Li Hongyuan walked into the gate of Yucui palace without any hurry. On the way, he did not know how many people were attracted and how many little maids blushed and beat their hearts. As long as he was not close to the living king of hell, but just watching from afar, it was not a general pleasure. "My son and my concubine say hello."

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Looking at this beautiful son, concubine Su couldn't help shaking her head. Unfortunately, it's probably because she's so good-looking that she can't bear to see other aspects. If one of the other aspects can be a little better, or she's not so bad tempered, or she's not so greedy for flowers and beauty, or she can do some business instead of doing nothing, so even if she's a concubine It's not that there's no one close to take care of it. It's sad to say. "Free now. How is yuaner's injury? "

"Tired mother and concubine are worried, and their son and minister are no longer in the way." The spirit of Princess Su is fair, but she is a little thin. She didn't hear from him a few days ago. She can't eat and sleep well. When she learned that she was safe to return to Beijing, she was relieved and raised her spirit. It's only about ten days. It's impossible to recover from the injury. But for a master who can move freely in less than ten hours, it's unnecessary to care and worry.

"How could it be ok? The mother and the concubine all heard from the doctor. You talk about your child. If you don't get well, you can speak directly to your father. You can take care of your injuries in the house. But if you don't say a word, your father will be in a hurry all day. The courtiers suffer. They dare not complain about your father, but write a note on your head. "

"Do they still have a small account on their children's ministers? Not bad. " Li Hongyuan said indifferently.

Su Guifei is also extremely helpless to his casual and unconcerned state of mind, "where is the deviation, how is it to cultivate you this temperament."

"Having nothing to do with his mother and concubine is the reason for his son and minister." Compared with Lecheng emperor from time to time, Li Hongyuan sometimes contradicts, which is absolutely obedient in front of Su Guifei.

"If you know your reasons, you can't change them?"

"I've been nurtured for a long time, but I can't change it, or my mother and concubine don't care about me? Start to dislike me? " Li Hongyuan looks at Princess Su in a quiet way.

Concubine Su inexplicably saw "grievance" in his eyes. She was so soft that she lost her temper. "Come on, don't look at this palace like this. What do you like? Your father doesn't care about you. You are in your twenties. This palace doesn't care about you." It's still to blame that her son is so good-looking. It's unbearable to let his eyes soften a little. It's also no wonder that those women who have been spoiled by him for a few days are dying to die. She, as a mother and a concubine, can get his way. "You come directly to this palace again? Why don't you go to your father's first? He'll be jealous again. " Princess Su said angrily.

Li Hongyuan chuckled, "is the father the jealous son, or the jealous wife?"

Princess Su was stunned by his sudden smile again. She got angry and grabbed the tea cup at hand and threw it away. "Your father and Emperor are right. You are a villain. Even your mother dare to play? I haven't cleaned you up for a long time. Your skin is itchy, isn't it? Do you believe that this palace will give you another meal today? "

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Li Hongyuan ducked for a moment. He knew that the tea cup was far away from him. How could Princess Su really want to hurt him. "Don't worry about your mother and concubine. Your son and Minister know that they are wrong."

Princess Su sneered, "you know what's wrong, you know what's wrong, and you change it? It is said that knowing mistakes can be changed, and there is nothing good about it. What about knowing mistakes and not changing them? "

"It must be changed this time, and never again. Don't get angry with the mother Princess." Li Hongyuan said hurriedly.

Princess Su was stunned. How could she be so good this time? Then he was inexplicably sad. How could yuan'er get mixed up again? But he would change the mistakes that he made at the first time if they were related to her. As he said, he would not make them again. She knows that he loves her, but as a mother, how can he really care about his son's little mistake? But the child is serious every time. I'm afraid he doesn't know how to do it. "Remember to say hello to your father in the future." Forget this.

"I went there first, but I can't make it today." Li Hongyuan is very considerate and doesn't mention it any more? I'll see you later. "

"What are you going to do?" The whole lady Su seems to have let out her anger. She is very powerless.

"Don't worry, my mother and my concubine. I'm not ready to do anything."

Princess Su has a strange expression when she believes you.

"This time, the father and the emperor did not know his son and his wife, but they were good at making a claim to marry him first. If she was a beauty, she would be fine. But she was an old woman who had ruined her appearance, and her son and his wife were not allowed to be dissatisfied." Put clear, it is dissatisfied with the marriage, looking for a happy emperor to pull skin. However, his mouth is poisoned, and people hate to seal it.

"What kind of nonsense? Miss sun is in her twenties and eighties. How can she become an old woman in your mouth? "

Li Hongyuan sneered, "sixteen, even if you don't get married before marriage, even if you don't have a engagement, it's not the old woman who can't get married."

"I got married before I got married. When I have a engagement, I can still get married to you?"

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"If she wants to finish the marriage earlier, the father and the emperor won't have to pull his son out." Li Hongyuan won't let up on this issue at all.

