Trial Husband

Chapter 17

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We both stared at each other until he spoke, "What are you doing here?"

I frowned, "Chen Mono made me come, and what about you?"

He slightly lowered his head, fiddling with his fingers.

"Our parents." he looked at me and frowned, "They're fighting."

Before I could say anything else to him, he said something that shocked me completely.

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"They're fighting about you."

Fighting about me? That seems unreal.

My eyebrows crashed together, "Fighting about me? What are they going on about?"

He looked at me unsurely, "Dad misses you, he wants you to come back." he then continued, "Mom doesn't want you to come back, because she already has her 'daughter' with her." he then laughs, "That whatever 'sister' we have is a bitch. I don't like her, not ever since we met her."

I laughed, "I miss dad too, but I don't want to go back. Mom and our so-called sister are annoying. I just miss the old days, honestly." I smiled at the thought of the old days.

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"I miss them too, remember that time we went to play with our friend and you accidentally stepped on a rock and face planted into ice cream?" Daquan said laughing.

"Don't mention that! Gosh, it was so embarrassing." I said laughing with him.

I looked back at Chen Mono, she was clearly drunk. Dancing on the dance floor swaying her hips with the music.

I looked back at Daquan, "I have to go, Chen Mono is drunk. Be careful alright?"

"I will, good luck with getting her home!" Daquan laughed as he waved me bye.

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I walked over the Chen Mono grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the dance floor, "Come on, you're drunk and its pass the time limit."

"Nooo! Stop! I wanna dance!" she said trying to pull away slurring her words.

After 10 minutes, I finally convinced her to come.

We arrived at her house, I pulled her gently out of the car.

I walked with her until we got at the door, I reached for her purse rummaging for her house keys.

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I quickly grabbed them and stuck it in the key-hole, I opened the door and brought her inside. I walked to the couch placing her on it along with her stuff on the floor.

I then quickly walked out closing the door.

At the house;

I walked inside feeling relieved, I pulled my heels off and placed them aside.

I walked upstairs going to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me.

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