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On the day we were scheduled to help Perla-san and her party, I ended up coming to the guild during the time when there’s a lot of people, a habit I got from working together with Brass-kun.

『Even with the previous party, I didn’t particularly think that there’s a need to come early.』
『During that time, I did it so that Brass-kun wouldn’t complain about us arriving late.
If we were even slightly late, he might have used that as a reason to gripe the whole day after all.』

Talking about that along the way, I opened the guild’s door as we arrived and what I first felt upon entering inside was heat.
I particularly felt a lot of heat from the bulletin board’s direction, so I escaped to the opposite side. As I thought of waiting for the others there, suddenly「Umm.」someone wanted my attention.
Looking at where the voice is coming from, I see that everyone I’ll be partying with today is already here.

「You’re all here quite early today.」
「Rather than early, this is the usual gathering time.」
「Brass-kun comes in much later, you see.」

Ilda-san, who replied to my words, seemed to remember something and showed a seemingly convinced but exasperated look.
Ilda-san and Terencio-kun were really formal at first but after telling them that they don’t need to worry about the way they talk, especially since it could make it harder to communicate, both of them became much more casual. As for Perla-san, she said that she’s fine as is, hence she’s keeping the formal speech.

While there were a lot of people in front of the bulletin board, we just ignored them and occupied a table in the lounging area to discuss for a bit.

「Today, we will be accepting a D-class monster subjugation request, but which monster do you think would be best for this?」
「I guess the giant spider?」
「True. Considering that any monster we choose is still higher ranked, the slow-moving solitary giant spider is best choice, right?」
「I agree with that.」
「If it was only the three of you, then that indeed would be the correct choice. The cautiousness you all have is very important.
However, today we will be hunting orcs.」

Hearing my statement, everyone tilted their heads in confusion.
Well, they’re probably confused about us not going for the giant spiders after I just told them that it’s a great choice.
Since cautiousness is important, it’s only normal that they take the safest route even though they have a D-rank hunter with them. Still, this is something I just can’t concede.

「It’s because I hate spiders.」

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「You hate……」
「It’s not that I hate them to the point that I can’t defeat them, I hate them so much that I instantly annihilate them when I see any.
To the point that not a trace of their body would remain. It would be lucky if any magic stones are left behind. So, with that considered, this would undoubtedly go against today’s objective. And since we won’t be able to harvest the evidence parts, the request would not be considered a success.」

It wouldn’t serve as a good battle training for them, much less an opportunity to practice dismantling monsters.
I will absolutely never accept any spider-related requests of my own free will. If I’m ever asked to do so, I’d definitely have the guild find some other way to prove that I subjugated them other than the parts and magic stones.
If by any chance we encounter a spider that can withstand Ciel’s attacks, we’d probably burn the whole place to the ground.

「With that said, we will be subjugating orcs.」
「G-got it. Still, will there be any orc subjugation requests left for us?」
「I’m relying on the Hunter’s Guild for that matter, so we’ll manage somehow.
This is a request from the guild after all, so if they don’t accommodate for this much, I won’t accept it.」

Terencio-kun doesn’t seem to be that convinced but if he’s not convinced by that, there’s nothing I can do about it.

「By the way, have you decided on what to do with your fighting style?」
「Yes, Cielmer-san. We’re planning on trying what you told me. If it doesn’t go well, we’ll go back to our old fighting style.」
「Then in that case, let’s work today with that in mind.」

As we were having a light chat, the reception desk was now vacated, so went to accept a request. I’m regularly assisted by Celia-san but maybe I should try going to other receptionists for Ciel’s sake.
Although I was the one that suggested this, it might have been a bit of a mistake.
Still, Celia-san processes my requests smoothly, so I can’t thank her enough.

After finishing our business at the reception desk, we exited the town from the gate near the Hunter’s Guild and as we did so, Terencio-kun and the other’s faces tensed up.
Stay alert when outside the gates, it seems like they’re properly following this fundamental rule.
That in itself isn’t a bad thing, so I said nothing about it and entered the forest. It’s a bit lonesome that they’re only keeping the conversation to the minimum, but since it’s not like we came here to have a picnic, they likely intend to avoid unnecessary chatter until we guarantee our safety.
Though, since I know where the monsters are, they don’t really need to be this cautious.
As we got deep enough to encounter D-class monsters, I stopped walking for a bit.

