No matter what happens to Luo Jingying's side, there's a lot of activity in the cave. Sun Yijia's cover has been lifted down. At this moment, a group of people are "teasing" him. However, because there's an old lady Luo standing in front of her, even when she sees sun Yijia's injury on her face, she murmurs in her heart at most. She dare not say anything. After all, they don't have the confidence of the magistrate's office or the sun family, It's definitely not a wise thing to offend old lady Luo if you offend her.

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As a new bride, you just need to bow your head to show your coyness. Other people don't have to pay any attention to what they say, but it's not hard to take their words for granted.

Luo Jingbo has been pulled out, and the people who are making trouble with sun Yijia have gradually lost their interest.

When the crowd dispersed, sun Yijia felt a little relieved, touched her face with her hand, and there was still some gloom. No matter how hard others said, she would not frown, but she cared about others because she said Luo Jingbo, the man she loved, the man who had become her husband.

People around Sun Yijia also know her heartbreak. Seeing her movements, they didn't say anything, just afraid that the more she said, the more uncomfortable she felt. Today is a day of great happiness. We can't do what we shouldn't do.

"Sister in law." With a gentle call, sun Yijia was pulled back to God.

Sun Yijia watched Jing Wan walk in with a warm smile, and could not stop smiling, "sister Wan." To be Jing Wan's sister-in-law seems to be more intimate.

As early as sun Yijia and Luo Jingbo confirmed their marriage, jingwan has said "flirting" more than once, and will not talk about that now. In addition, sun Yijia's face has become "thicker".

Jingwan moves the stool, sits next to sun Yijia, looks at Sun Yijia, and suddenly sighs.

"What's the matter?" Sun Yijia is confused by her.

Jing Wan shook her head. "I just think fate is wonderful."

Sun Yijia thinks that it's not very wonderful. She always feels that her life of more than ten years is not as wonderful as those days after jingwan. It's also ups and downs. However, the final result is so unexpected, and it's also the beauty she once dared not think of. "It turns out that sister Wan is still my valued person." She always felt that if it wasn't for jingwan, there would be no her today.

"You must be." Jingwan's brazen answer.

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"Three girls have tea." A soft sweet voice suddenly sounded nearby.

Jingwan side, is a very beautiful maid, especially those eyes, born with affection, like hook people in general. I haven't seen it before, and I'm not the one who married me yesterday. That's one of the four big servant girls who follow Huajiao today. After a second glance, there was a new face. At that moment, Jing Wan understood why Sun Yijia's four big servant girls replaced two. Dingguogong's wife really took care of herself and prepared two flowery apartments for her brother.

It's better to get ready early than to let the foxes out hook up. I'll sell myself to you. I'm sorry they can't turn over the storm. ——Sometimes, jingwan feels that this kind of idea is really strange. In her opinion, why does a man with a thin heart need to detain and give him the people around him instead of looking for more diaphragmatic people outside.

"Leave it, I'm not thirsty." Jing Wan said indifferently.

"Do you want some snacks for the three girls?"

"No, go on. I'll tell you what I need." It's sun Yijia's big servant girl in name, but she only sweeps sun Yijia's face.

Jingwan is very clear about this person's idea. She just believes that she will become her "little sister-in-law". Now she will be flattered. Only the good will do no harm. It's just that this brain is a little too "single stupid". If you don't know anything about it, you should rush to pay attention? However, when dingguogong and his wife chose people, they probably chose them according to the criteria of vases. They didn't need any heart power.

"Go outside and wait. I'll call you if necessary." Sun Yijia said lightly. When there were only two people left in the room, sun Yijia and Jing Wan, sun Yijia said with a light smile, "I didn't discipline them well. Let sister wan see the joke."

Jing Wan didn't say anything, but she was already worried.

After that, jingwan has been accompanying sun Yijia, chatting all over the world.

A banquet was held outside and a small mat was sent in the new house.

Without saying anything, Jing Wan pulls sun Yijia up and eats together.

If sun Yijia refuses, it's the nanny, nanny and servant girl of sun Yijia. They all think it's against the rules. The new bridegroom needs to have the consciousness of starving for a day. Moreover, they can't get out of bed from sitting in bed until the bridegroom comes back and drinks the Heying wine. It's Gong Ma who is used to making dishes for Jing Wan after she makes them. It should be said that on weekdays, Jing Wan usually eats his own meals in his yard. Now, her actions are just an attitude.

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"My sister-in-law's breakfast is useless. Isn't she hungry at the moment? It's still early when my third brother comes back. Eat now. " Closer, "the rules are dead, the people are alive, but my third brother asked me to prepare. He doesn't mind. And they are all their own people. Outsiders don't know who can't talk. " Jing Wan said a few words, which made everyone who wanted to say shut up.

