Two as One Princesses

Chapter 116.2

「Incidentally, what happened that resulted to this?」

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「They attacked, so I enclosed them. Then I tied them up this morning.」

After giving the slim man a quick glance, Viviana asked Ciel and she replied concisely. In this case, what’s important is that she knows we were attacked. Since he attacked us –Mistress Fiiyanamia’s daughter– and got defeated, he has no way of talking his way out of this.

「Amyulute is finished.」
「How dare you-…… To begin with, Viviana. Why are you even-……」
「I’m only speaking the truth. After laying your hands on someone who would be the king’s daughter if we were in a kingdom, you assume that there will be no consequences? Also, I’ve made acquaintance with Lady Cielmer in the past, so there is nothing odd with me standing by her side. For that reason, I gave you information with full understanding that this would be the result.」

The slim man was speechless but continued to glare at Viviana. However, she was completely unfazed. Instead, she continued talking with an almost gleeful disdain.

「You did great outwitting father, but when the unexpected happens, you just crumble on yourself. Just as you always did in the past. Easily emotional, never knowing when to fall back. This is precisely why people call you inferior to our sister.」

Hearing Viviana’s change of tone, the slim man wanted to say something, but maybe because she’s completely correct about the cause of his downfall, he kept quiet.
Seemingly satisfied, Viviana turned her eyes away from the slim man.

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Our destination, Viviana’s family home, was a grand mansion.
Even so, it looks small compared to mother Fii’s residence, it’s just on a different level. Mother’s manor is probably big enough to be a hotel, so it’s not a fair comparison.
I have no idea how many servants there are and I only know a few by name. It seems like Mother limits who is allowed to interact with us to a certain extent. Though part of it is probably due to my caution against people.

「It’s a big house.」
「Thank you…… I suppose? I don’t plan on staying in this mansion any longer and I believe Mistress Fiiyanamia’s mansion should be bigger, no?」

Ciel nodded, and 「Right?」 Viviana replied.

Entering the large door, Viviana said 「I’m back.」 and was greeted 「Welcome home.」 with a graceful bow by an elderly man. However, upon seeing this household’s heir in custody, 「This is-……!?」 his eyes were wide open in shock.

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「My foolish brother caused a mess. For now, we are going to father’s office. Your head will fly if you don’t treat this girl courteously, so be mindful.」
「This lady is……?」
「No need for you to know.」

At the very least, she’s of higher standing than the Amyulute family. As though to say there’s no need for further context, Viviana leaves it at that and heads deeper inside the mansion.
Unconcerned, Ciel follows along while hauling Amyulute’s heir.

Before long, Viviana stopped at a door and opened it without as much as a knock, causing the middle-aged man inside to look at her displeased.

「What’s going on? This ruckus, have you forgotten your manners?」
「This isn’t the time to be worrying about manners, father.」

Viviana remained unfazed when confronted with his obviously irritated tone. Seeing that, the man was bewildered and after finally realizing that Viviana was not alone, his eyes went wide open.

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「What happened? Why is Conrant in custody!」
「My foolish brother simply assaulted Mistress Fiiyanamia’s daughter and was beaten. Lord Amyulute.」
「…… What have you-…」
「The Amyulute family was defeated. And Lady Cielmer wants my older sister, don’t you have something to say?」

While her father raised his voice to say something, Viviana indifferently continued. This lack of respect, she seems to really hate him.
As if to cling to what little hope that’s left, Lord Amyulute turned to his captive successor.

「Is it true, Conrant?」
「It’s… the truth.」

This guy was probably only brought here to say this. After all, since Viviana is in our company, we probably would have gained entry even without him. Rather, his name is Conrant? First time hearing it.

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Observing Ciel and the frustrated countenance of the restrained Conrant dispelled any lingering doubts. And perhaps due to the shock, Lord Amyulute’s face looked like it aged ten years.

「So she is truly that powerful……」

Lord Amyulute muttered weakly as he stared towards the sky. From how he didn’t get enraged, he’s a much proper aristocrat than Conrant was. Not that I actually know what a proper aristocrat is.

「I was wondering why you, being of the Fiiyanamia faction, have been awfully obedient recently. Viviana.」
「More importantly, would you give your answer now? We’re taking my sister, alright?」
「Do as you please.」
「In that case, I am grateful for everything up until now. I don’t know what the Amyulute household’s future will be, but farewell.」

With a noble’s unreadable smile, Viviana ended the conversation.
As Viviana walked off, Ciel followed after her.

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