Chapter 12: Long Live? Baby’s Dad?

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I looked up and glared at him, “And if I win?”

He glanced at me with narrowed eyes, “If you win, then I won’t bicker with you.”

I suddenly felt suffocated… The morals of this generation really made me grief and lament. The grove was big enough to have every kind of bird and even an ass would, more likely than not, suddenly stumble in. For example this moment, I stared at this one that reproached my clan and followed with, “Should I thank you for this favor?”

He bent down to pick up an unused fishing rod beside me, lifted his robe to sit, and earnestly said, “A huge favor is not repaid through words. Less talking, let’s start now.”

What is climbing all over someone? This is! Give him a ladder and he really would climb up. The young masters nowadays… Luckily I didn’t remarry. If I had met this type of husband, I would’ve choked to death.

From this, I rejoiced on my new lease of life. Moreover, I now had a big belly so didn’t bicker with him again. I swung my pole to compete with him.

The nearby grandpas fishing gathered closer to watch our competition in high spirits. The lake in March was tranquil and graceful, the surface of the lake was as smooth as a mirror reflecting the willows on both shores. It had a hint of nothing could compare to its beauty. I leisurely held my fishing pole, from time to time looking at the scenery or the buoy. When I looked past him, I felt he was staring at me with sorrow, his eyes full of disdain and judgment. I didn’t know what profound matter he was thinking about. Really a strange man…

I withdrew my gaze and saw the buoy at the end of my line bobbing, a fish came near. I immediately held my breath and waited for the fish to bite when a small rock suddenly fell into the water instantly causing ripples. The tranquility was broken and fish couldn’t bear intimidation at all so it swam away. I was annoyed and inevitably thought someone sabotaged me. I looked around and saw him sitting motionless by the shore with an appearance of an upright gentleman. The grandpas watching the competition shook their heads on my behalf. I reasoned if someone tried to sabotage me, then they would’ve slipped up with all these eyes watching for me. Looked like it was probably those children on the other side of the lake fooling around and accidentally disturbing the peace.

I calmed down to wait for another fish when something broke the water surface on that side. That person had smoothly carried a fiery red koi onto the shore.

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He glanced at the flopping fish and stood up with a complacent smile. He arrogantly said, “You lost.”

I blinked my eyes. The surrounding spectators saw the outcome was set and moved away in ones and twos.

He bluntly said in a self-confident manner, “May I ask who conceived the child in Miss Shen’s belly?”

He unexpectedly recognizes me? Although my reputation is well known, few in Yangzhou know what I look like. Moreover, I wore a scarf covering my face every time I went out, including now.

“What?” He pursed his lips, “Is Miss Shen unwilling to reply? Or could it be you are unwilling to admit to your loss after a gamble?”

I smiled drily and replied, “How could I? Simply, the baby in my belly, naturally is my child. This Young Master is jesting.”

He wrinkled his brows, revealing a bit of anger, “I’m asking for the baby’s father.”

I also took offense, who in broad daylight would question someone like that, “I agreed to only one question, this is the second one. Unless the Young Master wants to go back on your words?”

I was confronting the frowning young master when I saw a few dark shadows. They jumped out from out of nowhere like Tu Xingsun and surrounded him in a tight protective circle.

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土行孙 (TuXIngSun) a character in Investiture of the Gods who can teleport to evade enemies

There was a loud shout coming from them simultaneously, “Yangzhou’s Magistrate, Pei Yanzhen, and Yangzhou’s officials pay respects to Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty!”

The group of people rushed here in a grandiose manner and kneeled uniformly in front of the young master. The person in the front in official robes was none other than Pei Yanzhen. Behind him, besides the group of officials, was also two silhouettes I could not be more familiar with. It was Daddy and Song Xiyuan.

I looked at the arrogant young master then stared at the kneeling people.

Your Majesty? The Emperor?

So this young master was let out from the Imperial Palace and was the Emperor, himself. No wonder he was so unbridled, he had the most well-known reputation! I saw him watching everyone, his brows slightly raised and expressionlessly pursed his lips.

A wise man submits to circumstances. I supported my round belly and slowly knelt down, “This commoner Shen Miao pays respects to Your Majesty. Long Live Your Majesty!” I poked the terrified Lu Ying in passing and she plopped down.

After kneeling a few minutes, my waist was close to failing. I then heard a cold and aloof voice from above, “You may rise.”

“Thanks to Your Majesty.” The group of people got up in succession. I could only have Lu Ying help me up while supporting my belly. Under everyone’s stare, I appeared calm.