「From this point on, D-class monsters will start to appear.
With that in mind, let’s have a short break for now. I see that you’ve been on your toes up until now, you should be feeling tired, right?」
「But, we’re in the middle of the forest, you know?」
「There aren’t any monsters around, so don’t worry about it.」

After hearing my words, the three of them looked each other in the eyes, nodded to each other, and immediately relaxed their bodies.
It seems like they believed me.

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「Since we have the time now, we’ll be discussing what to do during combat, alright?
You will be fighting an orc. If other monsters come for us, I’ll take care of them so please fall back when that happens.
If you stay in front, to be blunt, you’ll just get in my way.」

Even after I said something that would’ve likely angered Brass-kun, they simply nodded to my words without any signs of being offended.

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「In case more orcs come along, I’ll decrease their numbers until only one of them is left, so Terencio-kun, please go in front while Ilda-san attacks from the backline.
During this time, don’t worry about the backline and only prioritise your safety, alright Terencio-kun?」
「What should I do?」
「Perla-san, simply observe us for now. In exchange, I’ll be disrupting the orc.」

They seem somewhat nervous but will they do alright?
In case anything happens, I’ll ask Ciel to stay prepared.

While we were having what felt like a 10-minute break, I detected what seemed to be the presence of monsters.
There were three of them. Speaking of orcs for a moment, they are pig-faced, bipedal monsters armed with weapons. The weapons they have are different depending on the individual and they’re considerably tougher than goblins and kobolds, so they’re pretty resilient against attacks.
They generally act in groups of 2 or 3, so it’s highly probable that what I detected are orcs.

「Now then, let’s move.」

After saying so, we approached the three presences I felt.
There are other presences around us as well but since they’re too far away to notice us, ignored.
By chance, the three presences are also going towards us, so we should meet up with them soon.

「We will encounter monsters any moment now, so please stand back.」

As I gave them instructions and waited for the monsters to appear, the monsters’ movements suddenly gained speed.
I guess they simply noticed us, but they seem to be much faster than Ciel in her normal state. Ilda might be able to outrun them considering her light-looking gear, but it’ll be tough for Terencio-kun with his heavy equipment and Perla-san since she’s not really the physical type.
With the monsters near enough to be visible, I see three orcs that have lowered their bodies as they run towards us. I guess they’re wearing leather armor since they seem to be wearing something brown from here.

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I already switched with Ciel, so the moment they entered our vision, two of them were instantly disposed of by whirlwind blades. The remaining orc stopped running and began observing us.
If our target were animals or people, then they might just run away at this point, but since monsters are different, in a sense, it’s easier.

「Now then, please proceed as planned.」
「Y-yeah. Ilda, let’s go.」

Seeing Terencio-kun running towards it, the orc stopped observing and readied his weapon.
The weapon it has is a spear. I’m not entirely sure what the two that were just defeated had, but they probably had a sword and a spear as well.
Moving swiftly, Terencio-kun swung down his sword but the orc directed it to its armor and swung its spear.
Although it fortunately only hit Terecio-kun’s armor, he still lost his balance and fell on his backside.
Before the orc could follow up with an attack, Ilda-san shot an arrow to keep the monster in check.

『Use only simple water spells, was it?』
『And please try to keep the magic power consumption as little as possible.』
『That’s a quite difficult request.』
『Should we switch? It’s not really combat sorcery, so I should be able to handle it as well.』
『Even Ain isn’t allowed to take my role away, you know?』

Terencio-kun stood back up and this time, he’s blocking the orc’s spear while flourishing his sword at every spare moment he has. Unlike his thoughtless first swing, he’s now targeting spots unprotected by armor. Still, he’s not landing any fatal blows.
Ilda-san is shooting at the orc as well, but it doesn’t look like she’s doing any significant damage either.
However, I guess the orc has gotten sick of Ilda-san’s attacks, as it started ignoring Terencio-kun and is currently staring at Ilda-san.
Just when the orc stomped his foot and was about to charge towards Ilda-san,「Wotro (Water), Jilara (gather) Grahoul (to the ground).」Ciel’s voice resounded.