"The more you say this, the more you are muddleheaded. What do you mean to use you to stand for the VAT? Do you say that about your father and the emperor?"

"Isn't it? Other than that, when the children's ministers were not in the capital, they didn't know anything. The Duke of Ding never thought it was too big. He wished that her daughter's disfigurement would make the whole Qiyuan Dynasty well known. When the father and the emperor thought he was upset, they used the children's ministers to stop him. What did the children say? He is so kind-hearted and benevolent. How could he not bring people into the harem directly, just to be a companion with the empress's mother and serve a husband by his aunt and nephew? He can also spread a good story. "


"Sincerer --"

without waiting for Princess Su to speak, there was the roar of emperor Lecheng outside, which was so loud that it could shake down the tiles on the roof.

Then something flew straight to Li Hongyuan. Li Hongyuan seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. He took a step away and slapped it. It fell to the ground and smashed. Half of the first-class jade with a slap in the hand was gone. She couldn't help but feel hurt.

"What are you talking about, you bastard? Do you want to say it to me again?"

Li Hongyuan immediately took out the sore ear and heart with his fingers and opened his mouth to repeat what he had just said. As a result, Su Guifei, who was quickly walking down from the throne, pulled him in front of him and between Li Hongyuan and le chengdi. Li Hongyuan raised his eyebrow and took back his arm without trace, but at the same time, he chose to shut up.

"I'd like to say hello to the emperor. Why does the emperor come here now? " Princess Su said with a smile.

"If you don't come now, don't you miss this evil man talking freely?"

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"Yuan'er, you have no intention. Don't be angry, Emperor." Consort Su consoled.

"Stay away, princess. If I don't punish him today, I can't get rid of my hatred."

"Emperor, yuan'er's injury is not good. What if the wound breaks again? It's said that I hurt my son's body and my mother's heart. I don't believe that the emperor doesn't feel hurt. I'm looking forward to seeing him come back easily. If I want to have another good or bad, I'll die of heartache. " Princess Su could bear it before, but now she couldn't stop crying. "

yuan'er escaped from death, but he gave a princess who didn't want to know it. He was angry in his heart, so he didn't choose what to say. Emperor, don't be angry with yuan'er, OK?"

"Well, I'm not angry. Please don't cry." When Emperor Lecheng saw that she was crying, he lost his temper and coaxed her. He turned to look at Li Hongyuan, who seemed to be a little stiff in his body. "Sincerer, I didn't see your mother and concubine crying. Who is the reason for that? Please coax her?"

Li Hongyuan didn't coax the crying woman. He really didn't know how to do it. He was stiff and helpless. At least a small part of it was real, not just pretended. "Don't cry, Princess..." It's just a dry sentence.

Fortunately, Lecheng didn't expect him. He was very good at coaxing women, and soon made Princess Su stop crying.

"The emperor, my concubines have lost their respect, and I don't want to cry. But I can't help thinking of yuaner's nine death situation."

"Well, now, isn't he standing here well?"

"Then don't punish yuan'er, the emperor?"

"Well, we all love her. Let him go this time."

Princess Su broke into tears and smiled, but thought that her son was still there, she could not help blushing for a moment, and she was really ashamed and died.

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Li Hongyuan didn't feel it. He was studying hard to learn how his Laozi coaxed people. He didn't see wan wan cry in his previous life, but he said when he would cry in the future. If he didn't coax people at all, Wan Wan would be angry. He seems to have heard that when the woman is sad and crying, she hopes that her man can coax her to show that you really love her and care about her.

Then, one day in the future, jingwan will experience the feeling of being coaxed by her husband. It's really speechless. It turns out that this bullying, unreasonable and super possessive snake essence disease has a low EQ of as low as explosion. It's been in trouble eight times out of ten. Instead, jingwan is coaxing him. There are two times when he's sulking himself. Jingwan still doesn't know why - what's going on? Is it hard to be ill again?

Princess Su doesn't cry. It's time to deal with Li Hongyuan. Emperor Lecheng tries to suppress her anger. "What do you want?"

"Break the engagement."

"Break the engagement? You are up and down mouth skin son a piece of one close, say easily, don't you know the king has no jest words? What will I do for myself? I'll take it back. How can you save my face? " Emperor Lecheng was so angry that his teeth itched.

"It's not once or twice that you have disgraced your son's minister. What's the matter with another one?" Li Hongyuan's expression that you should have been used to.

"You..." Emperor Lecheng raised his hand and tried to smoke him.

"Yuaner -" concubine Su's voice was higher and sharper, but Li Hongyuan also saw the pleading in her eyes.

Li Hongyuan paused and moved his eyes, "what should I do to compensate my son for giving him such a princess?" He was a real compromise.

Princess Su is relieved.

It has to be said that lechengdi's tone of blocking his chest has also been relieved. He is afraid that this bastard will make trouble in the end, so what should we do in the end? Do he really clean him up with his ruthless hands, or do he compromise again and take back his life? There's a saying that's right about this guy, because he

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