Pei Yanzhen respectfully bowed, “Yanzhen did not know that Your Majesty had come and did not prepare a welcome for Your Majesty. Please forgive me.”

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The Emperor’s face changed and amiably said, “We are making our rounds in the south and did not want an extravagant welcome that would disturb the people. We have not notified you officials so there is nothing to forgive.” He stretched out his hands to support Pei Yanzhen up.

Pei Yanzhen said, “Thanks to Your Majesty.” His tone sincere and from the bottom of his heart.

The two harmoniously replied like a peaceful show of happiness, perfectly displaying the court’s unity.

The Emperor casually waved his hands and the group of Tu Xingsun’s bowed and scattered as if they teleported away. It was truly coming and going without a trace, making me gasp in amazement.

The Emperor swept his gaze around everyone and stopped at Daddy. He smiled and said, “Commoner Shen, We remember you and Master Qin previously said your only daughter was coarse and lacking virtue. Today, We met Miss Shen and think you might have been too modest, do you agree?”

Daddy lowered his head and saluted, “Your Majesty is jesting. This little one thinks everything must have a comparison to have a conclusion. Today, my daughter has a clumsy servant girl beside her, so Your Majesty will naturally think my daughter is tolerably well. If the one standing beside her was a virtuous concubine, then my daughter will not be able to show her face.”

After listening, the Emperor only smiled without saying anything, no hints of what he was thinking.

It was a bother that the Emperor had such a good memory, but of course, I thought all narrow-minded people had a good memory. That year, Master Qin, who was in charge of selecting talents, had conveyed to Daddy that he wanted the Shen family to send me to the palace. Daddy probably saw that I was disappointing material, with no aptitude to seduce and no gift for schemes, and would lose favor before gaining it. So he declined with excuses of poor appearance and no virtue. Unexpectedly, after all this time, the Emperor still remembered…

In the crowd, Song Xiyuan’s eyes raised. Pei Yanzhen changed the subject, “Has Your Majesty chosen a place to stay during the patrol?”

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This question was actually crucial. The former Emperor didn’t stay in the local administrator’s residence previously and instead chose to stay in residences of the rich and powerful. In Yangzhou, there were only three to choose from, Pei, Shen, and Song residences. My grandpa had received him then. Praying to Buddha that he would not choose our Shen family this time. We could not wait upon this imperial dragon.

The Emperor said slowly, “When the late Emperor was alive, he stayed in Jiangnan four times, three of which he lived in the Shen residence. He had praised the Shen residence’s beauty in front of the whole court, saying it possessed the essence Jiangnan’s spring scenery.” My heart dropped. There will always be a conflict of interests. Then the Emperor continued, “I heard the Song family has a unique courtyard isolated by bamboos. Is this convenient to stay there for Young Master Song?”

This turn was a little too big. Everyone in the crowd was unable to respond for a moment. Contrary to them, Song Xiyuan reacted quickly. He knelt down and frankly said, “How could it be an inconvenience. It’s an honor that Your Majesty likes my courtyard! Your presence brings light to my humble home. It is this little one’s few generations’ good fortune. Xiyuan thanks Your Majesty for this favor!”

The Emperor raised his chin in arrogance and nodded, pleased. In the end, the group of people escorted him away. He retrieved his flopping fish as well, shooting me a glance in passing.

The favor the Emperor bestowed on me the past three years were hard to forget. The meeting today was even engraved into my heart. Watching the leaving crowd, I stretched out my hand to stroke the willow tree, absent-minded yet palpitating with fear…

At first, if he hadn’t asked, then I would still be confused. With him asking today, I finally thoroughly understand who the baby’s daddy was.

As it turned out, all the doctors in Yangzhou were lying. The one who genuinely spoke the truth was the imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor dared lie to everyone else, but he would not dare lie to the Emperor. At that time when he examined me, he wasn’t only asserting to the public, but he was also reporting to the Emperor the determined result. If he had told the Emperor I was four months pregnant, then the baby was undoubtedly Pei Yanzhen’s. And if it was two months, then it was set to be Song Xiyuan’s. But he said I was three months in, so no one knew who the baby’s father could be. Therefore the Emperor had asked this question today.

Except, why did the Emperor insist on investigating the origin of my baby?

The imperial dragon’s thoughts were indeed vast and deep. Poor people like me who live from hand to mouth would not be able to guess his intentions. If I was able to understand, then the one sitting on the throne would have been me.

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