Chapter 9 – Ghost Director

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Translated by fairishalie
Edited by RandomAlex

In a few words, Tang Ya realized and asked: “Did you meet Zhou Yunqing? Zhou Yunqing hates women who play tricks to get close to him. Jialan Hotel is owned by our Tang Family. He must think you got his room card because of that. I didn’t call you, and I didn’t tell you to take anything. Damn, it must be Tang Shaoshi! I wanted to let you make a perfect first impression on Zhou Yunqing, but now everything is ruined!”

It was true; Tang Ya was very good in calculation. She wanted Tang Shu to marry into the Zhou family, but Tang Shaoshi took the first step to make Zhou Yunqing dislike Tang Shu.


Three hours ago, in Tang Family’s Villa, Tang Shaoshi’s subordinate presented a black instrument: “Young Master, please look at this. This device is the latest type of voice changer devices, as long as you get out enough audio data, it can parse and imitate the desired sound with a simulation degree of 90%! I went through a lot of trouble to get it from ‘The Rumor’.”

Tang Shaoshi’s delicate face flashed with a twinkle of doubt: “I’ve heard about this device, this is the latest model produced by The Rumor, but The Rumor is too mysterious to deal with, how could you buy it with money?”

The subordinate said: “It’s all because of your reputation, even The Rumor respects the Tang Family.” 

Tang Shaoshi loved to hear something like this, and he was wondering how to use the device. When his subordinate said that Zhou Yunqing was staying at Jialan Hotel owned by the Tang Family. The opportunity has came! Tang Shaoshi immediately thought of an idea.

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Tang Shaoshi asked a hacker to simulate Tang Ya’s caller ID on Ren Qiao’s cellphone and then use the device offered by his subordinate to imitate Tang Ya’s voice and tricked her to meet Zhou Yunqing at Jialan Hotel.

He would prefer Tang Ya to marry Zhou Yunqing rather than Tang Shu. A married out daughter just like thrown out water that couldn’t be retrieved. Then, how could Tang Ya compete with him for the Tang Family’s inheritance? As for Tang Shu, he could clean her up with a flick of fingers!

Ren Qiao retorted: “The call came in, It showed your cellphone number, and the other party used your voice. Do you think I’m a fairy? And could recognize in advance that he’s not you? I’m begging you, can you take care of Tang Shaoshi before you show off your beauty tricks? He gave you an obstacle today, and he’ll give you more obstacles in the future. You can’t blame me every time he puts you in trouble, can you?”

She intentionally drew the mistake to Tang Shaoshi, if Tang Shaoshi and Tang Ya fought each other, Ren Qiao would feel happy. As for Tang Ya’s intention to make Ren Qiao leave a perfect impression on Zhou Yunqing, Ren Qiao didn’t care! She was not Tang Shu in the book; she didn’t have the intention to hook up with Zhou Yunqing. But, Tang Ya kidnapped her parents, so she didn’t have any other way besides cooperating with Tang Ya.

Ren Qiao looked forward Tang Shaoshi to gave them more obstacle and thoroughly stirred up Tang Ya in this situation! She looked ahead at the excitement on this great drama. Not only Tang Ya, but Ren Qiao also couldn’t wait to incite Ling Qing and Tang Shaoshi to directly offend Tang Ya.

Tang Ya not only Tang Family’s beloved daughter, but Tang Tianyang also taught her personally. She was one of Tang Family’s most potent successors, and she quickly adjusted her emotion: “No problem, only the first impression was not very good, we still have plenty of chances. Change your cellphone, and I will give you one with higher security that can intercept his kind of phone calls in the future. You don’t need to go through with plastic surgery. The next step was nothing to do with your beauty.”

After Ren Qiao hung up the phone, she walked around and turned the corner. Her line of sight suddenly opened. There was a large balcony with a garden. The floral scent hit the ivory-white pillar, which was a transparent spherical dome made of glass. From Ren Qiao’s position, when she looked up, she saw a panoramic view of the sky that full of stars, spread the bright light.

