Chapter 4: Minister Qu? Third Young Master?

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Minister Qu is referring to Qu Yuan, who committed suicide by drowning himself when he opposed the alliance with Qin. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is his admirers racing out to try to save him and tossing zongzi (sticky rice dumplings) into the river so the fish wouldn’t eat him.

If my first marriage was considered bizarre, then my second marriage was illogical.
I had just discarded my title of Madame Pei and returned home for a few days when it was time for the Dragon Boat Festival. My noisy eight-year-old brother wanted to go watch the dragon boat races. My aunts avoided the heat and stayed home to gamble. The servants, afraid of losing the little master in the crowd and forced to bear the responsibility, all evaded bringing him out. In the end, I couldn’t stand to leave my little brother crying so I led him to see the boat races.
Well, in fact, I urged my brother to make a fuss because daddy didn’t let me go out often. He said the present is unlike the past and I should be more reserved and dependable. Since daddy was out today, I took advantage of this opportunity.
Sure enough, a mishap occurred on this trip. Only the one involved wasn’t my brother, but me.
During the festival, the flames reached up to the sky and the riverside was packed with flowers. Of course, the swaying of the people was even more packed. The dense mob gave birth to the urge to barge into it.
Although the Shen family had a stage by the riverside, I thought that seeing from a distance was not as vivid as seeing from up close. I pulled my brother along to squeeze into the crowd.
When we reached the shore, the competition was already half over. The six boats originally in one line were now uneven, but the sound of drum beats was still thundering. There was a white boat leading the pack with the rowing oars creating a view of swords flying in the air. There was a helmsman in the front of the boat steering and directing the two lines of people rowing. The sounds of chanting slogans and the enthusiasm of everyone on shore mixed into one, filling up the whole sky.
I felt a little bored. A competition naturally should have scenes of trying to overtake the lead for it to be interesting. There was such a wide disparity in strength today that it was easy to tell who would win. So, I was somewhat absent-minded and didn’t notice how much energy the nearby young ladies had waving their handkerchiefs.
In my distracted state, I heard my little brother call out and I broke out in cold sweat. I followed his fingers and saw a stage at the head of the waterway. On the stage sat a group of officials, some big and round, some with gray hairs. In the crowd was one with beautiful eyes, calm and elegant. Who else could it be but Pei Yanzhen!
When I turned around to clarify that “you can mix up the seniorities at home, but you can’t casually call brother-in-law,” the ladies beside me shouted, “Third Young Master won! He won!”

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Looking back, indeed, that white boat was at the finish line. The helmsman leaped out powerfully, lightly grabbed the trophy by the flag, and proudly returned to his boat.
In a moment, applause shook the ground. The surrounding ladies all flocked closer screaming “Third Master.” The usually coy and gentle ladies seemed as if they drank an ocean of chicken blood, becoming crazy. The pack shoved and jostled, and carried me along toward the edge of the deck.
With no time to panic, I was already pushed into a corner…With a blurred vision and a plop, I was tossed into the river like a dumpling.
“Not good! Someone fell into the water!”
The icy water rushed at me and surrounded me while I remained still…because I didn’t know how to swim. I didn’t know what to do besides staying still.
I witnessed myself replacing the dumplings used to substitute for Minister Qu. Then, an arm wrapped around my waist and with one tug set me back on the shore.
I opened my waterlogged eyes with difficulty. In the haze, I saw a pair of eyes smiling back at me. He opened his mouth and said, “The lady admiring this Song Third is common sense, but how am I to respond to those deep affections when you jump into the river?”
My head was buzzing with some water stuck in my throat. I coughed out the mouthful and finally felt alive again.
“Miao’r?!” That moment, I saw the crowd break apart and Pei Yanzhen swiftly walking over. He crouched down and without reason, pulled me out of that Song Third’s embrace and into his.
Unknowingly, my brother was sitting by my side. He obediently bowed toward Pei Yanzhen and greeted, “Hello, brother-in-law.”
The people immediately stirred. I felt substituting for Minister Qu was better than staying here…
Pei Yanzhen carried me back to the Shen house in his carriage. Regardless of the frightened aunts, he carried me from the front door to a side room. He only left under the aunts’ ruckus when a maid had changed my clothes and a doctor had prescribed some medicine.
I stiffly laid in bed, mouthing hundreds of “Minister Qu” until I muddle-headly fell asleep.

