Qiao spoke, she felt that people were wrong. She was her sister, bore from her father and Shui Yao. Shui Yao was a girl with an unmatched magnificent appearance in her generation. That time, their father didn’t hesitate to marry her even if he had to against his family, her daughter was the same.

Ren Qiao’s voice was sweet and soft, and it seemed like a fermented osmanthus flower. Listening to her, it was as she saw a drizzle in the South of the Yangtze River. A beauty came on the bluestone, and the raindrops fell on the oil-paper parasol she held. Just when she raised her eyes slightly, letting her face get exposed from under the umbrella, it suddenly made people breathless. The wine was not intoxicating, because the alcohol percentage was only 0.5. It wasn’t the wine which made people drunk, but a person did. Such a beautiful voice. If this kind of voice jokingly told people to die, she’s afraid that some people may do what she asked.

Before seeing her, the man derided at King Zhou of Shang’s incompetence and allowed Da Ji to damaged the country and caused people to suffer. After seeing her, she wished to reincarnate and become King You of Zhou, the fire beacon of feudal princes, and he only gave his smile to the beautiful lady. Fortunately, Tang Ya was a woman, Ren Qiao’s charms couldn’t affect her.

(King Zhou [紂王] was the pejorative posthumous name given to Di Xin He. Da Ji [妲己] was the favorite consort of King Zhou of Shang, the last king of the Shang dynasty in ancient China. She is portrayed as a malevolent fox spirit in legends as well as novels. She is considered a classic example of how a beauty causes the downfall of a dynasty in Chinese culture. King You of Zhou [周幽王] was the twelfth king of the Chinese Zhou dynasty and the last of Western Zhou Dynasty. He reigned from 781 to 771 BC.)

She smiled slightly. “Sister, blood is thicker than water. Are you going to disown us? You do not understand how much father misses you when you inadvertently lost, to find you, he had lost his appetite, he lost so much weight because of that. All these years, he never gave up to find you. Our father’s name is Tang Tianyang. You must have seen him on the TV news, haven’t you? Although he isn’t the richest man, he is one of the top ten in the domestic rich people list. He always loved his children, but he doesn’t have many children, only two daughters, and one son.”

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Tang Ya quietly threw the bait to Ren Qiao. First, she said that Tang Tianyang children were few, also said that he loves his children. People could see it that every child would get a significant amount of assets! From Tang Ya’s point of view, that was a numeral digit that Ren Qiao couldn’t imagine because she grew up in the low-income family.

However, money was not everything, that things could move Tang Shu inside the book, and unhesitating do plastic surgery for Tang Ya, but surely it wouldn’t move Ren Qiao. Even if she didn’t mention much about the Zhou Yunqing, also if a big knife hung on her head, she still had reasons to not go back to the Tang family.

She loved Ren Da couple very much. Although Ren Da couple were poor, they truly loved her. She initially got along with them with a sense of guilt. Since she borrowed someone’s body after the death of its original master, she should repay her parents well. As a result of her efforts, Ren Da couple moved into an apartment and lived a very comfortable life. The three of them lived together for fifteen years, and after being in touch every day in their daily life, they gradually had affection for each other.

Ren Qiao didn’t plan to entangle with Tang Ya, and It was a waste of time. She just took a firm stand and left: “Ms. Tang, you don’t have to tempt me with money. There are so many essential things in this world other than money.”

Looking at Ren Qiao’s back, Tang Ya slightly raised the corners of her lips and smiled sarcastically. This sister, she’s not as stupid as her imagination? It seems that the days ahead will be more enjoyable. She began to feel curious, if someone despised Ren Qiao in this Chunshen City, how much of a loss would they suffer in Ren Qiao’s hand? If you are going to watch a movie, you won’t avoid the crowd.

“Sister, I am looking forward to your return to Tang Family.”

Jiang City always drizzled by the rain and snow all year around. Recently, it already continuously fell for one week and hadn’t once seen the sunshine. The rain sprinkled obliquely, flushing the ancient and distant roadways, and it mottled the walls on both sides of the road. Ren Qiao walked through with an umbrella, the dark umbrella wrapped her completely, even the passers-by couldn’t see her face, only could guess her beauty from her exquisite figure.