There were footsteps behind her, a magnetic voice of a man passed through, “Your mother chose Jialan Hotel’s name, this place was also designed by her, the name is Guan Xingtai.”

Ren Qiao turned around to where the sounds came from, and Tang Tianyang was walking toward her. He wore a black handmade suit, and his face looked tired, maybe he just left from a meeting. Ren Qiao honestly said: “I have no impression of her at all.”

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Tang Tianyang rubbed the temple of his forehead, took off his coat and put it on his arm: “You have never met each other, how could you have an impression? I was too dumb at that time, I protected her too much, until….” There was a trace of regret and helplessness in his face. Only when he talked about his first wife, that old business fox will uncover his disguise and revealed some of his true feelings.

He stopped in the middle of his speech, and it was enough for Ren Qiao to understand the remaining words: “So you let your children fight, let them live inside the foul wind and bloody rain? If your purpose was so; congratulations, you have succeeded. People such as Tang Shaoshi, only you could teach him. Letting him stay in the house, already 10-years-old but still spoiled by his parents.”

(foul wind and bloody rain = reign of terror; carnage)

Tang Tianyang smiled: “In this world, the weak are always preyed on by the strong. Someone couldn’t be too weak, either too strong. Instead of letting them being preyed on, better train them to be the predators since the beginning. The ten days period is coming up, have you chosen some of those companies?”

Ren Qiao lightly said: “I want Xing Can!” Her voice was soft, but the tone was firm. Since the male lead hadn’t recognized her, why not choose the fastest way to become stronger?

Tang Tianyang looked at her, with a strange gaze flashed in his eyes: “Have you seen the financial report from Xing Can? It has been incurring a loss for five consecutive quarters.” As for a reason of the loss, Tan Tianyang naturally planned to hand over Xing Can Company to Tang Ya to test her business instinct practice, so he ignored them all this time.

Unexpectedly, his eldest daughter would choose Xing Can. Xing Can’s difficulty was not that serious. Even if it was solved by Tang Ya, she didn’t need significant effort for it. But for the current Tang Shu, Xing Can will be one of the 30 companies he provided with great difficulty. However, this was also good, since she already chose Xing Can, if she was a dragon or still staying a worm, he will soon find out!

“Tomorrow, I’ll let my secretary take you there to familiarize yourself with the situation.”
Xing Can Media was established in the last century, it had a long history before it was handed over to Tang Tianyang. It had produced a lot of well-known film and television shows. For the Tang Clan, it was merely a movable business reputation, which established a good corporate image for them.

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However, that was the past. In the 21st century, digital media gave some impact on the old pattern. Many new up starters had emerged in the entertainment industry and Xing Can’s period of domination was over. Ling Clan under the company Xiayu Entertainment had launched several historical dramas and became the new emperor of the entertainment industry. It was followed by established companies such as Wanhui Entertainment and Orange Sky Entertainment that kicked Xing Can out of the circle. Xing Can that already squeezed out of the first position, and even they couldn’t be listed on the top ten.

If that was the only case, it was nothing. Xing Can still represent the public’s childhood memory. Even if they only sold those nostalgic feelings, many people will pay for Xing Can’s works. But the problem was Xing Can become more and more disappointing. The works handed over were so shoddy, most of them ultimately couldn’t maintain the previous standard.

At first, the audience also scolded a few words. Over time, they started to forget Xing Can; too lazy to waste their saliva. Under such a significant premise, Xing Can Media intended to spend a massive sum of money to create a fantasy drama, tried hard to turn around a desperate situation. Unfortunately, the blueprint was too big, and the production process delayed too long. Media had released the news for almost two years, and there wasn’t even a trailer.

The outside world was not optimistic about the project, but Xing Can was too busy and concentrated all their efforts on filming. Xing Can even stop most of their cooperation. All the funds and human resources flew into that project, and there were three directors involved around it.

