Dingguogong's wife, who is full of energy, has different spirits. She has a straight waist, a glorious face and full of energy. Naturally, the people who entertain Luo's family are more and more attentive. She even specially tells her son not to neglect his son-in-law.

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For the change of Ding Guogong's wife, although she is snobbish, at least nine of the ten people are like this. Naturally, you can't say anything about her. Moreover, today is a happy day, and sun Yilin just smiles.

"The painting of birds facing the Phoenix" is appreciated by the people over there, and ordinary people don't touch it at all. To say that dingguogong's wife is happy, dingguogong is not happy. This son-in-law has such a long face, and his smile should be full of compliments to other people, real or fake. At this time, naturally, he doesn't care about what they think.

When sun Yilin brings Luo Jingbo over, he is surrounded by a group of people. If there are young talents and young people to be feared, don't throw money at Luo Jingbo.

Dingguogong looked at him coldly. He didn't see that some people wanted to hold his son-in-law high on purpose. He had the idea of killing him. Although it's not obvious now, young people will be proud if they listen to more compliments. Gradually, the tail may rise to the sky and become arrogant. Then, how famous it was at the beginning At that time, how high the stigma may be, this intention is really vicious.

Not to mention that most of these people only have some in laws, even the family can not ask them to be single-minded towards their own home, let alone now there is a villain who is intent on seizing power from him.

Naturally, there are many loyal people who stand in the Queen's department. Like Li Hongyi, they also include Luo family into their department. Luo Jingbo's current momentum is particularly beneficial to them. When they see these people with ulterior motives, they can't help frowning. So those who can praise them vigorously, they will timely beat and pour cold water on Luo Jingbo, so that Luo Jingbo won't get carried away, and they have to stop Keep going.

Luo Jingbo just smiled and entertained the compliments, but he was not satisfied with them. Instead, he accepted them humbly and respectfully. His attitude made Ding Guogong and other worried people feel that Bai was worried, and the evaluation of Luo Jingbo in his heart was more and more high. It was not bad, and he was not arrogant and impetuous. With his calm nature, he was fully responsible.

If Luo Jingbo is a cheeky man, he may be really cocky at the moment. Unfortunately, he is not. If he is, the glory will not fall on him from the beginning.

Knowing that all this actually belongs to his little sister, he can't be proud. The more good words others say, the more guilty he will be. The higher he will be raised, the more humble he will be. Someone really throws cold water. He would like to throw more water. For others, it's a good job. For him, it's a poor job. But the little sister is dedicated to him and her future His wife, so, even if the heart is not easy to bear, also have to support, so, while happy, while distressed, it can be said that the ice and fire two days.

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Sun Yilin, who has been overshadowed by his brother-in-law, looks at her with a smile. In his eyes, he is indeed Miss Luo's elder brother. Although he is not as calm as Miss Luo, his heart is really rare. He turned his eyes to the painting, and felt it more and more exquisite, especially the deployment of colors. He believed that today's master of the holy hand may not be able to achieve this level, which requires not only patience, but also special care. Considering this, sun Yilin's face suddenly has a tiny subtlety. It is appropriate to say that his brother-in-law is free and easy, even careless. Patience may be there It's just that it's so careful that I can't see it? Shake your head, so-called people can't look, maybe he is the kind of person who is very careful in some aspect.

"Yilin looks at the picture of birds facing the Phoenix. He looks different and shakes his head. How do you think about it?" Sun Yibin suddenly said.

Because this word is too abrupt and the voice is not low, it naturally attracts all the people around. Eh, isn't this young master Lin comfortable? You know, it's a pity that there are hundreds of birds facing the Phoenix. Luo Peishan's face is sincere, as if what he said is true.

When meeting this kind of person, Liu Ge always has to admit to be obedient. This time, he doesn't want to stop him from "making friends", but just to get rid of him and leave. "I have something else to do. Let's go first." It's really important, because I left in a hurry.

Luopeishan stood at the same place, touching his beard, with a gentle face and elegant atmosphere.

"Master." Luo Peishan's boy handed him two books.

Luopei mountain side head, well, is about to take over, suddenly it is a lateral extension of a hand, quickly took the book. "Qunfang spectrum? Lord Luo, it's not kind. " The fifth Taiqing was a little impatient.

Luo Peishan almost turned a white eye at him. "Return." That's the Qunfang manual he just got. I haven't read it yet.

How could the fifth Taiqing give it back to him, turn it over, "eh, this painting, what kind of painting is it? Never seen it. "

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"It's strange that I haven't seen it?" Luo Peishan doesn't care.

The fifth Taiqing hasn't heard about Luo Jingbo's appointment. Someone nearby has heard, "is that the fine brushwork?"

Everyone who hears about it is curious, so they want to see it with their own eyes.

The fifth Taiqing also understood a general idea in their various tongues.

