Even if Jing Wan pretends to be calm, the slight blush and some dodging eyes fall into the eyes of a certain animal, let alone he is a "mature man", and he has developed a pair of eyes. People he doesn't care about will not pay attention to, but the people he most pays attention to Li Hongyuan hardly needs to think about it. He knows what jingwan thinks of. After all, wanwan is a little girl who has never experienced any love. Even if she is calm and experienced, it's strange if she is the same in this respect.

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When Jing Wan '.

At this time, Li Hongyuan didn't call it "Qi", and jingwan kept the same.

Li Hongyuan looked at her so quietly, saw the blush on her face disappear, recovered the natural light pink, did not apply the powder on her face, the lips were beautiful, the powder was tender and tender, Li Hongyuan rubbed his lips, recalled the delicious taste picked from her lips in the past life and this life, not to mention that she was young, at the best age, the lips were tender and soft, but in the past life, because The destruction of wind and frost, neglect of maintenance, even the natural beauty will inevitably become rough, some dry lips, but the taste is still called his palpitation, the beauty of the past life is like clouds, around fat, swallow and thin also call him to taste at most, unable to arouse his deeper desire, this is probably because the heart, triggered the deepest touch, perhaps at that time, he had been completely planted in her hands, the most At the beginning, he may have resisted. When he let himself sink, she was gone. Goodbye, goodbye

Jingwan hears Li Hongyuan's groaning pain, and subconsciously looks up at him. He frowns, covers his chest, breathes heavily, but his eyes stare at her, like a beast ready to go. Jingwan can't help but take a step back. I don't know if it's this move that makes him angry. Li Hongyuan suddenly gets up and grabs her Wrist, pull her into his arms, and back to the original sitting place.

"Lord......" Jingwan exclaimed, perhaps subconsciously afraid of the present occasion, subconsciously lowered his voice, and put his hands on Li Hongyuan's chest.

Feeling Jing Wan's resistance and struggle, Li Hongyuan tightens his arms, "Wan Wan, you still want to leave me, you still want to leave me, I tell you, I will not allow it, absolutely not..." It contains strong possessiveness and unspeakable fear.

Jingwan thought of the night when he was injured, he was also confused. He knew that it was unwise to confront him at this time, so he obeyed. He waited for a while, hesitated for a moment, reached out and patted him on the back. "Lord, calm down, my daughter is not..."

"Don't talk, let me hold you for a while." Every time Li Hongyuan thought about the past life, Jing Wan's tragic death, he would go mad once. Now because Jing Wan is here, he quickly pulls back his reason. Unlike before, people around him will suffer a lot. However, people are in their arms, and even if someone is back to his mind, he will not be so easy to give up.

This is the eldest brother. Jingwan thinks that she is the only one who will suffer from the trouble. So she asks him to hold her. She just thinks that this is sister Jia's fiance. Even if they are tired of seeing each other, she can't help breeding the guilt of "betraying" her friend. She silently says sorry to sun Yijia in her heart.

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Just for a while, but is it too long. "Lord......" Jing Wan pushed him with obvious intention.

Although reluctant, but in the face of Jing Wan, he is easy to compromise and let go.

Jing Wan hurriedly retreated, and the gloom in Li Hongyuan's eyes was a little deeper, but this time he didn't act.

"Sit down." Li Hongyuan ordered some cushions on the side.

The touch of the cushion is comfortable and soft. The surface is the best fur. I can't help but sigh that it's worthy of being a member of heaven's family. Ordinary people can't see it at all. Even if the official family can get it, they will treasure it very much. After the skillful hands of the embroiderer, there is no left to sew on the clothes. This is a good, complete and whole piece of cushion. Then I sew a cushion and look inside at it at will The things placed are just as good as the "shabby" things seen outside.

Li Hongyuan looked at jingwan's movements and expressions, but with pure curiosity and exclamation, without any envy, let alone greed. Even if he looked at it, he was calm. He didn't sneak around. In a flash, his curiosity was gone, and he sat quietly.

"Just now, it's my king's abrupt girl." Li Hongyuan said.

The dark side of the driving outside has a flat face, because it is also the first post of bodyguard. When the two identities appear, they are naturally different. Even if someone sees him now, they will not think of Li Hongyuan's bodyguard. Smell speech, in the heart but can't help stomach Fei, master this has no face and no skin unexpectedly pretends to be modest gentleman, big tail wolf is big tail wolf, you can pretend for a while, you can also pretend for a lifetime, in the future will be known by Miss Luo, also not afraid to be reckoned after autumn.

"No, you don't have to It has to be said that Jing Wan is really surprised by his attitude. No matter what she heard about it or how few times she met it, it is quite different from now.

