"Well, that must be a feast for the eyes." Jingwan was obviously interested and thought, "I invited sister Jia, sister yuan Biao and Ying Shuang, and they were busy. I'll post it to them right now. "

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Jing Wan is not a muddleheaded person, saying that action is action.

Nanny Gong wants her to refuse. She refuses. The living king of hell can't blame them for their poor work. Unfortunately, this excuse can be said to poke at the girl's weakness. Once again, she "helps the tyrant to be tyrant". She sighs in her heart: girl, you are so excited, but you have entered the wolf's nest and tiger's mouth on your own initiative!

Jingwan wrote a post and said, "when I go to report with grandma later, I'll just ask her if I want to go with her. Grandma has been away from Beijing for so many years, and I'm afraid she misses many places in the capital."

"It's still a girl's filial piety." When there is old lady Luo, she wants to keep the girl by her side. It's just and proper. Naturally, she won't be alone easily. The living king of hell has to start and think about it. Although she never thinks that as long as there are many people, she can stop him, she can only talk about it when there is no way.

"It's nothing to do with filial piety, just put yourself in the situation and think that grandma would be like this."

Jingwan wrote a post and went directly to the main courtyard with her. She proposed to go to Bailong temple to have a pilgrimage. Old lady Luo naturally didn't disagree. She didn't have anything to do for the time being. She didn't care much about the peach forest of Bailong temple. What she missed more was the Vegetarian House of Bailong temple. "After so many years, the cook just changed for a long time, I don't know whether it was that taste or not."

"it's the so-called essence to discard the dross, maybe it tastes better." Jingwan smiles.

"If you are right, maybe it will be better. When did you make an appointment with your handkerchiefs? "


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"When it comes to flowers and grass, your girl is also in a hurry." Old lady Luo nods her in vain.

"Granddaughter is so fond." Jingwan didn't think there was anything wrong with this. "If grandma doesn't think it's appropriate, she can slow down. Anyway, the post hasn't been sent out yet." Although I am concerned about the beautiful scenery, I can't wait another day or two.

"No, tomorrow." Old lady Luo directly asked people around her to send the post.

Later, jingwan thought of another question, "grandmother, do you want to ask other sisters if you want to go together?" I didn't think of them at the beginning, wasn't it good? Jingwan began to reflect on herself. After all, now she is not in Qi'an mansion. She is not the only girl who needs to go out from time to time. Moreover, there is no place for freedom in the capital.

"No, they haven't been in the capital for a month and a half. They've seen what they should have seen and played what they should have played. Maybe they've been there when the peach blossom started. I'll ask your aunt four later. "

"OK, listen to grandma." Jing Wan is more willing to work with Luo Jingying or not.

Jingwan sent out the post soon had an echo, it was the person in charge of sending the post who directly brought back the reply, all said to go.

The fastest is sun Yijia, the highest in the family. According to common sense, the post sent to Dingguo mansion will not be heard until the next day at least. However, sun Yijia said to the porter after returning home yesterday that if someone from luoshangshu mansion looks for her or sends her a post, they will directly lead people to her. Therefore, sun Yijia directly meets the servants of Luo family. I am very happy to receive jingwan's post. Let alone go to Bailong temple to enjoy flowers. Even if I look at weeds in the countryside, I am willing to reply immediately, saying that I will go to Luofu as soon as possible tomorrow.

The other two families are not so complicated and not so troublesome. In addition, the gatekeepers of the two families dare not neglect them. They all meet the right owner smoothly.

Jingwan here has just decided on the trip. Li Hongyuan has almost arrived at Bailong temple there.

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Li Hongyuan's play in the flower market was superb. He involved more than half of the officials in the whole capital. Apparently, no one of the most powerful princes could be alone. Not only that, they also caused another fierce fight and mutual suspicion. As the culprit, after mixing the water, they clapped their hands and walked away, but they were still confused I doubt him personally.

The person who vaguely guessed that it might be his handwriting, no matter how much emotion he felt or how many words he didn't utter, just told himself again and again that if he followed such a master, even if his room for exerting his ability had been reduced a lot, he might even become a person who only needs to do things and doesn't need to speak, don't have a different heart.

Hidden in the woods beside, Li Hongyuan watched the magnificent temple filled with Buddhist incense, and his thoughts drifted.

Bailong temple is a temple dedicated by the royal family. Apart from some special days, it is also open to the people. Therefore, it enjoys a great fragrance all the year round. In addition, it is a world-class eminent monk who presides over the dust, so that it is almost like a city every day.

Master liaochen is very accurate in divination and divination. However, he can calculate up to three divinations a year, and must be related to others. Otherwise, the presence of the holy one can't make him break the rule. On some people, the so-called "predestined person" may be the one who looks good to each other, but master liaochen is not. Here, regardless of high or low, he measures whether there is predestination or not, or even depends on his eyes.

Every year, countless people hope to become the fate of master Chen. They not only want to know their destiny, but also hope to make master Chen change his life. Yes, it's said that the most powerful thing about master liaochen is that he can change his life against the sky.

