"It's a very positive morning."

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But this positive, but it is very annoying, is simply deliberately to disturb other people's good mood.

For example, Yuan Qiaoqiao, who had a good time eating before and had no discomfort, felt a little uncomfortable at the moment, just like he had eaten too much and felt a little nauseous. Jing Wan was amused by her exaggerated expression.

This vast group of people, so flush into the Begonia elegant house, the original feeling is still spacious place, seems to suddenly become narrow. Some of these people have come to jingwan before, but most of them are the first time. However, even if it's not the first time, it's still full of surprise and envy for jingwan's campus.

Then, there are some people, maybe they are habitual, maybe they really think it's beautiful, and they have to fold flowers when they reach out.

When jingwan just came to Beijing, the yard had been ruined once. At that time, Jing Wan didn't say anything as the master, but yuan Qiaoqiao couldn't see it. Once again, she couldn't help it. "Wan Wan, I heard that you paid Master Yu yaoweng of the eldest princess's family the last time for 18 years, which is precious, at least 10000 Liang of silver. I said, you have such a beautiful flower in your yard. You should also be worth a lot of money if you just choose one."

The girl who reached for the flowers could not stop shaking. And the people who saw her actions looked at her more or less with a different meaning. Maybe they were distressed that the flower was of the same value: or they looked mockingly, as if they thought it was a shallow eyelid. However, there are probably many people in their hearts who are glad that they didn't do it.

Jingwan naturally saw yuan Qiaoqiao's intention and smiled, "it's not so precious, but I'm confident that I can sell it. The worst one should be worth several hundred Liang."

"Well, Wan Wan probably has this ability. If you change it into someone else's flower, you don't know anything. Maybe you think it's just a flower. It's no big deal if you fold it."

"If I do, I'll do it. It doesn't matter. I'll build and trim myself later."

Yuan Qiaoqiao glanced at her and said, "it's just that you don't care. Instead of me, my heart hurts."

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"The cultivation of flowers is about taste. If it's related to other things from the west, it's tacky."

Yuan Qiaoqiao sneers at her, "Wan Wan, if you want to say this, you can cut some flowers and let's play with them while it's still early, so that we don't know anything and waste good things in vain."

"Good." Jing Wan nods. When asked the servant girl to pick up the scissors and other things, she took a look at Luo Jingying. In other times, she would have come out to fight for a round and pretended to be a good person. However, Yuan Qiaoqiao mentioned the 18th bachelor. How did the flower arrangement compensate? She probably didn't want to be mentioned.

The girl who had folded the flowers before breathed a little sigh of relief. However, the flowers in her hands made her feel hot. Holding the hot hands made her feel hot, but it was not advisable to lose them.

Jingwan came to her with a pair of scissors. She took the flower from her hand. "She has a good eye." she trimmed it a little, reached for the hairpin and put it on the girl's head. "It's beautiful, it's suitable for you." A shallow smile.

The girl's cheeks were redder, and she murmured "thank you.".

Jingwan cut another one in the place next to here. In addition, she also took a twig with two flower buds and cut the extra twigs onto the tray held by the servant girl. Then she swept the girls on the spot and called two sisters, one big and one small, to help them put them on.

"Ah, my sister is so beautiful." Said the little girl, who was probably less than ten years old, to her sister with big eyes.

"The younger sister is also pretty," reaches out to pinch the little girl's face, then squats down to Jing Wan, thanks.

"You are welcome. What about the others? Do you have what you like? "

"Cousin, or you can help us to choose. I always think that what my cousin chooses is more suitable for us." A 12-year-old girl said to jingwan with a smile.

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This is a girl from the third aunt's family. Jing Wan hasn't touched her very much, but she looks like a pretty good child.

Other people listened to her words, all echoed and nodded.

Most of them say that even if they know that some of them don't think so at all, Jing Wan doesn't intend to follow each of them. With yunniang, the most suitable one is the best one, but some people prefer the most expensive one. Some of them are probably the same. They don't look at those unknown words. They are always looking at those precious flowers and trees, such as the Weizi in this yard. Don't think about it. I'm a little girl. I can't stand up with flowers like that.

At this time, jingwan was purely for recreation and avoided the damage to his yard.

In addition to herself, including Luo Jingying, every girl cut them a live twig. Everyone's is very suitable, except Luo Jingying's, because jingwan cut her a Weizi, or the biggest and most beautiful one, "I look at four younger sisters looking at this peony all the time, I think I like it very much, as expected, it's very beautiful."

Luo Jingying's face is a little green, but she can't say anything, because her flowers are the most precious, which can be said to be the top of the flowers. But with such a big flower on her head, it completely covers the original hair ornaments. I want to know how tacky it is to be more tacky. Many girls don't cover their heads and smile. Alas, it's a good thing that they didn't go to Xiao to think about the flower. Otherwise, now they are designated by the joke as themselves. Touch the flowers on your head, and they will look good only when they are suitable for each other.