Li Hongyuan seemed to know her idea at a glance and chuckled, "after all, it's the king's life-saving benefactor."

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Jing Wan was stunned, not only because of Li Hongyuan's words, but also because of the smile. It was The peony blooms. Although it may be a black peony, it is also the most precious, rare and unique one. It is incredibly beautiful.

Li Hongyuan relaxed and leaned back in his spare time. He looked lazy, but he was charming again.

Jingwan's lips and teeth are light, and she spits out two words: evil!

Li Hongyuan didn't hear what she said, but with her lip shape, he roughly guessed it out. "What did Miss Luo say?"

"Ah? it 's nothing. ——I don't know what the prince's orders are. "

Li Hongyuan's eyes fell on Jing Wan's neck. "How is Miss Luo hurt?"

Jingwan subconsciously reaches out his hand to cover his neck, but when he sees Li Hongyuan's calm and upright expression, it seems that he really only cares about her, which means nothing else. Jingwan feels that he has overreacted, blushes slightly, and puts down his hand, "Lord Xie cares, which is almost as good as before."

"What does Miss Luo want?" Li Hongyuan said softly, as if he had not noticed her movements.

Jingwan hesitated for a moment. "I think your guard should tell you what I said."

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Li Hongyuan waved, "that's nothing. Although I'm a bit of a jerk, I'm not in a dilemma, and it's not just saving lives."

Jingwan understood what Li Hongyuan said. If she didn't ask for something, maybe Prince Jin would not be relieved. She caught his "handle" and how could he hold her "handle" in his hand. Jing Wan was silent for a moment, and slowly said, "can the prince and sister Jia terminate their engagement?"

Li Hongyuan probably didn't expect that she would put forward such a request, "Miss Luo's care for her friends is really meticulous."

Jingwan heard that his tone was cold. He also knew that his request was out of place. It was so-called to demolish a temple rather than destroy a marriage, and he would make such a request. Instead of telling him explicitly that he was really not a good person. Even as an outsider, she would rather be a good friend whose reputation was damaged, she wanted to interfere in the marriage, so despised him, even if it was Ordinary men are only afraid to be angry, not to mention that he is a noble man. This can be compared with the following crimes.

Jing Wan hurriedly stood up and pleaded, "I'm sorry for my daughter's absence."

It's impossible to say that she doesn't feel like she's abandoned by someone on the top of her heart. What's more, she treats other people so intensely, is so strange to herself, even a stranger. She's not happy. But when she sees Jing Wan frowning, she looks uneasy, and feels sad. After that, she can always recover from her. "Get up, I don't mean to blame you. I agree to your request. "

"Lord......" Jing Wan looks up at him, some can't believe it.

Li Hongyuan chuckled, "my king's life is not worth a marriage that no one is willing to do."

"Thank you very much, but I'm afraid it's going to embarrass you."

"It's not difficult, but I'll do it again. I've done a lot of errands, and I'm not bad at that." Li Hongyuan said rather derisively.

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Jingwan's lips wriggled, rather guilty.

Li Hongyuan, a wolf with a big tail, wags his tail in his heart. It was originally a planned thing. Now he can get an unexpected harvest, which is a small compensation for him. "But there's one thing to remind Miss Luo. Benwangke's wife has a good reputation. None of the women who have had an engagement with benwangke will have a good ending. I'm afraid that if this matter hasn't been solved, something will happen to your good sister."

Jingwan smiled nonchalantly. "It's just nonsense. I don't believe it. Even if there is such a thing, maybe I haven't met the one who was appointed."

Yes, you didn't meet the one in the destiny. In your previous life, you didn't meet the one in the destiny, so it's tragic. My king didn't meet the one in the destiny, so he was cheated and betrayed. We should be together! "Sit down."

"Lord, if there is nothing else, I want to leave first. After all..."

"Miss Luo, do you want to throw it when you are ready to use it? Would you like to sit with me for a while longer? "

Jing Wan is silent. What is throwing when you use up? She's like that, speechless! But he said so, and Jing Wan had to sit back.

For a while, there was silence in the carriage. Jing Wan watched her nose, nose and heart, while Li Hongyuan watched her all the time.

It's hard for jingwan to pretend that she doesn't know. Finally, she can't help but look at Li Hongyuan. "Are you so similar to that girl?"

"Well?" Li Hongyuan was asked some inexplicable by her, but did not respond for a while.

Jing wannaobu's result was that the prince of Jin had a true love, but he left him for some reason. Maybe it was because of this that he became greedy for flowers and beauty. He thought that he was confused that night, and then he pulled the people in front of him. But just now, he was clearly awake, or did the same thing, so he could only show that he was similar to the girl Similar places, and I'm afraid there are still many. Although it may expose people

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