Trial Husband

Chapter 2

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The manager said, "Today is Friday so come back on Monday." then he added, "You can go now, it's getting pretty late."

Xiao Ning nodded.

After Xiao Ning got back to her apartment she cooked her some soup with rice.

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After Xiao Ning ate her food she headed off to the bathroom and took a shower, she sat down on her bed, she was sleepy but she didn't want to go to sleep. She layed down in her bed looking on Weibo, she clicked on 'Trending' she saw her name and some famous mans name.

"Xiao Ning and Lu Yongxin exposed, Xiao Ning's parents exposed them both?" Xiao Ning didn't know what was going on, she clicked on the comments she kept seeing hate comments all about her:

"Xiao Ning is probably making fake news about both of them, she's just a brat who thinks she can do anything she wants."

"I hope she dies."

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"Why is she messing with our man?", There are over 2 million comments about her.

She called her mother, she asked, "Why did you spread the fake news about me this Lu Yongxin person? What have I done to you? What makes you hate me? Please take this down."

Xiao Qing said, "What have you done to me? You did many things for our family! So, I'm spreading the fake news about you. If you want it gone go talk to Lu Yongxin about it, Lu Yongxin doesn't know about this." Xiao Qing let a light laugh.

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Xiao Ning hung up the phone, calling Lu Yongxin's assistant she asked, "Hello, is this Lu Yongxin's assistant?" I asked quickly, trying to rush it.

His assistant replied, "Yes, how may I help you? Wait, are you Xiao Ning?" Xiao Ning said, "Yes, I am Xiao Ning I'm calling about this 'exposed' trending saying that I and Lu Yongxin has been exposed about dating for 2 years."

The assistant asked, "Would you like to talk to Lu Yongxin? He also doesn't know about this because his phone is not with him at the moment but he's sitting right next to me."

I smiled, "Yes please, thank you."

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Lu Yongxin's assistant handed the phone over to him.

Lu Yongxin said, "Hello?"

Xiao Ning replied back, "Hello, I'm Xiao Ning my mother has exposed a fake scandal about us, everyone is going crazy about it."

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