Trial Husband

Chapter 15


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At the company.

You and Chen Yono were in the photo shoot, there were some new people in the modeling industry but some of them were nice, but most of them were bitches.

"Perfect! Perfect! You both are my favorite models! Keep up the good work." The director

said smiling and me and Chen Yono, me and Chen Yono smiled.

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Some girl came up to us, "Hah! Really? Favorite? I bet you slept with him for him to call

you that!" she smirked at me.

I looked at her with a frown, then a smirk appeared on my face. "Really? I must be good in bed then." I smiled.

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She looked at me again, "What the hell?" she couldn't say anything else because of she

didn't know what to say.

The reason why she said I slept with him because he called us that is because he is strict with models, they have to be in the industry for years for him to call them that, or they just have to be perfect in modeling.

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"Ugh, I bet she slept with all kinds of men to get here." Chen Yono said while looking at the girls back while she walked away, "Probably." I said smiling, we then both burst into laughter.

"Anyways, how's it going with your husband? Is he nice? Fun?" she said mockingly, "Chen Yono, you like to know everything don't you? But, to answer your question. Yes!" I smiled.

The thought of him made you smile.

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You were interrupted by someone calling your name, it was Chen Yono.

"Xiao Ning! Hello?" she said waving her hands in front of my face.

"It's time to go, come on!" she said walking away from me. @@
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