For Luo Jingbo's consideration, for Jing Wan's understanding, sun Yijia is very well used.

To say this banquet, it was the real running water banquet for several hours. If someone intentionally pours the bridegroom's official wine, there are basically few who don't lie down. Jing Wan thinks that the possibility that her third brother doesn't lie down today is too small.

Sure enough, in the middle of the way, Luo Jingbo collapsed directly.

However, Luo Jingbo is still a little conscious. Instead of being helped directly back to his new house, he went to the next room.

It has to be said that this move made sun Yijia a little sad.

Jingwan knew her brother's intention. "The third brother probably didn't want to be tired of his sister-in-law today. Moreover, if he vomited, it would not be beautiful if he soiled his new house. It's still early now. Let him wake up later."

After appeasing sun Yijia, Jing Wan felt that her three brothers had come back and she was not suitable to stay.

Jingwan just went out. The servant girl who served tea and snacks to jingwan was standing in front of the door where Luo Jingbo was resting, but she was blocked by luojingbo's servant girl. A doubt to enter, a determined not to let, sun Yijia's nanny mother angry face iron green, this first night has not passed, thinking of being a demon. Just because Ding Guogong's wife said "serve the girl and the uncle well", she took the chicken feather as an arrow. Unfortunately, nothing can happen today.

It's a pity that jingwan doesn't rub sand in her eyes. She was not easy to deal with these things before. Now, she has put her hand into brother's yard.

Go straight ahead. "Give it to me."

Luo Jingbo's servant girl hurriedly saluted, pushed open the door, and then let it go to one side, but it was the servant girl, still hesitating, "three girls, such a small thing..."

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"Give it to me." Jing Wan's face was cold and her voice was sharp.

The servant girl was frightened and let go.

Jingwan goes in and sees Luo Jingbo lying on his couch "dead", who has a bad smell of wine from afar. It can be imagined how much he has been infused. Jing Wan approaches, "three brothers, wake up..."

When Luo Jingbo vaguely heard the voice of a woman, his first reaction was to think of his sister's "teaching" and "roll -" subconsciously, he blurted out with a kick.

Jing Wan didn't get too close, so she was not kicked. She smiled. His third brother was not like this before, which means her education was very successful. "Three elder brothers, it's me. Wake up." Jingwan wakes up Luo Jingbo persistently.

Luo Jingbo raised his head and looked at it for a moment, then he could see who it was. "Little sister."

"Well, it's me." Go up and help him up. "Hangover soup, it's almost over."

Luo Jingbo takes jingwan's hand and Gulu Gulu drinks it clean. "Little sister, where is your sister-in-law..."

"Don't worry, I told my sister-in-law."

"Hard work for you."

"No, you can go to sleep."

"Well." Luo Jingbo fell back again.

Jing Wan goes out, hands the empty bowl to the servant girl, "look after the door, no one is allowed to enter." Later, he said to sun Yijia's people, "if it's late and the third brother hasn't come out, she will ask Mammy to wake him up and send him back to his new house to sleep."

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"You're welcome, three girls. It's my duty to serve the young master and the young grandmother."

Jingwan's move only shows her position and attitude.

There's nothing for her here. Jingwan doesn't plan to join the party. She goes back to Haitang Yaju directly.

However, as soon as she entered the gate, she found out that it was wrong. Her nurse was a little anxious and waited at the gate.

"What's the matter, nanny?" Jing Wan asked rather puzzled.

"Miss, Prince Jin has been here for a long time. I didn't plan to leave for a while, and I won't let my maidservant and others go to see you."

Jingwan frowned softly. How could this Buddha come to her. "I'll see."

Li Hongyuan stood in front of the Weizi tree, his eyes were full of evil, as if he was looking at a big enemy. He had to tear the peony to pieces.

Jing Wan's feet paused before he stepped forward. "I've seen the Lord."

Li Hongyuan turned to look at her. Her straight body, slightly drooping head and white neck were clearly reflected in her eyes, and the scar was particularly eye-catching. However, thinking of the initial trace of the scar, Li Hongyuan's eyes were dark again, and his throat slipped for a while. "Free."

Jing Wan stood up straight. "I don't know what happened when the Prince visited?" It's a little cold. There are so many guests in the house today. If you can see them, she probably can't wash them when she jumps into that river.

Li Hongyuan really wants to teach Wan Wan a good lesson. "You haven't seen a single Begonia in this hospital. Why is it called Begonia elegant house?"

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