Among them, Lang Li was responsible for synthetic special effects, Wu Wenjing was accountable for scene construction, and Ji Wuwei was casting and green screen shooting. Beside of Wu Wenjing who already belongs to Xing Can Media, Ji Wuwei and Lang Li were both hired with a lot of money.

Broadly view from this circle, Ji Wuwei was the most confident and at ease. He didn’t take a side, no faction, and didn’t belong to any company. He acted entirely on his preference, but also the most tricky and demanded perfectionism. 

Xing Can gave him the responsibility of the casting, and there were no suitable candidates for over a year. Because of his eccentric temper, and the top management didn’t dare to rush him and afraid that he would give up on this job, so let him continued the audition slowly. This attitude attracted a lot of gossip in the media. Ji Wuwei pretended not to hear and continued to go to various places in the Zhuxia Country to look for the casts.

In mid-July, he arrived in Jiang City. This watery city had a humid climate, cloudy all year round and drizzling. Ji Wuwei’s face became gloomy, often lost his temper. His assistant didn’t dare to touch his moldy head, carefully asked: “Should we still hold the audition for tomorrow?”

Ji Wuwei, who was over 50 years old, well maintained with his little white face with no slightest wrinkle. Because of his handsome appearance and his baby face, people in the circle often ridiculed it. He grew a beard, dyed white his hair, and tied it down. Besides, he likes to wear a loose white Chinese tunic suit, unexpectedly has the taste of ancient style.

“Why did we come all the way here if we don’t audition?” As soon as he opened his mouth, his expression was very ferocious. The assistant hurriedly stepped down to arrange the audition.

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The next day, outside the conference room of the only five-star hotel in Jiang City, people came around, it was crowded. This was the first time that the hotel; which was expensive and always taken a high-end route, was as lively as a vegetable market. The service staff dared not to have the slightest disrespect, only because most of these people were wealthy or respectable people. Some of the fashionable and beautiful girls were surrounded by three or five people, some mending their makeup, some carrying water for them, and some relieving them of boredom.

“Sister Shi Wen, you don’t have to be afraid of these opponents, the role is already as good as yours!” In the middle, a little assistant complimented with a smile on his face.

The others echoed, “As soon as Sister Shi Wen comes out, who dares to compete with her?”

“If it’s not because of our Sister Shi Wen’s audition schedule, Director Ji would have chosen her for the role from a long time ago. Why did he have to come to Jiang City?”

The person who was complimented by them was Meng Shiwen, one of the famous little flowers in the entertainment circle. She just finished her filming in Hong Kong and couldn’t catch up for an audition.

Yesterday, as soon as the filming in Hong Kong finished, she inquired about Ji Wuwei’s location and flew to Jiang City directly. Even now Xing Can was going downhill, but the skinny camel was bigger than the horse. They spent a lot of money to build this film, in the eyes of the circle, it was still a hot cake, she didn’t want to miss this opportunity. It was just that she was a little tired and needed to close her eyes for a moment.

(the skinny camel was bigger than the horse = even a big company who was in crisis would be better than a small company.)

Suddenly, the crowd quieted down. Then, Meng Shiwen heard an inhale of breath. She opened her eyes and saw only a woman in a bright red wedding dress. It was a beautiful dress, made of satin and of fine texture, embroidered with a golden Phoenix that was singing around its neck. The wedding dress was like a gorgeous sunset, but the sunset wasn’t as beautiful as the color of her eyes. That pair of Phoenix eyes, between the flow of eyes of thousands, showed of manners. The Phoenix red cape set off her original porcelain face slightly tipsy, color like the flowers of a spring dawn.

Just as the door of the conference room opened, she walked into it with her long skirt on the ground, raised her eyes and asked, “When you see a deity, why don’t you kneel?” A gentle and lovely voice piercing to the bone, but with her considerable influence, people couldn’t help but want to surrender to her.

Ji Wuwei’s swept away the gloom on his face, sprang to his feet, and slapped the table and said, “Great! What a great act of Devil of The Night!” 

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