"I think it's the Lord who worries too much. What I said is that Miss Luo has the compassion of our Buddha, not that she is related to the Buddhist family. The Lord wants to give her an indescribable destiny. In the future, if Miss Luo really hides in the empty door, it must be the King's reason." For Li Hongyuan's anger and threat, master liaochen was still calm and calm, and he snorted coldly,

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Master Li Hongyuan said, "maybe you can't see that day, that is, some Japanese king will be defeated in the future, and Ben Wang will lead her to die together. In her life, she is the king's life, and death is the soul of Ben Wang. No one should want to take her away from him. God will stop killing God and Buddha Kill the Buddha. "

"Amitabha, my Lord is more murderous. If you don't control it, you will only hurt others and yourself."

Li Hongyuan sneered, "what's the matter, master, is to enlighten Ben Wang? You may as well give a divination for Ben Wang and Wan Wan, and say that she is the one appointed by him. She is a natural match with him. After we get married, you will let her enlighten Ben Wang, and it will be twice the result with half the effort. "

"Do you want me to raise divination like this? The so-called change of life against the sky should also follow the words of gain and loss. If you get it from here, you will lose it elsewhere. "

Li Hongyuan's eyes became sharp. "Master's meaning, is it a natural match between Wang and Wan Wan?"

"I have said that what the Lord has done has already opened a clear road, but because the Lord himself is changing his life, it is possible that there may be changes in the road at any time. This road, if you go according to the Lord's wishes, may take time and effort, but because you pay, it is very likely to achieve the goal. The Lord now wants to take a shortcut, one step to the destination, the result is uncertain. Now I am poor monk Strong behavior belongs to the category of changing life against the sky. It's going well. There must be other things that are not going well. Even the changes on the way will be delayed to the end. The future will become more and more complicated. It's not what the Lord wants

"People say how powerful you are, old monk. I don't know what you are."

"Amitabha, it's all from others. It's not true. Some day, when the Lord gets what he wants, I used to divine this divination for the Lord, and I have the right to make it better. "

Li Hongyuan didn't refuse. Master Chen respected him so much. He had a comment. He didn't know how to suppress more gossip, which was more effective than bloody suppression. Besides, at that time, Li Hongyuan would not use blood to add bad luck to a good event.

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Li Hongyuan's goal was achieved, and master Chen was driven away by him again. He completely forgot whose territory this was. It's also good that he's not seen by outsiders. Otherwise, one saliva can drown him. It's really hateful to dare to treat master Chen like this.

Li Hongyuan didn't sleep. Naturally, no one around him would want to sleep. He called in "dark one." it's clear. "

"I'm sorry for my incompetence." Dark one knee kneeling, head bowed, they actually follow the master son, any task is rarely missed, but this time it seems that some failure, is not the master son misjudgment? No, no, they never see the master make a mistake.

"Then there's no need to check. Send someone to keep a good eye on them."

"Yes." Dark one has made preparations for being punished. I didn't expect to expose it like this.

"There are all those sent by the king's brothers. Have you got a clear idea?"

"My Lord, including those sent by his majesty, has made it clear and confirmed again and again that there is no omission."

"What should they know? What should they not know? What should they do? What should they not do? I don't need my king to teach you."

"I understand. Please rest assured."

"Carrier pigeons, have you found them?"

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"Back to the master, I have found it. I have confirmed it again and again. It's just that I was killed by someone accidentally. There's nothing wrong with it. My subordinates have ordered me to train carrier pigeons and deliver them in triplicate as much as possible to make sure there's nothing wrong."

Li Hongyuan had nothing to do in the middle of the night, but he was still sleepless and walked out of the meditation room unconsciously. Then, he couldn't help looking at the courtyard where Luo's family lived. Once, she was thousands of miles away, he paid attention to her daily life from a letter, paid attention to her growth, and worried that she would become another person different from his memory When she arrived in the capital, she saw it with her own eyes and made sure that she was the same as before. Although there is still a big gap from her memory, the delicate and delicate one is more pleasant than the one suffering from wind and frost.

When you can't see it, you can try your best to control it. It's a habit. When she appears in front of you, you can't help but want to reach out and touch it. When you touch it, you can't help but have evil thoughts. The closer you get, the more you miss it. The closer you get to it, the more you want to get to it, the more you want to get to it.

His obsession did not subside because he was close to her, but became more and more profound. People like him really know that this obsession is the best way to get rid of it early. Unfortunately, he never thought of doing so. The reason why weakness is called weakness is because you are unable to protect it.