"Such a beautiful flower, my sister has really defiled it. Just now, my sister has been looking at it, mainly thinking that you are the most suitable for the third sister." Luo Jingying reaches out and wants to take the flowers off her head, but only then does she find that the flower stalks left behind seem to have thorns on them. If she takes them off so directly, her hair must be disordered. For a while, she hates Jing Wan to death.

To be honest, those servants of the Luo family all think that the four girls have brain problems. Now, who in the Luo family doesn't know that the three girls and the four girls are not good at each other. After the eldest princess's hair, she is afraid that she has completely torn her face. The three girls are too lazy to do face work. However, the four girls are born to do it. As a result, she has her own face.

Just like today, if it wasn't for her, this group of girls would come here early in the morning. As a result, she didn't say anything, but was blocked back by the "Eighteen bachelors", and now she's disgraced again.

"Does the fourth sister think so? That's OK. I'll try it. Four younger sisters don't have to take it down. " Jingwan goes to cut another one. The size of the flower doesn't need to be inferior to that of Luo Jingying. Jing Wan just moved the hair ornaments on her head at will, and put the flower on the top of her head.

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"It's beautiful."

"Yes, yes, it's better to say that the four girls are a little more colorful than the three girls, but how can wearing the same flowers mean two different feelings?"

It's hard to understand, but it's not hard to understand. It's just two reasons. The position of wearing flowers and whether you have the temperament to hold them down. Jingwan undoubtedly has both. But Luo Jingying has many headdresses on her head. Jingwan's position is more skillful. Besides, she has been locked up for so long. How can a soft, weak and small hundred flowers stand up Peony is such a rich and gorgeous flower. So, these two people wear it, it is completely different effect.

Then, outside to inform, let the girls go to breakfast.

Today's breakfast was a lot late, and I'm really hungry. Jing Wan and Yuan Qiaoqiao, who have already eaten too early, will be ready to act in the past. Then, in fact, in the process of jingwan's flower cutting, the people in the elegant residence of Begonia filled their stomachs separately. Although they didn't eat much, they would not be hungry like other people.

Seeing this group of pretty girls appear, many women laugh, "Yo, where did you go in the morning and sneak back, everyone seems to be more beautiful."

Then, the careful people found that the flowers on their heads were just right, which made up for some shortcomings before. No matter whether they were big, big and delicate flowers or small, tiny and light colored flowers, they complemented each other.

"It's all someone's handwriting. You can see the shortcomings of others at a glance, and make up for them simply. It's a powerful vision."

The girl in front didn't say anything, so her eyes fell directly on Jing Wan.

Jingwan is surrounded by a patient who is always waiting for her. She walks slowly. When she finds out, many people's eyes are focused on her. Jingwan squats down gracefully and looks at her with a smile. Then she starts again.

It is said that the more people Jing Wan has, the more unique she is.

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"Old lady Luo is really a teacher."

"Don't you think the girl has quit her marriage? Maybe... "

It's true that Jing Wan's divorce has been gradually spread among these people. Naturally, there are so many people who want to fight her. However, they didn't know that Jing Wan had long been a bargaining chip of some people's game, and they didn't have a chance to get involved at all.

After breakfast, I was basically busy again.

Jing Wan takes advantage of Yuan Qiaoqiao's being ordered by her mother to be honest and stay for a while, and goes to see Luo Jingbo.

Luo Jingbo has put on the red Xifu, but his eyes are a little green. It seems that he didn't sleep well last night, but his spirit is not bad. Because there are many people who are going to meet with him at this time. It is not easy for jingwan to go in, so he is called out.

Luo Jingbo knows that his sister is looking for him. Naturally, all the people who might help him after he left immediately went out. Those people must have stopped working and rushed out to see who made him so anxious.

Then I saw Jing Wan from afar, and stopped the car one by one.

Chen Zhengmin looks at jingwan, who is talking with Luo Jingbo with Yingying smile, and resists the impulse to cover his chest, but he really can't ignore the pain from there. Such a beautiful person, if he didn't have the chance to get her at the beginning, maybe not so sad, but clearly he was so close to her, one step, only the last step of marrying her, but this last step can't be crossed any more.

Many of them are Luo Jingbo's classmates and friends. They met jingwan for the first time and couldn't help asking who the girl was. Then, after learning that it's Luo Jingbo's own sister, someone can't help "cursing" Luo Jingbo. There's such a superior color in this bastard's house, and their self-cultivation is even more outstanding, but they don't know at all.

"Boudoir girl,

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