In an instant, the soil under the orc’s feet turned into mud, tripping its feet and making it slam its body to the ground.
Terencio-kun froze for a moment, probably startled, but immediately restarted his assault.
Although he couldn’t finish the monster off, he heavily wounded the orc. It then angrily stomped its feet on the ground and rushed to Terencio-kun with nothing but rage, so this time, a fist-sized ball of water was shot towards the orc’s eye.

The water got into the orc’s eye, so it shook its head as if to shake off the water, but the party didn’t let this opportunity go to waste. The two immediately resumed their attack.
After seeing that we can disrupt the monster pretty well, we decided to mostly leave the fighting to them and only disrupt the orc’s lethal attacks. Looking at them now, I see. It shouldn’t take them long to reach D-rank.
Though Ciel is disrupting the orc’s movements, they are pretty stable during combat. If they can just up their overall firepower, they should be able to win even against multiple enemies.

While I was deep in my thoughts, the final blow was struck. As the orc blocked Terencio-kun’s slash with its spear, Terencio-kun’s sword instead broke the spear in half and landed a strike on the monster’s body.

「We did it…… We did it!」

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After winning a fierce battle, Terencio-kun shouted out loud, seemingly unable to hide his excitement.
It’s not quite a good thing to do in this situation, but he probably just couldn’t help himself from doing so.
More importantly, I’m curious about his final blow.

『In that last slash, magic power was flowing into his sword, right?』
『As I thought, it was his Job’s power.』
『From what I see, it seems like he was only able to do it just now.
That’s quite a rare thing to see, is it?』
『I guess it is.』

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「Good work. Perla-san, did that help?」

Since there’s no point in staying silent, I said so and turned my eyes up towards Perla-san, who was staring at me while blinking in wide-eyed surprise.
No sooner, she replied「Yes!」with a delighted expression.

「If it’s just that, then I should be able to do it too.」
「While that might be the case, it’s not really something you can master immediately, so please don’t be in a hurry and do your best.」
「Of course!」

Thus, their D-rank trial run has now ended. After this, we encountered a spider and immediately turned everything but its magic stone into dust. It felt like the others were taken back by that, but I decided not to think about it too much.



Hiya~! Party adventure time for our princesses today it seems! New interactions with new characters and Ain once again showing her age, lol. Which isn’t much of a problem.

First of all, just a small notice. Monsters are now ranked in ‘class’ rather than rank. Hunters are D-rank while monsters of the same rank are D-‘class’. Just a small change, since rank and class are from the same kanji and the author just used ‘Class’ for the orcs in this chapter. The hunter ranks are called by the kanji for rank *and* the English word ‘rank’ so I translated the Japanese word for rank/class as Rank for all of them. Until the author used Class, which is now!

Anyway, today’s chapter was once again more tutor Ain and the Brass victims association’s orc hunting adventure. It was a nice tidbit that Ain and Ciel just went early out of habit, but the others were already there. Also the little traces of Brass’ legacy… I was just kidding about that, but it’s just impressionable of him, lol. Ilda just having an exasperated sigh after having a flashback from what Ain said, lol. Also, it’s pretty nice how the party has acquired what’s basically the only thing Brass has contributed to them, extra firepower. While I can’t be sure how consistently Terencio can use his new power compared to the thoughtless yet strong Brass, just the part that they can properly plan is already a big thing, now they have a lethal finisher to make things easier.

Ain was pretty funny today too. Spiders. Lol. I imagine that Ain and Ciel instantly sync and just fuse together every time they encounter a spider. Unanimously burned to ashes. And since Ain was talking in the last part, they actually switched instantly just to burn it to the ground. Definitely on sync. Also, you can just imagine how serious Ain was about hating spiders, like Terencio and the others was probably like, “Uhhhhhhhh”. Also, just a few AinCiel moments today, but definitely still fluffy as usual. Ciel just asking Ain “It’s a rare thing right?” and Ain just “I think?”, lol.

Also, I didn’t realise how small Ciel is compared to Perla. I mean, Ain needed to look up to Perla… Smol…

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