In ancient times, the number one scholar, the number one scholar, and the explorer have lived in this time and space for more than ten years. Jing Wan is still in a state of hearing. In his first year in Beijing, he met this kind of excitement. Naturally, he wanted to make a joint effort.

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It should be said that there are three people in the scientific examination, one in a class, one in a class, one in a class, one in a class, one in a class, one in a class, and one in a class of three years. Unlike in the previous life, there are lots of top scholars here and there, but they have never heard of the things like peeping eyes and peeping flowers, and they have them every year. OK, we must admit that they are also very good, but they are very good By comparison, the difficulty of this scientific examination is much greater, isn't it? The whole country's Juzi, a few years ago, a dozen years ago, or even decades ago, all gathered together. The real thousands of soldiers robbed the single wood bridge!

What's more, Jing Wan hasn't experienced it in person, and still doesn't comment. Now just look at the music.

Jingwan came out of the Shangshu mansion anyway. The brothers had already reserved the elegant room in a good restaurant.

Anyway, at this time, people on both sides of the street, no matter what kind of business they do, don't want to make money. It's proper to follow the crowd. The taverns and teahouses that occupy the geographical advantage, such as Yajian, have been guaranteed by the dignitaries of various families for a long time. Of course, they can make a profit here. After all, apart from the fact that Yajian is not easy to increase the price for the dignitaries, there is no lobby below. At this time, even if the price is a little expensive, no one bargains.

Even those jewelry buildings, rouge and water powder pavilions, silk and satin houses, where there are two floors and three floors, are basically occupied by people. Of course, most of these places are still dominated by women with status. When they leave, they will probably take away many things that make the shopkeeper laugh.

In the process of waiting, if you have nothing to do, you can eat something, drink some tea and knock your teeth.

Because of special reasons, the place is so big, but there are so many people watching it. It's inevitable that they will share a place with others. Just like this elegant room of Luo's family, there are many young people of Luo's family, friends and relatives. They can see each other occasionally on weekdays. There are so many people. It's not necessary to pay special attention to the defense of men and women. Even so, the difference between the men and women is basically clear.

It should be said that Jing Wan does not know many of these people. In fact, when she came to Beijing, she spent more time with people outside and made more friends. Then, gradually, she also understood the reason. It's nothing more than identity. Although compared with those people in sun Yijia, she has a lower status, but compared with these people, her status is still much higher. Even though my position is almost the same, she still has a great grandfather, who is held in the palm of her grandmother's hand. These are all things that improve her value. To say that she is The most honorable girl in luoshangshu's mansion is not too much.

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On weekdays, there are people coming to Luo's house from time to time, few of whom can be served by Mrs. Luo in person. Wang's reception is more than enough for them. It's good to have a chance to meet with Mrs. Luo and invite an. After jingwan's arrival in Beijing, there's basically no free time, so Mrs. Luo didn't let jingwan come out to entertain these girls.

Jingwan's reputation in the whole capital city is very famous now. She is as famous as sun Yijia and Ruan Fangfei, or even more famous than either of them. However, her popularity is temporary. If she doesn't do anything remarkable for a long time, she will be forgotten gradually. Unlike those two people, they have accumulated their talents over the years Of course, after a period of time, few people will mention it again. However, jingwan probably won't think of it. It won't take long for sun Yijia to be mentioned more frequently. There are more people who envy and envy her. Gein, she has a beloved wife's husband.

By her birth, by her style, it's enough, enough girls to flatter her.

Most girls don't have any bad thoughts. At most, they just want to improve their own value by interacting with you. This is a normal time. As long as it's not too intentional, too mean, or with bad thoughts, Jing Wan is calm and talks with them. If she can meet someone who agrees, she doesn't mind many "Little Sisters", Of course, after a round, jingwan feels that she still thinks more about it. They are different from herself after all, at least they can't let it go ideologically. The hierarchy concept is too heavy. They always talk to themselves with purpose, and then they are careful. Even if they don't dislike their "childishness", they are not likely to become friends at all.

With the faint sound of gongs and drums, the crowd began to boil, "here comes", and everyone knew that the people they were waiting for finally appeared.

The older brothers of the Luo family are all here. Although they are not the first time to see this scene, it is incumbent on their sisters to escort them when they go out.

Because the little girls are so excited, they all squeeze towards the window. Jing Wan frowns gently. She'd better back away. But because she was close to the window in the beginning, it's not easy to get back now. A hand reached out beside her, took her arm, and brought a belt in that direction. Jing Wan looked up and saw that he was his elder brother. After a smile, he walked along with his strength, because he was a man after all. Other girls, who even looked at him blushing all the time and refused to open their eyes, would subconsciously avoid him. Then, jingwan smoothly occupied the best position on the man's side. Seeing Luo Jingbo do this, the other girls of Luo's family were brought here one by one. It was a matter of course. I felt sorry for not doing anything.

