Two as One Princesses

Chapter 114.1

By buying a watch, we can now accurately tell time.

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This watch, as I thought, employs sorcery to compensate for its precision, so it’s practically a kind of magic item. That explains the expensive price. And it seems to incorporate a specially treated magical core. The initial magic core contained within the watch is designed to endure for years, and the price of the watch reflects the inclusion of this.
In that case, what about the clocks typical in my old world? They don’t exist. I guess it makes sense, though. Why bother with complicated contraptions when you can just rely on sorcery to do the job? I mean, magic can accurately measure time, no problem. The radio clock back in my old world is pretty accurate too, but even if they exist here, there’s no radio signals to catch.
The difference between clocks of the two worlds aside, Ciel and I have arrived at the den. It’s not too far from the town where the manor is and hunters frequently come and go, so you really can’t miss it.
With mostly adults around, Ciel really stands out in the crowd –the youngest person here excluding Ciel is probably more than 15 years old– and whether it’s because the rumors have already spread or the information has been thoroughly relayed, while there’s people staring at us, no one is approaching us.
Speaking of standing out, the hunter-looking group that’s been following Ciel since we left town probably stands out more.
They’re so out in the open, so I’m conflicted on whether or not I can just assume that they’re the targets. However, there’s a young man that’s clearly not a hunter in the group, so I suppose this is the one.
I guess from the side, they might look like a group that’s on a request to indulge a noble’s hobby.

『Is someone following us?』
『A group that looks like it has been for some time.』
『In that case, all that’s left is to randomly explore!』

Saying so, Ciel eyes the entrance of the den.

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It’s a large cave, but the wide entrance that can fit 5-6 people reminds me of a theme park’s entrance. The people pooling by the entrance might be one reason. If there’s a ticket gate or a reception desk, it’d be perfect.
Also, the entrance has been naturally divided to fit their usage. One serves as an exit. The other with many hunters in line is probably the common entrance. And the one where some hunters enter with ease is probably an entrance for high ranked hunters.
The fact that it’s just a random opening and yet it’s so orderly, might be thanks to Mother in a sense.

『Where should we enter from?』
『Let’s use the one with a lot of people. Though I say many, it’s moving forward smoothly, so it likely won’t waste us much time.』
『But there wouldn’t be any issue even if we chose an entrance where people can enter immediately, right?』
『You’re at A-rank, so I believe it should be fine. However, it’s not necessarily the same case for the group behind us.』
『That’s true.』

If we just quickly went in and continued deep below, we might not be able to achieve our objective for today. Besides, there could be a rule in place that requires immediate progression to a specific level after passing through the high-rank entrance.
It would have been better if we researched these matters beforehand, but because of Viviana’s matter I completely forgot.
Thus, we pass through the entrance that exudes an intimidating aura reminiscent of the Creator God’s power, entering the den.

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The 1st stratum looks like a really wide field? There are no visual obstructions, it’s a sprawling space. Naturally, the ceiling and the walls are made of stone and now I’m sure I feel the Creator God’s power.

『The walls here seem quite hard.』
『Really? How hard?』
『Harder than the barrier Friere broke but not as much as the true barrier, I suppose?』
『So Ain’s barrier is harder. Just as expected, just as expected!』

Ciel says cheerfully, but it’s a bit unsatisfactory to hear my barrier being described as merely harder than a rock. Still, if it’s compared to the strength of a structure created by the Creator God instead, it does sound more pleasing to my ears.
The monsters of the 1st stratum are weaker than goblins, even common folks can defeat them. They are so feeble that even normal animals pose more of a threat, I’m conflicted about calling them monsters.
However, you can obtain magic cores upon defeating them, so it’s become a place of income for apprentice hunters. Children a bit older than Ciel are desperately chasing after their prey.
In the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th strata, the same scene unfolds but only with different kinds of monsters. Though at the 4th stratum, a slightly strong civilian would probably get injured and there are also monsters that could kill battle experienced people if they’re careless.
Like many hunters, Ciel only gives a side glance to that stratum and passes through. The people behind follow without any issue.
Entering the 5th stratum, it’s become a little more labyrinthine.

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『It’s suddenly narrow now. Rather, it’s become a path?』
『It seems so. I think it’s now closer to what I was imagining it to be.』
『Really? Specifically, what were you imagining?』
『I imagined it to have paths confusing people, with traps and treasure boxes scattered around, and monsters suddenly appearing, I suppose?』
『Why would treasure boxes be in a place like this? And if it were, is it alright to bring them along?』

Well, I expected this question to come. How do I say this? As someone who’s been educated by the world of games at a young age, I don’t find it weird but thinking about it realistically, it is a weird thing.
These sorts of game settings, when incorporated into novels, are adjusted to be reasonable, if I remember.

『Perhaps it’s because what I’m imagining is a “dungeon”.』
『A “dungeon”, I see?』
『As for why there are treasure boxes in dungeons, in many cases, it’s to act as bait to lure and gather people, I suppose? In stories, that is.』
『Why are people being gathered?』
『Whether they’re to be killed or not varies, but mainly for the dungeon’s nourishment.』

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『It’s completely different from a den, huh.』
『This den feels like it’s been purposely crafted by the Creator God, doesn’t it? Maybe the Creator God wants the monsters to be defeated, or something along those lines?』
『Then would it be better if I defeat them? I’ve been defeating the ones that might attack since earlier, though.』
『I think that’s good enough.』

While talking, Ciel randomly pierces a monster with a spear of stone. There might be usable parts and materials, but it’s tiresome so we only take the magic cores and leave.
In the case of dungeons, many are written in a way that the defeated monsters disappear on their own and it seems like it’s not much different in dens. However, only the magic cores remain.
So, how do you acquire materials then? You just have to harvest it quickly. It’s been discovered that things disappear after being in contact with the den’s floor and walls for some time, they say.
After getting through the 5th stratum, at the 6th and 7th stratum, there were no longer any hunters visible around. The people who may or may not be hunters following us are still there though. So maybe they’ll finally make some sort of move?
Just when I was thinking so, the stalkers movement changed.

『They shot an arrow…… didn’t they.』
『That’s true. It’s not an issue though. Actually, I couldn’t tell if it even hit.』

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