The five of them left the room and then Aeris and Aaron led them to the castle audience chamber.

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“An ‘audience chamber.’ How excessive.”

Maki said with a tilt of her head.

“After all, in Midland and Lowland, we just went to the king’s study, didn’t we? Though, they were pretty big.”

Chiharu nodded.

“Think back. About how it was like in the dwarf castle.”

“Ah, yeah.”

They had been made to wear formal clothing and were escorted. Maki thought as Aeris spoke to her.

“It is the first time a Saintess has come to the elf lands. I think they will want to do something special.”

“So, the Saintesses are not on a secret mission after all.”

Aaron replied. Maki and Chiharu felt a little bad.

“But it’s fine. When you two were unveiled, Arthur told the other countries that you don’t like to stick out. And so we should treat you more modestly.”

“Arthur? I see. That’s nice.”

Maki was relieved when Aaron told her this. Yes, while Aeris was a prince, elves were not very curious about others. In fact, the princesses earlier had no interest in Maki and Chiharu as Saintesses. They didn’t even see them as rivals. So it must be fine. That’s what Maki thought as she looked at Chiharu, whose expression was a little stiff.

“Woah. There are guards at the entrance.”

Maki said excitedly.

“Damn it.”

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Aeris and Aaron wore hard expressions. When the heavy doors opened silently, they saw that there was a long carpet that stretched out towards the throne. And on both sides…


Maki muttered. That’s how many elves had come inside. The crowds began to buzz as soon as Maki and Chiharu entered. Maki didn’t know anything about formeral elven attire, but they all wore pretty clothes with glimmering patterns. While Maki couldn’t help looking around, Chiharu stood without moving and raised her head.

Then they were ordered to come before the king. Maki was escorted by Aaron and Chiharu by Edwy. And Aeris walked slowly behind them. Maki and Chiharu could tell that everyone was staring at their foreheads.

The throne was on an elevated platform that was three steps high. And sitting on the throne was the first old elf they had ever seen. He had platinum hair and a long beard.

“Santa Claus.”

“Hey, Chiharu.”

Well, he didn’t have a big belly, but he did look like he might give children some presents. Regardless, Maki and Chiharu were suddenly less nervous. And next to the king was someone who appeared to be about the same age as Aaron, and looked a little bit like the king.

The king stood up slowly and with the support of the young man, came down the steps to stand before Maki and Chiharu.

“So, you two are the current Saintesses.”

“My name is Maki.”

“My name is Chiharu.”

“And I am called Bartfon. I am the current king. And here is Toul, who will be the next king.”

Then he held both Maki and Chiharu’s hands. While they had been quite surprised to see so many people, Bartfon was a little like Arthur in that he didn’t come off like a noble. And so Maki and Chiharu were relieved.

“Ever since we heard news of your arrival, the miasma has started to thin. However, it has been especially fast since yesterday. It’s practically gone completely now. I am in awe of this power. It’s like suddenly being able to see.”

He laughed kindly.

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“We didn’t mean to overwhelm you like this, but everyone so desperately wanted to get a glimpse of the Saintesses, and so they all gathered to the castle. I’m sure you’re very surprised.


But now that they have seen the mark on your foreheads, things should settle down a little. I thank you for visiting the elf lands.”

He said, and then looked to the side.

“Aaron. And Edwy, huh? Human children do grow so fast. I am very impressed.”

He talked as if he were their grandfather. Edwy’s expression was hard to read. Was he happy or not happy? But he greeted him properly all the same.

“Forgive us for the delay. There was some pressing business we had to attend to.”

“Aye, it is fine. I heard about what you did in the dwarf lands. We know that Midland has a responsibility to protect the Saintesses. Do not worry.”

The king shook his head and then looked over to Toul. Toul nodded.

“Aeris. I hear that my mother bothered you again. I am sorry.”

He said with a grimace.

“It’s fine. While she is your mother, she can do as she pleases when it comes to love. I am just sorry that I cannot give her the answer she wants.”

Aeris replied calmly. Mother! Maki and Chiharu looked at each other. This person was the child of the woman in the bed? It was very confusing to be in a country where people lived for so long!

“So you were there too. It must have been shocking for ones so young.”

Toul said with a laugh before reaching out a hand to their cheeks, much like Aeris did. However, Aeris stopped him.

“They are not children. They are grown women. Do not touch them so casually.”

Aeris said as his hand went around Chiharu’s waist, completely ruining his own argument.

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“Really, Aeris! So the rumors were true! They are adults!”

Chiharu thought that Toul’s eyes went to her chest for a second, but she wasn’t sure. Regardless, it was very rude.

“By the way, I must speak to you about work. Aeris, Edwy, and Aaron. Come with me to another room.”
“Work? I planned to show Maki and Chiharu the elf lands.”

“There is no time for that.”

“But Maki and Chiharu…”

“I thought it was decided that they are not to go near the monsters.”

“…So it’s about the dungeons.”


Apparently, something had happened in the dungeons.

“Maki, Chiharu. I’m sorry. I have to talk with him.”

Aeris said apologetically, but Maki and Chiharu just shook their heads. The king saw this and said,

“Hmm. Then I will have one of the princesses guide you. Given your age, maybe the fifth princess would be best. Rhea!”

He called. For a second nothing happened, then the beautiful young elf they had seen earlier stepped out of the crowd with a somber expression.

“Rhea is my youngest daughter. She is calm and gentle, so she will be perfect for the task.”

Were all parents so blind?

“Rhea will need some help. I will go too.”

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“Ah, you too, Aila? That would be a comfort.”


The first princess stepped out gracefully and smiled as she looked at Toul.

“What, Toul? You’re frowning.”

“I wonder who is the reason for that.”

“Hahaha. As I am older, it is clear that I am better fitted to showing them around.”

“No, sister. I will go too!”

Sparks flew between the two sisters.

“What should we do?”

“Doesn’t this have nothing to do with us?”

Maki and Chiharu whispered to each other.

“My daughters are so cute no matter how old they become. I am sure you will have a great time, Saintesses.”

The king said, before leaving with the others, who looked a little worried. Maki and Chiharu were immediately surrounded by elves. It was a little intimidating to have so many tall elves look down at them. On one hand, Makie was very curious as well, and looked back at them with interest. Chiharu stood straight and had a cool expression. And as the purification was something tangible, the elves could not help but be drawn towards them.

“What was all that about elves not being interested in people?”

“They’re way too interested.”

They muttered to each other. But it was drowned out by the whispering of the elves.

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