Unconsciously, Li Hongyuan walked out of the courtyard wall again. Li Hongyuan hesitated for a moment. He still walked around the courtyard wall and into it from the circular arch. It was quiet all around. The courtyard looked quite large, but there were many people. The owners and their sons could still own a wing room, and the others could only squeeze. Compared with the time when they were in the capital to explore the Luo family at night, the possibility of being discovered is much greater now If Prince Jin, who is still missing in the rumor, suddenly appears at the place where the women's dependents are staying, and is caught, it's great to have fun.

The dark guards behind him are trembling and ready to run at any time. There is no way. Although it is quiet here, there are monks patrolling at night nearby. They are responsible for the safety of the guests. It's not a joke to disturb them. Those monks are much more powerful than many guards in the high gate courtyard of the capital. They are right for each other and should be weighed The problem is that there are many people who come to Bailong Temple specially for the master. Once they are exposed

Master, you have hurt yourself. Even if you don't hurt your bones and internal organs, ordinary people have to lie in bed for ten and a half days. Even if you don't watch anything, you can bear it. They think that master is really outrageous, not to mention the female nurse. Meet such a master, how a sad urge!

With a lamp in her hand, mama Gong stood in front of jingwan's door and stared at the people who were drawing closer and closer. "The Lord is here late at night..."

"Well, I'll see her. I can't do anything." Li Hongyuan's impatient wave interrupted her. If she didn't stop her for the sake of being gentle, she would directly send her to see his mother-in-law. After all, that's her first master. No, she's also very kind to her.

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But as soon as I thought of the close service, I inevitably thought of the previous problems, so I looked at mammy Gong more and more fiercely.

Nanny Gong doubted what he said, but she saw that he looked worse and worse, and that there was something else in his eyes, how could it be like his big enemy? It's just blocking the door, isn't it? Mammy Gong took a step back.

Li Hongyuan enters the room and goes directly to the bedside. It's because the room is not so rigid, but there are still many things left. Even the things brought out from Luo's house are not many. In the past decade, Jing Wan is still not used to moving out of any door. She travels as simply as possible.

Li Hongyuan took out the night pearl and put it aside, then put it on the lampshade, and the light was dimmed immediately.

Li Hongyuan just sat at the bedside and didn't even reach out to touch her. Because there was no medicine, she wasn't sure whether a gentle touch would wake her up. She also slept a lot of time in the daytime. He was ready to not show up, but she didn't want to. She slept again. I think it really consumed her mind before.

Li Hongyuan is slightly distressed, but if he does it again, he will do it without hesitation.

After that, until the next day, Li Hongyuan sat quietly beside jingwan's bed. It seemed that he just looked at her, and he was no longer bored or upset.

"Lord, it's almost dawn." If you don't leave, you may be found at any time.

Not long after Li Hongyuan left, jingwan woke up. Jingwan moved her nose. "Mammy, someone has been here?"

"No, girl, what's the problem?" said mammy Gong, trembling slightly

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"Nothing, it's just that the smell in the room doesn't seem to be right. It's probably the original way. I didn't notice it before."

Mammy Gong also has a little guilty heart. She forgot. The girl's nose is also very sensitive. The Lord has been here for so long. Because of the injury on his body, it's inevitable that there's a smell of medicine. It's not long since he left. The smell is good and doesn't disperse. She can smell it. How can she ignore it for a moment?

After jingwan got up, she did what she should do just as she did in Luo's family. However, she put the morning exercise in the room, and didn't make much noise. Instead, she practiced yoga. Yoga is not a daily exercise, nor a morning exercise project. However, she learned the most authentic yoga, which is very difficult, and can play a great role in exercising the flexibility and balance of the body.

Only a whole set of movements down, jingwan on a sweat, sweat after the body surface is uncomfortable, but to open the body comfortable, feel good.

All the work to be done has been finished. Old lady Luo is sent away. Luo Jingbo follows. He doesn't want to have Fu Yunting. He doesn't know if there is something important. He also takes his wife away in a hurry. Jing Wan goes to see yuan Qiaoqiao and Zhou yingshuang again.

The mother of both of them, one is her aunt, who naturally does not know each other, and the two are close relatives. Even if her aunt blames her, she has not done too much. And Qiao Qiao can also see open, think that they can survive is very good, for her, the scaring of falling cliff seems to have a greater impact on her.

It was the first time that Mrs. Zhou saw her. She was supposed to be a very straightforward woman. Now her face is haggard and her eyes are blue and black. She looks much older than her actual age. When Jing Wan gave her a gift, she just looked up at Jing Wan. She didn't even let her go in to see Zhou yingshuang.

"Madam, I don't know how to frost her..."

"Miss Luo, we can't entertain you here. Please come back." The voice is extremely cold, even mixed with suppressed resentment.

She invited them out. She's fine now, but Zhou yingshuang is blind. Even if it's not Jing Wan's fault, it's hard to reconcile.

Jingwan naturally doesn't care about her, "madam, I just want to know

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