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After graduating from high school, Ren Qiao didn’t continue her study. Ren Qiao’s previous life mother’s had a wonderful sound of a fairy, and it was her famous art of practice. The skill practiced by the wonderful sound fairy integrates with the spiritual power and combined into the works of art, a picture of a hundred birds facing the Phoenix, which the birds could tremble and followed closely. Listening to her play a piece of music was like experiencing six cycles of reincarnation, a dream of a hundred years, leading people to understand Tao and break through the bottlenecks encountered in practice.

Ren Qiao who once learned how to paint from Fairy Miaoyin had profound attainments in traditional Chinese painting. These years, they relied on selling paintings for a living. She bought a house with two bedrooms and one living room to improve the life of Ren Da and his wife. They no longer run Youtiao stalls, walk their dogs every day, buy vegetables and so on, and live a very comfortable life.

In the past, when Ren Da adopted a silly girl. Many people in Jianghe Town laughed at him: “A boy is like a treasure, a girl is like grass. When they grow up, they will run away, wouldn’t you enjoy retirement!”

Later, when Ren Qiao moved to the city with the Ren Da couple, others began to envy them. After all, their sons were in their twenties, but they would only stretch out their hands to ask for money. In the future, they will have to let this son marry and buy a house and a car. Who doesn’t work hard for it? Look at the Ren Family, when Ren Qiao finds a man, then the Ren Da couple would only have to enjoy.

In his spare time, Ren Da likes to watch people play chess under the big banyan tree in the district, and sometimes win a few games personally. Li Xiuli is keen on playing mahjong and square dancing. She is the flower of the famous square dance. Besides dancing actively, Li Xiuli is also a good cook.

That old-woman would get up early. Li Xiuli got up at five o’clock every day to make breakfast. In order to make Ren Qiao feel comfortable, she squeezed her soybean milk, make steamed buns with fresh meat stuffing or green pepper tofu. Sometimes when Ren Qiao doesn’t come home at noon, Li Xiuli makes some casually, and the dinner will be utterly sumptuous.

As usual, when Ren Qiao walked downstairs, he would smell the food. Sometimes it was fried shrimp, sometimes it was the sweet smell of pork belly, and sometimes it was just the savory taste of stewed lamb soup. She knew what her mother had cooked tonight. However, today, Ren Qiao didn’t smell the smell of rice. She looked up suspiciously. The kitchen’s light was on. Did her mother cook a new dish? 

The home decoration was entirely Ren Qiao’s decision, she chose the log wind, although the area was small but very warm. Just like this moment, the original light-colored walls splashed with red paint, there was a big “dead” word on it. Someone smashed the TV in the living room, the screen was broken, the wire pipe was exposed and messy, the same with the air conditioners and water heaters, and all the electrical appliances in the house suffered a calamity.

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“Dad, Mom, Da Huang!” Ren Qiao called in a panic, but no one answered.

She rushed into the room and saw someone had turned the tatami over, her clothes ripped and thrown to the ground. Someone had her favorite stuffed bear head cut open, the cotton inside was ripped out. Ren Qiao hand’s trembled, she pulled out her cell phone and called the police. The door of their house was wide open, and the neighbor asked anxiously, “What’s the matter?” 

The police came over, only made a case record, and leave afterward. Ren Qiao grabbed their sleeves and said, “My parents and my family’s dog are gone.” Mom and Dad didn’t answer the phone. While waiting for the police, Ren Qiao asked the people in the neighborhood, and no one knew where Ren Da and his wife were going.

The police said, “They have trespassed your house, and caused malicious damage. There is every reason to suspect that some criminals will harm your parents. Can you provide us with detailed information?”

“Okay, my father’s name is Ren Da. He’s 73 years old.”

After recording the details, the police said: “We will start an investigation immediately, as soon as there is any news, we will let you know. Ms. Ren please keep in touch with the police and try to provide more clues.”

Then Ren Qiao received a call from the gallery. The owner was old with a hoarse voice. “Ren Family’s Little Girl, someone greeted me and forbade me to accept your painting again, did you offend anyone? “

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