Liu's fingernails are almost in the flesh. Sanfang has no money. She buckles the rope, but Luo Rongping is as big as most men. Now he has to spend the money on a woman wantonly. OK, it's really good! This woman, however, can't be underestimated at all. The first short-term fight made her a failure. Liu's life has never been such a failure. Don't fall into her hands!

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Luo Rongping is so merciless. Liu doesn't want to be humble. He smiles and looks cold. "What do you say is natural, but wanniang? It's better to change this name. No matter what word it is, it collides with the name of the girl. If my mother knows it, she will not be happy. I'm leaving. "

Luo Rongping's face changed. He sent all the servants out, took the woman's hand and kneaded her gently. "In the future, will you please call you huanniang?" In fact, it has nothing to do with Jing Wan. But Liu is right. Old lady Luo will care about it. He will have to change his mind if he is unhappy.

"It's just a name. I can call anything I want." Huanniang leans on his shoulder. "To be treated sincerely by you is to ask me to die at once."

"Don't talk nonsense. We, as well as our children, have a long life in the future. ——I have already told you that it's just face to face with Liu Shi. If she does anything to you, you don't have to let her. She's a good face and won't shake things out by herself, so you don't have to look at her face and live carefully. "

"My wife is my wife, and my body is my concubine. Even if my wife does something, it's natural. It doesn't look good after all. It's just that I can't stop fighting. In case someone knows about it, I don't want to see it. In addition, it is understandable that the concubine and his wife robbed him. It is understandable that his wife is unhappy. Therefore, I will not conflict with his wife, but I will not let myself suffer. I will be relieved. "

"You, if you say you don't want to rob me, I will be yours." Huanniang's this is as gentle and considerate as jieyuhua, which makes Luo Rongping very useful.

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Huanniang's delicate smile, sweet and greasy cry: ye "By the way, sir, just now madam mentioned three girls..."

"The second brother's daughter, the old lady likes her very much. Don't go to her. She is influenced by the old lady and doesn't like concubines. You make her unhappy, and I can't help you." Luo Rongping said.

Luo Rongping is not afraid of jingwan. In his opinion, it's a girl's family. She will marry sooner or later. Even if she suppresses her daughter, he doesn't have any extra ideas. The relationship between the third room and the second room has always been bad. Whether she marries well or not, it has nothing to do with him. On this point, Luo Rongping is very transparent. As for himself That di female always competes with her, once also said once or twice, later is lazy to talk again. But their concubines and servants are different. In case, the old lady can kill them in a word, so it's the best choice to avoid them far away.

Huanniang's eyes flashed in the place Luo Rongping could not see, "I know."

and not to say that after Liu's return, how much of a temper tantrum came back, anyway, Luo Rongping brought people back and pregnant. Luo family basically knew that after all, there were not a few people present, and the three room could put in the eyes of other people's yard. Gong Ma is very clear about these twists and turns. She often listens to three points. Even if she doesn't go to the corner herself, she can think of seven points deep. In this way, Jing Wan can know more about them than others.

Jingwan lies on the soft collapse and is massaged by her servant girl. Although the technique is not as sophisticated as that of nanny Gong, it's not bad. Nanny Gong has hurt her feet, but she still lingers around her in the daytime. Although it's been determined that she has done a lot, jingwan still refuses to let her continue to work. She doesn't want to go back to rest, so she sits and looks at it.

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Jing Wan listened to the whispering of Gong Ma's Sutra. He was sleepy at first, but he was awake for three points. I asked suspiciously, "when Aunt three bullied our second room like this, I still wanted to pay her back. I didn't think that just when she fell asleep, someone handed over her pillow. It was not just in time, but also the most unlikely one."

"It's a coincidence. Most of the woman was raised outside by the third master. Today, she realized that she was pregnant. She took this opportunity to let the Third Master bring her back. After all, the children of the concubines, plus the name of the outer chamber son, are even worse. According to the third master's care for the woman, it's not difficult to achieve the goal of entering the Luo family by blowing the wind in his ear." Said mammy Gong.

"Well, maybe it's a coincidence. If it's man-made, he has been calculating uncle Sanshu and Sanfang for a long time. Uncle Sanshu is not worthy of being calculated by someone outside. In his own family, uncle Sanshu can't threaten him, so he won't spend such time. But my father doesn't pay attention to uncle Sanshu. Let's have a look. If the three rooms are busy enough, let's have a look. If they are not busy enough, we can add firewood. " Jing Wan said, his voice gradually lowered, as if he was going to sleep.

Mammy Gong is a bit unpredictable. Yes, Luo Rongping is not worth calculating. But the one who can't see the girl and bullies you. If you don't have to do it, he will help you come back a hundred times and a thousand times. He knows that you don't have a good relationship with Sanfang. Before you go to Beijing, Luo Rongping began to arrange. He didn't bring people back at other times. Today, it's true It's no coincidence. After all, Liu can't be so angry at any other time!

Li Hongyuan carelessly flipped over the things from his so-called third brother and fourth brother. If these things were thrown out, they would definitely be able to drink a pot of them fiercely. However, it's not enough to pull them down directly. However, no matter whether they are big or small, Li Hongyuan is lack of interest. After flipping over, he threw them aside.

Duke Mu renewed a cup of tea for him, and then stood aside like a wooden stake.

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"The engagement between Wan Wan and Chen Zhengmin is basically fixed?" Asked Li Hongyuan, who seemed to think for a moment and to be in a trance.

That tone is light, and it's very calm. It's like saying something that has nothing to do with yourself. However, in the eyes of Duke mu, this is the most abnormal thing. Miss Luo is going to be engaged to others. The master should be gloomy. It's normal to try to kill Chen Zhengmin. The more calm, the more terrible it is. Grandpa mu can't help but put out his hand and wipe the sweat on his forehead. As for Miss Luo's "great event", the master doesn't have no idea. But even so, Grandpa Mu doesn't dare not. But will his answer make the master go away immediately and screw off his head? "Back to the master, it should be like this."

"Sun Yilin sent a Weizi to Wan Wan?" Li Hongyuan continued to ask.

"Back to the Lord, yes." Grandpa Mu is sweating. Who will help him?

"Sun Yilin's identity is barely enough. Chen Zhengmin is really too low. In this scientific examination, say hello to the other side. As long as his standard is up to standard, the worst is to explore flowers."

“…… Yes. " Lord, what do you want to do? Did you give up Miss Luo? Otherwise, why not just step on the man who will be her fiance, but also take pains to help him?

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It's not so difficult for three persons in a class to make decisions about the Holy One. If Chen Zhengmin happens to be in the eyes of the Holy One, it's the best. But you can't wait for him now. In order to be safe, you have to find a way to let Chen Zhengmin brush the sense of existence ahead of the Holy One. Easier said than done. As the master said, the subordinates broke their legs.

"Since Sun Yilin has entered the dynasty as an official, how can he still have time to go to the flower market and do nothing?"

Isn't the person who doesn't do his business the Lord? If you want to find something for someone, you can tell clearly if you don't have time to contact Miss Luo.

"Is Chen Zhengmin going to Luo's house or Chen's house to become a bookworm?"

-- Chen Gongzi has been to Luo's house for several months. Although he didn't attend the literary conference or meet friends every other day, he didn't read only the books of sages and sages. It's even today that he saw Luo at Luo's house.

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