Sun Yilin takes an arrow and pulls a bow to lock one of the little guys with green fruit. Compared with red, green is more difficult. After all, it's not so obvious, and it's a lot of red. It interferes with the sight everywhere. You want to pay attention to only one little guy. If you accidentally shoot something else, you can be punished directly. Let go of the arrow and let go of the brush. Everyone is staring at the little guys closely. Are they in or out?

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After all, there is a relatively long distance between the men's table. A group of young gentlemen try to lean here as much as possible. Unfortunately, they can't cross the seats of the noble people. They lean on the stone railing with exquisite relief beside the lake and stretch their necks. The front one needs to be brained by the back one from time to time. That picture is really A group of big boys shook their heads.

"Middle or not?"

"No, the little thing suddenly stopped, and the arrow flew over with its fruit. It's a pity that if it doesn't stop, it will definitely win."

Sun Yilin is helpless to the little guy who looks at himself with his head askew. That little look is like asking him: eh, what are you doing? It seems that he will feel guilty if he takes another arrow. Compared with the wild ones, the domestic ones are not good at this. Moreover, the domestic ones are not afraid of people. They are more difficult to deal with when they are running or stopping than when they are always running or stopping.

Fortunately, this arrow has been dealt with, otherwise sun Yilin can't guarantee that he can continue.

Time waits for no one. Sun Yilin takes advantage of the little guy's stupefaction and shoots another arrow quickly.

"Good..." Both men's and women's guest seats were coincidentally applauded and applauded.

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Sun Yilin himself pinched a handful of sweat, and almost shot him in the head.

Sun Yilin took a look at Xiang, but it took less time than he thought. When he took the arrow again, there were only three arrows left. Suddenly, he realized one thing. Although there was no rule just now that he could only shoot a few arrows, there were only five arrows so obvious. Does that mean that he only had five chances and could only miss two at most? The changed arrow should have been lighter originally, and its lethality is only 10% of that of the original one. If it's not well controlled, it may not even stab the skin of the fruit, and it's certainly not a hit.

Which aunt came up with the idea?

I'm sorry. She said she couldn't receive sun Yilin's complaints.

The people here don't have the consciousness of protecting animals. Even if they are domesticated, they will never be treated well if they are not the ones the master likes. It's common for them to be abused and killed. Although they look good, they are not the favourites of any master in the eldest princess's house. Most of them will ignore the small ones if they come Jing Wan can't watch the lives of the guys being shot under her eyes. It's the same thing if she doesn't meet them. If she does, she can't be indifferent.

One sentence increases the difficulty, dispels everyone's question.

There is no expression on Li Hongyuan's face in sun Yilin, but Ruan Fangfei is only willing to acquiesce.

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Maybe just for a moment, Ruan Fangfei is ready to open her mouth.

When she finished reading, many people had already talked about what "it is really miss Ruan, or so powerful", "this poem is very good, graceful and flexible, just like Fangfei", "there will be another one in Miss Ruan's poetry book" and so on. All in all, there is no praise.

Jingwan can't write poems, but she knows how to appreciate them. It has to be said that Ruan Fangfei's poem is quite good. It's really up to the standard of getting a reward. However, it's not familiar to her. Is it that she doesn't know? Or is this actually the original work of Ruan Fangfei?

If Li Hongyuan knew jingwan ' If she has more experience and more knowledge, she may live forever, provided that she grows up like a normal person. Unfortunately, this person has grown crooked from the root. He admits that he is also crooked, but he can clearly recognize himself. Ruan Fangfei is not. She thinks that she is perfect, excellent and right to do anything.

"No punishment?" Ruan Fangfei looks at Jing Wan and suggests.

However, jingwan's feelings are different. Ruan Fangfei is not advising her, but telling her, that kind of implicit and natural attitude, and that she is clearly stepping on jingwan to pretend to be a good person. It seems that jingwan will do something too hot if it's not her words. And the people around seem to be used to it, not to it.

Ruan Fangfei's personal problems really exist, and her disguise has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If she is like these people, she will be influenced for a long time, I'm afraid that she will feel good. Just like sister Jia, in addition to the fact that she is not perfect, she has never said that she is not good. Such people, if there is no risk, if there is a risk, then the risk coefficient is only afraid to be very high, so, if not necessary, do not contact, and try to stay away.

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Jing Wan didn't want to make a fool of Prince Jin, so he naturally agreed. But

Li Hongyuan has opened the purse in his hand, looked at the words on the paper, and raised his lips. It's really fascinating. "When I was young, my mother and I were wearing girl's clothes. I couldn't see them by myself, but she said to the palace people around her that they looked incredible."

No one can understand what punishment item he got. People who had seen Li Hongyuan as a child could not help nodding. At that time, they couldn't argue with each other. It was really exquisite and beautiful. No one could reach it. I don't know how many people wanted to take him back to their own home, but Princess Su watched him closely. Emperor Lecheng protected him tightly. Slowly, the boy became a bit of a jerk The longer it grows, the more crooked it becomes.

As expected, Li Hongyuan turned the front of the note to face the crowd, "don't want to see it?" He also felt his chin thoughtfully, "now this face, a good dress up, the place to cover up, maybe it will be very good-looking? If you wear a more suitable suit... "

To be honest, Li Hongyuan's body is first-class now. Even if the face is beautiful, it will not be mistaken for a woman. It's hard for them to imagine what he would look like when he painted and dressed women's makeup.

It's Jing Wan. I'm eager to hear what he said. In my previous life, there were few big men. Even the masculine ones, after careful dressing up, are very beautiful. If Li Hongyuan's face is painted well, it will definitely be a first-class super beauty.

When Li Hongyuan saw Jing Wan's small eyes, he didn't understand what she was thinking. His family Wan Wan wants to see this, but she can't sacrifice it. But not now, he doesn't have the idea of entertaining people. After marriage, she can close the door and toss slowly. Li Hongyuan throws the note and the bag back together.

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Many people have a little regret that they know how Prince Jin could really be willing to wear women's clothes, just to play with them; Ruan Fangfei is relieved, how could he really sweep his face!

That's it? How could it be that a male peacock has not yet dazzled his favorite woman.

When everyone thought that he would leave, Li Hongyuan opened another performance bag, looked at it, rubbed it, threw it away, dismantled it, threw it again, dismantled it again, threw it again, let alone the female guests, even the male guests, were made to have their mouths drawn. Everyone believed that if he could not find his own satisfactory project, he would probably open all the bags.

The eldest princess resisted the impulse to beat the bastard. Until the sixth bag was removed, Li Hongyuan was finally satisfied. "That's all."

The servant girl looked at the eldest princess.

The eldest princess waved her hand powerlessly. She was helpless for this bastard.

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