"It's men's back." Luo Jingbo said with a little laugh.

"Jingbo, that's not enough for you. You can't please your sister, just ignore your brothers." "Yes, yes." “……” Other people also followed suit, but they didn't mean anything.

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Luo Jingbo's mouth turned. "All the people on the street are big men. Let the little girl have a look at the freshness. Why do you want to lose some sachets, handkerchiefs and other things?"

This remark, however, caused a lot of people to get goose bumps. Even if they had the idea of making fun of it, they dared not go to see it. They "cursed" Luo Jingbo. To say that Luo Jingbo is not polite to these brothers who often mix together. It's common for him to laugh and scold. At present, even in the face of his grandfather, Luo Peishan, he's not as short as his own sister. Where there's a sister, it's necessary to protect and take good care of them. All the others stand at the same time.

Jingwan covers his mouth and smiles. His brother's temperament is really open-minded, open-minded and informal. He doesn't have so many sneaky thoughts. After a long time with him, he will probably feel happy. But don't think that he is so simple and ignorant of the world. In fact, his grandfather always taught Luo Peishan that none of the brothers of the Luo family is really good.

A group of young masters and sons have been rushed to the back, and the girls in front don't have to be too crowded.

"Look, here it is." Cried a little girl beside.

Well, jingwan also saw the big red flowers tied with red silk in the chest.

The number one scholar in the middle looks like he is in his thirties. His facial features are very correct. They all say that they are born from the heart. It's not totally unreasonable. This man gives people the feeling that he is at least a kind of decent and decent gentleman. However, the age is also in his thirties, and jingwan can see the shadow of Jiang GE's old man from him. This is the Jiang family? It's needless to say that the tanhualang on the right side of the house didn't break the handkerchief sachet or even some flower branches.

Jingwan was not surprised that Chen Zhengmin could appear, nor were the Luo family surprised.

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"Miss Luo San is here to see tanhualang." A girl nearby pretended to be joking.

As soon as this is said, all the people of Luo's family are sluggish. Even the younger brother and sister in their early teens can't help but look at jingwan's face. They may have been concealed by the adults about Li Ruyu's coming to the door, but they basically know about the third sister's divorce. They may not know what it means, but they know it's not a good thing.

Jingwan is also helpless about it. She doesn't care about it, but some people think she's very sad. Now, the former fiance has become a tanhualang, which is favored by the girls. She's probably more sad.

Jing Wan smiled lightly. "Before the results of the palace examination come out, who knows who the three persons in the first class will be? I'm just like everyone else, just joining in the fun." Looking at the more and more close three people, Jing Wan's smile suddenly widened. He didn't know that she was honored because of the high-profile tanhualang, but he knew something.

"What are the three sisters laughing at?" Luo Qi asked curiously.

"Well, the three sisters think that the three of them must be cold and hot at the moment."

"Eh, what do you mean?"

"It must be very painful for so many things to hit them, but they can't avoid them. They are probably very happy in their hearts. Is it a double sky of fire and ice?"

"Three elder sisters don't say. I haven't noticed that so many things hit me. If there are beads and other things in the sachet, and the person who lost them doesn't notice, after the end of the street tour, he may be blue."

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In this way, people look at each other, so to speak, this street trip is actually a matter of suffering.

Jingwan looked back. "Are there any of those who have failed in the first place, out of jealousy and revenge, who intentionally took advantage of this time to put stones in their sachets and put them in black hands?" With some curiosity, he asked his brothers.

"I don't think so?" Luo Jingde, the elder brother, is not sure. However, you can't rule it out.

"Who knows, because of the special situation, those people will definitely be afraid to throw their hands on themselves. You can only bear to be smashed, so," Luo Jingbo touched his chin, "have a chance to ask Zhengmin?"

Just at this moment, there were shouts and screams from below. It seemed that Xie Zhuangyuan's nose was smashed and bleeding.

Isn't it? Jing Wan covers her lips with a brocade handkerchief. Is that the potential of crow's mouth?

The procession stopped and seemed to be badly hurt.

Several brothers of the Luo family have all stepped forward, and some little girls have voluntarily backed down.

Luo Jingde looked out carefully, "it seems that someone is really deliberately making trouble."

Jingwan also noticed that the wounded should not only be the number one scholar lang. if jingwan is right, Chen Zhengmin should be attacked the most, but he didn't fall into the face. He seems to hold something in his hand. Although there is no color on his face, there are almost blue tendons on the back of his hand. I'm really angry when I see them

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