No one knows where this rumor comes from, but the world is convinced that there is no powerful person who wants to force master Chen to change his life. However, before long, the man died unexpectedly. You should know that the man was criticized by several masters at the same time: Although the life path is rough, it is like a long life. But when he died, he didn't have enough time to stand up. For a while, those who were ready to move were silent and afraid to do anything in vain. When facing master Chen, they all paid homage to him. It's natural that they can count a divination or give advice. They can't and don't demand it.

However, in master Chen's place, there are several rules, not counting the national fortune, not counting the near thing, not counting the far thing.

The so-called state affairs are easy to understand, while the near things are the things that will happen in a very short time. The world affairs change rapidly. The near things are calculated and difficult to change. The short things are not predicted and the things that will happen in a hundred years. The time is long, unable to calculate, unable to calculate, unable to calculate.

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Master liaochen is not the kind of person who can't see the head and the tail. Although he will leave Beijing from time to time, he will never make people completely unable to find his whereabouts. It's just that there are dignitaries or special people who want to come to see him and listen to the Buddha Dharma, and he won't hide himself.

Li Hongyuan and master Chen, in fact, are old acquaintances. Not only in this life, but also in the previous life, the years when he sat on the throne, if not for master Chen's occasional release, I'm afraid that his anger will be more serious, more people will be killed, and the name of tyrant, I'm afraid that it's not only in the court, but also in the world.

In this life, after he left the palace at the age of 16, he found master Chen at the first time. He didn't say much, just asked: May I have what I want?

No one knows if master Chen has seen anything, but he says to him, "the Lord is obsessed with his mind, like a magic barrier. The poor monk says no, and the Lord will give up his obsession."

"No." Li Hongyuan's answer was very clear.

"In this way, we can and can't care about it. When it's time, we will know."

From then on, Li Hongyuan stopped asking and asked master Chen to tell his fortune. He came to master Chen occasionally to play chess, drink tea or talk about Buddhism. In fact, Li Hongyuan is quite proficient in Buddhism, but he always despises it. He even criticizes it in front of master Chen. There are many false words. Master Chen laughs every time, but he doesn't talk. When Li Hongyuan finishes, he says with a smile: the Lord knows Buddhism, and then he can find out his words to refute it. In exchange for a cold hum from Li Hongyuan.

Li Hongyuan stood for about a quarter of an hour with Duke mu, and then went directly to the backyard of Bailong temple without attracting the attention of others. Master Chen had already taken people to wait there. Dressed in monk's clothes, kind-hearted, with long white beard, it is not small last year, but ruddy. The eyes are not as turbid as the ordinary old people, but as clear as babies. It's incredible. However, the eyes just look at you quietly, and imitating Buddha can make people quickly calm down.

Master liaochen put his hands together. "I've seen the king." The monks behind him followed.

"Master need not be polite." Li Hongyuan returned the rites. He was quite angry when he left the palace. Now he looks like a different person. There is a big difference.

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A group of people went directly to the courtyard where Li Hongyuan used to live. They pushed open one of the wing rooms. It was clean and simple, and the fragrance was overflowing. The burning of sandalwood was the best.

On both sides of the low table, Li Hongyuan sits opposite to master Chen, and the monk quickly delivers tea. This is the unique tea of Bailong temple. It's an old tea tree with hundreds of years. The annual weight is very small. What's more, from tea picking to the final product, it's all done by master Chen. Maybe it's because of this that Li Hongyuan has become a Buddhist. In the past, when he became the emperor, he was very powerful Tao takes all tea as his own. Fortunately, master Chen is open-minded and never cares about him. He will give it to him if he wants.

Li Hongyuan looks at the light smoke in the cup. The taste of the tea is very unique. It tastes bitter and sweet. After swallowing the tea, the mouth is filled with fragrance. It really has endless aftertaste. What's more, it's a calming and tranquil effect.

"The prince is in a good mood." Said master liaochen.

"Master's insight, naturally nothing can be concealed from master." Li Hongyuan doesn't care.

"The Lord must be able to get what he wants." Master Chen turned to say, from his mouth, but not a bit stiff.

Li Hongyuan paused and raised his head. "Six years later, why did the master suddenly talk about this? Compared with the beginning, the master's attitude is quite different. "

"It's a blessing for the world that the Lord gets what he wants."

"Master, this is serious."

"You should be the most clear in the Lord's mind. I don't mean that."

Li Hongyuan is obsessed with his mind, gets what he wants, and gets rid of it. His mind is all right. Naturally, everything is peaceful. The longer he keeps obsession, the deeper the magic barrier is. He is in power, and he doesn't know what kind of storm it will bring. It's those innocent people who suffer from it. It's hard to say that he can't lose his mind any day, or let himself do whatever he wants. It's hard to say that it won't cause the destruction of life Carbon. Although he didn't want to have time to have fun with jingwan, he naturally had a lot

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