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The next day, an awful rumor was born — the Shen Eldest Miss, Master Pei’s former wife now niece, Shen Miao was enamored with Yangzhou’s distinguished Third Young Master Song after only passing a few restless days at home. During the Dragon Boat Festival, she unhesitatingly jumped into the river to catch his attention.
The so-called rumors stopped before wise men. I would not interfere with and squabble over the rumors with the common people. But the people persisted to rebuke me. Even my little brother asked me one night during dinner, “Big sis Miaomiao, is Song Third one person or three people?”
Gossip is a fearful thing and rumors can obscure the truth. I sighed as the rumors evolved as it spread. It was now unclear whether Song Third was a soy sauce seller or an old lady wielding a butcher knife. Where did that come from?
A few days later, daddy returned in the morning from running his business. He had a maid lead me into a reception hall, saying an important guest was paying a visit.
Immediately after entering, I saw someone sitting by daddy. He wore a crescent moon white robe with gold silk embroidery, a jade hairpin, and an embroidered belt, an influential and wealthy son’s costume. The floor was covered with boxes and for a second, I didn’t know where to put my feet.
Daddy called me over when he saw me, “Miao’r.”
That wealthy son turned around when he heard and gave me a smile.
That smile gave me a familiar feeling, one that reminds me of water stuck in my throat, yet I couldn’t recall where we met.
“Miao’r, come here. Let me introduce you to my old friend, your uncle Song’s third son. He’s the one who manages the household. What a young and promising talent!” Daddy’s face flushed red, then turned to the other and said, “This is my daughter, Miao’r.”
That young master set his teacup down and replied, “Uncle Shen is mistaken. This little one dare not accept your praise.” Then he stood up and arranged his clothes to give me a deep bow, “I have gifts for Miss Shen. We have not met for many days. I trust you have been well?”
Like a sudden clap of thunder, I finally realized who this familiar pretty boy was. Song Third. As the local saying went, “Ten stores of which seven are Shen’s, the remaining three are named Song.” Of course, this saying was exaggerated, but it showed how influential we were. I simply never thought the pretty boy that made me feel like water was stuck in my throat was the head of the Song family, Song Xiyuan!
“Oh? You’ve met my daughter?” Daddy also put down his teacup and curiously asked. Daddy went away for many days and finally returned today so it was reasonable that he didn’t know the situation. But, when he asked in this place, I felt like water was stuck in my throat.

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Song Third’s eyes smiled looking at me and eagerly said, “Yes. When Miss Shen was watching the boat race during the festival, she accidentally fell into the water. Luckily, I rescued her from the water.”
“Oh? Miao’r, how could you be so careless as to fall into the water? Let daddy check if you’re okay!” Daddy immediately dragged me over for inspection. Once he confirmed that I was fine, he solemnly told me, “You still have not thanked him for saving you!”
My face turned black. If it wasn’t for the pack of young ladies shoving past me to see Song Third, I wouldn’t have fallen in. Now the villain held the reins and the culprit turned into the savior…
“Why are you still dazed? Hurry up and thank him!” Daddy pushed me from behind, urging me.
Whatever, if it makes the pretty boy leave faster. I bowed and said, “Miao’r thanks Young Master Song.”
Song Third beamed, enjoying this position, and gestured for me to stand, “Miss Shen is too courteous. This is what I ought to do.” Then he turned toward daddy, “Uncle Shen, today, I came to ask you for your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
Consequently, I felt water stuck in my throat again.
In spite of my pale face, Song Third ignored me and said, “Thinking back, Miss Shen and I could be considered childhood sweethearts. When Uncle Shen was honoring Grandpa Shen’s eightieth birthday, I also came with my parents to congratulate him. At that time, I saw Miss Shen in a courtyard wearing a plum blossom coat and holding a stick of honeyed hawthorns. She was really adorable and I haven’t been able to forget her.”
In my head, a row of Minister Qu’s was falling into the river one by one…
Childhood sweethearts… This kid. How could I say this nicely?
Not mentioning anything else, I was only three years old on my grandpa’s eightieth birthday, a little dumpling that hadn’t grown up. And that Song Xiyuan looked like he was only three years older than me. A six-year-old little dumpling toward a three-year-old little dumpling, and one foolishly eating honeyed hawthorns at that, unexpectedly had his heart stirred?
I inevitably considered if he matured too early or if the honeyed hawthorns was too dazzling.

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Song Xiyuan obviously couldn’t tell what I was thinking to end up with a stiff face and continued, “In these past few days after rescuing Miss Shen, I’ve been thinking of her and believed she looked familiar, as familiar as if I’ve seen her everywhere. Miss Shen and I must have made a promise in our past lives!”
My heart itched, I regret not tying myself to a rock to sink to the bottom of the river…
Song Xiyuan selfishly continued, “It could be said that it was love at first sight and I sank deeper with every meeting.”
Daddy obviously couldn’t contain himself, with a big slap of the table, he firmly said, “You don’t have to say anymore!”
Good job! Daddy should give a big slap to that kid. I felt the food in my stomach about to come back up.
Daddy continued, “This is fate! In view of you saving my daughter, today, I betroth my daughter to you! I only wish you will not condemn her for having been arranged to Master Pei before.”
“How could I dislike? I only regret that I have not proposed two years earlier, allowing Miss Shen to suffer in the Pei family.” Song Xiyuan looked at me with pity and grief, wishing he could have substituted for Pei Yanzhen as the groom that day.
I felt I could become an immortal soon…
Thus, my second marriage was determined in such a mess.
This Song Xiyuan usually looks okay – distinguished, elegant and wealthy. I could reluctantly accept him if only he didn’t start talking. As long as he opens his mouth, I could not help but chant in my heart, “Minister Qu protect me…”


AN: Minister Qu protect me, my dear readers please also let comments float up.

Also, it seems like everyone likes Master Pei because of his boat rowing (as in when you ship characters) capabilities. With this, I sincerely proved that Student Song also has good boat rowing capabilities.

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