"This is the picture your daughter made for Qunfang manual and your grandson gave it?"

"What can I do for you?" The pictures on these two volumes of Qunfang's manual were drawn by his grandson at the request of his granddaughter.

These paintings were made some time ago. Jingwan first drew some flowers and trees that Luo Jingbo didn't know, then copied them to Luo Jingbo, and then let the people around her take them and burn them. Now the meticulous paintings around her are basically unfinished, which are seen by others. They are in the stage of learning painting, because they are also interested in freehand painting, and occasionally they will move there. It can be said that Jing Wan did a lot for her brother.

It's just that Jing Wan probably won't know. In fact, all the paintings that she asked people to burn were collected by mother Gong and sent to Li Hongyuan. Only some of them were abandoned. It doesn't matter if she sacrifices something for her brother, but Li Hongyuan looks distressed, and can't bear to be so painstaking.

The adults around are just interested in fine brushwork and not interested in qunfangpu, so they are not stingy to show it to them. Before, they still heard about it. Seeing the finished product now is really a new way, and the technique seems to be really perfect, impeccable, and really awesome. In response to that sentence, listening is false, seeing is real.

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While others were passing it around, fifth Taiqing and Luo Peishan were talking and bargaining.

It's just that the sound nearby is getting smaller and smaller. When they notice it, few of them don't say it. The two Qunfang books are even missing. Both of them can't help being angry. "What about the things?"

Then someone pitifully told them, "one was taken away by Ruan Ge Lao, and the other was in the hands of Zhong Shangshu."

Luo Peishan's face was blue, and the fifth Taiqing directly began to scold. Roll up your sleeves and look for them.

Luo Peishan wants to find someone to get something back, but once again, Li Hongming blocks him.

It seems that Luo's family is going to totally turn against Li Hongyi. If Li Hongming is only a minister of rites, he may not bother to bring people here. But now, it's not the same. There's a girl Luo San who is in many ways. Now there's another son Luo San, who is likely to be famous all over the world or even a generation of grandparents People's influence is too great. How could Li Hongyi be so indulged? Naturally, he should try to pull it together. If he can't get it, he will destroy it. If he can't get it, he should let the Luo family remain neutral.

In fact, after the marriage between Luo Jingbo and sun Yijia was concluded, Luo Peishan had expected the result. Therefore, when Li Hongming invited him, he did not refuse, nor could he refuse.

Li Hongyi is in a hurry after learning that Li Hongming has asked Luo Peishan to leave, but when he drives out, they are gone. "Li Hongming, I don't believe you can tear down your cousin's marriage with Luo Jingbo?"

Li Hongming can't tear the marriage apart, because his father Lecheng let people watch it. He hoped that sun Yijia could marry with good fortune. Who dares to stretch out his hand and destroy it? He definitely ate the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, and it will be cut very badly. However, Li Hongming still holds a Luo Rongping in his hand. Previously, he didn't care about the person who seemed to want to turn over to his side, but now it's not a good chess to hold back the Luo family. Even if Luo Rongping saw that the current situation is not right, he would not give him a chance to shrink back.

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First lost the qunfangpu, then was pulled to a roundabout conversation, blocking the heart.

Luo Shangshu, who is blocking his heart, catches his four sons who are about to enter the examination hall tomorrow for a good training. Luo Rongwei, who was going to relax a day before the examination, is extremely depressed. Who did he provoke?

After venting his anger, Luo Peishan got along well and called other children and grandchildren. He asked Luo Jingbo about his current employment and nodded with satisfaction. It's just that where they didn't notice, he looked at Luo Rongping colder.

The Luo family also sent some things to the Chen family today. After all, Chen Zhengmin is going to enter the examination room tomorrow, so he must send some auspicious things.

The next day, Luo Peishan told his four sons what he should say. What rank he could get in the end depends on his own creation. The other three roomers also said what he should say. Therefore, when entering the examination hall, and because the children in the fourth room are not big, only the Liu family takes the servant to send the fourth Lord Luo. However, compared with those who only take exams in Beijing, this is very grand. Of course, there are also shortcomings, and the whole family is not absent.

Luo Rongwei is also more open-minded, anyway, his knowledge is not very top-notch, the best natural test, if the test is not good, his life is not impossible.

Liu Shi, after waiting for Luo Rongwei to enter the arena, saw the Chen family and asked an, "brother min, is this in?" Then I saw a basket carried by a young man, which was clearly used for the preparation of the exam, and looked at the three uncles and their family were very anxious, but I didn't see the figure of brother min, and I thought, "what's the matter?"

Chen Zhengmin's mother was so anxious that she almost wiped her tears. "Our brother min was invited out yesterday and hasn't come back yet. What should we do if we miss the exam? Moreover, if there is any accident, how can I live? "

"Shut up,

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